The cries for help

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"When police put Zimmerman in the back of the cruiser, he said, "I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me," according to the police report." LINK CNN

I think someone was yelling "help", JMO

I stated before that I did hear help. I went back and listened to the 911 call in question that has the screams on it. Yes, there are helps on it along with screams of pure terror. Then there is also the one help that sounds completely different from the other helps and screams. As far as Zimmerman claiming that no one helped him, does that discredit "John" or does that discredit Zimmerman? When you have "John" saying he told the person yelling help that he was going to call 911 then we have "John" helping. So who do we believe?

I stated before that I did hear help. I went back and listened to the 911 call in question that has the screams on it. Yes, there are helps on it along with screams of pure terror. Then there is also the one help that sounds completely different from the other helps and screams. As far as Zimmerman claiming that no one helped him, does that discredit "John" or does that discredit Zimmerman? When you have "John" saying he told the person yelling help that he was going to call 911 then we have "John" helping. So who do we believe?


If I were having my head slammed into the ground, fearful of my life, telling me "I'm going to go call 911!" isn't help to me. It will take minutes for police to arrive, I need help NOW.
If I were having my head slammed into the ground, fearful of my life, telling me "I'm going to go call 911!" isn't help to me. It will take minutes for police to arrive, I need help NOW.

Key word being IF. Based on the photos that we have seen, both released by SPD and leaked by who knows who, there is no evidence that Zimmerman had his head slammed into the ground (actually he claimed the sidewalk) repeatedly as he claimed. Zimmerman knew that SPD was on the way. He had already called the non-emergancy number, spoken with the dispatcher and knew that the SPD were already on the way. Again, I stand by my opinion. "John", if he is to be believed, was helping whoever was yelling for help.

I don't know if you're referring to something else, but I listened to the ambulance dispatch recording and it was clear to me that one of the two ambulances was turned back due to "no vitals." Imo, that would be for Trayvon. Would the ME's office (or whatever, I don't know the "lingo") have responded instead?. I did not hear or read that the second ambulance was cancelled, but may have missed that.

Ambulance called for George Zimmerman canceled, dispatch recordings say

(CBS/WKMG) SANFORD, Fla. - Newly released fire rescue dispatch recordings from the night 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed reveal that a second ambulance - presumably to tend to George Zimmerman - was canceled before it arrived at the scene of the shooting.
First, I will be snipping quite a bit. I'm after a few select statements and I do apologize if you find this out of order but having multiple people quote it makes little sense to me.

I didn't know they were going to allow the 2nd, 3rd or 4th hand stories to be allowed into "evidence." If so, are the Martins also going to get to tell the story as they know it? It would only be fair. Also, you have to keep in mind that people can have misunderstandings. For example, BG said that Mr. Martin was sitting on the porch and Mr. Zimmerman just came up and shot him. She didn't understand something somewhere, obviously.

If you ask me, this supports Mr. Zimmerman because he doesn't say they were rolling around on the ground trying to rip each others clothes off. He states he was hit, he fell to the ground, Mr. Martin was on top of him slamming his head into the cement, his mouth/nose was covered and Mr. Martin went for his weapon. To me it seems logical that there wouldn't be a whole lot of ripped clothes, etc, given the story as it's told.

After reviewing the enhanced photo, which is much more clear than the blurred video you linked, I still can't be sure there isn't a bandage. I see a smudge mark, but that could be indicative of a bandage that is full of blood and starting to drip. I do see two bump type anomalies slightly higher of those marks also. Without the reports I wouldn't say either way, personally.

Another problem is that the body was no where near the cut-through that you're speaking of. Whether you take Zimmerman's story or your own the body would've been near the cut-through if he "cut Martin off." Both stories have Mr. Zimmerman falling near the place that they met and the confrontation happened.

I'm not sure about you, but I watch a lot of "funny videos" where people fall down due to various things. Not very many videos do you see of people falling back as if they're doing a nose dive. Maybe if he lost consciousness after being hit and his body locked up, but he never states anything about actually losing consciousness from what I know. I don't know enough about the picture from 3 minutes after to speak of it confidently.

So now he's in a backwards nose dive (unconscious?), holding on to someone.. and his knees don't buckle? I don't buy it.

I'm not going to fully speculate, but I think Mr. Martin was trying to get the weapon out of his hand based on the information I discussed earlier with another member here about a new round not being chambered. If he's trying to get the gun he's not trying to get away.

How do we know TM wasn't trying to keep GZ from shooting him. If those were TM's screams I would say that was more likely than TM was trying to get the gun from GZ. I could see someone trying to grab and push the gun away to keep from getting shot and GZ thinking he was trying to grab his gun. Why would GZ lie about the details though??? jmo
How do we know TM wasn't trying to keep GZ from shooting him. If those were TM's screams I would say that was more likely than TM was trying to get the gun from GZ. I could see someone trying to grab and push the gun away to keep from getting shot and GZ thinking he was trying to grab his gun. Why would GZ lie about the details though??? jmo

You'd think if he were trying to keep from being shot he would've tried harder at moving the weapon away from his body than keeping the slide from moving back. Just my opinion, of course.
I truly believe it was TRAYVON yelling for help.

GZ knew help was on the way Trayvon did not. IMO if GZ would've never gotten out of his car with a loaded gun following Trayvon there would've never been a struggle over the gun, if that's what happened. GZ was asking for trouble and he found it.

Ambulance called for George Zimmerman canceled, dispatch recordings say

(CBS/WKMG) SANFORD, Fla. - Newly released fire rescue dispatch recordings from the night 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed reveal that a second ambulance - presumably to tend to George Zimmerman - was canceled before it arrived at the scene of the shooting.

Thanks. I know what the article says, but I don't see the audio link there? If you listen to the audio link, you will hear the dispatcher say something about "no vitals" when cancelling one of the ambulances. If she went on to say the the second injured person did not have gunshot wounds, that was, imo, just to clarify that the second unit would not be coming upon that type of injury. I think she did say that. I just can't remember for sure. Imo, she was saying that (1) person who was shot is dead - no ambulance, and (2) the other guy was not shot.

Take a listen. I'm happy to stand corrected, but I do believe the article is wrong, and did when I first listened, too.

People keep using this phrase. Is there really a recording of someone screaming "Please don't kill me" or "Please don't shoot me!" I find it very confusing when embellishments like this are made.

This isn't meant as a personal attack on anyone as many folks, here on WS and elsewhere, keep using this phrase. Is there something I missed where someone "pleading for his life" can actually be heard on one of the tapes?
Screaming for help in a life threatening situation is pleading for your life. IMO
This is the same boy whose mother has said that the SPD waited 5 days before contacting her son to interview him, yes? There is an interview with the mother of the 13 year old at the link below.

From that article:
The shooting occurred Feb. 26, and Brown's son called 911 to report it at the time. But police didn't seek to question him until March 2, Brown said. She wasn't home, so they returned March 5, meaning eight days passed before police actually questioned a key eyewitness.

"I was waiting every day for someone to come knocking on the door," she said.

Once they did, Brown alleged, police tried to lead her son to agree to certain assertions, such as the race of the person on the ground and what he was wearing. But the boy stuck to his insistence that he couldn't make out either because it was too dark.

Based on the above it appears to me that it could have been Trayvon on the ground, not Zimmerman. So at this point the 13 year old is not really a valuable witness since he admits he did not see much because of it being to dark. He also does not state that he heard a gunshot before the screams stopped. Does that mean that he did not hear one or that he just did not tell about it?


Using my own qoute because I found another article that says something different from the article above. Again, this proves that witnesses are unreliable and shows that the 13 year old was not sure about who was on the ground at the time.

From the article:
“I saw someone lying on the ground, and I heard screaming,” said Austin, 13, whose mother asked that his last name not be published. “I don’t know that it was the person on the (ground) who was screaming, but to me it sounded like a kid who was crying. It was a yell for help, and I think it was Trayvon.”

Austin wasn’t sure if the person was in a fight or had slipped and gotten hurt. Austin’s Boxer puppy got off the leash so the boy went chasing after the dog and lost sight of the scene for a moment. Then, he heard a gun go off.

If I were having my head slammed into the ground, fearful of my life, telling me "I'm going to go call 911!" isn't help to me. It will take minutes for police to arrive, I need help NOW.

The dispatcher had already informed GZ that police were on the way.
Using my own qoute because I found another article that says something different from the article above. Again, this proves that witnesses are unreliable and shows that the 13 year old was not sure about who was on the ground at the time.

From the article:
“I saw someone lying on the ground, and I heard screaming,” said Austin, 13, whose mother asked that his last name not be published. “I don’t know that it was the person on the (ground) who was screaming, but to me it sounded like a kid who was crying. It was a yell for help, and I think it was Trayvon.”

Austin wasn’t sure if the person was in a fight or had slipped and gotten hurt. Austin’s Boxer puppy got off the leash so the boy went chasing after the dog and lost sight of the scene for a moment. Then, he heard a gun go off.


I find it funny how his story changed and his mother claims the police said Zimmerman didn't shoot in self defense, yet they tell everyone else that it was - and continued to do so. Something with this family smells fishy.
I find it funny how his story changed and his mother claims the police said Zimmerman didn't shoot in self defense, yet they tell everyone else that it was - and continued to do so. Something with this family smells fishy.

Didn't the mother claim she was upset with LE because they were "coaching" her son about what color the person was wearing who was on the ground? jmo
Didn't the mother claim she was upset with LE because they were "coaching" her son about what color the person was wearing who was on the ground? jmo

Don't know, would need a source. Even then, what some consider to be "coaching" may not be coaching at all. Then again there could be other things going on outside of the view of public. Wouldn't be the first time, in my opinion.
You'd think if he were trying to keep from being shot he would've tried harder at moving the weapon away from his body than keeping the slide from moving back. Just my opinion, of course.

Maybe TM was someone like me.....clueless when it comes to fighting off someone with a gun. Trying harder, how. Do you think he could see GZ putting his finger on the trigger getting ready to pull it? Maybe that is the reason for what I can only describe as a death wail. jmo
I find it funny how his story changed and his mother claims the police said Zimmerman didn't shoot in self defense, yet they tell everyone else that it was - and continued to do so. Something with this family smells fishy.

What about the police? IMO something with them seems fishy.

Don't know, would need a source. Even then, what some consider to be "coaching" may not be coaching at all. Then again there could be other things going on outside of the view of public. Wouldn't be the first time, in my opinion.

I believe at this point from what I've read we won't see this one testify either because he is very sympathic to TM. He can't do GZ any good. He now claims the voice yelling was from a kid. jmo
The dispatcher had already informed GZ that police were on the way.

So just hold out a few more minutes while getting punched in the face. It will all be over in just a few minutes, unless the cops are finishing a doughnut that is.
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