The 911 Call, LE Radio Call & Police Report

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Another thing..IF Misty or Ron thought an unknown intruder 'lock-bumped' the back door as they said and crept in the MH in the middle of the night, how in the h@ll did they know that the unknown intruder/kidnapper wasn't still lurking around the corner somewhere? Especially with another child in the MH (supposedly anyway) why didn't Misty grab Jr and lock themselves in the bathroom or get them to safety?...something anyway..

I really don't know why I keep pondering this...It's all BS imo anyway..It didn't happen the way they say it did so it ain't gonna make sense! :doh:..
It sure does Aqua. I remember hearing the call between Ron and his mother (jailhouse tapes) I thought TN sounded like a man....She has a very deep voice on that call. Could that be her in the background?

TN's voice, as well as the voice on the 911 call, sound like a woman who has smoked for years (by years I mean 30 plus years). It's crazy how much smoking can deepen a womans voice in the long run.
But that is NOT what Ron Cummings tells us. He tells us the door was "pry barred"

That sure set of alot of Hinky Meters...Pry-barred?? I couldn't believe he said that? No wonder people think he is guilty.....

He caught himself after he says crow bar (how insane is that explanation) and then added bump-locked. I guess he would know all about that stuff. AND what does misty say when asked how they got in, she says, "I don't know they must have bump locked the door or something"...Gads, she parrots rc.
Ok, I feel like this whole thread was a PUNK'D! episode. "Watch me get everyone to listen to the 911 call again for something I'm making up!!!" I simply can't hear diddly, except a change in Misty's voice on the second call, like I said, which doesn't sound like Misty at all but another person, who then hands the phone to Misty. But it's way early, and I have only had 4 hours of sleep again. I'll get the main squeeze to listen.

I have to agree. This is starting to remind me of an evidence photo thread. Everyone is seeing/hearing a different thing.

If there was a third person there, why would they not be there when LE showed up? Ron was complaining LE wasn't getting there fast enough, yet wasn't rushing to get a third person out of the house before they got there? If there was a third person there, guaranteed LE knows about it.
In the second call, when he answers, does Ron whine and say something about, "find my F'ng daughter"???? I swear that's what I'm hearing. I've played that over and over, and that's what it sounds like. Please tell me I'm wrong. I know he curses about the child's birthday, too. Unbelievable.

I hear that too. Ron starts whining "Man, somebody better find my effen daughter? And then he hands over the phone.

ETA: I keep listening to this tape...Someone mentioned that it sounds like someone else (another female) answers the phone when 911 calls back to the mh. And it DOES sound like someone else answered the phone...maybe they didn't recognize the number on caller id and thought it was safe to answer...only to hear the dispatcher (911)and hand over the phone. WTH!

I'm quite sure that's what I heard...If 911 calls you back, on the caller id (cell phones have this feature) does the number 911 show up? Does it show up "unavailable"? Does anyone know?
There was another person there when they arrived, I thought....or within a minute. rc was waiting outside (for mommy) and unable to assist LE. All that wailing and demanding they get there yesterday and he can't do a d#$m thing to help find his daughter. He was not able to assist was written in the report. What kind of person cannot assist when their daughter is abducted. I don't care how emotional you are, you pull it together for your child.

The two things on the tape that stand out is mc and rc both give their alibies prior to telling the dispatcher Haleigh is missing.

"Hi..hum..I just woke up and.... = misty
"I just got home from work... = rc
9 or 10 months ago I listened to a 911 call and you could plainly hear RC say we aref..d, I called a radio show and they said yes they were trying to clean it up and should have it done soon!!
Another thing..IF Misty or Ron thought an unknown intruder 'lock-bumped' the back door as they said and crept in the MH in the middle of the night, how in the h@ll did they know that the unknown intruder/kidnapper wasn't still lurking around the corner somewhere? Especially with another child in the MH (supposedly anyway) why didn't Misty grab Jr and lock themselves in the bathroom or get them to safety?...something anyway..

I really don't know why I keep pondering this...It's all BS imo anyway..It didn't happen the way they say it did so it ain't gonna make sense! :doh:..

Pondering, I totally agree. Why do we keep re-hashing these tapes over and over? I know for me, I'm hoping we find some stitch of truth in all of these. But unfortunately, in the end, they still just appear to be staged.

What I don't understand though, is after listening to these tapes over and over, how do people still not believe RC is not involved some how? And then throw in the fact of 90, 90 calls to ToC that night... Good Grief, that's just not right! :banghead:


Praying for justice for little Haleigh!
That sure set of alot of Hinky Meters...Pry-barred?? I couldn't believe he said that? No wonder people think he is guilty.....

He caught himself after he says crow bar (how insane is that explanation) and then added bump-locked. I guess he would know all about that stuff. AND what does misty say when asked how they got in, she says, "I don't know they must have bump locked the door or something"...Gads, she parrots rc.

You are absolutely right Whisp..IMO, Ron knows all about that stuff. That's why when he said crow bar:waitasec: he caught himself and said bumped lock because he knew there was "no signs of forced entry" so he had to explain that away-and went with bumped locked. He was in the process of covering his azz.
I always wondered if we had the entire call.

Every version I have heard of it has been editted, parts deleted.. Seriously, I think we have all been exposed to harsh language. Let us here the whole thing!

That being said, I have to these people KNOW how to form a sentence that is "clean"?

PS. Haven't posted much for awhile but have still been lurking a lot.
But that is NOT what Ron Cummings tells us. He tells us the door was "pry barred"

In the early interview with Greta, they talk about the lock, it's a very telling interview:

I can't find the interview about the bump-lock. Maybe someone else can find it.

Note: In the police report written that night, it states Misty, Haleigh, and her brother were all in the same bed, in addition that Ronald couldn't give LE any info on Haleigh.
Is there any way to obtain an actual transcript of the entire call(s)?
The reason people exclude rc is because the media keep repeating that rc was at work the entire time. LE has never stated otherwise.

TM, Klass, NG and others all say there is no reason to suspect rc. He has an alibi. I have given up trying to get the time of his work and because I don't have it, I can't say he is definitely involved. I can say that he is highly suspicious but most of it can be assigned to his paranoia and control issues in people's minds.

It is becoming apparent that LE is not interested in him either. I would love for all this to be a set up and there is going to be a Colombo moment but my hopes are fading fast.

At the very least he is covering for some illegal activity that would involve him and would face serious charges because of it. He is hiding something, for sure.
Did R call 90 times or 9 times that night?

Over 90 calls.

Edited to add: I have read someone else claimed it wasn't 90, more like 20. Art Harris is the one blabbing 90 calls, but since he's not the most reliable source (imo), let's just say, 20 - 90 calls. :crazy:
Does anyone know what time this 911 call was made? I have heard so many different times. I do hear a what sounds like a female voice at the 6:28 mark, but couldn't make out what was said.
I don't know if I hear another voice... I do hear what sounds like a phone beeping towards the end and then Ronald talking, as if he made a call. Did we ever get their phone records?
Over 90 calls.

Question...He called 90 times. That would make me think he was not involved however knew something was going on and had to speak with her.Reminds me of all the calls C.A. made on that day to her parents.
In the early interview with Greta, they talk about the lock, it's a very telling interview:

This interview by Greta is VERY telling. Since it was conducted so early on you can actually see (in my opinion) RC is more uncomfortable with 'what and how' MC is answering the questions than he is about his daughter missing. Which may be just a sign of the 'know-it-all' syndrome and feel like he has to correct her.

I compare her demeanor here with the recent film from the undercover cop in the drug bust - completely different...

As the pop-ups show, there were discrepancies in their stories even back then. :banghead:


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