The 911 Call, LE Radio Call & Police Report

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Just thought I would share this with you all. If you listen to Simon Barrett's show from Sunday you will hear a caller call in and ask if anyone knew if the 911 call had been redacted. The lady said she enhanced the her sound equipment to listen to the call and that she hears all kinds of stuff and Cobra stated that if you enhance it enough you will actually hear a confession on the 911 call.

Didn't he say who it was ?
Ok, now ya'll don't fuss about where it's coming from. It's free, you can slow down the playback, and there is a noise reduction feature. I've just downloaded it. This is a different one than I had before. This one has more bells and whistles. I haven't used this yet, so I don't know if all features work if you don't pay for it. You can use this for free for a certain amount of time - they didn't say how much time...
Automatic forward/reverse button
Variable playback speeds
Automatic dumping
Transcript prep
Plus MUCH more

Reverse Speech Professional 2.5 Evaluation version. Reverse Speech web site.
I think I'd better not include a link, per forum rules ?

Thank you so much Karen! IIRC that is the program that others have used here on different cases. :)
Ok, I found a recoring enhancer awhile ago and have been playing with it for the past hour or so, but since I haven't used anything like it before I've kind of just confused myself a litle more. I can really get the operator's voice in crystal clear, but Misty's voice is more echo-y. I'm still getting background noise filtered out though.
I downloaded something called WavePad and have been trying to work with it- I'll try some more in the morning.

Really though, it could be any number of words said near the end of that recording- not that I would be surprised at all for that to be the conversation going on. It's just really hard to tell because Misty and the operator start talking again right then. I also want to hear what was said in the background at the beginning of the tape. Like I said, I'd hear it before, but dismissed it as another 911 dispatcher- I don't know how they work and thought maybe there were a few in the same room or something and that's what we were hearing maybe.

This little tool will also be useful for those tapes of Ron from the other night that were so hard to hear.
Just thought I would share this with you all. If you listen to Simon Barrett's show from Sunday you will hear a caller call in and ask if anyone knew if the 911 call had been redacted. The lady said she enhanced the her sound equipment to listen to the call and that she hears all kinds of stuff and Cobra stated that if you enhance it enough you will actually hear a confession on the 911 call.

WHAT sort of CONFESSION??? :waitasec:

Can you tell us - did Cobra explained what it was that was confessed was? TIA.
Audacity is what I had last year. It's still free online.
Frankly, listening again, I heard nothing like what's manifesting toward a confession in this thread (I also have cruddy speakers on a laptop whose glory days were ..... awhile ago). I have to say, listening again though, at one point, when the operator first gets Ron back onto the phone after the first hang up, I swear that wasn't Misty's voice when a female takes the phone from Ron. But then, it's nearly midnight, and I've been up since 4 a.m. and I'm gonna just say that it can't be who I thought it was, and it has to be Misty and hopefully the bugs will be out of my ears in the morning.
I wonder if TN was there earlier than what was reported and is the mystery third voice. If they did have dope in that house at the time of the call, maybe TN was sent away with the dope to go stash it somewhere before the cops got there. That would explain why she got there so fast because she was already in the area albeit on a little 'errand'.

That would explain the cabinet door noise that another poster said they thought they heard. Ron and TN gathering the stash and getting it out of there while while she chastises him over what happened/having dope there. (Old habits die hard, all you other moms out there will surely understand the mom/children dynamic. They never get too old for you to gripe at them. :crazy: )

Only problem is if that is the case, wouldn't that suggest that Ron didn't have knowledge of what went on until he got home? You would think that if he had prior knowledge he would have made sure the dope stash was taken care of before the 911 call was even made.

Too many what if's...I just hope the real story of what went on will all come out someday.
My daughter can speak "gangsta," and I asked her to listen and she said, "They ain't gon' come in time. So "effin" go." And she thinks he is speaking to a third party, either in person or on another phone. as if about Haleigh.
I'm going to say a few things and then duck. :crazy:

1) How do we know they didn't have a TV on in the background? (hence another voice or 2)

2) At between 6:25 to 6:27 I hear Ron say in the background, "Hang up on them mother *advertiser censored**rs and let's go!" (or something along those lines)
Even with my headphones, it's so hard to figure out if it's another womans voice or just RC.

Never before have I heard a man that can go from a super-aggressive manly tone, to such a high-pitched girly tone in 0.2 sec flat.

But RC proves that it is indeed possible, all throughout this tape. :banghead:

And that "BEEEEEP" sound, is so annoying.
Someone else says she hears what sounds like Teresa saying, "Is this because of your dope?" Ronald says no. It's somewhere near 6:23.

Actually, I faintly hear another voice in the background when the operator is telling Misty to stay on the phone until the officers arrive. It does sound like a female voice and Ron screams something about "no F'ing dope" but try as I did, that's all I can make out with my headphones.
I'm going to say a few things and then duck. :crazy:

1) How do we know they didn't have a TV on in the background? (hence another voice

I doubt it's a TV. It sounds like RC is responding angrily to what the voice (female) says. Listening more carefully, as Misty and the operator are still talking, there does seem to be a lower conversation going on in the background between RC and someone, then he comes closer to the phone and says he has "better people to talk to than ?? MFs that ain't coming".

Most definitely someone else is in the background with RC.

Could it have been TN who conveniently left, drove a few blocks, then returned only to arrive just after LE?

It sounds to me like the female is asking about "dope" and RC responds angrily about no "dope".

Listening to this is making me :crazy:
There are programs that can filter out all of the extranious noise and isolate spoken voices on tapes.

I don't know if it's available online to use for free. I thought we have a member here at one time who had access to a program like that. (not on haleigh's threads).

It would be great if we could get someone to take that task.

I know someone in the Caylee threads was able to listen to the courtroom conversation between KC and AL. I believe someone else listened to Cindy's 911 calls to hear what KC was saying in the background. Although it seems like it wasn't a WS person but a relative of one who had the equipment.

I just listened and listened and I definitely hear a female voice in the background. It does sound like RC is having a conversation and the woman has a softer voice, while he gets quite angry at points. I vote for TN, her police jacket, with picture in hand, before she drives around the corner waiting for the deputies to arrive.
I'm going to say a few things and then duck. :crazy:

1) How do we know they didn't have a TV on in the background? (hence another voice or 2)

2) At between 6:25 to 6:27 I hear Ron say in the background, "Hang up on them mother *advertiser censored**rs and let's go!" (or something along those lines)

bad, I'll be duckin' with you 'cause all I hear is the pitch in their voices changing. Ron has that whiny tone when he's doing the fake crying and then all of a sudden he's going to kill them mf's that 'stoled' his child. How in the h e l l does he know right then that anybody 'stoled' her? I don't care how afraid of the dark a child is..children by their very nature are unpredictable...EVERY parent knows absent any blood, overturned furniture..SOMETHING, how could he be so sure? He couldn't IMO. and yet we hear absolutely no one really panicking, as far as running around calling her name or cross talk between Ron and Misty that you would expect to hear under the circumstances. Remember, Ron just walked in <wink-wink> so why aren't we hearing him asking Misty questions...when did you see her last? has anyone been here? did you hear anything strange? have you looked everywhere outside? I could go on and on..NONE of that!

Misty, Misty, Misty ..When the dispatcher asked her when she last saw HaLeigh, she says.. "we just like, it was about 10:00, she was sleeping, I was 'bleach' cleaning?".. "bleach cleaning"? that what she says? ..I remember posters talking about that long ago, but I just had never heard it on the tape before. Anyone know what she IS saying? I need to go hunt the transcript..That was ODD..Then when the dispatcher asks HaLeigh's height..Misty says..huh?..again when she asked her weight...huh?..She is on the phone to 911 and 2x she's not paying attention to what is being said, thus the infuriating 'huhs' The dispatcher is speaking very clearly so Misty can obviously hear her, so what is she paying attention to that is so important? she sounds like she is preoccupied with something..hmmm..OR stalling for time to think and at times all of a sudden she sounds absolutely calm...:waitasec:..

Now I'm really curious about the bleach cleaning???
Around 4:30 or so (prob a few seconds before), Misty is talking to the 911 operator and Ron says to someone "they can't call my phone, I don't know where it's at".

Well, that's interesting... he is reported to have made lots of calls from his phone that night so when exactly did he misplace it?
I haven't heard a 3rd voice yet (will keep listening, I feel it's possible Ron could be conversing with someone else in background or just ranting / aimed at Misty or the 911 operator) however, I do hear something Ron says to the effect of "We got work to do come on" (around 6:43 or 6:44) before the dispatcher says tell him we got them coming he needs to calm down a little bit...and the final hang up. I'm not saying the "work" he may be referring to is to cover up, I think he may be insinuating they need to start looking, contacting other ppl, etc cuz at that point he is upset / his perception is that the police don't seem to be on the way or coming fast enough.

At 6:15 or 6:16 I distinctly hear Misty go "shhh!" very loud and abruptly. I don't think this is a sniffle. She may have said that cuz Ron was talking too loud for her to hear the 911. Right after that she does breathe deeply or sniffle, two very different sounds IMO. I recognize that aggravated SHH sound very well cuz I say it to my 11 year old off and on, lol.

At approx 6:26 or 6:27 I hear the referenced portion of "Find F'n dope" but the more I listen to it, I also think he could be saying "find f'n Joe" I'm not hearing the P at the end anymore, but that could be cuz I need a break from listening and to come back with fresh ears at another time.
I can't hear diddlysquat with my speakers but in the past we've questioned why we don't hear Jr. on the 911 tape at all. Is there any chance that any of the perceived adult female voices are in fact Jr.?
Ok. So the version I posted last night (below) is definitely MUCH clearer than some of the other versions. But, I may have to agree with some of the others when they say they don't hear another voice.

Around 0:30 (on the version below) I hear Ron say in the back "What the f*ck." Then around 0:23 (on the version below), which is about the same time you all were mentioning yesterday, I hear Ron in the background talking, to I believe, himself. Just talking/yelling/complaining out loud. I hear him say "something, something, something, six times!!!" (can't make out the something, something, something) Also, around 0:15 I hear him say, I believe, "Where are these people?" I'm assuming he means the cops. Then around 0:07 I hear him say "something, something, hard is it?" Right after that is when he says give me the mother effing phone. But that's about all I hear. JMO It's just Ron throughout the tape in the background yelling and carrying on. I personally don't hear another voice.

Okay didn't know where to put this, something is coming out on some breaking news right now on Misty Cimmings, just heard on radio 96.1 jax. I am going to go check some web sites.

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