The Burglary and the Jacket

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I am confused, because I keep checking to see if there is any update on WH court dates etc. Wasn't something supposed to happen on 7/8? I don't see any mention of anything.

It was postponed until 8/31

Norfolk, Va. - It's been more than five months since Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell disappeared from her Norfolk home, and more than four months since her body was found in Southampton County. She died of heroin poisoning.
No one has been arrested for her death, but we now know it wasn't just her adoptive father who was questioned by police. For the first time we're hearing from a man who says he was interrogated for hours and asked repeatedly if he killed AJ.

Corey French says Norfolk detectives interrogated him for more than 12 hours, asking him repeatedly if he had anything to do with AJ’s disappearance.

“As soon as I sat down they just bashed on me,” French says. “They took my phone and screamed at me, yelled at me and accused me and all this other stuff. I was losing it. I didn`t know what was going on, I didn`t know what they were talking about.”

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When police searched his home, French says they found AJ's Longwood University softball jacket -- the jacket she was last seen wearing. “They brought it in and they opened up the bag and pulled out her jacket and that`s when I lost it,” he says. “I started crying I mean I had no idea that was in my house.” Court records show AJ's adoptive father, Wesley Hadsell, broke into French’s house. He told me that's where he found the jacket before police searched the home.

This actually makes me even more angry. There were OTHERS that knew WH was going to do this before he did it. Can you imagine the horror this kid went through finding out that not only AJ was missing but the police suspected him, and her jacket was found in his house? It just burns me up that those who knew, kept their mouths shut and never got charged. :gaah:

Norfolk, Va. - It's been more than five months since Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell disappeared from her Norfolk home, and more than four months since her body was found in Southampton County. She died of heroin poisoning.
No one has been arrested for her death, but we now know it wasn't just her adoptive father who was questioned by police. For the first time we're hearing from a man who says he was interrogated for hours and asked repeatedly if he killed AJ.

Corey French says Norfolk detectives interrogated him for more than 12 hours, asking him repeatedly if he had anything to do with AJ’s disappearance.

“As soon as I sat down they just bashed on me,” French says. “They took my phone and screamed at me, yelled at me and accused me and all this other stuff. I was losing it. I didn`t know what was going on, I didn`t know what they were talking about.”

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What am I missing here???
Did LE find the jacket or did Wes find it??
What am I missing here???
Did LE find the jacket or did Wes find it??

WH has said that he found it (yeah, sure he did, and I'm Tinkerbell) and left it there for the police to recover. I think we all know, someone planted that jacket in that house. My question is, who ALSO knew about that, before it happened, and kept their mouth shut?
What am I missing here???
Did LE find the jacket or did Wes find it??

I think that LE found it after they received the tip that IRCC was called in by AB anonymously like WH told him to do. So WH is saying that he found it originally but didn't report it to police but instead had one of AJ's friends call it in.

I feel so bad for CF and his family and what they have been through. This kid was her friend and I believe has an alibi.
I think that LE found it after they received the tip that IRCC was called in by AB anonymously like WH told him to do. So WH is saying that he found it originally but didn't report it to police but instead had one of AJ's friends call it in.

I feel so bad for CF and his family and what they have been through. This kid was her friend and I believe has an alibi.

Yes, this is how I understand it as well.

Wes "found" the jacket, then "coerced" his minions to give police the tip so that they could find it themselves.

(And by "found" we could mean "planted" and by "coerced" we could mean "threatened." OR someone else planted it there and let Wes know, and after smashing a few beer cans against their foreheads, suggested that Wes go check it out himself, etc etc...)
Let's just step back a bit and consider an alternative theory: What if CF broke down because he didn't expect the jacket to be found? (I'm not siding with Wes, or Corey, just want to maybe throw this out there for comment.)
What if Wes found out her jacket was there (even if he knew someone else had put it there) and was really trying to "help" the police?
What if CF broke down because he didn't expect the jacket to be found? (I'm not siding with Wes, or Corey, just want to maybe throw this out there for comment.)
What if Wes found out her jacket was there (even if he knew someone else had put it there) and was really trying to "help" the police?

If CF broke down because he didn't expect the jacket to be found, that implies he knew it was there all along and had something to do with her disappearance, since that was the jacket she was allegedly wearing when last seen. If that were the case, I don't believe LE would have cleared him to leave for basic training if he were a person of interest in the case. I don't believe they had any reason to consider him a POI.

If, on the other hand, WH found out her jacket was there (and didn't put it there himself) then this begs the question: how did he find that out? Who saw it there and told him it was there? More importantly, if WH didn't put it there himself, who did?

As far as the jacket goes, what I do find interesting is that WH is the one who has told everyone she was wearing that jacket. But, what if she wasn't? What if, in WH's playground of brilliant ideas, he decided to tell everyone that (because she did wear that one often) and then stash it (or have someone else do it) in CF's house to show LE "see, he really did have something to do with AJ disappearing!" (this is assuming of course he didn't make her disappear in the first place, but wanted people to think CF had something to do with it).
Let's just step back a bit and consider an alternative theory: What if CF broke down because he didn't expect the jacket to be found? (I'm not siding with Wes, or Corey, just want to maybe throw this out there for comment.)
What if Wes found out her jacket was there (even if he knew someone else had put it there) and was really trying to "help" the police?

It struck me that it may have been the moment CF realized that AJ may really be dead and the gravity of the situation. His account of how it went argues for the fact that he is not a stone cold killer who could stay composed during half a day of being grilled, nor calculated enough to have done something then found the card and reported it. It seems obvious why LE believed him, poor kid.

What's interesting is the idea to select him as dupe. Do you think Hadsell did that on his own?
What's interesting is the idea to select him as dupe. Do you think Hadsell did that on his own?

Nope. Pretty sure others gave him plenty of reason to run with that story. Talk among themselves where her bank card was found, mentions of previous texts, etc. All of this mentioned in MSM, and God only knows what else was said that never became public knowledge.
Hello everyone. I am currently married to CF and I just wanted to clear some things up about the situation so if anyone has any questions what so ever please feel free to ask me. Also, a reason we know for a fact that the jacket was planted was because when he came home that night, there were cushions put back on the couch. My husband would always take them off, and keep them off because it's a pretty small couch and he would never have enough room to move around. At first he had assumed that his mom had put the cushions back on the couch, but that wasn't the case.
:lookingitup: Jersey given to JH, WH said Jacket found in CF home, Zach said was a Hoodie and wasn't AJ's, according to CF Mom whom he spoke with. What a confusing mess.

The jacket was Aj's. At first when they searched his house they grabbed a few items, a jacket and a hairbrush and they actually belonged to me, his girlfriend at the time. But he told me that eventually when they questioned him, they said that they did pull out a different jacket, and that was the one that had "Anjelica AJ Hadsell" on it.
Very scary. Thanks for posting. I was under the impression that this is what happened. I think WH actually even said that someone "told him" about the jacket. As usual, I figured there was a partial truth there and thought that they "told him" about the house, but he dealt with the jacket.

Yes absolutely terrifying. So scary that my husbands family moved away. And that is a lie, or maybe the truth, who knows because he keeps changing his story. In the beginning he stated that someone told him about the jacket, then he said LE found it first, now he's saying that he was the one who "found" it. (More like planted) I'm seeing a pattern here with all of this story changing.
Yes absolutely terrifying. So scary that my husbands family moved away. And that is a lie, or maybe the truth, who knows because he keeps changing his story. In the beginning he stated that someone told him about the jacket, then he said LE found it first, now he's saying that he was the one who "found" it. (More like planted) I'm seeing a pattern here with all of this story changing.

IMO, there are a lot of untruths or even lies by omission that have gone round in this case. Personally I don't 100% believe any of the people involved.
Let's just step back a bit and consider an alternative theory: What if CF broke down because he didn't expect the jacket to be found? (I'm not siding with Wes, or Corey, just want to maybe throw this out there for comment.)
What if Wes found out her jacket was there (even if he knew someone else had put it there) and was really trying to "help" the police?

Then Wes tainted a key piece of evidence. My main problem with that is that Wes found the jacket then immediately stopped his search and put it back. If it were my daughter missing, I would have immediately began searching other areas of the house. The garage would have been the first place I looked, and Wes has stated in an interview that he never entered the garage and only spent a small amount of time in the house.

Also, murderers keep memento's from their victims, but usually it is a little more obscure than jacket with her name embroidered on it. And I can't imagine a worse hiding spot than under the cushion of a couch in the middle of your family's living room. There are like a million better places to hide something that incriminating.
This is going to be really long (I think) so please bear with me.

After WTKR updated the article where CF was interviewed by phone, several things sort of jumped out at me. Like this one:

French also says Hadsell harassed him. He says he found a box with the words "We Know" scribbled on the inside lid of the box on his front porch. He told NewsChannel 3 that there was a receipt in the box with the name Angelica Hadsell on it.


How does CF know it was WH?
Did he see him put the box there?
What day/time did this happen?
What else was in the box?
What kind of box was it? (cereal box, shoe box, ammo box?)
The receipt inside the box with AJ's name on it: was it hand written or printed? (yes, it matters)

I'm not at all questioning if this box on the porch thing happened, I believe CF. What I do find curious though is the receipt. If this was a receipt with AJ's name printed on it (some record of purchase she made, or a debit card receipt) then it stands to reason it came from JH's house where AJ had her belongings while she was home from college. Bearing that in mind, we all know WH wasn't living there, as JH had booted him out BEFORE AJ ever even went missing (in numerous MSM articles). So... who had access to AJ's things at JH's house? :thinking:

And now, for the WHAT IF portion of the post :hand:

WHAT IF... WH wasn't the one who planted AJ's jacket at CF's house? Or, WH wasn't the one who scattered her bank card pieces on CF's street? Or, WH really didn't have any solid reason to even think of CF at all when AJ went missing, until someone else mentioned him first?

WHAT IF... there was an actual attempt to set CF but it wasn't initially done by WH? He just fell for it like a classic dolt, and then decided to break in.

Then, WHAT IF, after whoever(s) realized pointing WH in CF's direction was going to be a large FAIL since CF had nothing to do with it and LE would know that quickly (and they knew it too), they decided to switch gears and point directly at WH instead. Knowing full well WH is full of crap most of the time, and has a criminal history, what if they figured it would be way easier to point at him instead of CF?

Obviously, this person or these people would have to be:

- In AJ's close circle of people (not saying it's family, since this is a family/victim friendly forum)
- Likely have some kind of an issue with CF in the first place (since throwing him under the bus wasn't a big deal)
- Have a pressing reason to immediately name someone
- In possession of AJ's jacket after she went missing
- Have access to CF's house to plant the jacket there for WH to find
- In possession of AJ's bank card to have cut it up and tossed it on CF's street

And finally, would have had to be the actual last person, or last people to see AJ alive. And, have been lying through their teeth this entire time? And what if... this person or these people have been smugly enjoying that no one has figured this out yet, thinking they got away with it?

Obviously, this is all 100% speculation and I'm not naming anyone or suggesting any 1 person because obviously I don't know IF any of this is true, who that person or those people might be. But IF it's true, this is probably the post they really hoped they'd never see.

This is going to be really long (I think) so please bear with me.

After WTKR updated the article where CF was interviewed by phone, several things sort of jumped out at me. Like this one:


How does CF know it was WH?
Did he see him put the box there?
What day/time did this happen?
What else was in the box?
What kind of box was it? (cereal box, shoe box, ammo box?)
The receipt inside the box with AJ's name on it: was it hand written or printed? (yes, it matters)

I'm not at all questioning if this box on the porch thing happened, I believe CF. What I do find curious though is the receipt. If this was a receipt with AJ's name printed on it (some record of purchase she made, or a debit card receipt) then it stands to reason it came from JH's house where AJ had her belongings while she was home from college. Bearing that in mind, we all know WH wasn't living there, as JH had booted him out BEFORE AJ ever even went missing (in numerous MSM articles). So... who had access to AJ's things at JH's house? :thinking:

And now, for the WHAT IF portion of the post :hand:

WHAT IF... WH wasn't the one who planted AJ's jacket at CF's house? Or, WH wasn't the one who scattered her bank card pieces on CF's street? Or, WH really didn't have any solid reason to even think of CF at all when AJ went missing, until someone else mentioned him first?

WHAT IF... there was an actual attempt to set CF but it wasn't initially done by WH? He just fell for it like a classic dolt, and then decided to break in.

Then, WHAT IF, after whoever(s) realized pointing WH in CF's direction was going to be a large FAIL since CF had nothing to do with it and LE would know that quickly (and they knew it too), they decided to switch gears and point directly at WH instead. Knowing full well WH is full of crap most of the time, and has a criminal history, what if they figured it would be way easier to point at him instead of CF?

Obviously, this person or these people would have to be:

- In AJ's close circle of people (not saying it's family, since this is a family/victim friendly forum)
- Likely have some kind of an issue with CF in the first place (since throwing him under the bus wasn't a big deal)
- Have a pressing reason to immediately name someone
- In possession of AJ's jacket after she went missing
- Have access to CF's house to plant the jacket there for WH to find
- In possession of AJ's bank card to have cut it up and tossed it on CF's street

And finally, would have had to be the actual last person, or last people to see AJ alive. And, have been lying through their teeth this entire time? And what if... this person or these people have been smugly enjoying that no one has figured this out yet, thinking they got away with it?

Obviously, this is all 100% speculation and I'm not naming anyone or suggesting any 1 person because obviously I don't know IF any of this is true, who that person or those people might be. But IF it's true, this is probably the post they really hoped they'd never see.


You have great points but I will answer your questions that you had :) CF knew that it was WH who put the box there because WH and a few others stood in front of his house in the middle of the night blowing air horns and yelling. CF's stepfather saw WH outside and told the family what was going on when everyone woke up. As for the pizza box, it was from a pizza place called Cal'z and the receipt had Aj's name printed on it under who it was purchased for, or who purchased it. The reason that we KNOW that WH was the one who planted the jacket in my husband's house was because WH had always had a personal issue with him. I guess, back when CF and Aj dated in middle school he just never liked him, which shocked me honestly because CF is well known around town and he's genuinely a sweet person. Maybe WH was just protective over AJ? It drives me crazy, how all of this happened. CF had actually been in Virginia Beach with me when he got a call about her missing. When he found out, he started crying pretty hard. And right after that we called up friends to see if they had heard from her, and we stayed up all night trying to see if we could find out any info, but no one had heard from her or anything. I pray for her family every's so sad.
I have a question for you.

What did Andre and Corey fight about that caused him to leave the house and start staying with Jennifer Hadsell?

Im sure we all have our assumptions about that but would be nice to know conclusively.

Besides WH himself, a common thread in all of this seems to seems to be Andre and friends.

Who found the card again?

Who was with WH when he found the clothes?

Who talked to WH in his hotel room before the cops found ammunition?

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