The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 18th June - Trial Day 6, Week 2

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Is it possible ABC was taken down via the track and put under the bridge so it looked suspicious? Those marks on his chest look similar rub marks… maybe he used a ‘sling’ to drag/carry her into position??
Likely this has been covered before.
3:03pm: Under cross-examination from defence counsel Michael Byrne QC, Senior Sergeant Taylor said no blood was found inside the Baden-Clays' house after Mrs Baden-Clay's disappearance.

He also said there were "no obvious indications of a cleanup" inside the house or inside Mrs Baden-Clay's silver Holden Captiva.

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What "obvious signs" of a cleanup do nthe defence think there should have been? I'm sure if something was cleaned up then he wasn't going to leave evidence of the clean up, that would slightly defeat the purpose.... :banghead:
Wow, a lot of strong evidence today. Was it revealed whose blood that was in the car? Will it be?
Thanks once again to all who helped with the tweets/updates....much appreciated!!. Thanks to everyone for being here for Allison!

And a special thankyou to Kate @ CourierMail!

They haven't mentioned the hair in the blood yet, but it could have been any part of her body that was bleeding as one hair could have transferred to any part of her body then stuck to the blood. Wonder if it was her head that was bleeding and hit with force on the side of the car that maybe then there would have been more hair stuck in the blood.

That's right, I forgot about the hair. A question for you Alioop, if we are about halfway through the witnesses, it would seem that they will take about three weeks. What is the rest of the time used for? Does all the summing up take quite a while? Thanks.
Agree AAAA. Certain questions are not being asked and areas not being explored. Maybe there is a method here that seems unclear at the moment. My opinion only.

If memory serves correctly, at the bail hearing they had a caterpillar expert answer that. I think he said they don't bite and it was the wrong time of year for them.
GBC -- according to his sister, OBW -- sent those children off early to school after filling their minds with visions of their mother helpless down a hole. Children have active imaginations, particularly when frightened and worried. The 'hole' which GBC implanted in their minds would have become a giant, subterranean, dark place where their mother was trapped alone and probably crying out for help. They would see in their minds a big hole far from help. And their mother trapped, afraid, crying and calling. He further told the girls 'she probably wont be back'. Imagine that from a child's perspective

That guy is a sadist. He wants to hurt. He had it in his power to console and reassure the girls. But he did not. He deliberately withheld reassurance from them. He sent them to school filled with fear and dread and longing for their mother. He painted a graphic mental image and implanted it in those girls' minds and sent them off with that for the day

I want the jury to hear that, to imagine what he did to his children simply because he had the power to do it

Did police ask OBW what she had told the girls? Doesn't look like it. She could have volunteered further information but going from the Police Witness statement compiled by first attending police, it appeared she did not. Why didn't OBW say to the girls, ' Daddy didn't mean she fell in a hole. He meant she might have twisted her foot a little bit, that's all. And he just meant she wouldn't be back in time to take you to school. It will be alright, don't worry. I'm sure Mummy's fine and will be home when you get back from school. We might even go for a bar b que after school, eh? That'd be good, wouldn't it? Ok, now you run to class and remember, don't worry'. That's what anyone, let alone an aunt, would say to the girls, to try to take away the fear implanted by an idiot father

But no. It appears the girls received no reassurance

<modsnip> The jury needs to learn of what he told his girls and if prosecutors don't include it in material released to the jury, they're remiss imo

:goodpost: Absolutely agreed.
I don't think GBC went down, I believe he "rolled" Allison of the bridge :maddening:

Yes .. I've been thinking about that injury .. you're probably right .. so he would have grazed it on a concrete edge, her weight dragging him downwards?
OW left with the children at 8am when the police arrived, as the school is only a short distance from the house! OW could not drop the children off that early? So what did she do? Did she go back to GBC house after dropping the children off?

From the Queensland Police Witness Report by Constable Keiron Ash

Quote: Gerard asked me to move our police vehicle to allow his sister to drive the children to school in the blue sedan. Soon after his sister drove out of the driveway with the children in the blue sedan

7. I now know this female person to be Olivia Walton

8. Another male person appeared from inside the house and walked over to where we were standing in the driveway and immediately put his arm around Gerard's shoulders. Gerard then introduced this person as his father -- etc.

9. I now know this male person to be Nigel Baden Clay

Then we jump to Number 28 on the Police Witness Statement

28. Shortly after Gerard's sister Olivia Walton arrived back at the address after having taken the children to school. She went upstairs into the house but quickly returned back downstairs. I asked her what the girls had been told this morning, she said " that Gerard told the girls shortly after 6 a.m. that Mummy had gone for a walk and had probably fallen down a hole and would not be back" she then asked " Is that ok?"
Sarah Elks &#8207;@sarahelks 46s
Police forensic officer Ewen Taylor says #badenclay house was searched for blood, but none was found. No indication of clean-up either.

David Murray &#8207;@TheMurrayD 32s
Taylor looking at pics, agrees with defence there's no obvious indication of the Captiva being cleaned #badenclay

Hello All, first time on WS too, but have been following this from Day 1....Thank you to all for your amazing updates.

My thoughts re the search of the home ..... something that has been bugging me for a while, where was NBC taking the vacuum and hose, could that be the place where the incident may have occured, a place to clean up any evidence ????
3:42pm: Sergeant Venardos photographed red markings on the left side of Mr Baden-Clay's chest and red markings near his right armpit.

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Newbie here. First post...

Could the 2 marks from GBC right shoulder to armpit be a continuation of the grab marks/scratches to GBC right cheek?

Head wounds bleed profusely even from smallish cuts.

Did ABC head injury (struck open car door?) cause GBC to put her in car (let's get you to hospital for stitches)?

Did ABC fight to grab him as he shoved her down stairs/off bridge?

I picture ABC 'falling' left hand holding rail and right grabbing up at GBC - clawing at him to help or fighting him to stop.

Did return home, pop pj's on to appear he'd been in bed (put clean shoes on for last few outdoor 'jobs') then wake children covering the scratches with shaving foam.

All guesses and merely my non-expert (except I have clawed upward to grab neck when shoved downstairs) opinion only.
What "obvious signs" of a cleanup do nthe defence think there should have been? I'm sure if something was cleaned up then he wasn't going to leave evidence of the clean up, that would slightly defeat the purpose.... :banghead:

I think that he had no idea there was blood in the car so no reason to clean up the car. A trickle of dark blood against the dark grey interior. He had a boy look!
Thanks Oddsocks. That is certainly a possibility, but I am pointing out that I have not seen any specific mention of the fog in the area on the morning of the 20th April.

Hi Bronson :) I actually remember the morning of the 20th very clearly as I was flying interstate that day. I remember being ready early (unusual for me!) and sitting in the lounge staring out the window as I felt a bit unwell. I wouldn't say it was overly foggy, but it was definitely drizzling and cool - this would have been about 8-9am anyway. I live in the area. Hope this helps?
What "obvious signs" of a cleanup do nthe defence think there should have been? I'm sure if something was cleaned up then he wasn't going to leave evidence of the clean up, that would slightly defeat the purpose.... :banghead:

I thought they meant there wasn't any evidence of cleaning materials (eg bleach) having been used to clean up any blood etc...
:hand: Hold on here. Didn't GBC tell police the scratches were from a caterpillar, or did he just tell his family that tale?

Police - But the scratches he was telling them were from a caterpillar attack are the scratches on his chest not the ones on his face.
Yes .. I've been thinking about that injury .. you're probably right .. so he would have grazed it on a concrete edge, her weight dragging him downwards?

Would explain nothing from kholo creek being found in/on car or clothing?? He could also have put some type of covers over his shoes ( even just a plastic bag tied ).
Is it possible ABC was taken down via the track and put under the bridge so it looked suspicious? Those marks on his chest look similar rub marks&#8230; maybe he used a &#8216;sling&#8217; to drag/carry her into position??
Likely this has been covered before.
One would expect footprints in the mud, or some signs of disturbance to foliage; (or at least muddy boots.) He might have obliterated those footprints though. Time factor creates some difficulty.
The body was placed rather neatly IMO. Had the body been dumped in the water, there would be the distinct possibility that it would be carried out to sea. And whoosh. Away would go the the Insurance money.
Its got me beat though how she ended up right under the bridge instead of off the side, unless he used ropes or straps or her own jumper to swing her under. And hence the upper torso abrasions.
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