The British Royal Family - news, views, clothes & shoes! #14

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Harry & Meghan 8/1/20

"After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution. We intend to step back as 'senior' members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen.

"It is with your encouragement, particularly over the last few years, that we feel prepared to make this adjustment. We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honour our duty to the Queen, the Commonwealth and our patronages. This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity.

"We look forward to sharing the full details of this exciting next step in due course, as we continue to collaborate with Her Majesty The Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cambridge and all relevant parties. Until then, please accept our deepest thanks for your continued support."

Buckingham Palace 8/1/20

"Discussions with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage.
We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through."

William & Harry 13/1/20

"Despite clear denials, a false story ran in a UK newspaper today speculating about the relationship between the Duke of Sussex and the Duke of Cambridge.

"For brothers who care so deeply about the issues surrounding mental health, the use of inflammatory language in this way is offensive and potentially harmful."

The Queen 13/1/20:

"Today my family had very constructive discussions on the future of my grandson and his family. My family and I are entirely supportive of Harry and Meghan's desire to create a new life as a young family. Although we would have preferred them to remain full-time working members of the Royal Family, we respect and understand their wish to live a more independent life as a family while remaining a valued part of my family.

"Harry and Meghan have made clear that they do not want to be reliant on public funds in their new lives. It has therefore been agreed that there will be a period of transition in which the Sussexes will spend time in Canada and the UK. These are complex matters for my family to resolve, and there is some more work to be done, but I have asked for final decisions to be reached in the coming days."

In full: Sussexes' statement and palace response
Harry and William deny 'offensive' bullying claims
Queen's statement on Harry and Meghan in full

Just pulling all the official statements together in once place!
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Only caught a small portion of convo so this is MOO
Diane Clehane (?) was on HLN, if I heard correctly MM was not part of the summit via phone. PH was allowed to step outside the room & call her.....
Hopefully Diane will post online, I’ll keep my eye out.
Earlier I mentioned I had no idea why MM need be included via phone, she left U.K. knowing there was a meeting, she could have stayed. I think she didn’t want to face some of her in laws. All MOO
This makes much more sense. I was wondering how they’d prevent her from recording their family business & potentially selling the call. Not implying she would. Or prevent her from having her friend, JM, istening in?
All moo
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From what we have read, that was what she and PC always planned. Talks were to be started once PH developed and submitted a plan.. It was MM absconding and PH going off half cocked as he has frequently done, that
took this from a family discussion to media feeding frenzy. Nothing changed. HM has told him to do what she requested in the first place.

Totally agree.

I think this just gives everyone time to breathe and tone it down.

QE is a very reassuring woman, here. A true diplomat, too.

H&M are going to need to put forth an honest proposal. For themselves.

I don’t see how it can be ok for them to use their royal titles through merch selling, privatizing to benefit themselves. What about all the future “spares” who want to be part-time royalty with web stores that profit them?

QE & PC are going to need to review what duties get slimmed down. And how to do it.

There are issues of property, security.

QE’s supportive statement is also a subtle ‘the ball is in your court, H&M’ message.

H&M have been driven by high emotion in all of this. No one is going to take Archie away. Hopefully, they can bring him over to see his U.K. family without a breakdown.

Knowing they have options and a supportive group would make all the difference.

H&M’s actions were very immature, but they are not the first royals, or human beings to act out of distress, resentment, unhappiness, what-have-you.

Their actions were a turn off for me. If they were trying to get ahead of a leak in the Sun, they should have just let it run. But they deliberately went against Her Majesty’s request to hold back on public announcements.

So they launched a website instead. With all these corporate flowery sound bites. About flowery intentions.

What if they had waited, worked it out and launched whatever charitable foundation they want to launch in real time?

Sussex merch? I don’t purchase, wear or collect anything with a label on the outside anyway, but I find it totally distasteful.

—Wish everyone well. My feeling is it’s going to be twice as hard for Meghan in the U.K. —at least for a while.
Princess Beatrice SHOCK: Staggering changes Princess Bea could face as her wedding looms

I will be very interested in Princess Beatrice's royal wedding. What on Earth monstrosity will Fergie find to wear?

Will Princess Beatrice wear some of her Grandmother's jewels? A tiara?

I hope that they have a "small" tasteful wedding. It would be inappropriate for a huge public affair.
I posted the other day about this (in the locked thread, I think). News reports suggest it will be considerably scaled down from what her sister had. In part, it seems to be due to the security costs, but also possibly is some of the fall-out from her father’s scandal.
Why is everyone discussing all this again?
Weren't we asked not for the min.?

I mean they released the statement which is fair enough but we can all see that's NOT really saying much. Zip that we didn't already know on Wednesday :p

Now we get bombarded with all the dregs of stuff that really rubbish or made-up to distract us with loads of misc-gossip-lies, dumb *advertiser censored* agenda (coz they can :cool: )
We all end up to busy telling each other all the Exclusives & SHOCKING - well come on Tabloids - even these are getting so bad its no fun anymore please try a little bit harder - not like it's takes much doing:)

Tabloids keep in stock all the crappy little 'rumourless-rumours' inside sources, aides, friends that no-one else ever wanted especially for these kind of 'fillers' COZ there's nothing new... all they have is a piece of fancy paper with a basic temple statement which they add whatever specifics. They then inform the press they gonna release a statement.
Press give copy of fancy Palace letter headed paper which looks all nice & posh & proves it's from the Queen & press can say ..."look see I do have a letter from the Queen so there.." it will be available in muti-formant, but always in very high quality so looks nice & pretty with fancy Royal logo shiny so still looks dead good when they have blow it up big enuff to fill the big gaping space when they have a great-big-nothing-story but were too lazy & stooopid to do any other work getting any other real 'reports' to fill their empty pages.
Palace give them statement at said press release so now they tell them curtly, but politely" that it now you can all go away coz you're not getting anything else "
Press go away waving their nice, pretty posh 'letter' so all pretend to think its the beezNeez & feel the need to show EVERYONE make a big song & dance annoying ... everyone coz they got Nada-New for tomorrows editions -

but they knew they wouldn't anyway so now there bored & looking for something to do ...will start trolling 'rumour' on SM ignite a Bickker- fest they can do updates...which is not gonna be here PLEASE DON'T FALL FOR THIS GUYS!!

They're not getting SQUAT from anyone even remotely close to a 'Windsor'
Any where else if it was worth knowing they'd had it long before now...

But we all know that already don't we?
I cannot add to my post which references this quote from that article.

The financial issues are huge but Charles does sell a lot of products so it seems there should be a path for them.

Actually, I found England to be filled with trinkets where the money went to the crown so I am not sure what the hoopla is about the Royals selling trinkets

quote below from WaPo

They’d likely put up more of fight to keep the Sussex bit, a courtesy title given by the queen. They use the “SussexRoyal” brand on their Instagram account and new website. They are also seeking to register the SussexRoyal brand as a global trademark on a wide range of items, the Guardian reported.

Of course, the British monarchy is its own brand. And the queen, who serves as its chief protector, will want to make sure Harry and Meghan are careful about avoiding commercial entanglements and other situations that could undermine the Crown.
This issue is addressed in the Sussex's new website under Media:
"Britain’s Royal Correspondents [which includes the DM and other tabloids] are regarded internationally as credible sources of both the work of members of The Royal Family as well as of their private lives. This misconception propels coverage that is often carried by other outlets around the world, amplifying frequent misreporting. Regrettably, stories that may have been filed accurately by Royal Correspondents are, also, often edited or rewritten by media editorial teams to present false impressions."
Media | The Official Website of The Duke & Duchess of Sussex

Has anyone here tracked the changes since this website first came out and can give a heads up if so? I would be interested in any changes to any of their pages since they first posted.
No one can force anyone to dislike anyone but actions speak louder than words and many ppl are not impressed with the drama the Sussexs displayed last week. It could been handled differently. PPl have had mixed feelings re the RF in Canada for a long time. JMO

I think we can ALL agree on the bolded bits
Purely from a political point of view I think the Canadians funding some or all the security costs would be a major misstep. How could you refuse any other group funding while spending millions on security for multi millionaires not fulfilling an official function? For example how could you say to police officers that theres no money in the budget for a raise while also splashing out money for security costs for private citizens or how could you not fund an expensive cancer treatment or a myriad of other things.

I get the argument that Canada is part of the commonwealth but they are no longer senior royals, I doubt that Eugenie would get high level security on a private holiday. I think that must be a major part of it, that the Queen is trying to treat all her Grandchildren equally
The Royals are leeches! Why should they suck off of the govt!

What! They want to be financially independent? What ? How dare they!
No one is angry re the independent part, its having all the govnts pay the security and extra costs. All of these issues should have been thought before a marriage happened. It was a whirlwind. JMO
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