The Canvas Laundry Bags

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I agree-I feel humbled amongst the analytical intelligence on display! (okay, sounds lame but it's well-intentioned).

Makes me think LE gets many tips from WS.
I don't know about that. They still know a lot we don't. The worrying thing is whether the bad guys get assistance?
I don't know about that. They still know a lot we don't. The worrying thing is whether the bad guys get assistance?
MMhhh, the bad guys-now that is a scary thought. Some people would like their 15 minutes of fame any way they can get it.
MMhhh, the bad guys-now that is a scary thought. Some people would like their 15 minutes of fame any way they can get it.
The only real worry is we lay out the sort of things they might have to argue against, but they would work that out themselves eventually.

We do get things wrong anyway.
The only real worry is we lay out the sort of things they might have to argue against, but they would work that out themselves eventually.

We do get things wrong anyway.
But if we're right then they wouldn't have much to argue with? (hopefully?)

I think I may be losing my focus
But if we're right then they wouldn't have much to argue with? (hopefully?)

I think I may be losing my focus
Best if I said goodnight then!

enjoyed the exchanges HP

But if we're right then they wouldn't have much to argue with? (hopefully?)

I think I may be losing my focus
They have to mount a defence, so perhaps knowing what they are up against could be a help? They have to think of some explanation. We do specialise in counter arguements at times. I don't really think it is a big deal.

PS Goodnight
I was so happy when I discovered that little button...:)

Let's be clear...I do not believe Casey is crazy...I think she did what she did because that is what she WANTED to do and I believe she was full well aware and in her little pea-brained Casey head while she did it...all of it...I mean, come on-who drives around with their dead child in their trunk? :eek:

Would you please, please, please tell me where to find that magic button?
Thanks soooo much!

I think the laundry hamper COULD be evidence definitively linking the remains with The Anthony home?

I'd like to see somebody asking CA if she had a round Whitney laundry hamper?
If so where is it now?
Hercule Poirot, I'm sorry but, if somebody were to ask CA that then she would just lie about it. I don't see any reason to ask them anythang. Even under oath, they lie like dogs.
They did in the depo.
Hercule Poirot, I'm sorry but, if somebody were to ask CA that then she would just lie about it. I don't see any reason to ask them anythang. Even under oath, they lie like dogs.
They did in the depo.


But I imagined asking her while pouring a bucket of water down her nose!

Seriously: You have to start somewhere. First ask the question and deal with the answer if you think her answer is a lie. Perhaps other peeps were in a position to have seen a laundry hamper? Other members of the Anthony tribe or friends neighbours etc.

I think the laundry hamper COULD be evidence definitively linking the remains with The Anthony home?

I'd like to see somebody asking CA if she had a round Whitney laundry hamper?
If so where is it now?

Oh, I think they definately know if the canvas bag found with the remains matches the one found in the A home. USUALLY, when you buy something like this in a set, all pieces of the set have a matching number on them that identifies them as part of a group or set. Now, if both the bag from the remains site and the bag at the A's home have the same ID number on them, that would be great in implying that they both came from the A home. Of course, JB would just say that lots of people could have that set, blah, blah, widely distributed, blah, blah. So, hopefully, the numbers on both bags will match AND they will be numbers from a set that is a couple of years old, because then that would make it much more likely that they came from the A home. I mean, what are the chances that the A's AND Zanny, or whoever they end up blaming, bought the exact same laundry bag set at the exact same time, say 2 years ago, and that is why Zanny used it to dump the remains so close to the A home in an attempt to frame KC?
Oh, I think they definately know if the canvas bag found with the remains matches the one found in the A home. USUALLY, when you buy something like this in a set, all pieces of the set have a matching number on them that identifies them as part of a group or set. Now, if both the bag from the remains site and the bag at the A's home have the same ID number on them, that would be great in implying that they both came from the A home. Of course, JB would just say that lots of people could have that set, blah, blah, widely distributed, blah, blah. So, hopefully, the numbers on both bags will match AND they will be numbers from a set that is a couple of years old, because then that would make it much more likely that they came from the A home. I mean, what are the chances that the A's AND Zanny, or whoever they end up blaming, bought the exact same laundry bag set at the exact same time, say 2 years ago, and that is why Zanny used it to dump the remains so close to the A home in an attempt to frame KC?

I don't see a round plus a square Whitney hamper being sold as a set.
Ads linked above show hampers as single item. You can buy several of the same type, but no mention of a set with two different shaped hampers.
We know the Whitney number on the remains hamper is item # 2516.

There is a picture of the Hamper from Anthony garage but no item number. Can anybody see a clearer photo that shows item number?

It would be definitive if a witness can confirm the Anthonys had a round hamper. Of course conclusive proof might well depend on forensic tests etc.
I don't see a round plus a square Whitney hamper being sold as a set.
Ads linked above show hampers as single item. You can buy several of the same type, but no mention of a set with two different shaped hampers.
We know the Whitney number on the remains hamper is item # 2516.

There is a picture of the Hamper from Anthony garage but no item number. Can anybody see a clearer photo that shows item number?

It would be definitive if a witness can confirm the Anthonys had a round hamper. Of course conclusive proof might well depend on forensic tests etc.

I thought I had heard or read somewhere that they were a set. (I may have just pulled that out of my behind tho) All of that aside, there will still be some type of identifying numbers. Somehow, I am betting they are the same design, since I can't see either CA or KC having their laundry aides mismatched. (As if!) And, I'm doing a lot of hopeful speculation here now, if they are from the same set, or year model if you will, that would be a big coinky-dink for the defense to overcome.
Wish we could find out the production and distribution date of that design number, as well as what part of the country it was distributed in. Was it a design number assigned to product produced for sale soley at Target, or was it a number that could have been ordered off of the internet?
I thought I had heard or read somewhere that they were a set. (I may have just pulled that out of my behind tho) All of that aside, there will still be some type of identifying numbers. Somehow, I am betting they are the same design, since I can't see either CA or KC having their laundry aides mismatched. (As if!) And, I'm doing a lot of hopeful speculation here now, if they are from the same set, or year model if you will, that would be a big coinky-dink for the defense to overcome.

:behind: May well be a source of great knowledge! :)

The good news is that LE took the hamper from the Anthony Garage as evidence,, and obviously have the hamper from the remains site, so they have any item numbers etc as well as the items themselves to test and match.

I guess I am just looking for an excuse to Water Board Cindy? :raincloud::drink::poke:
have they released any more detailed lab testing on the canvas bag with any of the discovery? A couple of interesting points just jumped out at me as I was looking at this thread.

- This is a plastic lined canvas bag making it very very resistant to the elements (note the add copy about it... " Equipped with a waterproof vinyl liner, this multipurpose storage container will not be ruined by dirt or moisture"... (kind of chilling in hindsight, no?). But I am wondering if this bag may be one of the key smoking gun items that would be very capable of preserving evidence for a longer period of time. Fingerprints and fluids on the interior surfaces. Plus any fluid leakage would be preserved in the canvas itself. So if there is a spill or stain (apparent or hidden) on the canvas that corresponds to the shape and size of the stain on the Pontiac's trunk carpet it is yet another piece of physical evidence that ties the house to the car to the deceased child etc.
have they released any more detailed lab testing on the canvas bag with any of the discovery? A couple of interesting points just jumped out at me as I was looking at this thread.

- This is a plastic lined canvas bag making it very very resistant to the elements (note the add copy about it... " Equipped with a waterproof vinyl liner, this multipurpose storage container will not be ruined by dirt or moisture"... (kind of chilling in hindsight, no?). But I am wondering if this bag may be one of the key smoking gun items that would be very capable of preserving evidence for a longer period of time. Fingerprints and fluids on the interior surfaces. Plus any fluid leakage would be preserved in the canvas itself. So if there is a spill or stain (apparent or hidden) on the canvas that corresponds to the shape and size of the stain on the Pontiac's trunk carpet it is yet another piece of physical evidence that ties the house to the car to the deceased child etc.

The Whitney laundry bags are mentioned in documents initially, but no reports of what tests have been done and certainly no results.
The Square shaped bag from Anthony garage was relayed to FBI and the round bag from remains site was last reported at ME office. I guess that too was sent to FBI labs.
No reports yet.
Would you please, please, please tell me where to find that magic button?
Thanks soooo much!

It is the little set of quotation marks beside the word/quote button that you click to single quote someone. You can add multiple posts by continuing to click that button until you have all the posts that you would like to quote included, and then click on the Post Reply button...easy peasy! Hope that helps.:)
Hercule Poirot, I'm sorry but, if somebody were to ask CA that then she would just lie about it. I don't see any reason to ask them anythang. Even under oath, they lie like dogs.
They did in the depo.

Hey Mama! One reason to ask them even though the answer is going to be a lie is to show that they have lied repeatedly about everything. The more lies they tell, the more difficult it becomes to recall all of those lies and the more it becomes evident that almost everything they say is a lie. They are digging a great big hole lie by lie by lie...:blowkiss:
Hey Mama! One reason to ask them even though the answer is going to be a lie is to show that they have lied repeatedly about everything. The more lies they tell, the more difficult it becomes to recall all of those lies and the more it becomes evident that almost everything they say is a lie. They are digging a great big hole lie by lie by lie...:blowkiss:

I totally agree magic-cat. I told my SO right at the first, errrr.... from Day One, that all that running their mouths on TV was going to come back and bite them in their


Anytime you are captured on video telling something, you can rest assured that you will hear those words again.

You'd think they would have wised up by now, wouldn't you? Evidently they have not.

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