The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18 # 2

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I just watched this video posted up-thread, 'The Case Of JonBenet Rasmey': Has Her Murder Been solved?
I watched it Closed Captioned due to the time and it is bizzaro. Check it out, especially at 2.38 with C.C.


Lol, that CC transcriptionist should have his/her pay docked!
In this video of an interview with Linda Arndt: [video=youtube;f_hi3OVE6Og][/video] at around 5:58 she states she and JR were leaning over JB's body and he asked "Is she dead". He picked her up in the basement and carried her upstairs. He has seen what she looks like. WHY would he ask if she was dead? He had to know she was already dead.
On the CBS show I believe I heard JonBenet was hit twice with the flashlight. The first time on the shoulder, thus a bruise. Maybe this one caused her to fall forward. The second hit was to her head. Could she have already been facedown on the floor? Would the skull fracture look like that if she was already on the floor?
In this video of an interview with Linda Arndt: [video=youtube;f_hi3OVE6Og][/video] at around 5:58 she states she and JR were leaning over JB's body and he asked "Is she dead". He picked her up in the basement and carried her upstairs. He has seen what she looks like. WHY would he ask if she was dead? He had to know she was already dead.

LA is unstable and paranoid and did a lot of mistakes even after dec 26. pls read her depo available ay acandyrose
He was transitioning to become a female when they found him in Thailand in the first place. He's a messed-up person. Is he from a rich family or something? Where is he getting money to live?

He also mentioned castration.
What a freak show! To me he comes of as very gay to me. Super flamboyant. Im suprised he likes girls.

Agreed. But it's comforting to know they've got a backup for Billy Bob Thornton if he decides not to do "Bad Santa 3".
he discust me in that interview and to let out the F word just showed how trashy he is. This guy needs to crawl in a hole and never come out ! Oh and take Casey Anthony with him
Yikes! I use the f word. For emphasis, etc. I didn't realize it puts me on trashy par with folks like them! I thought the murdering and molesting did that lol (their murdering and molesting... I'm not a murderer or a molester but I'm an f bomb dropper!)
In this video of an interview with Linda Arndt: [video=youtube;f_hi3OVE6Og][/video] at around 5:58 she states she and JR were leaning over JB's body and he asked "Is she dead". He picked her up in the basement and carried her upstairs. He has seen what she looks like. WHY would he ask if she was dead? He had to know she was already dead.
I think even non guilty people might say that... Disbelief that one's child is dead is a natural thing.
What a freak show! To me he comes of as very gay to me. Super flamboyant. Im suprised he likes girls.
He was supposedly trying to have a sex change operation in Thailand before all the hell happened. Can anyone confirm this?
What laws were they attempting to pass? When did the age requirement for prosecution change also?

I don't know which laws PositiveLight. I did make an effort to find out without any luck.

Apparently, the law was codified or updated in 1991. That's the latest date I found.
he discust me in that interview and to let out the F word just showed how trashy he is. This guy needs to crawl in a hole and never come out ! Oh and take Casey Anthony with him
I agree 10000%. All he did was muddy the waters more. And how he keeps saying he's protecting the innocent people by not divulging who all was present....WTF. IFFFF he had even been there, which he wasn't.... anyone in the house at the time of her death was guilty!!! There are no innocent people in which he's referring to. You know.... I wonder if there is some connection to The Ramsey's and JMK. He was supposedly in Atlanta when she was killed. They are originally from that area also. Maybe they had paid him to do all of this crazy confession BS. Just to simply muddy the water more. He knew and they knew he wouldn't be found guilty and easily be found no where near the crime scene when it occurred. So if he was trying to get a sex change, which is quite expensive, maybe the money made it worth it. Then after his sex change he would have a new identity, and also live somewhere else. So what did he really have to loose? JMOO but now I am starting to think this crazy SOB was part of the cover up all along.
On the CBS show I believe I heard JonBenet was hit twice with the flashlight. The first time on the shoulder, thus a bruise. Maybe this one caused her to fall forward. The second hit was to her head. Could she have already been facedown on the floor? Would the skull fracture look like that if she was already on the floor?
If she was on the floor, I would have to say it depended on his position in regards to her position. BUT yes it would seem it very easily could have. Plus you add in the factor of even more weight coming crashing down on her skull. Especially if he is swinging from a standing position to down maybe on a knee. That's a whole hell of a lot more force when you add the weight of the flashlight and the velocity of the potential swing.
But, I did do the transcriptions of those shows for this web forum and I don't remember them saying it occurred twice. But she DID have other injuries such as bruising and abrasions. so it could be very likely a workable hypothesis.
JMOO of course.
I can't believe we are talking about poop. LOL But when the housekeeper mentioned "grapefruit" poop, I just always assumed she meant a pile of it equal to about the size of a grapefruit, not the actual shape of a grapefruit. Not that it matters because it's just as gross and disturbing.
Yikes! I use the f word. For emphasis, etc. I didn't realize it puts me on trashy par with folks like them! I thought the murdering and molesting did that lol (their murdering and molesting... I'm not a murderer or a molester but I'm an f bomb dropper!)

:laughing:me too haha I drop the bomb all the time! You aren't alone! :discuss::greetings::whistle:
I don't know which laws PositiveLight. I did make an effort to find out without any luck.

Apparently, the law was codified or updated in 1991. That's the latest date I found.
Thank you so much for searching! I couldn't find much either.
I can't believe we are talking about poop. LOL But when the housekeeper mentioned "grapefruit" poop, I just always assumed she meant a pile of it equal to about the size of a grapefruit, not the actual shape of a grapefruit. Not that it matters because it's just as gross and disturbing.

100% agree, I think you're right. It doesn't make sense to me that it would be a "ball". Fecal matter is usually pretty soft, its not like clay where you can mold it.
Ok. Here is where I am at in my mind as of this moment.
Who actually had motive to kill JonBenet in the family?
Patsy- JonBenet wet the bed constantly. Maybe this could be a reason to snap after a long few exhausting weeks. BUT. Would she really do that considering even Burke admitted they both wet the bed and soiled themselves? Frustrated maybe but not enough IMHO to land a blow to her beauty queen's head and then strangle her. Spank her even.. quite possibly! But I don't think she would intentionally harm her. IMHO this death was intentional. An adult would know that hitting anyone with a heavy object would possibly kill them.
John- She was possibly being molested and John would obviously be on the list of suspects. But why kill her? Just saying IF he HAD been molesting her, why would he kill her? Maybe she threatened to tell is the ONLY reason I could think of. He had, IMHO the least motive.
Burke- Now this is where the motives build up significantly in my humble opinion. Let's start with jealousy. Jealous is a mother of a reason to kill. Burke had all attention on him until JonBenet came along. Then he was (at least in his mind probably) knocked off the "the tit" as us southerners say. He wasn't as important anymore as JonBenet was. (again in his mind possibly). Then add all of the attention his mother gave to JonBenet as the years wore on, and you have a serious storm brewing. Especially if he had any underlying psych issues. Then all of the money and attention the pageants brought to her. The extended family being involved in her costumes and such. Maybe in his mind SHE was getting to do all of these things and mama was watching her gleaming at her future beauty queen. I know that it has been said that Burke was involved in a lot of extra curricular activities, but you have to wonder how MANY were just to keep him busy and no one was fawning over his accomplishments as they did for JonBenet. So basically his activities were only to keep him occupied. Also to make the family look perfect with their kids involved in so many things.
Now, add in other components such as not getting the gifts he wanted (this is kind of something I feel is probably true considering he couldn't even remember the gift he just HAD to sneak down and play with that night) and maybe JonBenet getting everything she wanted. Maybe tensions were quickly rising that morning/ afternoon. By that evening he was totally pi$$ed, especially when he gets home and notices he really didn't get much. MAYBE that's why he snuck down to the basement. To check and see if maybe his parents were hiding a special gift for him for their trip?
Anyway, Burke is eating pineapple and drinking his tea and his little sister who he's possibly seriously despising at this point, come and steals his pineapple. Oh Hell NO. He's had ENOUGH of his bratty spoiled sister. He grabs the flashlight nearby that maybe he used to sneak a peek at the gifts and chases her with it. He's hit her before and got away with it. No telling honestly how many times either. She's thinking she's being chased in fun and jest. Burke however is not in the least bit happy. She runs to the basement where they play, and in the privacy of the basement is when he makes his move. He hits her hard and means it. Maybe he didn't quite realize how fatal it could be but he wanted her to feel his pain some. When she doesn't get up, he just pokes at her with the train track. Maybe she's having seizures or doing something uncontrollably and he doesn't want his mama who may be packing upstairs to hear her. So he finds the cord (used for something entirely different usually) and chokes her from behind. To make her stop doing whatever her body is doing in the last throws of life. He at this point maybe did the strangling out of fear and panic. His mama might have noticed at some point JonBenet wasn't in her bed while she was packing and found her dead. That may have been the scream heard by neighbors. Then the cover-up occurred by the parents. He was sent to his room to stay out of the way. They would deal with him later.
I feel Burke had the most to gain from her death in his eyes at least. This is all my humble opinion, but this is where my mind is at right now. Burke did it in a white hot fit of rage. Something he was prone to probably.
100% agree, I think you're right. It doesn't make sense to me that it would be a "ball". Fecal matter is usually pretty soft, its not like clay where you can mold it.
:lol: I'm not gonna ask you how you know that with such certainty.
:lol: I'm not gonna ask you how you know that with such certainty.
Tell that to my son. When he was 4, he ate ramen noodles for the time. My wife had to dig the poop out of his butt because it was like modeling clay.
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