The 90 minutes Terri spent driving around--Do you believe it?

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Do you believe Terri drove around for 90 minutes strictly to calm a fussy baby?

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Was the baby "soothed" by the time she arrived at the gym daycare? She was confirmed to be "sick" the day before according to Andrea who works @ the gym.

Seems mighty convenient to me.
I thought the lady said that Terri told her she was sick the day before, then again during the chit chat at FM. I could be wrong though..
I think the only person who can confirm that the baby was sick on the 3rd would be the child care worker who cared for baby k while Terri worked out that day.
Do you believe Terri drove around for 90 minutes strictly to calm a fussy baby?
Strictly to calm a fussy baby, no. I believe she did some driving around, baby may have been fussy, but I think she was doing something else that she has not been truthful about. Not sure exactly what something is yet. jmo
I didn't vote because it doesn't really matter whether WE believe it or not. It's what the GJ believes, and ultimately a jury in a court trial.

I won't say I believe it 100%.. but I wasn't there. I try not to judge people on what I would or would not do. We may never know for certain.
I voted NO..

My main reason for voting No and believing that it is a bold faced lie and IMO that time was used for nefarious plans involving an innocent little boy, Kyron.. My MAIN reason is per Terri's own words. The very few words that have come from her are the very reason for my belief it was a lie..Per her emails[and NO it does not matter if even the emails are used out of context or if there were or were not questions preceding Terri's email] She, herself said that she had to go two different FM's JUST FOR baby k medicine. That to me does indicate that the child was indeed "under the weather", sick, whatever you wanna call it. Then Terri, herself says that she tried to get baby K to "nap", sleep, relax, soothe, whatever u wanna call it, but that baby K was having no part in it( duh? if I had an earache I know the very last thing that would be soothing to me would be driving along rural roads[even where I live no mtns, no major differing of elevations for 100s of miles yet still riding along our rural roads ears popping here and there from just the very, very minor differing of elevations]but especially in "that neck of the woods" I would think it would be extremely painful with ears popping even more so,no matter where but IMPO home would be most soothing, most comforting&comfortable) Some have said well, home was stressful but it was just baby and mom, no one else was home for hours to come...

Terri also says "for just a few mins", then oh well off to the gym. So, she went from searching for a good amt of time for medicine to soothe, help baby[going to different stores to get "exact" med], then going to further attempt to "soothe" baby(still makes no sense to me)driving aimlessly on roads that very possibly would have made an earache a 1000 times WORSE, and bam! out of the blue, Terri's like oh well baby k's not having this[and again if baby was indicating this was NOT helping to "soothe" wouldn't a mother then take her home where she would be most comfortable and comforted]but NO, Terri takes her baby to gym day care so she can get a "work out"...

So she's spent the majority of her morning getting medicine, then tending to "sick" baby to all of a sudden just drop off baby to a daycare for her "work out"... It just does NOT ADD UP...

what if the driving around had a purpose...but not a guilty one?

PURE SPECULATION: Lets say she did buy 2 drinks at starbucks and then she drove around for a while ending up at DD's work. She 'hung out' with DD for awhile (sitting in the car listening to the radio, venting, whatever). And she wanted to protect DD by saying she was just driving around.
I can't remember the timeline (gaw I need to go to bed!) BUT, if she wanted to protect DD from getting fired and decided to just say " I drove around for awhile" it would be stupid (imo) but also innocent.

ALSO what if that was the question she failed on the poly? "Did you drive around because your baby was sick after leaving fm?" she answers yes-because it is partly true, but not really b/c she drove around so that she could vent to her friend.

AND then Kyron becomes missing she thinks if she tells people about being w/ dd then her friend loses her job and TH KNOWS she is innocent, so she is vague and says "I was driving around for awhile and then went to the gym".

DD and TH are both MIA-but innocently. And now, no one is ever going to believe them if they come clean (heck I won't either because they read it off the internet :) )

Do I think it happened this way? Naw, but the problem w/ this case is that everything can be (at least) partially explained innocently.

an hour and a half...

But why wouldn't DeDe answer her phone? That wouldn't get her fired but I would think NOT answering her phone might bring suspicion (which it has) and possibly lead to firing due to not being up front and on-the-job. And DeDe would certainly know this.
You know I don't know what I think anymore. What I feel is that these investigators are seasoned, they are working 7 days a week, they are locking in testimony at a GJ and they are trying to find an answer to this puzzle. All the rest for me has become a little piece here and a little piece there without having any idea of the bigger picture.

So, my confidence is that LE knows what happened and if this 90 minutes is an issue I think they have decided to lead people to tell what they know and will fill in the gap. Having a 30 second sound bite here and there from people coming forward, which is probably edited, is not helping us with facts IMO.

I think that Terri is so warped that she doesn't even realize how sadistic her excuse sounds. Driving a baby with an earache around on mountain roads (when she could be at home with the baby, rocking her, putting a compress on her ear), and then taking her to the GYM DAYCARE for someone else to deal with? Who does this kind of stuff?
But why wouldn't DeDe answer her phone? That wouldn't get her fired but I would think NOT answering her phone might bring suspicion (which it has) and possibly lead to firing due to not being up front and on-the-job. And DeDe would certainly know this.


Was DeDe's "job" at the garden a paid position or was it a volunteer gig that she did? I've been so busy the past couple weeks that I haven't kept up with this part of the news. Thanks to anyone who can answer.
You know I don't know what I think anymore. What I feel is that these investigators are seasoned, they are working 7 days a week, they are locking in testimony at a GJ and they are trying to find an answer to this puzzle. All the rest for me has become a little piece here and a little piece there without having any idea of the bigger picture.

So, my confidence is that LE knows what happened and if this 90 minutes is an issue I think they have decided to lead people to tell what they know and will fill in the gap. Having a 30 second sound bite here and there from people coming forward, which is probably edited, is not helping us with facts IMO.

Thanks for expressing what so many of us feel. I hope LE is on the right track, but if they are - I need to get ready for some conclusions that will floor me.
It was a KATU article, BeanE.

Between 10:10 in the morning and 11:39, Terri claimed she drove her daughter BabyK around on rural roads in the family’s white truck because BabyK had an earache. She claimed she was trying to soothe the toddler with the motion of the vehicle.

She also said -
“I have a receipt showing I was checking out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for K they didn't have at the first FM. Then I was trying to get K to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20. "

Andrea said she saw TH & K between 9:30 and 10:00 as she left for Border's before 10am

9:45-11:20 is the gap far as I can tell, but is that "a few minutes"?

Where did I miss the statement that Kyron was not with TH @ FM? :waitasec:
She also said -
“I have a receipt showing I was checking out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for K they didn't have at the first FM. Then I was trying to get K to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20. "

Andrea said she saw TH & K between 9:30 and 10:00 as she left for Border's before 10am

9:45-11:20 is the gap far as I can tell, but is that "a few minutes"?

Where did I miss the statement that Kyron was not with TH @ FM? :waitasec:

I've always thought that bolded statement could be read two ways. TH was trying to get baby to sleep for a few minutes v. she tried for a few minutes to get her to sleep. I read it the first way and, imoo, it makes a little more sense with her timeline. But still, do you drive around for over an hour to get a baby to sleep for a few minutes when you could just take her home?

As for Kyron being at the FM where TH saw AL, I don't think there's a quote, but an assumption based on the fact that AL didn't mention it and TH showed her pics of kyron at the science fair that she had just left, etc., etc. Personally, I don't AL would be talking like she did with the media if she had actually seen TH with Kyron at a time after he went missing -- as AL is now very aware. jmoo.
I've always thought that bolded statement could be read two ways. TH was trying to get baby to sleep for a few minutes v. she tried for a few minutes to get her to sleep. I read it the first way and, imoo, it makes a little more sense with her timeline. But still, do you drive around for over an hour to get a baby to sleep for a few minutes when you could just take her home?

As for Kyron being at the FM where TH saw AL, I don't think there's a quote, but an assumption based on the fact that AL didn't mention it and TH showed her pics of kyron at the science fair that she had just left, etc., etc. Personally, I don't AL would be talking like she did with the media if she had actually seen TH with Kyron at a time after he went missing -- as AL is now very aware. jmoo.

Thank you for eloquently expressing where I may have "leaped" in my assumptions - however - I so agree that it would "noteworthy" if AL saw Kyron w/KH on that date at that time. AL even stated that LE asked about if she saw the children w/TH. The "omission" of stating whether or not Kyron was with TH was an "admission" to me that AL did not see Kyron @ FM or why would TH need to show the pic - Kyron would have wanted to show the pic(had he been there) IMO
I would like to discuss the 90 minute time period Terri reported she spent driving around rural roads trying to calm the baby who was fussy.

From a local point of view, I am just not buying it. Speaking as a Portlander, I find the whole idea of driving around random roads for 90 minutes for that purpose very unlikely.

Let me give you some background. Portland is known as one of the most Green cities in the nation--maybe even "the" most green. Oregon had the first bottle bill, and we are usually at the forefront of other green ideas. Right now the legislature is working on law that would ban the use of plastic grocery bags, for one small example.

The Portland Metro area has a very strict growth boundary and zoning laws. We are big on in-filling and creating greater density within the city rather than creating suburban sprawl. We spend extra money on our electric bill to support alternative clean electricity. We recycle like nobody's business. We have many forms of public transportation. We have strict auto emissions regulations to prevent air pollution. You get the idea.

So, from this lens, it is nearly unconscionable to contemplate driving that behemoth extra long pick up truck around for an hour and a half, wasting all that $3.00 gallon gasoline, simply to calm a fussy child that could be calmed much more quickly and successfully at home in a rocking chair. It just does not fit our Portland area mindset. Not at all.

I think she was up to no good during that 90 minutes. Driving around to calm the baby is a big fat lie.


I voted "no" because there's a 90 minute period of time that's unaccounted for and Terri chose an excuse that's not verifiable. We would have to completely rely on Terri's word and that's not acceptable when investigating the disappearance of a child.

What are the chances that on the day her step-son disappears Terri has 90 minutes missing from her activities that day, when on that day, of all days, she needed to have every minute accounted for?

90 minutes of driving aimlessly is far too long to soothe a fussy baby. 20 - 30 minutes would be more likely. But if the baby was so fussy that she needed to be driven around to soothe her, it makes no sense to take her to a day-care center at a gym immediately after the drive.
Maybe Terri & Dede hit up an AA meeting for 90 minutes. Sworn to AA anonymity, they'd have to keep all their alibis from the meeting a secret. Right?

Maybe Terri & Dede hit up an AA meeting for 90 minutes. Sworn to AA anonymity, they'd have to keep all their alibis from the meeting a secret. Right?


OT, but I once dated a guy (BRIEFLY), who unbeknowst to me was an alcoholic. It seemed like he ran into people he knew EVERYWHERE, and whenever I asked who that was he would say they're friends of my friend Bill, or some such. I can't remember exactly how he put it. I'm sure he thought I knew what he was talking about, but I was totally clueless :blushing: My dd just happened to be in an activity with the dd of his employer, and I ended up having cocktails with her at an out of town event and she clued me in lol. Btw, it wasn't a big secret, so she wasn't *outing* him. She, too, thought that I must have known...erggg. I guess I should be flattered that people don't know that I'm as naive as I am :)
I asked this on another thread but no one responded, and I'm still curious, so I'll ask it here--why two Fred Meyers? If FM doesn't have the med I want, I'm going to go to a different store in hopes that they'll carry it. Wasn't there a Walgreens, Walmart, or Safeway convenient? Why drive across town to an identical store? Something bugs about that. Anyone else?
Can I just ask - if this were planned - and Terri and DeDe planned it - or Terri planned it and pulled DeDe in later - but it was planned - why would Terri, the planner, have time that she can't be accounted for? Did she really think in her *plan* that LE would accept the fact that she was driving down some roads for an hour (or however long) with the baby in the truck? Was this part of her plan and did she believe LE would buy it and it would be her alibi???

(I posted this in another thread but think it fits here better. Thanks.)
Can I just ask - if this were planned - and Terri and DeDe planned it - or Terri planned it and pulled DeDe in later - but it was planned - why would Terri, the planner, have time that she can't be accounted for? Did she really think in her *plan* that LE would accept the fact that she was driving down some roads for an hour (or however long) with the baby in the truck? Was this part of her plan and did she believe LE would buy it and it would be her alibi???

(I posted this in another thread but think it fits here better. Thanks.)

The way I look at it is that she couldn't actually be in two places at once. Obviously, part of her day would have to be unaccounted for. If she was busy doing something to/with Kyron, her alibi would have to be something (like driving around) that couldn't be pinned down or disproved, even if it isn't very believable. Except for driving around, where else could she say she was during that time? She couldn't say she was at home, because Kaine could come home at any time and see she wasn't there or someone could drive by and see that the truck wasn't there. She might have figured that even though LE might not believe her, they at least couldn't prove she wasn't driving around.
I asked this on another thread but no one responded, and I'm still curious, so I'll ask it here--why two Fred Meyers? If FM doesn't have the med I want, I'm going to go to a different store in hopes that they'll carry it. Wasn't there a Walgreens, Walmart, or Safeway convenient? Why drive across town to an identical store? Something bugs about that. Anyone else?

Fred Meyer has lots of security cameras. Everyone around here knows that. Do Walgreen, Walmart or Safeway have lots of security cameras? I don't know for sure, and maybe Terri didn't either and wasn't willing to take a chance that they don't. She needed to be seen on those cameras.
If Terri did do something the best plan would have been to go to the nearest store then either home or to the gym. There must be a reason (if she did something) for going to the area of the farthest store then driving around. If Terri did something then she was definitely driving or at a location for up to 40 minutes. I'm now questioning why she stayed at the first store so long with a fussy baby.

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