The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

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There's a difference between discussing and telling them as fact. iirc Ron told versions of the story that Misty never said publicly or agreed to them later.

Yep, it's amazing that Ronald appeared to know more about that day and evening than Misty and even coached her a bit on parts she seems confused about. :twocents:
IIRC. Ron C told NG on national tv he never asked Misty anything pertaining to Haleigh's disappearance..

He was at work.

He never asked Misty what happened.

Yet he knew who was sleeping where, that Misty was home, that a cousin wasn't there.

But he didn't know what Misty told LE about what happened 'cause he was at work.
Back at the trailer, she says Tommy later reported Haleigh was happy, doing wheelies on her bike, and playing with her brother, Junior, and Tommy’s children

Donjeta, In the above statement is Chelsey the one claiming Tommy made this statement to her?

This is the raw video of Misty's hypnosis where prior to "going under" at about the 9:52 mark, she recites who was there that afternoon. She mentions that Tommy was there with his children and the part about Haleigh doing wheelies. She also states that Haleigh got off the bus and got home about 4pm something. She also states that Annette Sykes and Aunt Elisa (Ron's mom's aunt) were there at 7:00 pm to drop off clothes.
Just wanted to note that the video is not of Misty taking a poly, it's TJ Ward's machine, which does not work imo.
I, for one, firmly believe the incident did not occur on Green Lane..So to me, as well as some others, it does make a BIG difference...
LE publically stated at one time there was no evidencee of a crime being committed at 202 Green Lane and IF a crime had occurred they didn't know where or when...
Hardy, himself, in April of 2010 stated he believed it was good possibility Haleigh died in the Shell Harbor area...
Misty's parent's residence should have been thoroughly checked as well as all the residences of Ron C's family members immediately after she was falsely reported as being abducted..


I'm just a little confused as to what evidence, links etc. there might be that indicate Haleigh was not abducted from 202 Green Lane? I mean if she wasn't abducted from there, then why stage the back door with the cinder block etc.

So please help me understand why you or others think she wasn't there.

Also as I recall, LE never said there was "no evidence of a crime" being committed at 202 Green Lane. They did say there was no evidence of a forced entry, but I can't believe they would have brought out the dogs, dismantled the dock down the street at the river (in case her body was caught under the dock) and drained the small artesian well fed pond that was on the next door neighbors property if they hadn't thought she had disappeared from 202 Green Lane.

So recap for me or provide links that indicate she was abducted from some other location, please.
I'm just a little confused as to what evidence, links etc. there might be that indicate Haleigh was not abducted from 202 Green Lane? I mean if she wasn't abducted from there, then why stage the back door with the cinder block etc.

One of Rons dumb plans. When he was busted trying to score drugs he wanted Misty to drive alone in a car with the guy who had drugs, yet instead of exchanging them in the car, Ron made up some elaborate scheme where the UC would go into a store, leave the drugs in a bathroom and then Misty would go in and get them, even though the logical thing would to be to cut out the dramatic store exchange, and just get in the car, grab them and get out. Thats how his mind works, and I find it telling.

I'm just a little confused as to what evidence, links etc. there might be that indicate Haleigh was not abducted from 202 Green Lane? I mean if she wasn't abducted from there, then why stage the back door with the cinder block etc.

So please help me understand why you or others think she wasn't there.

Also as I recall, LE never said there was "no evidence of a crime" being committed at 202 Green Lane. They did say there was no evidence of a forced entry, but I can't believe they would have brought out the dogs, dismantled the dock down the street at the river (in case her body was caught under the dock) and drained the small artesian well fed pond that was on the next door neighbors property if they hadn't thought she had disappeared from 202 Green Lane.

So recap for me or provide links that indicate she was abducted from some other location, please.

I don't know whether the crime happened on Green Lane, but I could see someone trying to hide a crime would stage a different location.
Tipsters: Girlfriend Not Home When Florida Girl Vanished
Wednesday, February 18, 2009,2933,495384,00.html

Misty Not Home Night Haleigh Vanished?
Putnam County Investigators Release Details Hoping To Pressure Stepmom
POSTED: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why stage the backdoor? (poorly done btw) To throw LE off of where Haleigh did disappear from possibly. I don't rule out the Magnolia address unless new info comes along.

There's many more links for the curious out there. Even stories of Misty driving off with Haleigh in the opposite direction from the blue mobile home after picking Haleigh up at the bus stop, Joe being at her parents house on Magnolia that night Haleigh went missing, a fight over a gun with RC, there's all kinds of info if you search for it. Warning! It can confuse you!
I'm just a little confused as to what evidence, links etc. there might be that indicate Haleigh was not abducted from 202 Green Lane? I mean if she wasn't abducted from there, then why stage the back door with the cinder block etc.

So please help me understand why you or others think she wasn't there.

Also as I recall, LE never said there was "no evidence of a crime" being committed at 202 Green Lane. They did say there was no evidence of a forced entry, but I can't believe they would have brought out the dogs, dismantled the dock down the street at the river (in case her body was caught under the dock) and drained the small artesian well fed pond that was on the next door neighbors property if they hadn't thought she had disappeared from 202 Green Lane.

So recap for me or provide links that indicate she was abducted from some other location, please.

BBM.. IMO It's relatively simple IF you think about Red Herring

IMO..LE has never stated she was abducted from another location...Reason being... She was never abducted from anywhere....JMHO

BTW.. LE most definitely did state there was no evidence of a crime being commited at 202 Green Lane...They further stated IF a crime had been committed, they didn't know where or when...
BBM.. IMO It's relatively simple IF you think about Red Herring

IMO..LE has never stated she was abducted from another location...Reason being... She was never abducted from anywhere....JMHO

BTW.. LE most definitely did state there was no evidence of a crime being commited at 202 Green Lane...They further stated IF a crime had been committed, they didn't know where or when...

Okay, I give up. I have to provide links to information that I know first hand, (Tommy saying that he and his kids were over at the MH earlier in the evening while the A/C guy was there, confirmed by Misty in the link provided )yet you don't have to provide a link to some alleged "LE Statement" saying no crime was committed at 202 Green Lane?

Please show me where LE said "no crime was committed at 202 Green Lane."
Just wanted to note that the video is not of Misty taking a poly, it's TJ Ward's machine, which does not work imo.

TV9-WFTV titled this video "Haleigh's Step-mom taking Polygraph Test". At the beginning of the video however, it is stated that this is the Layered Voice Analysis. I also realized that this was the LVA. It was way too late at night to go looking for the Poly questions and answers. It has been a very long last two days. No sleepwhile Hurricane Irene paid a visit all afternoon and all night long with no electrical power until just before I logged in yesterday. I was falling asleep at the computer when I posted this link and I thought that some people would be interested since "Tommy" was being discussed as to his statements regarding seeing Haleigh doing wheelies. I have insurance claims to file tomorrow but I will see what I can do to find the poly that was conducted and released. I have no comment on your opinion that this test Machine (LVA) doesn't work. That is your opinion and I was not the author of the video, I was just posting the link for anyone who wanted to hear the conversation about Haleigh doing the wheelies and about the story about the red truck that Tommy owned.
Okay, I give up. I have to provide links to information that I know first hand, (Tommy saying that he and his kids were over at the MH earlier in the evening while the A/C guy was there, confirmed by Misty in the link provided )yet you don't have to provide a link to some alleged "LE Statement" saying no crime was committed at 202 Green Lane?

Please show me where LE said "no crime was committed at 202 Green Lane."

Confused here......are your stating that you know "first hand" that Tommy said that he and the kids were over at the MH earlier in the evening? Because, in the video, Misty is the one stating that Tommy was there with his kids.
TV9-WFTV titled this video "Haleigh's Step-mom taking Polygraph Test". At the beginning of the video however, it is stated that this is the Layered Voice Analysis. I also realized that this was the LVA. It was way too late at night to go looking for the Poly questions and answers. It has been a very long last two days. No sleepwhile Hurricane Irene paid a visit all afternoon and all night long with no electrical power until just before I logged in yesterday. I was falling asleep at the computer when I posted this link and I thought that some people would be interested since "Tommy" was being discussed as to his statements regarding seeing Haleigh doing wheelies. I have insurance claims to file tomorrow but I will see what I can do to find the poly that was conducted and released. I have no comment on your opinion that this test Machine (LVA) doesn't work. That is your opinion and I was not the author of the video, I was just posting the link for anyone who wanted to hear the conversation about Haleigh doing the wheelies and about the story about the red truck that Tommy owned.

I think we know too much sometimes about this case LT. Thanks for posting the video. It reminded me what lies look like. MOO. Sorry to hear you had storm damage, but glad you weren't hurt. Was praying for you, and will continue to pray that the insurance work goes well, and quickly. sorry everyone for ot. Haven't posted in a long time, and just wanted to say hi.
Okay, I give up. I have to provide links to information that I know first hand, (Tommy saying that he and his kids were over at the MH earlier in the evening while the A/C guy was there, confirmed by Misty in the link provided )yet you don't have to provide a link to some alleged "LE Statement" saying no crime was committed at 202 Green Lane?

Please show me where LE said "no crime was committed at 202 Green Lane."

:fence: They can't because there isn't one.

Tommy was at the Ron's house earlier.
The AC man was at Ron's house working on the unit.
He is not a suspect.

Neighbors told Marie HaLeigh was seen at the home playing in the yard that afternoon.
GGMS said she was at Ron's and saw HaLeigh eating.

Ron was at work and Crystal was apparently at home since they are not considered suspects.

Tommy is a named suspect.

"..Lewis said Croslin only came forward when he faced a lengthy prison sentence. He said he did not consider that Croslin cooperated because investigators still do not have a full picture of what happened the night Haleigh vanished..."
".. “He is still a suspect in that case,” (state attorney, Jason) Lewis said..."

Misty could have left anytime after the last person stated they saw her there and taken the kids with her. Maybe even to Lisa and Hank Sr's by the dock LE searched.
"We" don't know.

Misty says she left the house a while. No "tipster" is or ever was needed to point that fact out.

"..Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished..."
Is that news reporter dependable?

I don't remember Misty saying anywhere else that she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes and she just vanished during that time, unless you count her alleged trip to the bathroom as leaving Haleigh alone for a few minutes. She had TN and AS defending her saying she never left. "That's a crock."

I wouldn't put it beyond her to be in the habit of leaving the children in her care alone but I wouldn't count on it being just a few minutes.
Okay, I give up. I have to provide links to information that I know first hand, (Tommy saying that he and his kids were over at the MH earlier in the evening while the A/C guy was there, confirmed by Misty in the link provided )yet you don't have to provide a link to some alleged "LE Statement" saying no crime was committed at 202 Green Lane?

Please show me where LE said "no crime was committed at 202 Green Lane."Thanks

I'm looking for it NOW and have been since last night...Alot has been removed however I do know for a fact LE has stated there was no evidence of a crime being committed at 202 Green Lane and IF a crime had been committed they didn't know where or when...

Also, you have not provided any proof of Tommy, himself, ever claiming he was at the MH at 5:00 pm on the afternoon of February 9th...

JMO some folks may be thinking of this statement and misrembering it“We don’t know for sure what’s happened, but we do know that somewhere down the end of the line there’s going to be some type of crime involved,” Capt. Dick Schauland, a spokesman for the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, said Friday.

or him on HLN SHAULAND: That`s correct. That is his alibi and he was at work. We were able to check that. However, again we don`t know what happened to Haleigh and we don`t when it happened.

SHAULAND: Well, nobody has been excluded as a suspect because we just don`t know what happened to Haleigh. We don`t know anything about her whereabouts. As you can well imagine, somewhere down the line when all likelihood we`ve got a crime involved in the disappearance of Haleigh.

And so we are trying to keep the criminal investigation alive and we`ve not ruled out anybody because we don`t know what the crime is at this point.

ETA we do not have LE saying they do not know where a crime occurred, and we do not have Tommy talking about being at the home around 5. JMO
JMO some folks may be thinking of this statement and misrembering it“We don’t know for sure what’s happened, but we do know that somewhere down the end of the line there’s going to be some type of crime involved,” Capt. Dick Schauland, a spokesman for the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, said Friday.

or him on HLN SHAULAND: That`s correct. That is his alibi and he was at work. We were able to check that. However, again we don`t know what happened to Haleigh and we don`t when it happened.

SHAULAND: Well, nobody has been excluded as a suspect because we just don`t know what happened to Haleigh. We don`t know anything about her whereabouts. As you can well imagine, somewhere down the line when all likelihood we`ve got a crime involved in the disappearance of Haleigh.

And so we are trying to keep the criminal investigation alive and we`ve not ruled out anybody because we don`t know what the crime is at this point.

ETA we do not have LE saying they do not know where a crime occurred, and we do not have Tommy talking about being at the home around 5. JMO

Thanks for reminding us that Ron has not been cleared and his hot alibi wasn't so hot.

As far as the location, wasn't there at least once statement that there was no evidence that a crime had taken place at the mh? And another one that it could have happened near the water where the 2010 search was.

As far as what Tommy said or didn't, that could be either way. I didn't listen to all his jailhouse tapes etc. The only thing that sticks to me about him & the mh was that he claimed to have gone there after talking to Ron (probably about 10 o'clock) and nobody was there. That was when he was in jail earlier and that statement worked real well in getting him out of jail almost immediately. Then later that was a lie, but if it worked once, why not try something again.
For the record.. I'm not misremembering anything in regards to PCSO stating, at one time, there was no evidence of a crime being committed at 202 Green Lane, and IF a crime had been committed they did not know where or when....
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