Thailand - FOUND ALIVE - 12 Boys And Coach Still Trapped In Cave , 23 June 2018 #2

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Margarita I totally understand what you mean by a punch in the gut. I came back to catch up and I feel like I'm going to puke now. :(

Hathai Pia on Twitter
Kate Lyons on Twitter
A SEAL officer has died from lack of oxygen inside the cave.

Reports say he is a former Thai Navy SEAL. He died on the way back from bringing oxygen tanks inside the cave. :(
RIH Hero.

I can't even. I agree it's time to drill. I wish they'd already started. They could drill down in half the the monsoon season rather than waiting until after, pumping out the water and all of that.

We have to remember if they wait until after monsoon season is over, they will still likely have to drain MORE water unless they get the super pumps there. They will just be able to keep water from rising, they are unlikely to get ahead of it during monsoon season.

I don't think this is a good idea AT ALL. Let them talk to their parents sure. Get phone access into the cave so people can have communication, wonderful.

ONLINE?! FFS please don't let these boys read the dire circumstances and foretelling of their deaths. How in the world will that help? No, no no.... keep them off the internet.

Maybe some promising news?

The chief engineer involved in the rescue mission has told the Guardian that he thinks a team may be able to drill down to where the boys are located and get them out that way.

Drilling was previously believed to be too dangerous an option, given the small space the boys and their coach are trapped in, and the fact that they are believed to be between 800m and 1km below the surface.

Schematic of where the boys are trapped.
Thai authorities are progressing several different plans at once to try to reach the boys – including drilling a hole from the top of the mountain to find them. Thanes Weerasin, the president of the Engineering Institute of Thailand, who is supervising a drilling crew currently in the jungle above the boys, told the Guardian he was exploring one particularly promising tunnel with with a large hole about 100m into it.

“It’s a big hole, about 1.2m by 1m,” he said. “You can go down using a rope … I think this place can lead to the children because after your foot touches the ground below, you can walk through using the compass and direct it to the tunnel [where the children are stuck].”

About 20m in the direction of the boys, Weerasin said he reached another hole that was obstructed by a boulder. He wedged a borescope through a gap and saw it extended up to another 10m.

He believes the hole could eventually lead to Nom Sao slope, the area past Pattaya Beach where the children and their coach are sheltering. “I think this hole is near there.”

Is somebody else in there now? Have they tried the smoke bomb idea? Have they tried making noise to see if they boys/divers can hear it in the other side? What are they doing to try and get through this. OMG.... this could be the best chance they have. Go, go go!
Thank you. I had it copied already; knew someone would ask.

I'm sick over this situation. Screaming "pump, pump, pump" at the screen. And "STOP the rain" to the universe.

As the young people say these days, "I feel ya." :) Maybe with so many of us watching, all over the world, we can urge the universe over the next few hours or days to give good weather, and advancement to all the plans they have in place. Dive, pump, drill. Although I am terrified about the dive plan. :( But all the plans hinge on good weather. "Rain, rain, go away!"
Absolutely tragic about the diver. I can't help but think this is going to have an unbearably sad ending. I almost don't want to read the thread about it any more as it is too much.

Fingers and everything crossed for those boys!
Margarita I totally understand what you mean by a punch in the gut. I came back to catch up and I feel like I'm going to puke now. :(

I can't even. I agree it's time to drill. I wish they'd already started. They could drill down in half the the monsoon season rather than waiting until after, pumping out the water and all of that.

We have to remember if they wait until after monsoon season is over, they will still likely have to drain MORE water unless they get the super pumps there. They will just be able to keep water from rising, they are unlikely to get ahead of it during monsoon season.

I don't think this is a good idea AT ALL. Let them talk to their parents sure. Get phone access into the cave so people can have communication, wonderful.

ONLINE?! FFS please don't let these boys read the dire circumstances and foretelling of their deaths. How in the world will that help? No, no no.... keep them off the internet.

Is somebody else in there now? Have they tried the smoke bomb idea? Have they tried making noise to see if they boys/divers can hear it in the other side? What are they doing to try and get through this. OMG.... this could be the best chance they have. Go, go go!

This is just terrifying. I don't think they'd get the youngsters a link to the internet as a whole; it may be a way they can skype or something with their loved ones. That may be just the shot in the arm they need spiritually, emotionally and mentally to hang on a bit more, to not lose faith.

As for drilling, that will become more and more of a possibility. But the mountain is fairly tough terrain, they'll have to truck in or airlift in drills, when they find the right spot, if they can find a near enough and geologically sound spot. *Crosses fingers*.

I just watched a documentary on the Chilean mine rescue in 2010 and it gives perspective on what it takes to drill. It was successful there, they had three drill plans, and one finally worked. But that was at a mine in the desert, lots of infrastructure that made those drills possible. I fear that finding a good drill spot and having to set it up on a rugged area will be dicey.

But you know what? The rescuers aren't giving up, we aren't giving up and I have a hunch that these young men will not give up either! They are tough! :)
*will be updating this post within the full hour so as to have it all condensed into one post.

"Thai authorities say they have a “limited amount of time” to rescue the boys and are racing to make preparations amid worsening weather and lowered oxygen levels in the underground complex.

“We can no longer wait for all conditions (to be ready) because circumstances are pressuring us,” Thai SEAL commander Arpakorn Yookongkaew told a news conference.

“We originally thought the boys can stay safe inside the cave for quite some time but circumstances have changed. We have limited amount of time.”

Tributes to Saman Kunan, the former Thai navy Seal who died while placing air tanks along the route down to where the boys are trapped, are being paid as candles burn at a shrine outside of the cave."

Thailand cave rescue: former navy diver dies during operation – live


"The search operation would go on, he said. "I can guarantee that we will not panic, we will not stop our mission, we will not let the sacrifice of our friend go to waste."

Around 1,000 people are involved in the rescue operation, including navy divers, military personnel and civilian volunteers."


"When asked how the group could make it out safely if an experienced diver could not, Rear Adm Arpakorn said they would take more precautions with the children, who are aged between 11 and 16, and their 25-year-old coach."

Diver dies in Thailand cave rescue attempt


"The cave system in Mae Sai, northern Thailand, is losing oxygen as they continue to try and deliver air supplies to the kids and coach through a pipe. Authorities say the ventilation pipe must reach them today.

And there is now a “limited amount of time” left and little choice but to attempt the tricky extraction and get the boys out, Thailand’s Navy SEAL commander Arpakorn Yookongkaew said."

Navy SEAL dies while rescuing Thai schoolboys trapped in cave
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Actually, going to have to separate them so as to comply with copyright so will try to split them between these three posts:

"Tributes have been paid to Saman, who was described by the Thai navy Seals as “a skilled and talented Seal” who loved adventure sports and who “always participated in the Seal activities until the last step of his life”.
It is unclear how Saman’s death will affect plans to rescue the 12 children and their football coach currently trapped in the Tham Luang cave network.
A spokesman asked how children could be ferried through this cave if an adult former navy Seal died in there, replied: “We have to try everything.”"


"1h ago
Reports are circulating that heavy rains have arrived at the Tham Luang caves, where the boys are currently trapped. Our correspondent on the ground assures us the heavy rains have come and gone, lasting for just five minutes.

This is good news, but is also just a temporary reprieve. Monsoon rains are due to arrive at any moment and when they do there are fears that any rescue attempt involving the boys diving out of the caves will become impossible and that the desperate attempts to reduce water levels to make a rescue operation safer will have been in vain."

Thailand cave rescue: former navy diver dies during operation – live


Diver dies in Thailand cave rescue attempt

"PO Saman, who was reportedly 38, had left the navy but returned to aid in the rescue operation. Officials said his funeral would be sponsored by the Thai king.

Said to be an avid runner and cyclist, he was part of the massive rescue operation launched after the group became stranded in the Tham Luang cave."


"It is unlikely the boys will be told about the death. One of the prime concerns here is to keep them not just physically but mentally strong.

Today, the priority is to connect a fibre optic cable that will allow the boys to speak to their families for the first time in nearly two weeks."


PO Saman Gunan lost consciousness during the return part of the dive


“"We can no longer wait for all conditions (to be ready) because the circumstance is pressuring us,” Mr Yookongkaew said.

“At first we thought that we could sustain the kids’ lives for a long time where they are now, but now, many things have changed. We have a limited amount of time.”"

Navy SEAL dies while rescuing Thai schoolboys trapped in cave
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I am hoping they can maybe get in through other parts of the cave. That is my biggest hope right now. It would be much less risky than drilling or draining....

(Colorado is on fire. Send it here!!!)

Utah and California too. Let's just drench Colorado and everything west of it. We will take it all.
"Officials are desperately trying to lay down a pipe that can carry air into the cave where the boys are in case they become trapped by raising water during the monsoon season."

Thailand cave rescue: former navy diver dies during operation – live


"Saman Kunan, the former Thai navy Seal who died in the cave where the 12 boys and their soccer coach are trapped. Photograph: Twitter"


"The Thai navy Seals have paid tribute to Saman Kunan, the former navy Seal diver who died while volunteering in rescue efforts at the Tham Luang caves. The text of the tribute, posted by the navy Seals is below:

“See you in Chiang Rai” was the message circulated in a group chat of former Seal officers as they learned about a search and rescue mission for the Moo Pa Academy players and their coach.

The mission requires a lot of divers to support those divers at the frontline including preparation for moving the 12 footballers and coach. Saman Kunan was responsible for placing tanks from the third chamber to the T-junction. When he finished placing the tank on his way back, his buddy found him unconscious and gave him first aid but couldn’t save him.

Saman Kunan ... left the unit to work at the Suvarnabhumi airport in 2006. He was a skilled and talented Seal and a triathlon athlete. He loved adventurous sport. Even after he departed the Seal unit, he still kept in touch and maintained a tie with the rest of his former colleagues. He always participated in the Seal activities until the last step of his life. Saman left us while working as a diver and in a time where all divers joining forces to complete the mission.

His effort and determination will always remain the hearts of all divers.

May you rest in peace and we will accomplish this mission as you had wished."

"Inside the cave is tough," said Thai Seal commander Rear Adm Arpakorn Yookongkaew.

"On the way back from setting up oxygen bottles, Petty Officer First Class Saman Gunan passed out. His buddy tried to give him first aid, but he did not respond. We brought him to chamber three and gave him another round of first aid, but he remained unconscious.""

Diver dies in Thailand cave rescue attempt


Navy SEAL dies while rescuing Thai schoolboys trapped in cave
AS FRANTIC efforts to rescue 12 boys trapped in a cave in Thailand continue, one of the divers in the mission has died and two of the boys who are sick could be left behind.
Navy SEAL dies while rescuing Thai schoolboys trapped in cave

“"It’s very risky (diving out). Think about it, a Navy Seal just passed away last night, so how about a 12-year-old kid,” said Rafael Aroush, an Israeli diver helping the rescue bid.

Officials vowed to investigate the death, and have sent his body to a local hospital for an autopsy.

The incident marks the first major setback for the rescue effort."


"Engineers are working to install a cable to allow the children to speak to rescuers and their families to improve their morale.

Rescuers have also been transporting food, supplies and first aid into the caves, along with diving equipment to be used by the boys and oxygen “stage” tanks that will be set up every 25 to 50 metres along their route for extra air.

The coach, a former monk who is reported to be struggling after selflessly sacrificing his share of food, could still be charged over the crisis.

Approaching torrential rains also threaten to derail the risky plan to move the boys through the cave system of linked chambers."


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Good Morning Britain on Twitter

ITV’s Richard Galsford is reporting from the scene and spoke to Good Morning Britain earlier this morning.

“[Kunan] made that return journey which can last 5-6 hours and very sadly ran out of oxygen himself. He then lost consciousness, his dive buddy pulled him out of the cave system but he was then pronounced dead.

“The Thai navy say they’re going to continue with the mission and in fact we’re seeing a huge amount of activity here around the entrances to the cave this afternoon.

“They’re continuing to pump out large amounts of water as well, trying to get the levels down in this complex cave system.

“They have a bit of a race against time. The monsoon rains are on the way. We’ve had showers today, we’ve got treacherous storms coming in over the weekend and that will just help fill that cave system up again.”
( O/T, Oh no:

Phuket boat sinks: Divers search for missing tourists in water off Thailand - CNN

"Divers are searching the hull of a sunken boat off the coast of southern Thailand for more than 50 passengers who are missing after a violent storm Thursday afternoon.

The Phoenix PC diving boat ran into trouble off the coast of the resort island of Phuket when a storm whipped up waves as high as five meters (16 feet), crashing them against the vessel and causing it to keel over.
There were believed to 105 passengers on board the capsized vessel, including 93 tourists, one guide and 11 crew members. Many were thought to be Chinese tourists vacationing at the Thai resort."

Dozens missing, at least 10 dead as storm sinks Thailand tourist boat off Phuket

PHUKET, Thailand -- Thai navy divers prepared Friday to search for dozens of mostly Chinese tourists missing after a storm capsized their diving boat off the resort island of Phuket. The commander of Phuket Provincial Police, Teerapol Tipcharoen, said the sea had calmed since Thursday evening's accident and the search was ongoing.

A navy deputy commander, Charoenpol Kumrasri, said they hoped survivors could still be found in the boat, which sits about 98 feet below the surface. He said about 30 navy divers would be sent to take part.

Thai authorities said on Friday that the death toll had climbed to 10 and was expected to continue rising. Thailand's navy said nine bodies of Chinese tourists were being brought to Phuket. Authorities had already confirmed the death of another Chinese man." )
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