The 911 Call

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Here's my version of the 911 call. Any feedback is appreciated. It differs from the version posted on justicefordarlie in that I do not hear a dog barking at any time, and some of what Darin says is able to be transcribed, IMO. I'm taking a break from listening to it for a probable is it that Darin caught her in the act? (that's a rhetorical question - I don't expect an answer). Darin can be heard clearly 24 seconds into the call - I think he was already downstairs before she dialed the phone...

I added the link to the audio file of the 911 call at the end of the transcript.

Justice2 - I look forward to your transcript and comments!:)

Routier, Darlie; 911 transcript.

00:00:00 911 Operator #1 ...Rowlett 911...what is your emergency..
00:01:19 Darlie Routier ...somebody came here...they broke in...
00:03:27 911 Operator #1'am...
00:05:11 Darlie Routier ...they just stabbed me and my children...
00:07:16 911 Operator #1 ...what...
00:08:05 Darlie Routier ...they just stabbed me and my little boys...
00:09:24 911 Operator #1 ...who...who did...
00:11:12 Darlie Routier little boy is dying...
00:11:25 RADIO ...(unintelligible) clear...
00:13:07 911 Operator #1 ...hang on ...hang on... hang on
00:15:03 Darlie Routier ...oh God, please hurry…
00:16:01 911 Operator #1 ...stand by for medical emergency
00:18:11 Darlie Routier'am...
00:18:19 911 Operator #1 ...hang on ma'am...
00:21:26 Darlie Routier'am...
00:23:00 911 Operator #1 ...unknown medical emergency... 5801 Eagle Drive...
00:24:00 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...00:24:00 Darin Routier…..breathe!…
00:26:24 Darlie Routier'am...
00:27:12 911 Operator #1'am... I'm trying to get an ambulance to you... hang on a minute...
00:28:20 RADIO ...(siren)...
00:29:13 Darlie Routier ...oh my God babies are dying...
00:30:12 Darin Routier ... breathe!
00:31:09 911 Operator #1 ...what's going on ma'am...
00:32:13 Darlie Routier ...(unintelligible) he?…oh my God...00:33:49 RADIO ...(tone -signal)...
00:34:01 Background Voice …(Darin)…he won’t stop bleedin…OR..he stopped breathin…
00:35:20 Darlie Routier ...(unintelligible) I thought Devon was already dead ...oh my God...
00:39:08 Darin Routier ...(unintelligible)...
00:39:29 Darlie Routier ...I don't even know who did it...
00:40:22 911 Operator #1 ...attention 901 unknown medical emergency 5801...
00:42:23 Darin Routier …(unintelligible)..
00:43:15 Darlie Routier ...I don't even know who did this Darin…
00:44:04 911 Operator #1 ...Eagle Drive ...Box 238 ...cross street Linda Vista and Willowbrook ...attention 901 medial emergency...
00:49:28 Darlie Routier …Devon’s not breathing?!
00:50:10 Darin Routier ...please, please, get someone….
00:51:15 Darlie Routier ...oh my God...who would do this...
00:51:19 911 Operator #1 ...may be possible stabbing ...5801 Eagle Drive ...Box 238 ...cross street Linda Vista and Willowbrook...
00:55:06 Darlie Routier ...oh my God ...I don’t know..what do we do...
00:57:17 911 Operator #1 ...time out 2:32...
00:58:26 Darlie Routier ...oh my God...
00:58:28 911 Operator #1 ...stamp me a card Clint...
01:01:02 911 Operator #1 ...80...
01:01:16 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
01:02:13 Darlie Routier ...oh my God...
01:03:05 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
01:04:07 911 Operator #1 ...need units going towards 5801 Eagle Drive ...5801 Eagle Drive
01:04:07 Darlie Routier ...oh my God baby's dead...
01:07:08 Darlie Routier ...Damon ...hold on honey...hold on…
01:08:11 Darin Routier ...oh my god...
01:08:22 911 Operator #1 ...hysterical female on the phone...
01:10:03 Darlie Routier ...(unintelligible)...
01:10:10 Darin Routier ...(unintelligible)...
01:10:26 911 Operator #1 ...says her child has been stabbed
01:11:28 Darlie Routier ...I saw them Darin...
01:12:21 Darin Routier ...oh my God …make ‘em get here!…
01:14:10 911 Operator #1'am ...I need you to calm down and talk to me...
01:14:24 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
01:16:25 Darlie Routier ...ok...
01:16:26 SOUND ...(unintelligible)...
01:17:12 911 Operator #1 ...twice Clint...
01:18:26 Darlie Routier ...didn't you get my address...
01:20:19 911 Operator #1 ...5801 Eagle...
01:22:00 Darlie Routier ...yes ...we need help...
01:22:03 RADIO ...(unintelligible) will be enroute code...
01:24:20 Darlie Routier ...Darin ...I don't know who it was...
01:24:23 911 Operator #1 ...2:33 code...
01:26:15 Darlie Routier ...we got to find out who it was...
01:27:00 Darin Routier…bree…(maybe breathe!) 01:27:12 911 Operator #1'am...
01:28:04 911 Operator #1'am listen ...listen to me...
01:29:27 Darlie Routier ...yes ...yes ...(unintelligible)...
01:30:23 RADIO ...(unintelligible) I'm clear you need anything...
01:32:08 Darin Routier …(unintelligible)…
01:32:20 Darlie Routier ...oh my God...
01:34:00 911 Operator #1 ...(unintelligible)...
01:34:22 911 Operator #1 you take the radio Clint...
01:35:23 911 Operator #2 ...yes...
01:36:12 Darlie Routier ...oh my God...
01:36:25 911 Operator #1'am...
01:38:03 Darlie Routier ...yes...
01:38:17 911 Operator #1 ...I need you to ...
01:38:23 RADIO ...(unintelligible) start that way (unintelligible)... will advise...
01:39:28 911 Operator #1 ...I need you to talk to me...
01:41:21 Darlie Routier ...what ...what ...what...
01:44:25 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
01:44:28 Darlie Routier …[mama]…my babies are dead (unintelligible)...Damon, Damon! THERE IS A STRANGE SOUND RIGHT HERE….
01:46:20 RADIO ...go ahead and start that way ...siren code 4 ...advise...
01:47:10 Darlie Routier ...they already were gone…
01:48:03 Darlie Routier ...(unintelligible) do you want honey ...hold on (unintelligible)...
01:49:17 911 Operator #1'am ...I can't understand you...
01:50:21 Darlie Routier ...yes...
01:51:18 911 Operator #1're going to have to slow down ...calm down ...and talk to me...
01:52:19 Darlie Routier ...I'm talking to my babies ...they're dying...
01:55:03 911 Operator #1 ...what is going on...
01:56:29 Darlie Routier ...somebody came in while I was sleeping and my little boys were sleeping downstairs...
02:02:00 RADIO ...(unintelligible) I'll be clear...
02:02:20 Darlie Routier ...some man ...came in and...stabbed my babies ...stabbed me ...I woke up ...I was fighting ...he ran out through the garage ...threw the knife down babies are dying ...they're dead ...oh my God...
02:14:23 911 Operator #1 ...ok ...stay on the phone with me...
02:16:11 Darin Routier ...(unintelligible)...
02:17:06 Darlie Routier ...oh my God...
02:17:29 911 Operator #1 ...what happened (unintelligible) dispatch 901...
02:20:15 Darlie Routier ...hold on honey ...hold on...
02:22:01 911 Operator #1 ...(unintelligible) who was on (unintelligible)...
02:22:26 911 Operator #2 was (unintelligible) the white phone...
02:23:08 Darlie Routier ...hold on...
02:25:26 911 Operator #2 ...they were wondering when we need to dispatch I sent a double team...
02:25:28 Darlie Routier ...oh my God ...oh my God...
02:28:08 911 Operator #1 ...ok ...thanks...
02:28:21 Darlie Routier ...oh my God...
02:29:20 SOUND ...(unintelligible)...Water running??
02:30:01 Darlie Routier ...oh my God...
02:30:20 911 Operator #1'am...
02:31:06 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
02:31:14 911 Operator #1 ...who's there with you...
02:32:15 Darlie Routier ...Karen …[or]…Darin!
02:33:15 911 Operator #1'am...
02:34:06 Darlie Routier ...what...
02:38:11 911 Operator #1 there anybody in the house ...besides you and your children...
02:38:11 Darlie Routier husband he just ran downstairs ...he's helping me ...but they're dying ...oh my God ...they're dead…[DARIN DID NOT JUST RUN DOWN THE STAIRS, HE CAN BE HEARD AT THE 00:24 MARK]
02:43:24 911 Operator #1 ...ok ...ok many little boys it two boys...
02:46:06 Darin Routier ...(unintelligible)...
02:46:25 Darlie Routier ...there's two of 'em ...there's two...
02:48:18 RADIO ...what's the cross street on that address on Eagle...
02:50:15 Darlie Routier ...oh my God ...who would do this...
02:53:13 911 Operator #1 ...(unintelligible) listen to me ...calm down ...(unintelligible)...
02:53:21 Darlie Routier ...I feel really bad ...I think I'm dying...
02:55:06 RADIO ...228...
02:56:06 911 Operator #1 ...go ahead...
02:58:12 RADIO ...(unintelligible) address again (unintelligible)...
02:59:12 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
02:59:22 Darlie Routier ...when are they going to be here...
03:00:22 911 Operator #1 ...5801 Eagle Drive ...5801 Eagle Drive...
03:03:28 Darlie Routier ...when are they going to be here...
03:03:29 911 Operator #1 ...going to be a stabbing...
03:05:20 Darlie Routier ...when are they going to be here...
03:06:20 911 Operator #1'am ...they're on their way...
03:08:00 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
03:08:08 Darlie Routier ...I gotta just sit here forever ...oh my God...
03:11:14 911 Operator #1 ...2:35...
03:12:05 Darie Routier ...who would do this ...who would do this...
03:13:09 Darin Routier ...(unintelligible)...
03:14:26 911 Operator #1 ...(sounds of typing on computer keyboard)...
03:16:08 911 Operator #1'am old are your boys...
03:18:20 Darin Routier ...what...
03:19:03 911 Operator #1 old are your boys...
03:20:04 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
03:20:21 911 Operator #1
03:21:01 Darlie Routier and five...
03:22:17 911 Operator #1 ...ok...
03:23:08 Darlie Routier ...oh my God ...oh my God ...oh ...he's dead...
03:29:02 911 Operator #1 ...calm down ...can you...
03:29:03 Darlie Routier ...oh God ...Darin, they‘re dead?!..oh my God...
03:35:02 911 Operator #1 your name Darlie...
03:36:11 Darlie Routier ...yes...
03:36:26 911 Operator #1 ...this is her...
03:37:09 911 Operator #1 your husband's name Darin...
03:38:22 Darlie Routier ...yes ...please hurry ...God they're taking forever...
03:41:20 911 Operator #1 ...there's nobody in your house ...there was ...was...
03:44:05 911 Operator #1 don't know who did this...
03:45:19 Police Officer …(unintelligible)..
03:46:11 Darlie Routier ...they killed our babies...
03:48:03 Police Officer ...ok ...just sit down ...(unintelligible)
03:51:11 911 Operator #1 ...(sounds of typing on computer keyboard)...
03:52:13 Darlie Routier ...he ran out ...uh ...they ran out in the garage ...I was sleeping...
03:54:09 911 Operator #1 ...(unintelligible)...
03:56:19 Darlie Routier babies over here ...oh, oh, God…
03:59:29 Darin Routier ...(unintelligible) phone is right there...
04:01:28 Darlie Routier ...gotta get…he’s dead…oh my God…
04:03:01 ? Police Officer?- …step back over here….
04:05:02 Darlie Routier ...ya'll look out in the garage ...look out in the garage ...they left a knife laying on...
04:08:21 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
04:09:19 911 Operator #1 ...there's a knife ...don't touch anything...
04:11:18 Darlie Routier ...I already touched it and picked it up...
04:12:05 RADIO ...10-4...
04:15:20 911 Operator #1 ...who's out there anybody out there...
04:16:07 Police Officer ...(unintelligible)...
04:17:06 Darlie Routier ...I don't know ...I was...
04:18:14 911 Operator #1 ...ok ma'am ...listen ...there's a police officer at your front door your front door unlocked...
04:22:11 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
04:22:15 Darlie Routier ...yes ma'am ...but where's the ambulance...
04:24:21 911 Operator #1 ...ok...
04:24:23 Darlie Routier ...they're barely breathing...
04:26:17 Darlie Routier ...if they don't get it here they're gonna be dead God they're dead ...hurry ...please hurry...
04:31:13 911 Operator #1 ...ok ...they're ...they're...
04:32:18 Police Officer ...what about you...
04:33:06 911 Operator #1 82 out on Eagle...
04:34:18 Darlie Routier ...huh...
04:35:12 Darin Routier ...they can‘t get away...they….
04:36:28 911 Operator #2 ...(unintelligible)...
04:37:08 Darlie Routier ...we're at Eagle ...5801 Eagle God and hurry...
04:41:03 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
04:41:22 911 Operator #1 ...82 ...are you out..
04:42:25 Police Officer ...nothing's gone Mrs. Routier...
04:44:10 Darlie Routier ...oh my God ...oh my God ...why would they do this...
04:48:03 RADIO ...(unintelligible) to advise (unintelligible) 200...
04:50:18 Police Officer ...(unintelligible) the problem Mrs. Routier...
04:50:21 911 Operator #1 ...what'd he say...
04:51:29 Darlie Routier ...why would they do this...
04:53:08 Darlie Routier ...I'm (unintelligible)...
04:54:07 911 Operator #1 ...ok ...listen ma'am ...need to ...need to let the officers in the front door ...ok...
04:59:11 Darlie Routier ...what...
05:00:04 911 Operator #1'am..
05:00:22 Darlie Routier ...what ...what...
05:01:15 911 Operator #1 ...need to let the police officers in the front door...
05:04:21 Darlie Routier ...yes, this knife was lying over there and I already picked it up...
05:08:19 911 Operator #1 ...ok's alright's ok...
05:09:20 Darlie Routier ...God ...I bet if we could have gotten the prints maybe ...maybe...
05:13:18 Police Officer ...(unintelligible)...
05:14:18 RADIO ...82 ...we'll ...need crime scene
05:17:12 Darlie Routier ...ok'll be...
05:18:08 911 Operator #1'am ...hang on ...hang on a second...
05:19:09 Darlie Routier ...somebody who did it intentionally walked in here and did it Darin...(WTF? Just listen to her tone of voice!)
05:20:19 911 Operator #1 ...82 ...10-9...
05:21:23 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
05:22:28 911 Operator #1 ...received...
05:23:05 Darlie Routier ...there's nothing touched...
05:24:12 911 Operator #1 ...ok ma'am...
05:25:13 Darlie Routier ...there's nothing touched...
05:26:20 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
05:28:00 Darlie Routier ...oh my God...
05:29:08 Police Officer ...(unintelligible)...
05:29:23 RADIO ...received...
05:31:19 RADIO ...(unintelligible)...
05:33:25 911 Operator #1'am the police officer there...
05:35:14 Darlie Routier ...yes (unintelligible)...
05:35:23 911 Operator #1 ...ok ...go talk to him ...ok...
05:38:03 RADIO ...they were right there, all of ‘em were…

Bumping - worth a listen for anyone who hasn't yet heard this, especially if you think Darlie is innocent - as I believe this will possibly change your mind....:D
Here's my version of the 911 call. Any feedback is appreciated. It differs from the version posted on justicefordarlie in that I do not hear a dog barking at any time, and some of what Darin says is able to be transcribed, IMO. I'm taking a break from listening to it for a probable is it that Darin caught her in the act? (that's a rhetorical question - I don't expect an answer). Darin can be heard clearly 24 seconds into the call - I think he was already downstairs before she dialed the phone

I think he caught her in the act too and I think that's where some of that bruising came from. I have never heard the dog..nor have I heard Darin running downstairs as some say you can. I think when Darlie says "what, what, what" it's the way she says it that sounds like the dog...LOL, I know I'm nuts..
Yeah that's what I thought when I first heard it...I was shocked and almost changed my position until I heard the hysteria vanish and the anger emerge when she says "someone just walked in here and intentionally did it Darin."

The tears and sobs went out of her voice real quick when she said that, and this a second afterwards came back. What a fake.
I don't know what role Darrin had to play in this, but he did sound panicked/upset on the tape, and he was observed to be crying by the paramedics, or the police, can't remember.
He also looked sad at the graveside "celebration."
But the again, his remarks about Darlie's breast were completely out of line, being as two of his sons just died.
The only reason I'm not sure if he beat her after he came downstairs is you can't really hear anything like that going on in the tape, and Darlie never really stops talking. It seems like if he was beating her she'd drop the phone and try to defend herself or something.
I always kinda thought since poor little Devon had a stab wound on his buttocks the bruises may have came from kicking her.
I don't know what role Darrin had to play in this, but he did sound panicked/upset on the tape, and he was observed to be crying by the paramedics, or the police, can't remember.
He also looked sad at the graveside "celebration."
But the again, his remarks about Darlie's breast were completely out of line, being as two of his sons just died.
The only reason I'm not sure if he beat her after he came downstairs is you can't really hear anything like that going on in the tape, and Darlie never really stops talking. It seems like if he was beating her she'd drop the phone and try to defend herself or something.
I always kinda thought since poor little Devon had a stab wound on his buttocks the bruises may have came from kicking her.

I agree that his emotions during the events of that night and at the birthday party seemed genuine. However, it was his behavior afterward that cast suspicion on him. When he lied on the witness stand, those lies made it virtially impossible for me to believe anything else he said.
Trust me, I don't believe a word out of his mouth. And I heard the "living large" crap so many times I wanted to hurl.
I don't know what role Darrin had to play in this, but he did sound panicked/upset on the tape, and he was observed to be crying by the paramedics, or the police, can't remember.
He also looked sad at the graveside "celebration."
But the again, his remarks about Darlie's breast were completely out of line, being as two of his sons just died.
The only reason I'm not sure if he beat her after he came downstairs is you can't really hear anything like that going on in the tape, and Darlie never really stops talking. It seems like if he was beating her she'd drop the phone and try to defend herself or something.
I always kinda thought since poor little Devon had a stab wound on his buttocks the bruises may have came from kicking her.

He did and he did sure look uncomfortable at that gravesite. I swear when I watched the AJ program on A&E, you can hear him crying on the 911 call but I've never heard it any place else..
I don't know what role Darrin had to play in this, but he did sound panicked/upset on the tape, and he was observed to be crying by the paramedics, or the police, can't remember.
He also looked sad at the graveside "celebration."
But the again, his remarks about Darlie's breast were completely out of line, being as two of his sons just died.
The only reason I'm not sure if he beat her after he came downstairs is you can't really hear anything like that going on in the tape, and Darlie never really stops talking. It seems like if he was beating her she'd drop the phone and try to defend herself or something.
I always kinda thought since poor little Devon had a stab wound on his buttocks the bruises may have came from kicking her.
From all accounts Darrin was busy trying to help the children, his concern was was to get them breathing. Although he obviously asked her some questions, because she responded rather stridently to him, as if she were trying to convince him.
wow, this is the first time I have listened to the 911 tape. Chilling. I could never be a 911 operator!

My BS meter goes off when DR basically says "I was asleep downstairs with my boys and he came in and he stabbed them and then he stabbed me and then he ran out to the garage and then he dropped the knife there...." How is she telling what happened to her boys while she was asleep, and not witnessing it? It is as though she has to start telling the "cover story" she had concocted in her head so as to convince the authorities as soon as possible. The timing is totally inappropriate. What matters to the 911 operator? Help! We've been attacked! Send an ambulance and police! My address is....

I never had an opinion on Darin before (I confess, I am new to this case) but after listening to the 911 call and reading the transcripts, I think he is involved. Why? Cuz he comes long as Darlie is on the phone, and she is making no sense to the 911 operator, she is stabbed and bleeding. It does not make sense to me that he would not grab the phone from her and take charge of the situation.

As far as the comment "somebody who did it came in here and intentionally did this" - that is the sure sign of a liar - giving too much informaton to describe the obvious. Obviously it was intentional, vs. some guy walked through our house and inadvertently stabbed our kids to death? :waitasec:

She is sooo guilty, I am so glad she is behind bars. She so reminds me of Diane Downs, it's scary....
wow, this is the first time I have listened to the 911 tape. Chilling. I could never be a 911 operator!

My BS meter goes off when DR basically says "I was asleep downstairs with my boys and he came in and he stabbed them and then he stabbed me and then he ran out to the garage and then he dropped the knife there...." How is she telling what happened to her boys while she was asleep, and not witnessing it? It is as though she has to start telling the "cover story" she had concocted in her head so as to convince the authorities as soon as possible. The timing is totally inappropriate. What matters to the 911 operator? Help! We've been attacked! Send an ambulance and police! My address is....

I never had an opinion on Darin before (I confess, I am new to this case) but after listening to the 911 call and reading the transcripts, I think he is involved. Why? Cuz he comes long as Darlie is on the phone, and she is making no sense to the 911 operator, she is stabbed and bleeding. It does not make sense to me that he would not grab the phone from her and take charge of the situation.

As far as the comment "somebody who did it came in here and intentionally did this" - that is the sure sign of a liar - giving too much informaton to describe the obvious. Obviously it was intentional, vs. some guy walked through our house and inadvertently stabbed our kids to death? :waitasec:

She is sooo guilty, I am so glad she is behind bars. She so reminds me of Diane Downs, it's scary....

Darin didn't take the phone b/c he was giving Devon CPR. He must have saw Darlie wasn't doing anything to help them.
I never had an opinion on Darin before (I confess, I am new to this case) but after listening to the 911 call and reading the transcripts, I think he is involved. Why? Cuz he comes long as Darlie is on the phone, and she is making no sense to the 911 operator, she is stabbed and bleeding. It does not make sense to me that he would not grab the phone from her and take charge of the situation.

I tend to agree with WhiteRain, his priorities would have been more with helping the children then to paying attention to what Darlie was saying on the phone.
Something that interests me here. If Darlie Routier did intentionally murder her two boys, why did she call 911 at that time? Why didn't she wait until they were dead. That's a big risk to take.

Did she have a change of mind? Did she hear Darin stirring upstairs? Darin was down in 24 seconds maximum.
Something that interests me here. If Darlie Routier did intentionally murder her two boys, why did she call 911 at that time? Why didn't she wait until they were dead. That's a big risk to take.

Did she have a change of mind? Did she hear Darin stirring upstairs? Darin was down in 24 seconds maximum.

I believe she did think they were dead when she called 911.
I believe she did think they were dead when she called 911.

That's a possibility. She does recognise they are dying at 11 seconds, according to the tape, which could have surprised her.

Good point.
Something that interests me here. If Darlie Routier did intentionally murder her two boys, why did she call 911 at that time? Why didn't she wait until they were dead. That's a big risk to take.

Did she have a change of mind? Did she hear Darin stirring upstairs? Darin was down in 24 seconds maximum.

Listen to the tape SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS DYING.
Yes, this particular spot has been discussed many times. I think "blanket" has been discussed before too. But I think "make it" was probably the most common one everyone heard. Darin has been known to slur a lot before (silly string interview is horrible), I think I finally decided he said something like, they're not going to make it, get in her. Try searching previous posting.

Yes, I still eventually plan on posting and comparing everybody's transcriptions; it just very time consuming.

I've been using the audio program audacity. It's free and takes a little bit of time to use. It let's you slow down, change pitch, and play loops. Lots of people just use their mp3 player or CD player.

PM me if your interested in sharing your transcription.

Also, I think the transcriptions are different at jfd and fdr websites.

I think he says, "they're not going to make it if they don't get here"

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