The 911 Call

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Dani_T said:
Jeff is one of the most avid Darlie supporters you could run into. He used to post a lot on the board I mentioned before (now defunct) and was at times infuriating to debate with because he just wouldn't back down even when what he was saying was ridiculous.

He even spoke to Darlie in prison. One of the big things for him is that he continually asserted that Darlie got the whole knife in the U-room thing wrong. He even told her to her face that she was mistaken LOL.

So anyway, instead of hearing "threw the knife down" (which is as clear as day) he maintained that she said "ree in the pee"

Oh dear! Is English his first language? Do you think he really met Darlie? :loser:

As for the voices at 4:42, & 4:50 I agree that they are the same person but I do not agree that they are not Waddell - I actually believe they pronounce Routier the same way- it is just that the first one they are farther away and sound more distant and are close in the next. The "Rou" part is soft and the "tier" part is "tee-air". I also don't think he is saying "the problem"- I think he is repeating "nothing gone

First time I heard that I was confused because they mispronouce Routier. Ok, it wasn't just the first time, more like the 20th time. I finally figured it out though. I still say it wrong sometimes even though I KNOW how it's pronouced. I think he says "..the problem" too, but I'll take another listen. Isn't it weird we seem to hear different things then whoever did the transcripts? From the mins, I think we hear Walling both times.
PS> Beesy- sorry haven't forgotten about your posts. Just been very busy. Will try and get to them soon!
Thanks for saying that. Funny, I was just thinking "hey, nobody's answering me"! Then I read that....:dance:
Goody: "Now maybe she didn't plan it well, but she planned it in her Darlie diva way and put those wheels in motion. We don't know if Darin knew it or not, but I bet he knew something of it. My instincts just tell me that they probably discussed it"

That would make both of them sociopaths who planned the cold-blooded murders of their own sons. I don't see it, Goody, I really don't. In fact, I've never heard of a case where both parents decided to kill their kids for a book or movie deal.
"Going after Karen gave him an excuse to get out of the house and away from it, a break so to speak. Hardly the actions of a concerned father."

I see it differently. It only took about 2 minutes for Darin to get the Neals and return to the house. When the PO refused them entrance, Darin and Terry both yelled, "She's a nurse!" That doesn't sound like a father who's trying to hide anything; it sounds like a father who's desperately trying to get help for his sons.

"Now if Darin is involved in the planning but not the execution, he's got good reason to be afraid of what Darlie could tell on him. She could probably pull him down with her. And she may before it is over."

I don't think he has anything to fear at this point. Darlie can't pull him down without incriminating herself, and she'd be a fool to do that. It would be like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Implicating Darin, in any way, shape, or form, simply puts another nail in her coffin.
sue1017 said:
To me at the beginning of the call she sounds like she is out-of-breath (like someone that just ran about the length of a football to hide a sock!).

Once she catches her breath you can understand her clearly. If I was panicked I would be hyperventilating too but doubt that it would stop after a few seconds or minutes.

Thought I would share.


BTW, DaniT--that part about the 1:44 part on the audio transcript really is disturbing. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. It has shed some light on my thoughts of her killing the boys.
I think she sounds hoarse pretty much throughout the whole tape. I really believe Darin took the sock down the alley. She sounds like she's running around the house to me, not really breathless, but not sitting still either. She didn't have time to sit down, she was busy. As for her becoming more clear on the tape, I think that's just Darlie forgetting to be hysterical and showing her true self. One thing I meant to mention earlier. Springer says in her book that Darlie's vitals were all normal, on the low side at that. HUH???? What the? Maybe she really does ice in those veins, Goody.
beesy said:
don't have that part looped. I have the whole thing. I'd love for you to send it to me. I need to separate some of the other lines and loop those too. Is that the only part you have looped?

It's the only part I currently have as a separate wav file but if you want a specific part let me know (using the time references) and I will try and get it for you. You will need software which can loop it for you or else you can just keep hitting the play button repeatedly.

She is much closer, I agree. Maybe he was the one running though. Was he going out to cut the screen or had he stepped into the kitchen to ask for her help? Ooooh! Maybe she was wiping the sofa off. I don't think he tried to do CPR very long on Devon, if at all. Once he realized the boys were actually dead or dying, maybe then felt he had to take responsiblity. I think Darin did the things which required leaving the house. I go back and forth because I really like my theory that Darlie got those paper cuts from holding the screen. But then it would have been easier for Darin to do that since she was bleeding everywhere. Oh a thought! Maybe she cut the screen before the murders?[/quote]

Yes, I think it is pretty commonly accepted that she cut the screens before the murder. She would have left blood everywhere if she had done it afterwards.

I still think though that the possibility of Darin being in anyway involved in the commission of the crime is just too remote. Two sociopaths in one house? I don't think so.
Dani_T said:
Yeah - LOL. Remember 'ree in the pee'


OMG, that was hysterical wasn't it. Wasn't it Rachel that came up with that, LOL. I just wanted to reach through the computer and shake them, especially Jeff, and tell them to stop lying, you can hear what Darlie says plain as day. I couldn't believe he was denying what he heard, I was shocked. I thought he was on the up and up until then. LOL
Mary456 said:
Dani_T said:
As for Darin - I hear "Oh my God blake kim in here" (which of course makes no sense- the blake part that is!!!). I definitely don't hear "can you get in here". The word "blake" might be a contraction of two other words (I originally thought 'how they'd come in here" but it still doesn't fit that blake sound). Did he have a nickname for Darlie that sounds like "blake"???? As in "Darlie c'm in here"?QUOTE]

Just a wild guess, but could "Oh my God blake kim in here" be something like "Oh my God get Karen here"?

Seems that Karen was on his mind, because at 00:50 you hear him saying, "Just...just get somebody".

I really do think it is "make it" not "blake" at all but I can't do that loop thing that Dani can so I will concede to her, LOL. I do hear "all that blood" or something to that effect.
beesy said:
It matters because even Darlie(I hope) knows that you don't use "frightening" like that. You would say "frightened" if you're scared and "frightening" if you are the scary one. For her to say she said "frightening" sounds like she's just pissing in our pockets because she doesn't want to admit she first claimed to have fought with the guy. But if she really says "frightened" then it's used correctly and might be true. Therefore, it makes a big difference

That's true but listen to the word and see if you can hear the "ed" sound or the "ing" sound.

I don't hear "ed"
Ooooo, this is so good, Dani_T. I just thought I did a lot of work on the 911 tape. You did some work! I'm impressed. I wish I had the sound technology - or the knowledge of how to operate it so I could listen to the "loop" that you and VB mention. I downloaded an mp3 file. Do I need the wave file? If you have time to give me a little lesson, I would be thankful.

Time is a problem! I've had company for 4 days. Found termites :eek: in my house. Have a major drainage problem to deal with, a tree that needs to be cut down, and school is starting August 11, and today is my first day of jury duty. Pray for me!

I have some questions for you. (If you believe you can hear Darin coming downstairs during the call) What time do you hear Darin coming down the stairs?

Do you think this was his first trip down? If not, what is your opinion on why he went back upstairs?

P.S. Seller refunded my money for MTJD.:(
I was listening to the tape last night and for the 1st time heard clear as a bell the "Damon, Damon, Damon". I nearly threw up and just turned it off and got in bed. It sounds like when you are at the grocery store and your child is acting up, you know you do that thing under your breath. "get over here before I snatch you bald-headed" Mama used to say that to us in church. She may be calling for Darin so could stop Damon from crawling too far out the family room It reminded me of that sort of thing, but it's pure evil. Do you realize that we might actually be hearing that boy being killed?

Me too Beesy. That is the most disturbing part of the call as far as I am concerned and very incriminating and pure evil. I agree we might just be hearing Damon being killed. I can't get over her voice on the Damon, Damon, Damon. It's kept me awake nights.
Dani_T said:
It's the only part I currently have as a separate wav file but if you want a specific part let me know (using the time references) and I will try and get it for you. You will need software which can loop it for you or else you can just keep hitting the play button repeatedly.
Well if you wouldn't mind maybe looping the "Damon, Damon, Damon", I'd appreciate it. The mother in me gets ill just thinking about it, but the journalist in me is facinated by it.

Yes, I think it is pretty commonly accepted that she cut the screens before the murder. She would have left blood everywhere if she had done it afterwards.
Oh, dorky bees again.
I still think though that the possibility of Darin being in anyway involved in the commission of the crime is just too remote. Two sociopaths in one house? I don't think so.
I know, but he might not actually be a sociopath. There are tons of personality disorders he could have. Has she ever been diagnosed with anything? And no matter which way you look at it, Darin never shows any guilt over the boys dying. Not just parents, but most people, feel somewhat to blame no matter how their loved one dies. Suppose I hadn't done this, suppose I'd said no, you can't play outside, on and on..have you ever heard either of them say anything like that? Have they ever hired anyone to hunt for the killer/s? Private dicks(hee) are available everywhere. Remember w/in 1 month of the murders, he and Darlie's family were looking for book and movie deals. He is just not "right in the head", be it sociopath or some more difficult to diagnose personality disorder.
cami said:
I really do think it is "make it" not "blake" at all but I can't do that loop thing that Dani can so I will concede to her, LOL. I do hear "all that blood" or something to that effect.

If you want I can email you the wav files (one is slowed down) of that section. You can just keep hitting the play button or find free download software to loop them. I am on a mac so used a program I downloaded for free called 'audacity'
accordn2me said:
Ooooo, this is so good, Dani_T. I just thought I did a lot of work on the 911 tape. You did some work! I'm impressed. I wish I had the sound technology - or the knowledge of how to operate it so I could listen to the "loop" that you and VB mention. I downloaded an mp3 file. Do I need the wave file? If you have time to give me a little lesson, I would be thankful.

I downloaded the the mp3 file and a fgree program called 'audacity' (not sure if it works on PCs) and then converted to a wav file and then basically cut up the section I wanted to listen to. And then I can use a feature on the program called 'loop' where it just plays that section over and over again. I can email you the wav file of the section I am talking about if you want. Just PM me your address.

I have some questions for you. (If you believe you can hear Darin coming downstairs during the call) What time do you hear Darin coming down the stairs?

I don't hear Darin coming downstairs during the call- although I haven't really listened hard for it. from memory the testimony was that she didn't call until he was down there?

Do you think this was his first trip down? If not, what is your opinion on why he went back upstairs?

Let me think about this and get back to you

P.S. Seller refunded my money for MTJD.:(

No fair! What happened? Didn't he have the goods after all??
beesy said:
Well if you wouldn't mind maybe looping the "Damon, Damon, Damon", I'd appreciate it. The mother in me gets ill just thinking about it, but the journalist in me is facinated by it.

I'll try and do it this afternoon. I can't loop it for you- you'll need to do that on your end but I can cut up the splice... as long as I am not breaking any copyright laws on this. Does anybody know?

I know, but he might not actually be a sociopath. There are tons of personality disorders he could have. Has she ever been diagnosed with anything? And no matter which way you look at it, Darin never shows any guilt over the boys dying. Not just parents, but most people, feel somewhat to blame no matter how their loved one dies. Suppose I hadn't done this, suppose I'd said no, you can't play outside, on and on..have you ever heard either of them say anything like that? Have they ever hired anyone to hunt for the killer/s? Private dicks(hee) are available everywhere. Remember w/in 1 month of the murders, he and Darlie's family were looking for book and movie deals. He is just not "right in the head", be it sociopath or some more difficult to diagnose personality disorder.

Gotta run to class- will reply more later.

BTW- Beesy I tried emailing you the other wav files and it came back saying there was no such user with yahoo. Can you check the email address you sent me?


The 911 tape is "public information." You can email it without fear of being in violation of copyright as long as you're not trying to profit off of it.
cami said:
That's true but listen to the word and see if you can hear the "ed" sound or the "ing" sound.

I don't hear "ed"
Oh, I was saying I don't think she says "frightening" or "frightened". I was pointing out the fact that the word isn't even used like that. That IF she said anything about being frightened, saying "frightening" is the wrong way to use it. Is that what you're saying? :waitasec:
I thought you felt like she was saying "fightin". That's what I think.
Dani_T said:
"They can't make it if they don't get here" is way too long (at least 2 syllables too long) for what he says. Have you tried actually looping just that second and a half? It sounds really clear to me. I have a wav file splice of it if anyone wants me to email it to them (as well as one which is slowed down a bit so you can hear better). Just PM me your email address and I will email it.
If Darin is saying something like "he ain't gonna make it if they don't get here" or "he's not gonna make it if they don't get here" is that taking off the extra syllables you were talking about? I know in the South, we say "gonna" and I've noticed Darin doesn't have the best grammar skills. He says "me and Darlie..." all the time. I feel sure he'd say "gonna" if that is what he's saying.
Jeana (DP) said:

The 911 tape is "public information." You can email it without fear of being in violation of copyright as long as you're not trying to profit off of it.

Thanks DP :)
beesy said:
If Darin is saying something like "he ain't gonna make it if they don't get here" or "he's not gonna make it if they don't get here" is that taking off the extra syllables you were talking about? I know in the South, we say "gonna" and I've noticed Darin doesn't have the best grammar skills. He says "me and Darlie..." all the time. I feel sure he'd say "gonna" if that is what he's saying.

It's not simply the syllables. It just sounds nothing like that. You can hear the 'Oh my God' very clearly and then a 'bl' word and then 'kiminhere'. There is also a pause between the 'oh my god' and the second clause. I'm confident that you will hear it when you listen to the wav file.
Dani_T said:
It's not simply the syllables. It just sounds nothing like that. You can hear the 'Oh my God' very clearly and then a 'bl' word and then 'kiminhere'. There is also a pause between the 'oh my god' and the second clause. I'm confident that you will hear it when you listen to the wav file.
Boy, you guys are talking over my head. What are these loops and wav files? Are you guys slowing down the recording somehow?
Goody said:
Boy, you guys are talking over my head. What are these loops and wav files? Are you guys slowing down the recording somehow?
Old people :rolleyes:....
Just teasing, I only know that looping means as soon as a file is finished playing, it will automatically just play right over again. No buttons to push, just goes til you tell it to shut up. As for the rest I don't know what the hey they're talking about either. Once Dani sends it to me I'll know, but now? Nope

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