The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18 # 2

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Wasn't commonly called a "briefcase" in my house growing up. and I'm pretty darn "common" [emoji41]

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Common... you are not. That is one of the reason we like you.
What John knew and when he knew it is a mystery. The jacket fibers and the note point to Patsy, but nothing specifically points to John. Still, I find it hard to believe that he wasn't advised by Patsy of the goings-on long before the 911 call was placed.

John knew where the body was... that is for sure. I believe he knew from the first.
something happened that night. I wondered if Burke got the pineapple and went upstairs to wake JB using the pineapple as bait, then did whatever he did to her which woke the parents and found she was too far gone to save so they finished her off as opposed to calling cops and having BR go to jail and them left caring for a head injury patient.

I'm always amazed when I read words like, "found she was too far gone to save so they finished her off as opposed to calling cops ..."
John knew where the body was... that is for sure. I believe he knew from the first.

And Patsy knew the body was right below her that morning as she sat and waited in the sun room for events to unfold.
At JonBenet's funeral, Burke showed no signs of distress or sadness. He did not cry, did not look visibly sad, or anything appropriate to a funeral. You can see clips of his behavior on Youtube. Before her casket was lowered into the ground, he left off what he was doing with his friend, went over to her casket, patted it a couple of times, and then went off with his friend, skipping through the cemetery. He was largely untroubled by what had just taken place.

Which then begs the question...Since according to his parents, he'd been asleep the entire night and never woke up, before they woke him up to go with Fleet White, and did not display ANY emotions appropriate to the violent murder of his only full sibling, WHY DID HE NEED THERAPY for 2 years or so after the murder??? What were they treating???

If BR really did this and the parents covered it up how in the heck could PR spend her short days left on this earth not hating her son for killing her precious baby girl and even to be able to look at him with love and affection for ruining so many lives including theirs? I'm not going to convict him without being in a court of law, hearing and seeing all the evidence. I am not 100% convinced he's guilty no matter what everyone here thinks. The ransom letter is the only thing I'm really struggling with that as it could point to a coverup or maybe not but there's always a first for something even though all others ransom notes have been short. Yes, Burke is an odd guy but that's not enough for a television show to convince me of guilt. Lee, Scheck and Spitz were probably paid by network to make BR look guilty. They have been paid by defense numerous times in high profile cases to save murderers by creating reasonable doubt such as in OJ and Spector trials. We all know OJ was guilty. More DNA evidence then any case in history.
Sorry to interrupt the flow, but anyone else thinks this bed looks like it was possibly only used on one side?


That's what it looks like to me. By the time we usually wake up in the morning, it looks like 5 bears fought under the covers. I would be curious to know whose side of the bed looked slept in.

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And Patsy knew the body was right below her that morning as she sat and waited in the sun room for events to unfold.

I think they couldn't believe that LE had not found her. JR goes downstairs and 'finds' her then immediately goes about tainting every piece of evidence he can think of. Move her, take off duct tape, place her on floor among a room full of friends... really??? Everyone knows not to do that stuff in/about a crime scene. Even asking friends over was a huge red flag for me.
If BR really did this and the parents covered it up how in the heck could PR spend her short days left on this earth not hating her son for killing her precious baby girl and even to be able to look at him with love and affection for ruining so many lives including theirs? I'm not going to convict him without being in a court of law, hearing and seeing all the evidence. I am not 100% convinced he's guilty no matter what everyone here thinks. The ransom letter is the only thing I'm really struggling with that as it could point to a coverup or maybe not but there's always a first for something even though all others ransom notes have been short. Yes, Burke is an odd guy but that's not enough for a television show to convince me of guilt. Lee, Scheck and Spitz network probably paid them to make BR look guilty. They have been paid by defense numerous times in high profile cases to save murderers by creating reasonable doubt such as in OJ and Spector trials. We all know OJ was guilty. More DNA evidence then any case in history.

Is that Jacques2 that Burke is holding?
Is that Jacques2 that Burke is holding?
That looks like a long haired Siamese. Not sure though. But this picture tells me a lot. Burke seems happy here compared to photos I've seen of him with JB.
Let me ask though if anyone else noticed something. It has stuck in my crawl for a few weeks now. I forget which video it is or what interview it's from but, PR, JR and BR are walking across a small stream using a bridge. The cameraman is filming from a short distance. I know they wanted it to look like they were happy and well adjusted. BUT. PR picks up a leaf and turns and shows BR and lays it on the handrail of the bridge. BR immediately brushes it away like it disgusts him. I just felt there was an undertone there of him still being that angry child and angry he was having to fake for the camera. JMOO but to me it rubbed me wrong. I will try to find a link to it if I can. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this snippet and noticed it too.

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If BR really did this and the parents covered it up how in the heck could PR spend her short days left on this earth not hating her son for killing her precious baby girl and even to be able to look at him with love and affection for ruining so many lives including theirs?

Respectfully snipped for focus:

If Burke killed Jonbenet, wouldn't she spend her remaining days angry at herself for not protecting Jonbenet? Burke was a child, albeit probably a mentally disturbed one (IMO); it was ultimately JR and PR's job to protect Jonbenet. I mean, if you had a family dog that kept growling at, antagonizing, and biting your child, but you keep the dog in the house with your vulnerable child, and keep leaving your vulnerable child alone with the dog unsupervised, and the dog eventually kills your child....who's ultimately to blame there? Clearly the GJ saw far more than we have, and they moved to indict the parents for exactly this.
Well you are assuming Burke did everything, and there is no evidence for that. But even if he did, why do you think it doesn't make sense for the parents to cover for him?

And why do you think it was planned?
There is no evidence that BR didn't plan everything, either. And of course there is the practice note he wrote. For another family member in the 3 to be dragged into it, maybe out of loyalty for a while. But eventually the cracks would show. There are just so many instances of family members turning on each other over things like this to make that more likely. Also, JB was following in her mother's footsteps. PR would have identified heavily with her daughter.jmo
If BR really did this and the parents covered it up how in the heck could PR spend her short days left on this earth not hating her son for killing her precious baby girl and even to be able to look at him with love and affection for ruining so many lives including theirs? I'm not going to convict him without being in a court of law, hearing and seeing all the evidence. I am not 100% convinced he's guilty no matter what everyone here thinks. The ransom letter is the only thing I'm really struggling with that as it could point to a coverup or maybe not but there's always a first for something even though all others ransom notes have been short. Yes, Burke is an odd guy but that's not enough for a television show to convince me of guilt. Lee, Scheck and Spitz were probably paid by network to make BR look guilty. They have been paid by defense numerous times in high profile cases to save murderers by creating reasonable doubt such as in OJ and Spector trials. We all know OJ was guilty. More DNA evidence then any case in history.

Wow, I'd never seen that photo before. I can tell you that without a doubt, if my older son had killed my younger son, no matter the circumstances, I'd never look at him the same way again. It would take me a long time and probably a LOT of therapy to be able to forgive him, especially if it was done in anger and there was torture involved. But then Patsy and John are different from me, I think. Patsy wasn't about to lose Burke, no matter what he'd done. They must have felt it wasn't Burke's fault and that he was a victim in his own way.

And I just thought of another question: If someone had been abusing Burke as well as JBR, didn't that continue after JBR was gone? Why would it stop? Fear of being caught doesn't always cause abusers to stop, after all.

God, I am sick of discussing all of this horrific stuff...yet I can't quite let it go either.
As you well know we aren't privy to that information. But just because we aren't privy to it doesn't mean it does t exist. Keep in mind the people who did hear that info felt it string enough to indict. .

I wish we could sticky this. I've been saying this for years! People think that because they haven't seen the evidence, it doesn't exist. :pullhair:
But weren't PR's fibres from her jacket found on the duct tape and garotte? That implicates her for that not BR?

The duct tape and cord around the wrists would have been part of the staging. She could have tried to undo the garotte or the cord used could have been from something of hers--just like the paintbrush was hers. I believe it was taken from a nearby tote that belonged to Patsy.
That looks like a long haired Siamese. Not sure though. But this picture tells me a lot. Burke seems happy here compared to photos I've seen of him with JB.
Let me ask though if anyone else noticed something. It has stuck in my crawl for a few weeks now. I forget which video it is or what interview it's from but, PR, JR and BR are walking across a small stream using a bridge. The cameraman is filming from a short distance. I know they wanted it to look like they were happy and well adjusted. BUT. PR picks up a leaf and turns and shows BR and lays it on the handrail of the bridge. BR immediately brushes it away like it disgusts him. I just felt there was an undertone there of him still being that angry child and angry he was having to fake for the camera. JMOO but to me it rubbed me wrong. I will try to find a link to it if I can. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this snippet and noticed it too.

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Interesting - I'll have to look for that.
And Burke said he knew what happened! The 3 of them were in it together!

In a sense yes. That explains the GJ indictments. They all played important roles that led to JBR's death and the cover-up of that death.
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