the car break in

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May 3, 2008
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(near 2 minute mark in the video)

car was broken into last month. 10/11/11 DB asks, per this media report, for investigators to come back and test cigarette butts found near the car..

was anything taken from the car?
why was it broken into?
have there been many break-ins in the neighborhood?

discuss here
If cigarette butts were found near ther car at the time of the break in, why didn't LE take them then? And are they just still laying there or did the family SAVE them? Something weird about that..........
I do hope that there will be some answers as that was just tossed in on the report, and I did feel that it was a bit sensationalized the way it was phrased, just sayin'.
If cigarette butts were found near ther car at the time of the break in, why didn't LE take them then? And are they just still laying there or did the family SAVE them? Something weird about that..........

Maybe they were tossed in the yard, and they just didn't clean them up? Not purposefully saving them, but they just happen to still be there?
Maybe they were tossed in the yard, and they just didn't clean them up? Not purposefully saving them, but they just happen to still be there?

I think if they were tossed in the yard, LE would already have them by now. At least I would hope.
If cigarette butts were found near ther car at the time of the break in, why didn't LE take them then? And are they just still laying there or did the family SAVE them? Something weird about that..........

LE is probably not that interested in investigating a car break in. The missing baby is another story but that much later I doubt there is any evidence left on the cigarette butts if they were out in the elements all this time.
My car was broken into last year and the police, while very nice, would not have collected any "evidence" for an investigation. They did dust my car for prints, but I think the guy was humoring me at that point. If I had asked him to collect cigarette butts, he probably would have had to try very hard to not laugh in my face.

Having said that, though, I think it would depend on what was stolen from the car. I didn't have anything more than a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff stolen. Not high enough value to merit a real investigation.
geesh! sure seems like alot of crime in this neighborhood. kind of scary. They could get dna off butts. They would have to have a suspect first to compare it too. Only my opinion.
My car was broken into last year and the police, while very nice, would not have collected any "evidence" for an investigation. They did dust my car for prints, but I think the guy was humoring me at that point. If I had asked him to collect cigarette butts, he probably would have had to try very hard to not laugh in my face.

Having said that, though, I think it would depend on what was stolen from the car. I didn't have anything more than a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff stolen. Not high enough value to merit a real investigation.

Yea, when my wallet was stolen police didn't investigate at all. They explained to me that they only have one guy investigating however many property theft cases.
So, whomever broke into the auto stood out there a while? Butts. Plural. WTH?! A perp leaves a few cigarette butts, perp was out there for a while watching and listening.

If you are breaking into an auto can you do so ever so quietly? Not glass breaking, no jimmy of doors, or was the auto unlocked?

I think we need more info, preferably real info, not sensationalized info.
There again someone was bold to smoke and break into a car.
Familiar and not afraid of being caught, JMOO
What did someone want in the car? cell phones again?
No car alarm to go off?
Keys to house?
cigerette butts (like in many? many people? chainsmoker?)
If I were breaking into a car, I wouldn't light up a smoke, KWIM?
Is this staged also? before the real deal?
I once had my car unlocked and noticed someone had gone through it, messed it up.
Ended up being my X's lover (he had many) and phone hang ups etc.
Hind site is always 20/20 but not when it is happening.
I really doubt LE took the cigarette butts with them. A car break-in is just not that big of a deal. This is not CSI and to spend resources testing cigarette butts would not be feasible, IMO, even though DNA could have been extracted from the filter tip.

If the family saved the cigarette butts, the evidence would be contaminated and no one could prove they were the same ones found at the time of the car break-in. LE would have dusted the vehicle for prints, and that is probably all they could have done, IMO.

IIRC, I think it was mentioned by maybe one of the locals that there had been a couple of vehicle break-ins in the area in the past.

IMO, I do not think the vehicle break-in is related to Baby Lisa's disappearance at all - that is just my opinion though.

Someone broke into my corvette and stole change one night. I didn't even bother to call police, figuring it was kids. Not sure why the alarm didn't go off. Then they came back and tried to actually steal the car and the alarm went off. I called LE. They came out and looked at the car and said something about what a nice little car it was and asked if it was fun to drive. Never even touched or fingerprinted the car. So, gathering evidence, even if the police were called at the time of break in? Not sure they would have bothered at that point. If there were cigarette butts left behind, now that baby Lisa is missing wouldn't they have already been collected by LE when the property was first searched?
So, whomever broke into the auto stood out there a while? Butts. Plural. WTH?! A perp leaves a few cigarette butts, perp was out there for a while watching and listening. If you are breaking into an auto can you do so ever so quietly? Not glass breaking, no jimmy of doors, or was the auto unlocked?

I think we need more info, preferably real info, not sensationalized info.

My car was broken into before in my driveway. I never knew until next morning when i took my child to bus i freaked out. broke window. police just made out a report. Oh and they left their snapple bottle. :innocent: They didnt dust or anything. just report.
I really doubt LE took the cigarette butts with them. A car break-in is just not that big of a deal. This is not CSI and to spend resources testing cigarette butts would not be feasible, IMO, even though DNA could have been extracted from the filter tip.

If the family saved the cigarette butts, the evidence would be contaminated and no one could prove they were the same ones found at the time of the car break-in. LE would have dusted the vehicle for prints, and that is probably all they could have done, IMO.

IIRC, I think it was mentioned by maybe one of the locals that there had been a couple of vehicle break-ins in the area in the past.

IMO, I do not think the vehicle break-in is related to Baby Lisa's disappearance at all - that is just my opinion though.


Ya never know though...maybe the perp breaking into cars has prior convictions which would mean their DNA is on record. I'd be asking for blades of grass to be tested and fingerprinted if my baby went missing.
Here is my take on the cigarette butts... Maybe this is being set-up as a defense strategy to be used down the road in court and maybe Deborah is already attempting to create reasonable doubt. Hence, the more suspects...the more reasonable doubt. Could be just the beginning of inserting names into the mix which provides options as to who will be thrown under the bus later.
My car was broken into before in my driveway. I never knew until next morning when i took my child to bus i freaked out. broke window. police just made out a report. Oh and they left their snapple bottle. :innocent: They didnt dust or anything. just report.

Maybe the butts are from police making out a report, and not even from whoever broke into the car?
IDK....I'm just getting hink from the whole car/butt thing.
In the county next to me, they won't even come by for a car break in, they just take the report so you can have the number for the insurance company.

In my county, LE will call and ask if you want them to come or do you just want a report number? If you want them to come, I highly doubt they would take prints or cig butts unless you demanded they do so. I love the LE in my county, they really do their best to serve the community.

In summary, different protocol for different LE organizations. Remember that. :kimsterwink:
UGH - if a cop came out every time a car was broken into in Detroit - no serious crime would ever get followed up on. They MAY show up in a police cruiser and do an on-site report, but most of the time they ask you to come down to the station and fill out a report or do it over the phone. Either way you get a incident # to give to insurance and the rest is up to you...

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