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DNA Solves
I haven't listened. I am assuming it's the same girl that called LP and has it blogged on her myspace. I couldn't believe she called LP. I have to listen to this one. Have to get my headset.

It is the same girl.
Guilt is the thing that keeps the grandparents going on this way
not guilt that they had a hand in the actual crime but guilt in the sense that they feel
like its their fault for kicking her out.

i wont carry the water for them anymore... although i must admit i would be the first to hug her and try to help her comes to terms with it...

perhaps a law enforcement associate will try and get them the help they so desperatly need. before someone else gets hurt
Sorry, but I can't buy this. Why not show us LE is lying. Get us mad and worked up. We'll go knocking on doors looking for Caylee but when we hear from the FBI that there is concrete evidence of a dead body in the car....

Cindy is not dealing with reality IMO.

Cindy could have very well showed us LE was lying tonight by faxing over her phone records to NG. When NG asked her to go public with the records CA was DEAD silent. Apparently there are additional calls that LE is "hiding" First the phone company was hiding calls and now LE..go figure.
Well I guess that explains the Trolls that were posting here for awhile....

Oh give me a break. Yeah those of us who have been hear for 5 years were just waiting around for the Caylee Anthony case.

Just because people can sympathize with the GPAs or have a different opinion then you does not make them trolls.
Cindy could have very well showed us LE was lying tonight by faxing over her phone records to NG. When NG asked her to go public with the records CA was DEAD silent. Apparently there are additional calls that LE is "hiding" First the phone company was hiding calls and now LE..go figure.

Yes, we would like Cindy to release the phone records that she says she has that dispute LE's version. I would think any of the local TV stations or the Sentinel would be glad to do that for you imediately.

So Cindy, I hoping to see them somewhere tomorrow.
Guilt is the thing that keeps the grandparents going on this way
not guilt that they had a hand in the actual crime but guilt in the sense that they feel
like its their fault for kicking her out.

i wont carry the water for them anymore... although i must admit i would be the first to hug her and try to help her comes to terms with it...

perhaps a law enforcement associate will try and get them the help they so desperatly need. before someone else gets hurt

I think they feel guilty as parents do normally.
Sometimes we question ourselves as to whether we did the right thing or not.

GA and CA (his wife, not daughter) imo had nothing to do with this child that is most likely not alive.

I know thier actions seem out there however who am I to judge?
They may be crazy with grief and cannot express it especially when it is suggested thier daughter is the culprit.

Everytime I see somebody posting the shut up! shut up! it breaks my heart, nothing at all funny about someone who is grieving. He is a broken man and I do not find that amusing at all.

I really hope they find peace and get through this without anyone else getting hurt.
I'm right there with you. And the lack of sleep is not helping. This girl that called her really doesn't sound too smart but maybe that is also because I am crazy.

that is what I thought when she didn't "get" what LP was saying about the "window"
That girl from Tenn is being stupid! She is putting herself right in the middle of a criminal investigation!

Two things I need to say:

1 - I agree, she is very foolish for injecting herself in this mess.

2 - I hope no one thinks this is me since I am from Memphis TN

Just needed to make that clear in case there was "any talk"
I think they feel guilty as parents do normally.
Sometimes we question ourselves as to whether we did the right thing or not.

GA and CA (his wife, not daughter) imo had nothing to do with this child that is most likely not alive.

I know thier actions seem out there however who am I to judge?
They may be crazy with grief and cannot express it especially when it is suggested thier daughter is the culprit.

Everytime I see somebody posting the shut up! shut up! it breaks my heart, nothing at all funny about someone who is grieving. He is a broken man and I do not find that amusing at all.

I really hope they find peace and get through this without anyone else getting hurt.

thats what im trying to say. i wont carry the water for her, i would try and guide her to it..

she is in need of help, big time.... poor thing

her life is imploding and she cant get off the ride..

like being on ferris wheel and cant get off

myself, i would jump and end it
but thats just me
thats what im trying to say. i wont carry the water for her, i would try and guide her to it..

she is in need of help, big time.... poor thing

her life is imploding and she cant get off the ride..

like being on ferris wheel and cant get off

myself, i would jump and end it
but thats just me

Well lets hope they do not get hurt anymore than they have, they have a burden no doubt.
Cindy has told so many lies, she is having trouble keeping them all straight.

Cindy Anthony wrote this July 3rd on her myspace account...
JULY 3RD !!!!

Thursday, July 03, 2008
My caylee is missing
She came into my life unexspectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don't know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother's love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?
Two things I need to say:

1 - I agree, she is very foolish for injecting herself in this mess.

2 - I hope no one thinks this is me since I am from Memphis TN

Just needed to make that clear in case there was "any talk"

im glad its not you :crazy:
Cindy, George, Lee and the rest of your CRAZY family - if you do read here. You should be ashamed. Tell the truth, speak for Caylee.
First of all, this phone call taped without Cindy's permission is the coward action! Nobody should allow to use this tactics and we shouldn't promote this behavior.

Secondly, regarding Cindy. Yes, Cindy is in denial - so bit it! I still saying that if Cindy wouldn't made these 911 calls - the world wouldn't know about Caylee. Leave Cindy alone, please! She's suffering enough. If she want to believe that Caylee alive - it's her right to do so! She entitled to it.

Now, regarding NG today:
- I found the comment from forensic expert (didn't get his name) very interesting. He said something in respect to MURDER case. I purposely listen second time and he didn't say the 'child neglect' - he said murder case. This was interesting 'twist';
- regarding Tim: looks like he did back-out from previously stated (probably before show started) that Cindy and her lawyer are not cooperating, Therefore, NG was hard on him by pressing him to admit what he said earlier. I didn't find that NG was hard on him. She just want confirmation from Tim and he wasn't straight with her on air;
- regarding phone records: I don't believe that LE wouldn't have the same information as JB has. In preparation for trial, LE and JB must share the discoveries. So, these 'missing' 5 phone calls are probably not relevant;
- now, the dumpster. Why LP would mention dumpster 'miles from Tony' place. He didn't say dumpster close to the place where car has been abended. Well, if another dumpster exist close to Tony, is it logical that Cindy would use this dumpster while leaving there with Tony and disposing some Caylee's items before June 1 (Caylee was at Tony's place for sure before June 1 - according to Tony's roommate). So, if some items would be found - it's reasonable for them to be there. Of course, it's a big IF (if found).

I need to go sleep...tomorrow is another day...another rollercoaster:)....Good night everyone!
i do not beleive LE has to turn over much of anything for phone records RIGHT now...
after she is charged with murder....well yes

i could be wrong - but i dont think i am

First of all, this phone call taped without Cindy's permission is the coward action! Nobody should allow to use this tactics and we shouldn't promote this behavior.

Secondly, regarding Cindy. Yes, Cindy is in denial - so bit it! I still saying that if Cindy wouldn't made these 911 calls - the world wouldn't know about Caylee. Leave Cindy alone, please! She's suffering enough. If she want to believe that Caylee alive - it's her right to do so! She entitled to it.

Now, regarding NG today:
- I found the comment from forensic expert (didn't get his name) very interesting. He said something in respect to MURDER case. I purposely listen second time and he didn't say the 'child neglect' - he said murder case. This was interesting 'twist';
- regarding Tim: looks like he did back-out from previously stated (probably before show started) that Cindy and her lawyer are not cooperating, Therefore, NG was hard on him by pressing him to admit what he said earlier. I didn't find that NG was hard on him. She just want confirmation from Tim and he wasn't straight with her on air;
- regarding phone records: I don't believe that LE wouldn't have the same information as JB has. In preparation for trial, LE and JB must share the discoveries. So, these 'missing' 5 phone calls are probably not relevant;
- now, the dumpster. Why LP would mention dumpster 'miles from Tony' place. He didn't say dumpster close to the place where car has been abended. Well, if another dumpster exist close to Tony, is it logical that Cindy would use this dumpster while leaving there with Tony and disposing some Caylee's items before June 1 (Caylee was at Tony's place for sure before June 1 - according to Tony's roommate). So, if some items would be found - it's reasonable for them to be there. Of course, it's a big IF (if found).

I need to go sleep...tomorrow is another day...another rollercoaster:)....Good night everyone!

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