The British Royal Family - news, views, clothes & shoes! #14

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The Crown has dealt with many many crisis situations, and I’m quite sure they’ll get past this one. It seems so dramatic to us b/c a lot of us just can’t imagine not being happy in their situation, but Princess Margaret was always pulling stuff. She was also stuck in her life as the “spare” and acted out for sure! She was a troublemaker! We just didn’t have SM and 24 hour news cycle back then so the RF was better able to control it. PH is family, they love him and they WILL work it out.

I’m sure there’s a little truth in all of these “news” stories but I am very skeptical of how they’re dredging up “sources” for comments. Old friends from school, estranged family members. Like they really know anything.

IMO the PA issues are far worse and more problematic, but somehow no one’s really talking about that anymore...
I wonder if PH and his wife will be chewed up and spit out by all the helpful celebrities after the last bit out goodness/usefulness has been sucked out of them.

I was just thinking if J Mulroney ever decides to talk.....omg. No one seems to get much seniority with MM based on reports. a friend doesn’t necessarily mean ‘a friend for life’. Moo
The Crown has dealt with many many crisis situations, and I’m quite sure they’ll get past this one. It seems so dramatic to us b/c a lot of us just can’t imagine not being happy in their situation, but Princess Margaret was always pulling stuff. She was also stuck in her life as the “spare” and acted out for sure! She was a troublemaker!

The Princess Margaret - Group Captain Peter Townsend issue was a flaming tower of intense interest and speculation. It all came to a head at a very unfortunate time for The Queen. It was the year her father King George died, her grandmother Queen Mary died, the year she became The Queen.

He was 16 years older than 22 year old Margaret. He was divorced with 2 children and by the laws of the Church of England, of which her sister is the head, would be forbidden to remarry. The British Cabinet got involved, Winston Churchill got invovled The Prime Minister Anthony Eden had to get involved and the UK was spellbound about it all for a couple of years until she was gradually talked out of it.

This is pretty minor compared to that, but must be horribly distressing to Her Majesty to have to deal with yet another marriage problem. My sympathies and loyalty lie with The Crown.
The Crown has dealt with many many crisis situations, and I’m quite sure they’ll get past this one. It seems so dramatic to us b/c a lot of us just can’t imagine not being happy in their situation, but Princess Margaret was always pulling stuff. She was also stuck in her life as the “spare” and acted out for sure! She was a troublemaker! We just didn’t have SM and 24 hour news cycle back then so the RF was better able to control it. PH is family, they love him and they WILL work it out.

I’m sure there’s a little truth in all of these “news” stories but I am very skeptical of how they’re dredging up “sources” for comments. Old friends from school, estranged family members. Like they really know anything.

IMO the PA issues are far worse and more problematic, but somehow no one’s really talking about that anymore...
I feel for PA’s daughters.
Idk why she is included in the summit via phone. This is not about her, imo.
I wonder if PH demanded she be allowed to listen in?
At least after the meeting ends she won’t be privy to follow up calls, I hope.
I would love to hear PH has had a change of heart. I fear leaving all he knows will result in very tragic headlines one day. Moo
I think one of the numerous issues going on here is that MM is a thoroughly modern woman, who considers herself an equal partner in a marriage, rather than just a royal consort.

When PH went looking to get married, he knew he was no longer in line for the throne, his brother had two children. So he chose a wife knowing she would never be a queen, and chose a very different kind of woman than William did. Perhaps he knew he wanted a different life than that old rogue Uncle Andy. I think he deliberately chose a strong woman with character and independence. He said he knew as soon as he met her that he had to "up his game", she wasn't a woman who would be won over by his being 'just' a prince.

As a thoroughly modern woman I receive a lot of pushback from more traditional types, who object to an assertive woman. This frequently crosses a line into misogyny: attempts to bully me and other women, simply to try to control us. It's, in effect, saying "down girl", as if we are dogs needing to be trained to obey. Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny by Kate Manne
The news media has reported their press release stating they want to leave England and live in North America. One can assume that idea didn't originate with Harry.


Clearly, MM wants to continue her work in television.
If RF allows her to do so, it seems like an agreement could be reached. Let her live stateside, with PH visiting as his calendar allows. Archie could live in the U.K., traveling with PH to visit his mom. Moo
It is MOO MM does not find visiting soup kitchens, & shaking hands with the poor exhilarating. Sure, she smiles....for the cams. I think she’d much prefer photos showing her out with the Mulroney or Clooney fams.
It is also MOO she has been highly jealous of Kate, perhaps prior to meeting her.

she was involved with issues before she met Harry. Even as a child.
That event would be total defiance to his family and quite frankly really immature on his part. I can see MM doing that if things don't work out with PH. JMO
Perhaps defiant but mentally therapeutic for him. IMO
Does anyone really think ANYTHING is gonna be released today?
Hint: It's NOT!!

But you'd think some body would've let the worlds media know wouldn't ya...

All eyes are on Sandringham
***Don't panic!***
I have absolutely no intention of mentioning the cause of this debacle, it's embarrassing enough as it is :oops:

KE - you are an Angel of Sanity on this board. I really need your tact and humor in this event.

And the Avatar = Perfection !

Long may Keine Engel rule ( issues magnficent Tiara of Sense to Keine Engel)
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I think one of the numerous issues going on here is that MM is a thoroughly modern woman, who considers herself an equal partner in a marriage, rather than just a royal consort.

Which in a weird way is just what Prince Henry' father did.

He married a woman that fit an image who was completely the wrong person for him. And it ended in divorce and tears.
Ms. Markle expected to join the conversation by phone.
Wonder at which point she will be allowed in? I’m guessing after PH has been presented with a proposal.
Ahhhh divorce would have been so much easier......Jmo

Haha, sounds like an episode of Dragon's Den (Shark Tank), you know that bit where they huddle together to discuss the Dragons' offers?
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