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was watching several of the older news videos the other night & caught a glimpse of another set of skeletal remains that were located...not sure which victim this was

I just saw this picture, tx MrsPC - is it my imagination or is there a ligature there...I know it's not the best photo...but do you see that...? Sorry if it's been discussed already...
I think the FBI investigates whatever they feel like investigating, and ignores what they feel like ignoring. Right at their site, they say, "Spies. Terrorists. Hackers. Pedophiles. Mobsters. Gang leaders and serial killers. We investigate them all, and many more besides." I think it's safe to say that if they wanted to investigate a report that fred&edna had jaywalked, they'd do it, and if they wanted to ignore a reports of terrorists, hackers, pedophiles, etc., they'd do that too. They are, essentially, accountable to no one, though I think it's reasonable to speculate that since 9/11 they've devoted a larger portion of their time to terrorists than ever before.

One situation where they might feel compelled to ramp up their efforts regarding the LISK would be if they felt there were any type of internal conflicts or even corruption impeding the current investigation.

I just have to mention that the FBI, for a taxpayer-funded organization, is an organization that is almost impossible for a taxpayer to get in touch with. They have a "tips" line for major cases; if you call it, a recording gives you choices of major investigations to give tips on (like, "if you have information about the bank robbery on such-and-such date in San Juan, Puerto Rico, press 1"); if the case you're interested is not listed (and LISK isn't), there's no further options, there's no "hold for operator", the caller is at a dead end. It is absolutely and completely impossible to get an FBI agent on the phone, whether you call Washington, Long Island, or your local office. They have no email addresses that you can write to (literally - they say "we have no outside email"). It is possible to get a receptionist, almost reluctantly, to give you a PO Box to write to, and I wrote them a letter last week (in the letter, I couldn't even refer to who had given me the address, as even the receptionists won't identify themselves by name).

Anyway, the line I like from that Post article is "Suffolk County Police Commissioner Edward Webber has signaled a willingness to finally involve the FBI in the case". And I really hope it means something.
Hi Precious Dust, I really don't agree with you about the FBI. They work on cases at the request of the respective LE Departments. They defer to that LE Dept and give their expert advice or whatever is needed to that Dept.

I spoke with the FBI office in Portland several times when the DB Cooper case was going strong here on WS and we thought there was a local suspect. In fact I got a call back from a FBI guy who told me they still have an active investigation on the case. We were afraid here they had let their guard down.
The author of that is amazing! I've read some of her other articles.

I am beyond sick of hearing the word prostitute or hooker constantly being used when writing about these women! They were so much more than that I' m sure! What itsounds like to me is " Yeah these woman were killed but don't have too much sympathy for them, after all they were prostitutes!"
It was nice to read an article written by someone who seemed to be equally disgusted by the way the media has handled this story.
As ugly as it sounds....thats reality. They were hookers or prostitutes. Nobody here is diminishing the value of their life because of it. But they were hookers and prostitues.....if there was a guy out killing accountants and actuaries we would probably call them accountants and actuaries as well.
As ugly as it sounds....thats reality. They were hookers or prostitutes. Nobody here is diminishing the value of their life because of it. But they were hookers and prostitues.....if there was a guy out killing accountants and actuaries we would probably call them accountants and actuaries as well.

While I understand your point, I have to disagree with your last statement. There have been countless missing adult women who you would never hear about their profession without it relating back to where she was last seen. In all reality, we are a society that gives a snap judgment, especially regarding prostitutes. It's those snap judgments that hinder finding out the truth... Sometimes LE is included in that.
If they found 4 actuaries buried in burlap along ocean parkway, and a few more actuaries chopped up in misc. places ....I bet they would call them actuaries in the papers as well.

THEY ARE HOOKERS. I believe sugar coating a situation is alot more detrimental to a case than telling the truth.
OK how about this.....we just call them women. Along with that we no longer investigate any ties to the hooker profession. That would probably help this case.:aktion1::aktion1:
Their profession has everything to do with their murders, IMO. Whoever killed them did so because their is a direct link to matter what motivates the killings.
Perhaps to a lesser degree, drug use is also relevant to the murders.
Their profession has everything to do with their murders, IMO. Whoever killed them did so because their is a direct link to matter what motivates the killings.

I agree with you on that. I also don't believe sugar coating helps find the truth. I just don't agree that if they had a profession that was "worthy" without judgment that it would be pointed out. In this case, mentioning their profession is detrimental to finding the truth.
anyone watch that fios bodies at the beach special? I haven't seen the whole thing yet and don't remember people here talking about it...

[ame=""]Bodies on the Beach: Search for a Serial Killer - YouTube[/ame]

Not even sure when it was aired
I think if they were accountants it might be mentioned because of the conection between then victims but I don't think their names would be prefaced by the word everytime their name is mentioned. Although I could be wrong. I might also feel offended if I were the family member of a murdered accountant. After all they were more than accountants and if the media focused on that I would want to hear more about their humanity than their proffesion! J/S
I think it is relevant that they were prostitutes, but as a female of the human race I am really offended by the word "hooker."
I think it is relevant that they were prostitutes, but as a female of the human race I am really offended by the word "hooker."

I don't think I have used this term here, but since this case I have started to think of prostitution as socioeconomic rape. If there was more opportunity these girls most likely would have never resorted to the option.
I think it is relevant that they were prostitutes, but as a female of the human race I am really offended by the word "hooker."

I totally agree that it is relevant to the cases. I just don't think it needs to be rubbed into the faces of the families, the victims or the general reading public. I also think the word hooker is degrading. Would they refer to accountants in a derogatory way for example calling them "number crunchers" or "nerds" I think not. I also am offended by the common fallacy that All adult entertainers are prostitutes. I don't think it's fair to assume that Escort = prostitute. There are woman in the industry that draw that line.
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