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I know everybody here cares about these women. If you didn't you wouldn't spend the time and effort...I respect that! I was really referring to the media coverage. Which by the way has stopped completly! Where's the outrage and concern? Smh... besides the families we seem to be the only ones that care. I think thats's what the killer/s is counting on! It'll just go away and when everybody has forgotten...he'll strike again if he hasn't already.

Because it's a cold case, the girls were prostitutes, and the killer covered all his tracks fairly well. That's why there isn't anything new to report concerning this case. Everyday that passes without an arrest I start to feel more and more like they won't ever get this guy. He's self-controlled in the sense that apparently while he was once calling the victim's family members and such, he's now laying low. Maybe he can turn it on and off. Who knows? I doubt they ever get him. Unless he gets really bold again, I don't see an arrest happening in this case.
I know everybody here cares about these women. If you didn't you wouldn't spend the time and effort...I respect that! I was really referring to the media coverage. Which by the way has stopped completly! Where's the outrage and concern? Smh... besides the families we seem to be the only ones that care. I think thats's what the killer/s is counting on! It'll just go away and when everybody has forgotten...he'll strike again if he hasn't already.


Media coverage always stops when incoming information stops. That's just the way it is. Long time WSers will tell you this happens in many many cases. It's a constant source of frustration for those of us who become attached to certain cases (Haleigh Cummings, Lisa Irwin, Holly Bobo, LISK, the list goes on and on). That said, notice how WE are still here. WSers don't forget.
I agree with genericwhitemale.

The only thing to do is wait until someone stumbles upon his next burial ground.
Here's another man's take on why the killer hasn't yet been caught: he's an innovator. The linked article throws some jabs at Long Island in general, so if you can't take a joke, don't bother reading it at all. I don't want to hear about how I'm being insensitive and such, either. I didn't write this. But I think this guy's take is spot on for more reasons than one. The bit about the perp being "the Jimi Hendrix of serial killers" had me dying. No pun intended.
Here's another man's take on why the killer hasn't yet been caught: he's an innovator. The linked article throws some jabs at Long Island in general, so if you can't take a joke, don't bother reading it at all. I don't want to hear about how I'm being insensitive and such, either. I didn't write this. But I think this guy's take is spot on for more reasons than one. The bit about the perp being "the Jimi Hendrix of serial killers" had me dying. No pun intended.

His domain name and slogan say it all: aimlow - "not living up to potential since 1998". His writing is unoriginal and inconsistent, which is exactly what you would expect from a guy from Arizona (I know, it's not supposed to make sense). Hold on let me think of a few cliched things to say about Arizona... Maybe the heat down there that has gotten to his brain, yeah but it's a dry heat. blah blah vomit...

At least even that idiot can recognize that people just may change the way they do things over a 20 year period. I hope Jimi Hendrix's ghost finds Aimlow Joe and set's him on fire then bashes his skull in with his guitar. Don't ever compare Hendrix to this sub-human gully creature. Jimi is a God, the lisk was a toe fungus spore on his best day. Aimlow Joe needs to go back to violating people's civil rights and leave LI and Hendrix alone. As for judging a place by one or two of it's residents? I'll take Debbie Gibson over Jared Lee Loughner every time.
His domain name and slogan say it all: aimlow - "not living up to potential since 1998". His writing is unoriginal and inconsistent, which is exactly what you would expect from a guy from Arizona (I know, it's not supposed to make sense). Hold on let me think of a few cliched things to say about Arizona... Maybe the heat down there that has gotten to his brain, yeah but it's a dry heat. blah blah vomit...

At least even that idiot can recognize that people just may change the way they do things over a 20 year period. I hope Jimi Hendrix's ghost finds Aimlow Joe and set's him on fire then bashes his skull in with his guitar. Don't ever compare Hendrix to this sub-human gully creature. Jimi is a God, the lisk was a toe fungus spore on his best day. Aimlow Joe needs to go back to violating people's civil rights and leave LI and Hendrix alone. As for judging a place by one or two of it's residents? I'll take Debbie Gibson over Jared Lee Loughner every time.

Fair enough. But you realized the important part of that article, that just maybe this guy is switching up his tactics as time goes on. That was the whole point of the link.
How do we KNOW what specific services any of these woman provided. [...] All I am saying is that we don't know where these woman drew the line with regards to what services they did or did not provide.
Their craigslist and backpage ads were quite clear that they were engaging in prostitution as opposed to, say, erotic massage or as a high end escort service.
Their craigslist and backpage ads were quite clear that they were engaging in prostitution as opposed to, say, erotic massage or as a high end escort service.

TY Apparently I haven't been doing my homework. I guess I get a little defensive because I know not all escorts sell sex per se...I also am not naive enough to think that some don't. I am no Angel. I was 29 when I started dancing and escorting. I thought for the first six months...that I HAD to sell sex...It wasn't until I got hooked up with a LEGIT service that I learned that I had the power...I could draw the line. I went to craigslist today for the first time. I guess I am out of the felt like I needed a check up just reading a few of the posts there. I haven't read any of our victims ads yet..My internet access is me I guess ; )) but still... what happened to placing a professional ad in the phone book? Even though I was in the business for 12 years...and maybe BECAUSE I was in the business for 12 years I am embarrassed and disgusted by the ads on these sites! It's degrading!
Come on, guys, and, in the words of Hawkshaw, "Gals" ; ) This is what this sick prick is counting on! Don't shut down! Put your great minds and hearts together and keep the conversation going! When this coward see's that the people who care the most (aside from family) gives up...he wins! NEVER let this conversation die!
Here's another man's take on why the killer hasn't yet been caught: he's an innovator. The linked article throws some jabs at Long Island in general, so if you can't take a joke, don't bother reading it at all. I don't want to hear about how I'm being insensitive and such, either. I didn't write this. But I think this guy's take is spot on for more reasons than one. The bit about the perp being "the Jimi Hendrix of serial killers" had me dying. No pun intended.

I agree... I think he is changing with the seasons. Nowadays these pervs have so much more info on how NOT to get caught!
I agree... I think he is changing with the seasons. Nowadays these pervs have so much more info on how NOT to get caught!

Having said that...I read somewhere that the only way not to get caught is by choosing TOTALLY RANDOM victims. I wonder? Are the victims TOTALLY random if they are stalked and preyed upon first?
Having said that...I read somewhere that the only way not to get caught is by choosing TOTALLY RANDOM victims. I wonder? Are the victims TOTALLY random if they are stalked and preyed upon first?

COULD his way of choosing victims be his downfall?
I wish there were no legal ramifications for "taking the law into your own hands"

Get them all in a warehouse room with potatoe sacks over there heads so they cant communicate with jestures or facial expressions ask quesitons.

"Then shove a rag in there mouth and pour water over there faces to simulate drowning" Brain Griffen
Just to calm down worried natures, I am still alive, I am not wrapped in burlap and I still enjoy a good health otherwise. But I am busy with actual work on other cases and therefore won't participate in the usual merry-go-round discussions here. And I don't think, I have read anything in the last months, that actually would throw a new light on the case anyway.


... and back to real work
Just to calm down worried natures, I am still alive, I am not wrapped in burlap and I still enjoy a good health otherwise. But I am busy with actual work on other cases and therefore won't participate in the usual merry-go-round discussions here. And I don't think, I have read anything in the last months, that actually would throw a new light on the case anyway.


... and back to real work

Well you obviously haven't heard my theory about them being murdered by sasquatches. That's right, the evidence points to more than one sasquach being involved. Controversial? Yes. But the more you think about it, the more it just makes sense.
LI teen missing for 3 days, was talking to an older man from a dating site...
Possibly relevant due to 3 day holiday weekend in September...:sick:

from News12
"Farmingville family seeks missing teen

(09/19/12) FARMINGVILLE - A Suffolk family is pleading for help finding their 15-year-old daughter who vanished from her Farmingville home over the weekend.

Sachem East freshman Ailsa Papik was last seen at her home at about 3 a.m. Sunday morning.

Papik's mother says she was talking to an older man who she met on an online dating site. "
LI teen missing for 3 days, was talking to an older man from a dating site...
Possibly relevant due to 3 day holiday weekend in September...:sick:

from News12

It was said the older man she had been talking to online was taking her to either Brooklyn or Staten Island. Wasn't the cop that had contacted MBB right before her disappearance from SI?

It was said the older man she had been talking to online was taking her to either Brooklyn or Staten Island. Wasn't the cop that had contacted MBB right before her disappearance from SI?


I gotta ask... WTH is a 15 yr old doing on a dating site?! I pray she just ran away and didn't meet a tragic end.
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