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Losing a child cannot be compared to any other lose. I have lost a parent, good friend and been through divorce. But that is beside the fact. I don't know for a fact that Cindy is covering for Casey and neither do you - and that is the fact. The women is in complete denial and is makes me ashamed of a community is out to lench this women and her family for something her daughter has done. Come one - where is humanity? Be angry but don't be so freaking hateful. Behaving the way people are behaving makes you look as bad as the criminal. So don't act like criminals with hate. Have some compassion - look for facts, figure out the facts. Isn't that what this web site is suppose to be about? Not a hate moger site? I can see I do not have the popular opinion today and honestly I don't care. I don't want to be filled with hate and anger. The crime will be solved and justice will eventual be served. Just do yourself a favor - knock off the hateful comments. It is not becoming or helpful.

Do you not think it is a little hateful to compare people being hateful with criminals?
I am angry, yeah, I am. A 2 year old little girl is dead, possibly murdered by her own mother. I've had a lot of compassion for Cindy and what she is going through until yesterday, when she interfered with TES and their search. She needs to back off, I couldn't care less what she believes and how fragile she is, and on and on. Though I am the mother of a murdered child, I am not the mother of a potential child murderer, so no, I can't say I've been there, but I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, no matter how strongly I believed my child/grandchild was alive, I would NOT for one second stand in the way of anyone looking for the child's body.
As far as looking for the facts, we have been, however, Cindy is the one who has chosen, for whatever reason, to dispute the facts, to try and confuse the facts, and to outright lie about the facts, so of course her actions will be discussed. There is some criminal behavior going on, I do agree with you there, but it has nothing to do with any hateful comments being posted in here.
Maybe everyone should step back for a moment and take a deep breath. We don't want to lose another thread because of name calling or fighting. I wholeheartedly disagree with everything the Anthony's have done. Those who feel they are obstructing justice etc, I hear you and agree. HOWEVER, there are some instances where a line has definitely been crossed (incest etc). Tricia does not keep this site going for such outlandish theories.

We are ALL emotionally spent from this case. Let's all take a deep breath and gather our thoughts and focus on finding Caylee. I know I haven't posted much, but it's a fast moving board. I have been around WS for a long while now. And I know what will/will not be tolerated.

Come on guys. Settle down.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I apologize if you thought I was singling you out. Trust me it was not at you at all. It is directly as an observation as a whole. I would love to see the site discuss the facts and sort through fact. Not mud slinging. Again I apologize if I offended you in any way. Not my intentions.

The fact I've discussed before and would like to continue to discuss is why Team Anthony never provides specifics, details, precise information, verifiable facts to support the existance of a babysitter, of a family, or of Caylee "alive sighting." There don't seem to be any exact descriptions, locations, phone records, coroboratvie sightings, credible witnesses, names numbers, dates, places. That's a fact. Why is that? Doesn't that indicate a person or people trying to escape criminal prosecution?
I am not defending Cindy. I don't know the Anthony's nor am I a representative. It just got to me last night when that lady was so hateful and in Cindy's face. I totally agree with everything said as far as Cindy interferring with TES - makes me sick. TES is in my backyard. I have actually gone on a TES search for Jessica Cain and I can tell you it is sickening to be in a search and what you may uncover. But you do it out of concern for the child and focus only on finding the child. As I have said before, I don't know what goes on behind the Anthony's door now or before. I do believe Casey is imbalance. Heck look at the emails she sent to herself as if from someone else. Was it an accident or dilerbrate? I think will have to wait until this goes to court to find the answers.
I'm with you on this. Why drag the family into the discussions? What does that accomplish?

For the most part, posting on a message board does not do much either but putting opinions out there does attempt to explain what many are seeing as aberrant behaviors.

Casey didn't spring one day into a full fledged liar and thief; there is a pathology there that existed prior to the day her mother screamed to 911 operator that "There is something wrong! We got my daughter's car back and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car! and my granddaughter is missing!"
How did the person who made that call suddenly tell the whole US that she is calm because Casey is calm? How can she suddenly accuse the tow company of not watching the car and letting some unknown person dump a body in the trunk?
Personally I think the media should completely walk away from CA and GA and LA ---- The main thing right now is to find Caylee --- and unless the above three decide to show up and help ground search......nothing they have to say really has a whole lot of impact on my opinion....or the case.....IMHO
Everyone on the planet who is older than 5, has more than likely, lost someone important in their lives. We know grief, we know it makes you do crazy stuff. HOWEVER, grief does not make you (no matter how much denial you are in) completely shut down ALL thought processes. If Cindy insists that Caylee is alive after the proof she has been given (last Wednesday), she is deliberately IGNORING the little voice of reason in her head. That is not denial, that is helping someone cover up their crimes, that is helping proof reasonable doubt, that is covering your own butt. Denial is when you accept the truth of a matter publicly but your own head and thoughts tell you otherwise (i.e.: You go to your husband's funeral, you weep beside his coffin. The next day you wake up and set out your plate and one for him. You put it away. At 5:30, you hear a door slam outside, your head perks up. You think to yourself "Hey, Sam's home." That is denial.)

Well said Arwen!:clap::clap:
Personally I think the media should completely walk away from CA and GA and LA ---- The main thing right now is to find Caylee --- and unless the above three decide to show up and help ground search......nothing they have to say really has a whole lot of impact on my opinion....or the case.....IMHO

I agree...they could do something unheard of and join in the search crew!
Personally I think the media should completely walk away from CA and GA and LA ---- The main thing right now is to find Caylee --- and unless the above three decide to show up and help ground search......nothing they have to say really has a whole lot of impact on my opinion....or the case.....IMHO

I agree. They are getting far too much media coverage considering they are doing next to nothing to help find their granddaughter. Instead of lashing out at the public the GPs should be thanking everyone for wanting to find Caylee.
A lot of people have given up time and resources in the search for Caylee and I don't feel the GPs appreciate it at all. :mad:
I am going to donate money to TES.. not the A's never - ever.... I will pray for the Anthony's as difficult as that is... they need the prayers...
I just read on fox orlando or wesh that LE gave TES $5,000.00 to help with the search and continue....:))))
what will it take for Cindy to accept that Caylee is dead? I mean, she obviously doesn't accept the evidence presented to her by LE.
Lee was interviewed right after that leak last week and did you notice he talked about innocent until proven guilty? I thought that said it all and he hasn't spoken with media since. He was at the last vigil they had. I didn't get the impression that he was denying the evidence of Caylee's death but rather how it came about as in an accident.
I have a "feeling" that TES is going to find her very soon... just a hunch.. anybody else?
QUESTION FOR CINDY: If Casey did not work for almost two years where did she go when she told you she was working and what did she do with Caylee during that time?
what will it take for Cindy to accept that Caylee is dead? I mean, she obviously doesn't accept the evidence presented to her by LE.

Nothing short of a body, WITH DNA evidence to prove it is in fact Caylee's.
I am not defending Cindy. I don't know the Anthony's nor am I a representative. It just got to me last night when that lady was so hateful and in Cindy's face. I totally agree with everything said as far as Cindy interferring with TES - makes me sick. TES is in my backyard. I have actually gone on a TES search for Jessica Cain and I can tell you it is sickening to be in a search and what you may uncover. But you do it out of concern for the child and focus only on finding the child. As I have said before, I don't know what goes on behind the Anthony's door now or before. I do believe Casey is imbalance. Heck look at the emails she sent to herself as if from someone else. Was it an accident or dilerbrate? I think will have to wait until this goes to court to find the answers.

If you felt that way, I can understand whole-heartly.

Perhaps you had the same gut-wrenching, broken heart feeling I had when Cindy came on national TV and minimized Tim's/TES hard work in trying to bring her innocent granddaughter home....where she belongs and with respect.

I screamed some hateful, ugly comments at my TV last night and when my anger left (really hasn't left yet.....just waned), I was left with pure disbelief. If I had been standing in front of Cindy when she said that, I would probably be in jail right now for assault & battery. Being honest here.

Cindy's lack of compassion that others are feeling for HER granddaughter is enough to drive the most sane to the breaking point. How do sane people deal with such insane actions? (I am not calling Cindy insane) Where do we file these feelings? Some of us come here, rant and rave....knowing that we will be embraced by others who are also feeling the same exact way. Helpless, wanting to help, but can't. That is where anger comes from.

We want to bring this baby home, we want justice for Caylee, we want to show her that she is loved and very much so. We are saddened, frustrated and angry.

WS is not only an internet forum site, but it is mostly made up of other human beings that have gathered around our computers, because we want to stop the pain that the Anthony's should be feeling from happening to anyone else.

Go and read the thread with well wishes being sent to Tim and TES, I promise when you are done, your heart will be full of love and wonderment at your fellow WSers.

Perhaps the lady that got in Cindy's face had a grandchild missing that later turned up dead. Perhaps, she has felt the pain of her daughter killing her grandchild. Just as you stated, we don't know what is going on behind closed doors. We also have not walked a mile in the other woman's shoes.

Was she wrong? H*ll yeah she was. Do I fault her for her compassion and anger at a Grandmother who is doing everything within her power to STOP loving, caring and determined LE and citizens from finding her grandbaby, No.

All of the above is JMO.:)

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