The Burglary and the Jacket

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Another big problem that I have with Wes's story. Upon finding the missing jacket, the ultimate proof that CF killed her, he just puts it out in plain view and leaves? REALLY? Wouldn't he be afraid that killer would come home and see it and destroy it immediately? All would be lost of that happened.

If my teen daughter was missing, God Forbid, I could see myself breaking into the home of someone that I seriously thought was responsible for it. I really could. And I say that because my girl had a very scary stalker when she was about 15. It started on cyber and he actually went and followed her around a few times. We called police but it was one of those horrible situations where they could not prevent him from walking around the mall too. :furious:

Anyway, if she went missing, I would have found where he lived and gone there with my husband and son. And if the cops were ignoring us, I would consider breaking in to conform that she was not there. IF I FOUND HER JACKET :eek: I WOULD CALL THE DETECTIVES AND SIT THERE. No way I would leave it 'out in the open' and leave.

Sure, I would be subject to arrest. And maybe they could think I planted it. But I would want her found and if I KNEW it was really there hidden in the couch, then I'd know he had her. So I would gladly call 911 and let things fall where they may. I would count on them finding her since we now knew where she had been after she went missing.

But that is not how Wes reacted to that situation. He trashed the house, IIRC. Is that what you do when you want forensics to come in and find clues to the kidnapping? I would stop touching anything else immediately and call 911.

He said he trashed the house. But the owner of the house didn't even realize he was in the house until she was told. In a lot of instances, we see that WH is a big talker. But, I agree with your point, nevertheless.
Another big problem that I have with Wes's story. Upon finding the missing jacket, the ultimate proof that CF killed her, he just puts it out in plain view and leaves? REALLY? Wouldn't he be afraid that killer would come home and see it and destroy it immediately? All would be lost of that happened.

If my teen daughter was missing, God Forbid, I could see myself breaking into the home of someone that I seriously thought was responsible for it. I really could. And I say that because my girl had a very scary stalker when she was about 15. It started on cyber and he actually went and followed her around a few times. We called police but it was one of those horrible situations where they could not prevent him from walking around the mall too. :furious:

Anyway, if she went missing, I would have found where he lived and gone there with my husband and son. And if the cops were ignoring us, I would consider breaking in to conform that she was not there. IF I FOUND HER JACKET :eek: I WOULD CALL THE DETECTIVES AND SIT THERE. No way I would leave it 'out in the open' and leave.

Sure, I would be subject to arrest. And maybe they could think I planted it. But I would want her found and if I KNEW it was really there hidden in the couch, then I'd know he had her. So I would gladly call 911 and let things fall where they may. I would count on them finding her since we now knew where she had been after she went missing.

But that is not how Wes reacted to that situation. He trashed the house, IIRC. Is that what you do when you want forensics to come in and find clues to the kidnapping? I would stop touching anything else immediately and call 911.

I agree, Wh's "reasoning" there has never rung true to me. If he knew where the jacket was hidden then he should have told LE where to find it....and he should have known not to tamper with evidence.

He was supposedly getting tips directly to his cellphone, bypassing the police tip line, so saying that he got a credible tip on the jackets location and passing that on to police seems logical. It also would have avoided the breaking and entering charges.

IMO WH concocted the story about putting the jacket out in plain view for no other reason than to explain his fingerprints and/or hair/skin/D.N.A being on the jacket.
Can we actually think about what if AJ was never wearing that coat when she went missing. Didnt that only come from WH or is hearsay from the wavy neighborbor kid that he thought she had it on while he spotted her driving? If we are going to believe the kid saw her with it on then it's fair for us to consider the following white car. There seems that there could be a reason or way for several people to have/get access to that jacket but a sure fire way to frame someone with a jacket with her initials. Maybe that jacket was taken from the house after she went missing to plant as evidence. Maybe that jacket was reported on the MP report?

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Another big problem that I have with Wes's story. Upon finding the missing jacket, the ultimate proof that CF killed her, he just puts it out in plain view and leaves? REALLY? Wouldn't he be afraid that killer would come home and see it and destroy it immediately? All would be lost of that happened.

B]If my teen daughter was missing, God Forbid, I could see myself breaking into the home of someone that I seriously thought was responsible for it. I really could. [/B]And I say that because my girl had a very scary stalker when she was about 15. It started on cyber and he actually went and followed her around a few times. We called police but it was one of those horrible situations where they could not prevent him from walking around the mall too. :furious:

Anyway, if she went missing, I would have found where he lived and gone there with my husband and son. And if the cops were ignoring us, I would consider breaking in to conform that she was not there. IF I FOUND HER JACKET :eek: I WOULD CALL THE DETECTIVES AND SIT THERE. No way I would leave it 'out in the open' and leave.

Sure, I would be subject to arrest. And maybe they could think I planted it. But I would want her found and if I KNEW it was really there hidden in the couch, then I'd know he had her. So I would gladly call 911 and let things fall where they may. I would count on them finding her since we now knew where she had been after she went missing

But that is not how Wes reacted to that situation. He trashed the house, IIRC. Is that what you do when you want forensics to come in and find clues to the kidnapping? I would stop touching anything else immediately and call 911.

First off that is so scary and sorry your daughter, as well as you and your family had to go through that!
BBM. I agree and feel I would do the very same. We have the advantage of hindsight and know actually very little facts from the beginning. But with an open mind, not knowing anything about the breaking in or WH priors ...

Say your a parent who daughter is home from college. Whatever happen between March 1 and March 3 date when by all appearances it looks like there was reaching out to friends on social media inquiring about if had seen her. I don't know when the cousin brought forward that AJ had been getting creepy text messages. I thinking this was brought about in the brainstorming trying to figure out if anyone has heard from her. We do NOT know what the actual "creepy texts were" that allegedly began on Feb 13th (2 weeks prior). We do see some screen shots captured by Lucky7 but the take away from that could be deceiving not knowing the actual conversations. And having young people in my life and adults that text, I seriously doubt that was the only texts from that 2 week period.

But if I am the parents and my daughter has suddenly just disappeared from all people who know her, and interact very much daily, then to hear she was getting "creepy texts" from someone for 2 weeks, then this alleged person finds pieces of my daughters cc, you dang right I would be upset. And do the above mentioned scenario. Add to that if the Dad already had issues with the allege person, it would just compound it. Allegedly CF lived a minute from AJ home. I am guessing possible that she could have visited since they were friends and forgot it there. Possible was planted there. Its jmho that the jacket was at AJ home and was planted there by Wes because possible he truly thought CF had something to do with her disappearance. LEO knows where CF is and not going anywhere (at time). jmho

Also, in this link, published March 16th,

“This person supposedly said that he wanted to hang out, and she said she didn’t think it was a good idea,” said Chelsey Zirkle, who had multiple conversations with Hadsell both by phone and in person. “She was more worried that this person would maybe do something, and this person is the person we kind of suspect did something.”
Zirkle said the in-person conversations she had with Hadsell about this person left her in tears.
The family is not naming the person because police have not identified him as a suspect in the case"

BBM “She was scared of a situation, and we didn’t know about it,” Mr. Hadsell said. He told that he believes he knows at least one person who is involved.

At least one person ~ does that mean they have considered others and gave that impression? Or is that just the reporters words writing a story add to story as media does?

As far as the text messages. We do not know the whole backstory on the texts from whomever since Feb 13th. 2 Weeks prior to her disappearance. JMHO
I skimmed through this thread, so excuse me if this has been touched upon. This discrepancy has been running through my mind since AB testified...

From WH interview with JF:

From AB testimony at hearing:

So, according to AB, Wes went through the trouble of setting up this ruse in order to make sure things were done legally and, I assume, so they'd be admissible.

But according to Wes two months prior, he went through the trouble of setting up the ruse because he didn't believe that the police were doing anything to help them and would not take the tip seriously.

Maybe nothing, but I thought the apparent difference in motive was worth mentioning. Someone is either lying on the stand or WH is lying about wanting to murder someone. IMO the former is more likely.

I'm missing something, apparently. I honestly don't see the discrepancy. I mean, I certainly see a contradiction on WH's part, saying we need to do this the "legal way"...but I don't really understand how that leads you to conclude that Barr was lying on the stand.

Help me out here, Lucky.
Another big problem that I have with Wes's story. Upon finding the missing jacket, the ultimate proof that CF killed her, he just puts it out in plain view and leaves? REALLY? Wouldn't he be afraid that killer would come home and see it and destroy it immediately? All would be lost of that happened.

If my teen daughter was missing, God Forbid, I could see myself breaking into the home of someone that I seriously thought was responsible for it. I really could. And I say that because my girl had a very scary stalker when she was about 15. It started on cyber and he actually went and followed her around a few times. We called police but it was one of those horrible situations where they could not prevent him from walking around the mall too. :furious:

Anyway, if she went missing, I would have found where he lived and gone there with my husband and son. And if the cops were ignoring us, I would consider breaking in to conform that she was not there. IF I FOUND HER JACKET :eek: I WOULD CALL THE DETECTIVES AND SIT THERE. No way I would leave it 'out in the open' and leave.

Sure, I would be subject to arrest. And maybe they could think I planted it. But I would want her found and if I KNEW it was really there hidden in the couch, then I'd know he had her. So I would gladly call 911 and let things fall where they may. I would count on them finding her since we now knew where she had been after she went missing.

But that is not how Wes reacted to that situation. He trashed the house, IIRC. Is that what you do when you want forensics to come in and find clues to the kidnapping? I would stop touching anything else immediately and call 911.


That's a real puzzler, Katie, and one I hadn't even thought about, to be honest. Whether Wes planted the jacket in the home or not, there's no dispute that he put it somewhere where one or more of the friends could "find" it on a visit to CF's. How the heck did CF not notice this jacket? It couldn't have been left out in plain sight. What's equally strange to me is that these friends couldn't have just gone over there, spotted the jacket and said, "Hey Corey? What the hell are you doing with AJ's jacket?! I'm calling the cops right now!". I think what had to have happened is that Wes put the jacket somewhere not actually in plain sight, told the friends where he put it, and then they made some excuse to look there. They see it, they leave, they call the cops.

Perhaps he put the jacket behind the couch, sticking out just a little, with AJ's name immediately visible, who knows? That does sound exactly like something Wes would do, though, if we consider the cut up credit card with AJ's name left intact, and the Norview shorts found in Chesapeake.
Most misdemeanors take two to four months to get through General District Court or Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. However, in extreme cases getting through GDC or JDR court can take more than 4-8 months. Very few cases take longer. An appeal to Circuit Court takes another one to three months typically.

On rare occasions the prosecution can skip GDC or JDR court and go straight to Circuit Court. This is called a “direct indictment”. This happens often when a defendant has both misdemeanor and felony charges at the same time. The prosecution may direct indict the misdemeanors so that all the charges (misdemeanor and felony) can be tried at the same time in Circuit Court.
At a preliminary hearing, the judge is not deciding whether a Defendant is guilty or innocent. At a preliminary hearing, the judge is only trying to determine whether the government has the minimum evidence necessary (sufficient “probable cause”) to justify advancing the case to circuit court.

During the preliminary hearing the judge is required to interpret the evidence in a light most favorable to the prosecution whenever possible. After hearing the prosecution’s evidence, the judge asks himself whether the prosecution’s evidence is sufficient enough that a reasonable jury could possibly find the defendant guilty.

If the judge believes the evidence is sufficient, then the judge sends the case to the Circuit Court and a grand jury. If the judge does not believe the evidence is sufficient, the case is dismissed.

However, if the case is dismissed at the preliminary hearing stage the prosecution can elect to direct indict the Defendant and take the case straight to Circuit Court. This type of direct indictment is rare.
link to the General District Court charges
link to the Circuit Court Charges
scanned copies of the arresting documents

*As you will see that there are diff case numbers from the District Court case than the Circuit Court cases. But these are the very same charges. Wesley Hadsell's Direct Indictment charge for the Breaking and Entering and Statutory Burgary is the very same charge with same statute and incident date.

At a grand jury hearing in Norfolk General District Court, indictments against Wesley Hadsell were returned for possession of ammunition by a convicted felon and four counts of obstructing justice. A direct indictment was also handed down for statutory burglary
Hadsell is not facing charges directly related to AJ’s death. Back in March, during the search for his daughter, police arrested Hadsell for breaking into the home of a person he says may have taken his daughter against her will.
Police charged him with four counts of obstructing justice, one charge of possessing ammunition after a felony and one charge of breaking and entering. He was also charged with animal cruelty after allegedly hitting a dog during the break-in.

During a preliminary hearing earlier this month, a judge dismissed the animal cruelty and the breaking and entering charges. Hadsell’s lawyer argued he did not have an intent to commit a crime when he broke into the home, and the judge agreed. The judge also agreed there was not sufficient evidence of Hadsell hitting the dog
Hadsell's attorney argued that there was no evidence of intent to commit a crime before he entered the home.
Thinking out loud on this thought:
Why was Wesley Hadsell charged with the 4 Obstruct of Justice charges to begin with? Ah yes because of the Breaking and Entering of Ms. S. home, Corey French mother. As listed in scanned copies of the arresting documents.
Hadsell's attorney argued there was no evidence of INTENT TO COMMIT A CRIME BEFORE HE ENTERED THE HOME. Judge agreed and dismissed.

Where did the search warrant for the hotel room come from? From testimony of Andre Barr in investigation of the finding the alleged jacket in Corey French home. We found out from the Prelim Hearing testimony that Andre told investigators about the ammo in hotel room duct. << again this info used from the Breaking and Entering investigation>>Obstruction of Justice>> lead to search warrant for hotel room finding the ammo thus that charge.

JMHO, and I have no legal education. But without the Breaking and Entering charge, how are the Commonwealth Pros going to convince in this case Judge at Bench of the Obstruction and Ammo charge? What was Wesley Obstructing Justice of if no Breaking and Entering to threaten about? Same with the ammo. Where was the probable cause info gained from to get the search warrant. As stated these are unrelated charges. WH has not been named at this time as a POI in the disappearance or death of AJ. (as of my typing this).

We have seen links provided in earlier threads that the ammo charge is a no bond charge because of WH prior felony history.
I can think of a few reasons to file the rare direct indictment on the Breaking and Entering.

1) Without it, possible not to have enough to bring about a conviction on other charges. If WH knowingly had the ammo then JMO he knew he wasn't suppose to have and should be held accountable for that. No pass from me there.
2) Having WH in jail also keeps him from further interfering in their ongoing investigation in the disappearance and whatever the outcome that led to AJ untimely death.
3) As some believe that they doing this as leading to the eventual arrest for AJ murder.
We have not seen or heard ANY THING from LEO to give us a fact that WH is a suspect. Very true their investigation may include that. But we do not know that or as to anyone as a POI, yet JMHO
Arrest warrant for having the ammo, shows the same dates as the Obstruction of Justice charges (03/06/2015 to 03/08/2015) and from this transcript, we see it was the 8th that Andrea says he saw WH hide the ammo
4 Free Speech Transcript by of the interview. I have to see it in black and white.

Speaker 1: Wesley Hadsell was previously a member of the Aryan Brotherhood and was using cocaine to get back into the gang. Those are accusations that were revealed in court today. Wesley is the adoptive father of Angelica "AJ" Hadsell, a Norfolk teen who was found dead last month. News Channel 3's Marissa Jasek has the story.
Marissa Jasek: Wesley Hadsell broke into a woman's home, found his missing daughter's jacket, and tried to hide the truth from police by threatening others. Those are accusations prosecutors made in court today, where Wesley faces several felony charges. All connected to his adoptive daughter, AJ's, disappearance. In all, 4 witnesses testified today. Their statements helped lay out a timeline leading up to Wesley's arrest.
It starts March 5th, 3 days into the search for AJ. That day, the Commonwealth says a man named Corey French found part of AJ's debit card. French lived at the house Wesley is accused of breaking into on Halprin Drive, a block from the Hadsell home. The next day, March 6th, 18 year old Andre Barr, who lives at the Hadsell home, testified that Wesley admitted to the break in, finding AJ's Longwood University jacket stuffed behind a couch cushion, and leaving it out for Barr to find. That night, Barr says Wesley told him and others about the break-in and said if they told police, they "would be dealt with." Then March 8th, Barr goes to this hotel off East Little Creek, where Wesley was living. There, Barr says he watched Wesley hide bullets in an AC vent and listened for hours as Wesley talked about his violent criminal past and wish to once again join the Aryan Brotherhood. The Commonwealth believes this testimony shows Wesley's repeated attempt to manipulate and intimidate witnesses. Barr admits he first told police he found AJ's jacket but later changed his story, telling investigators it was Wesley all along. The break in charge was dismissed, though. The judge ruled prosecutors couldn't prove intent. His other 5 felony charges will go to a grand jury next week.
In Norfolk, Marissa Jasek, News Channel 3.
WOW. So on the night of the 6th, Wes tells Andre that he broke into Corey's home and 'found' AJ's jacket. And says if he tells the cops about the break-in, in he will be sorry. But tells him he needs to call the cops and tell them about the jacket.

But just 2 days later, on March 8th, Andre says he spent hours with Wes in the hotel room, listening to him talk for hours about his criminal past and his desire to rejoin the Aryan Brotherhood.

WAIT A MINUTE. So Wes had just found PROOF that his missing daughter's jacket was in CF's home, but just 2 days later he is sitting in a hotel room and telling old war stories for hours? And this is just 5 days into the urgent search for his missing girl? Isn't that a HUGE waste of valuable time?
Say your a parent who daughter is home from college. Whatever happen between March 1 and March 3 date when by all appearances it looks like there was reaching out to friends on social media inquiring about if had seen her. I don't know when the cousin brought forward that AJ had been getting creepy text messages. I thinking this was brought about in the brainstorming trying to figure out if anyone has heard from her. We do NOT know what the actual "creepy texts were" that allegedly began on Feb 13th (2 weeks prior). We do see some screen shots captured by Lucky7 but the take away from that could be deceiving not knowing the actual conversations.

Tuesday March 3rd

530/6pm Jen texts Zach
615pm Wes tweets a reward
915pm Missing Person Report done
9-11pm Zach and 2 daughters look around the park behing Jen home
Later unknown time Zach goes back and looks some more, looking in dumpster as trash day is Wed (March 4) looks around bushes

Wednesday March 4 9am Fam/Friends conduct search

Thursday March 5
BAJH FB made & 530/6 Search lower half of AJ cc is found allegedly by CF (Elizabella timeline)

"It starts March 5th, 3 days into the search for AJ. That day, the Commonwealth says a man named Corey French found part of AJ's debit card. French lived at the house Wesley is accused of breaking into on Halprin Drive, a block from the Hadsell home.

* Joshua Campbell, AJ Hadsell's boyfriend, testified that during a conversation on March 5, Wesley Hadsell asked where Corey French lived, the layout of French's home and Campbell's opinion of him......Hadsell "asked if there was a security alarm," Campbell said. "I said I didn't notice any but I wasn't looking for one." ***What was Josh Campbell opinion? Did that response go towards Wesley's eventual going into CF home? JMHO after what had allegedly transpired up to this point and then finding more pieces of cc next day, I could see myself doing the same scenario as previously stated.

Friday March 6

2 searches by Family and Friends 10 a.m./ 430pm *2nd pieces of AJ cc found. I am not sure from which timed search.

On March 6, Campbell testified, he got a call from Hadsell, who said he was at French's house and was "going to take a look."
Later that day, Campbell said, he got a text from Hadsell that read, "We have a problem."
Andre Barr, a friend of AJ Hadsell's who testified, said Wesley Hadsell told him he entered Spilsbury's house through a side door. Wesley Hadsell said he found a jacket he thought belonged to AJ under a sofa cushion and put it in plain sight. Wesley Hadsell told Barr to go to the house and confirm the jacket was there.
Barr said he went with a few friends to French's house and found the jacket on the back of the couch where Hadsell said it would be.
They called police and told them about the jacket. They did not initially tell police that Hadsell had broken in. After that, Campbell testified, Hadsell gathered several of his stepdaughter's friends. He told them how he'd walked into the house through a side door and, when approached by the family dog, punched it on its head and knocked it out.
Hadsell told the group "It's all going to be OK," Barr said, and that if anyone told police what he'd done they "could be dealt with." Hadsell also said he was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood ^^^
***Was Wes meaning "it's all going to be OK" because they were all upset that AJ jacket found? Or because were concerned about that and that Wes had went into the home? ALSO "could be dealt with" is quoted. NOT "would be dealt with"***

The next day, March 6th, 18 year old Andre Barr, who lives at the Hadsell home, testified that Wesley admitted to the break in, finding AJ's Longwood University jacket stuffed behind a couch cushion, and leaving it out for Barr to find. That night, Barr says Wesley told him and others about the break-in and said if they told police, they "would be dealt with." ***this reporter had on screen WOULD *** so which media report is correct? Each word has diff meaning :tantrum:

Saturday March 7
2 searches Family and Friends 930am/3pm

Wes said that LEO found AJ jacket ***when did LEO go to CF home?***

On Saturday, March 7th 5:09pm, The BAJH Facebook shares a post from March 6th that the reward is currently set at $500.
( from Elizabella timeline)

Sunday March 8
LEO/Family and Friends search (per Elizabella timeline)

3:26pm JH posts a picture of a flyer on Facebook that she claims contains incorrect information, and asks the public to remove these flyers if they are spotted. It is later discovered that these flyers were posted by AJ's former step-father. The reward listed on the flyer was $25,000. (Elizabella Timeline)

Then March 8th, Barr goes to this hotel off East Little Creek, where Wesley was living. There, Barr says he watched Wesley hide bullets in an AC vent and listened for hours as Wesley talked about his violent criminal past and wish to once again join the Aryan Brotherhood.
What day did CF leave for boot camp?
link to the General District Court charges
link to the Circuit Court Charges
scanned copies of the arresting documents

*As you will see that there are diff case numbers from the District Court case than the Circuit Court cases. But these are the very same charges. Wesley Hadsell's Direct Indictment charge for the Breaking and Entering and Statutory Burgary is the very same charge with same statute and incident date.

Thinking out loud on this thought:
Why was Wesley Hadsell charged with the 4 Obstruct of Justice charges to begin with? Ah yes because of the Breaking and Entering of Ms. S. home, Corey French mother. As listed in scanned copies of the arresting documents.
Hadsell's attorney argued there was no evidence of INTENT TO COMMIT A CRIME BEFORE HE ENTERED THE HOME. Judge agreed and dismissed.

Where did the search warrant for the hotel room come from? From testimony of Andre Barr in investigation of the finding the alleged jacket in Corey French home. We found out from the Prelim Hearing testimony that Andre told investigators about the ammo in hotel room duct. << again this info used from the Breaking and Entering investigation>>Obstruction of Justice>> lead to search warrant for hotel room finding the ammo thus that charge.

JMHO, and I have no legal education. But without the Breaking and Entering charge, how are the Commonwealth Pros going to convince in this case Judge at Bench of the Obstruction and Ammo charge? What was Wesley Obstructing Justice of if no Breaking and Entering to threaten about? Same with the ammo. Where was the probable cause info gained from to get the search warrant. As stated these are unrelated charges. WH has not been named at this time as a POI in the disappearance or death of AJ. (as of my typing this).

We have seen links provided in earlier threads that the ammo charge is a no bond charge because of WH prior felony history.
I can think of a few reasons to file the rare direct indictment on the Breaking and Entering.

1) Without it, possible not to have enough to bring about a conviction on other charges. If WH knowingly had the ammo then JMO he knew he wasn't suppose to have and should be held accountable for that. No pass from me there.
2) Having WH in jail also keeps him from further interfering in their ongoing investigation in the disappearance and whatever the outcome that led to AJ untimely death.
3) As some believe that they doing this as leading to the eventual arrest for AJ murder.
We have not seen or heard ANY THING from LEO to give us a fact that WH is a suspect. Very true their investigation may include that. But we do not know that or as to anyone as a POI, yet JMHO


I have no legal education either, but I believe what happened is that, once the b&e was dismissed, prosecutors had additional evidence relating to the b&e which allowed the DA to issue a direct indictment against WH for statutory burglary. The b&e and the statutory burglary charges both show the same offense date, March 6, so it seems fairly clear to me these both relate to the same incident.
What day did CF leave for boot camp?

On one of the threads I read it was Monday of the next week after AJ reported missing Tues. So 9th ? I don't have the post link so just an opinion. I just read the following Monday.
Trying to get my brain around this, sorry if it's been asked before.
Do we know if the police ever actually went to CF's house because AB (et all) called them about the jacket being there?
I agree, Wh's "reasoning" there has never rung true to me. If he knew where the jacket was hidden then he should have told LE where to find it....and he should have known not to tamper with evidence.

He was supposedly getting tips directly to his cellphone, bypassing the police tip line, so saying that he got a credible tip on the jackets location and passing that on to police seems logical. It also would have avoided the breaking and entering charges.

IMO WH concocted the story about putting the jacket out in plain view for no other reason than to explain his fingerprints and/or hair/skin/D.N.A being on the jacket.

This is exactly what I think part of the motivation of his always being there to find evidence, planted to distance guilt, thus 'legally' contaminated by him when found.
Joshua Campbell, AJ Hadsell's boyfriend, testified that during a conversation on March 5, Wesley Hadsell asked where Corey French lived, the layout of French's home and Campbell's opinion of him. French is Spilsbury's son, and Campbell and French knew one another.

Interestingly enough, "Wesley Hadsell asked where Corey French lived"
JMO, but for someone (Wesley) to be so set on allegedly trying to frame someone (possibly Corey), Wesley had to ask "Joshua Campbell, AJ Hadsell's boyfriend" where Corey French lived. Really?

How did Hadsell not know where CF lived if he seemed convinced from years back, the way he alluded to it in the JF interview, that CF may have been obsessed with AJ? So either his suspicions were newly found and he had little knowledge of CF or his alleged obsession with AJ, or he pretended not to know. The whole things seems like they were all lying to me. Neither what AB nor her boyfriend says sound credible to me, nor Wes. Cons and ruses.

I have no legal education either, but I believe what happened is that, once the b&e was dismissed, prosecutors had additional evidence relating to the b&e which allowed the DA to issue a direct indictment against WH for statutory burglary. The b&e and the statutory burglary charges both show the same offense date, March 6, so it seems fairly clear to me these both relate to the same incident.

Yes they are the same charge and same incident. Respectfully, from hours of reading I haven't found anywhere where they had to have new information to issue a direct indictment. That is one of the aspects of the VA judicial system where they have that option to file a direct indictment even if the judge dismisses. JMHO that's what makes it "rare" is Pros prob doesn't usually do that. And as I mentioned in my original post. JMHO but all the other charges reflect back to the Breaking and Entering
Trying to get my brain around this, sorry if it's been asked before.
Do we know if the police ever actually went to CF's house because AB (et all) called them about the jacket being there?

Not trying to sound snarky, but I would think since they arrested WH 2 weeks from the incident that the LEO would have had to have gone to the home of CF Mother. I just don't know when they went there.

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