The 911 Call, LE Radio Call & Police Report

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Also, wow...RC does mention Joe! Or someone who's name they bleeped out, at the 1:40 mark.....after the 911 operator calls back .....RC says if i find out .......took my daughter I am f'in killing him.

RC also says the lock was sideways and someone had a key.

Elle, if you listen to the call posted on pg.1 from YT at 5:19 right after Misty tells Ron they are bringing a K9 you can hear Ron's unredacted portion that starts at 1:47 (counter counts down) on the call posted at the CNN site. Ron says him, doesn't say a name.
Do you think Ron yelled out for Haleigh hoping she would hear him calling her, or yelling out her name in dis pare? I did that when my son died. Just sat crying and yelled out his name.

This is just a question Why is it something anyone would be surprised to hear or feel the need to be talk about? I am no way asking this in a mean way. Sometimes I wish we had voice on these forums. It so hard to get the true understanding of what a poster is saying at times.

this is my opinion i feel like he standing in a door way hollaring towards outside but he maybe in a living room hollaring thru the house and yes like he hopes she answers

also if listen when operator asks misty the color of hc hair
you hear misty mutter the words :" OMG HE IS FREAKING OUT :"
At counter number 4:39 4:40
Trying to understand what everyone's hearing.

So Ron was screaming/looking for Haleigh, as we all thought he should be? That's why he put Misty on the 911 call at first - while he looked? If that's TN he's talking to ("go-go they're not going to get here on time") was he urging her her to get out and scream/look for Haleigh. Was the 8x10 from Ron's house? Is the "why didn't you call me, I'd have come and helped?" (paraphrase) from Teresa to Misty?

Did TN ever actually say she was "at her home" when she got that call from Ron? Was she at a relatives' nearby? Gosh she got there fast.
Do you think Ron yelled out for Haleigh hoping she would hear him calling her, or yelling out her name in dis pare? I did that when my son died. Just sat crying and yelled out his name.

This is just a question Why is it something anyone would be surprised to hear or feel the need to be talk about? I am no way asking this in a mean way. Sometimes I wish we had voice on these forums. It so hard to get the true understanding of what a poster is saying at times.

I feel the need to comment on it because quite honestly, as a mom, I wondered why RC couldn't be heard screaming his head off in the background of the call. You call 911.....I am looking for Haleigh. But, I never heard it, never heard him holler once. Then today.....I do hear it and it freaked me out.

Also, most seem to feel RC is involved somehow and have stated that he never looked for Haleigh because maybe he knew she was dead already, a big point was made about that. Well maybe he didn't look for her.....don't know only audio of the call, but He did scream for her. That meant something to me.
I also understand about getting the meaning behind the post and understanding the place the question comes from...That is why I add one of these every once in awhile. ;)
Trying to understand what everyone's hearing.

So Ron was screaming/looking for Haleigh, as we all thought he should be? That's why he put Misty on the 911 call at first - while he looked? If that's TN he's talking to ("go-go they're not going to get here on time") was he urging her her to get out and scream/look for Haleigh. Was the 8x10 from Ron's house? Is the "why didn't you call me, I'd have come and helped?" (paraphrase) from Teresa to Misty?

Did TN ever actually say she was "at her home" when she got that call from Ron? Was she at a relatives' nearby? Gosh she got there fast.

you now Emma i honestly don't have the answers for these
but i can tell you from experiance from passt family emergancy one can drive and be to point a to point b in a matter of minutes
it is dangerous you risk injuring yourself and other u dun give a damn what law you break and you pray if a officer see you he just follows in pursuit

i personaally i swear to you made it to my moms one day i swear in 2 minutes which should of taken 10 to 12 minutes i burried my speedomentor of 120 mph another time my husband made it from work to my home grabbed me n made it to my daughter school in literally 12 minutes which should of taken easyly 30 minutes how noone got hurt or us or not 1 police officer pull us over is beyond me our truck tires rubber was pouring out smoke when he jumped out of the vehicle to run to our daughter
I feel the need to comment on it because quite honestly, as a mom, I wondered why RC couldn't be heard screaming his head off in the background of the call. You call 911.....I am looking for Haleigh. But, I never heard it, never heard him holler once. Then today.....I do hear it and it freaked me out.

Also, most seem to feel RC is involved somehow and have stated that he never looked for Haleigh because maybe he knew she was dead already, a big point was made about that. Well maybe he didn't look for her.....don't know only audio of the call, but He did scream for her. That meant something to me.
I also understand about getting the meaning behind the post and understanding the place the question comes from...That is why I add one of these every once in awhile. ;)

It means something to me too. So did Misty's "I swear" to Ron.

And if that's TN at the house, her question to Misty was appropriate.

And if TN asked about cleaning up any drugs prior to LE responders arriving, wow, she was beginning a bit of covering-up on behalf of Ron's bad habits - right there. Not so sinister - just highly aware of the issues in Ron's life about to be laid bare, and covering. Darn, she really smokescreed and clouded things for LE by painting happy home life for everyone. And she kept that up a long darn time. Shame on her. IMO
I suppose Ron yelling out Haleigh's name could be part of the "plan" IF there was one. I only heard him yell her name one time. I just don't know what to think anymore.
Elle, if you listen to the call posted on pg.1 from YT at 5:19 right after Misty tells Ron they are bringing a K9 you can hear Ron's unredacted portion that starts at 1:47 (counter counts down) on the call posted at the CNN site. Ron says him, doesn't say a name.

That is a horrible tape in my opinion. It only plays out of one speaker and someone has dubbed heavy breathing into it at one point, imo. Sorry, I just can't make out anything in it really....very quiet.

Does anyone know at what interval those beeps come? is it 30 seconds or 15 seconds? I could time it out but if I don't go accomplish something today in my house i will be in trouble when my hubby gets home from work! TIA
I'm still fighting with my new software- I'm currently downloading something else that may be easier to figure out.

All I was able to do was to find out there was a lot more background talking than I was aware of originally- I reduced the voices, but it just reduced the operators and Misty's to about the level of the background voices. There was a lot more chater going on than I noticed the first few times. Now I've got to figure out how to sharpen it up. All I was able to do was muddy the voices I already had.
It means something to me too. So did Misty's "I swear" to Ron.

And if that's TN at the house, her question to Misty was appropriate.

And if TN asked about cleaning up any drugs prior to LE responders arriving, wow, she was beginning a bit of covering-up on behalf of Ron's bad habits - right there. Not so sinister - just highly aware of the issues in Ron's life about to be laid bare, and covering. Darn, she really smokescreed and clouded things for LE by painting happy home life for everyone. And she kept that up a long darn time. Shame on her. IMO

I have a different opinion, but it is quite off topic. I don't think RC was talking about covering up dope, I think he was suspicious Misty might have been out buying dope and that is how she managed to allow his daughter to get stolen. JMO

If what you say is 100% accurate and some family members were well aware of what was "going on" in RC's life and covering up for him, well I will change my opinions based on those facts when we get them, if we get them.
Also, in this tape it is clear to hear Misty trying to convince RC that she "just woke up".

In my opinion if he was involved she wouldn't have to try and explain to him that she didn't know what happened to Haleigh because she just woke up.....He would know darn well she was up all night covering up the murder of his child.
K, I got the program running and I'm picking things apart right now.

I, too, heard him yell her name.
K, I got the program running and I'm picking things apart right now.

I, too, heard him yell her name.

The Main Squeeze hears it also. he"s filtering out all noise but voice........OOH! Email. BRB.
I dont hear ron yell Hayleigh.. I dont hear anything in the background .. Sorry to be a pain.. but what you guys are hearing ... is it right after the operator says "911, what's your emergency?" all I hear after that is Misty... sounds like she was saying something to Ron and then the "um...etc" . Am I listening in the correct place in the tape? Im listening to this link.. which hopefully is also correct one.
I have a different opinion, but it is quite off topic. I don't think RC was talking about covering up dope, I think he was suspicious Misty might have been out buying dope and that is how she managed to allow his daughter to get stolen. JMO

If what you say is 100% accurate and some family members were well aware of what was "going on" in RC's life and covering up for him, well I will change my opinions based on those facts when we get them, if we get them.

Yes, elle, my opinion was based on a lot of "ifs". We can't be sure who any of these background (non-911) comments we overhear are directed at. if if if ifs followed by JMOs. Facts will be most welcome, as you say, if & when. :)
Around 1:30 he says something about messing with an effin junkie.

Around 1:59 Misty says "OMG I'm freaking out"

And now it froze. Gah!
Also, in this tape it is clear to hear Misty trying to convince RC that she "just woke up".

In my opinion if he was involved she wouldn't have to try and explain to him that she didn't know what happened to Haleigh because she just woke up.....He would know darn well she was up all night covering up the murder of his child.

i always love your posts, elle, you ask the best questions! i have listened to the 911 tape many times, but this time i put my ear plugs in and turned the volume all the way up and here is what i heard. rc said "if i find the little m-fer" rc said something about "nobody" and "dope" mc is very scared, and that isnt faked. it sounds like she is listening to what is going on in the mh instead of listening to the 911 operator. i think in the back ground, rc is having a heated discussion with someone, i could hear him ranting and then the voice is calmer, but i honestly cant distinguish between the two other than one is calmer and one is rc. jmo i sooo hope we find out that rc was not involved in what ever happened to Haleigh!
The Main Squeeze hears it also. he"s filtering out all noise but voice........OOH! Email. BRB.

My DH and I have Soundforge open and that's how we heard it. I actually couldn't hear it on any of the links. He's enhancing certain things but the beeping from the 911 recording is annoying.
I dont hear ron yell Hayleigh.. I dont hear anything in the background .. Sorry to be a pain.. but what you guys are hearing ... is it right after the operator says "911, what's your emergency?" all I hear after that is Misty... sounds like she was saying something to Ron and then the "um...etc" . Am I listening in the correct place in the tape? Im listening to this link.. which hopefully is also correct one.

correct place wrong spot refresh right after words on blk screen you can hear it right as the call is being placed hope this helps
Ron answers the phone after the initial hang-up. Hands it to Misty.

Misty definitely yelps twice during the second call, once in the first.

He demands his phone back, believes there are better people to call than some #@$#@ who ain't coming. (but we knew that part)

The 3-syllable in the beginning that some of us heard has an echo. Ron calls Haleigh's name clearly. One time.

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