The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 2nd July - Trial Day 14, Week 3

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I am curious as to how the BC's took in Gerards testimony... Gerard said he wasn't bought up to behave like this... .. not that it made any difference.. his behaviour wasn't a one-off , it was routine, persistant and regular.. .culminating in murder....

Nige and Gerard rang each other all day and every day.. yet Nige states he knows nothing about all this kind of gutter stuff at all.. they must be wondering if they ever really knew him.. . Olivia appeared to have quite an input into Gerards family dynamics, more that the average sister-in-law.... from her evidence, in contrast to Gerards, its like a parallel universe, it doesn't meet at any point of the compass in similarity.

Hearing his version of his life, and contrasting it with Olivia's version of his life, it is two completely different planets not even in the same planetary orbit.

Surely, there must be twinges of paralysing disbelief in the powers of their own judgement by now..

I, GBC, "wasn't brought up to behave like this"

Jury mental image large emerges : NBC at the clink on visitor day:

"Now listen hear young Mr Shenanigans, your mother and I aren't tucked away in here protected like you son - in your testimony you will say this line as penance for your mess up and to help your mum and I be publicly absolved of what you've done to the family name"

"Ohhhh Daaaad Okay Daddy... I can be loyal and 'true' for you... Do ya love me Dad, do ya, more than the others - promise? I'm the best aren't I Dad: your favourite BC child again? Ta Dad. And you're the best dad ever Huk Huk Huk.

The note to the jury, likely said, "I did not kill my wife"! Something very wrong with him if he thought he could interfere with the jury. Worse than the media trying to!

It's as if I've been at this computer so long, I've begun hallucinating !

He passed a note to the jury? !!

Am I awake?

He passed a NOTE to the JURY? !!
The note to the jury, likely said, "I did not kill my wife"! Something very wrong with him if he thought he could interfere with the jury. Worse than the media trying to!

maybe the note said..' leave it to me, gg's and gm's'
if that's what he did.. .. he is even sillier than I thought, and that's a depth of silliness right off the scoreboard..

that's almost in the realm of diagnosable disconnect... well. it IS in the realm of a diagnosed intellectual impairment..

Trust you to come up with all the right phrases and words

It's mental, isn't it

I can't believe it
Is that for real? Dear oh dear. I am gobsmacked.

Absolutely for real Snails. Liadan was in court beside me and will verify it as true. We were also gobsmacked. What the ... GBC has to be an idiot to try to do that. I was trying to be a fly on the wall to read the note, but couldn't see it. :jail::jail::jail:
Just to clarify...

Cowan's previous attempts at appeal because of the CM photo & a note to the jury that was left at Daniel's memorial were both dismissed.

He's now appealing his murder conviction on the grounds the jury at his trial should not have heard recordings of his confessions.

And he won't have a hope in heck of a successful appeal with that.

Denise and Bruce Morcombe, and of course Daniel, are held so close to the hearts of Queenslanders - can you just imagine the outrage and public revolt if any sort of appeal looked like it was even being launched??
Trust you to come up with all the right phrases and words

It's mental, isn't it

I can't believe it

he couldn't have demonstrated his overwhelming need for control IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE better..

it's unheard of in any trial I know of..

the baliff must have gone home to his wife and said, 'guess what, babe..' and then relented and said.. 'you'll never guess it in a million years.. '
if that's what he did.. .. he is even sillier than I thought, and that's a depth of silliness right off the scoreboard..

that's almost in the realm of diagnosable disconnect... well. it IS in the realm of a diagnosed intellectual impairment..

Control freak....attempting to control the jury.
Just curious, is he genuinely that physically repulsive? To me he looks relatively normal but then again, I'm not really in the habit of checking out guys!

Initially, to look at photos of him, he seemed a tad below average. I wouldn't look twice if I saw him on the street. Though I can see how he could come across as being
charming in a suit, talking the talk. Though Not likely able to charm me because he's just not my type.

After hearing his voice and watching those early clips I found him to appear pathetic and useless, so therefore very unattractive IYKWIM.
Maybe he was trying for a mistrial?

He's probably reworked his script, sitting alone in his cell. Wants another crack at it
I just wanted to comment by saying that the 15 yrs applies to GBC if found guilty as the increase to 20 yrs occurred after Allison was killed.

He must have only just squeaked in? I recall it being introduced pretty much immediately after the 2012 election, will double check but I'm sure you are correct :)

Edit - 2 months, he was cutting it fine!
Absolutely for real Snails. Liadan was in court beside me and will verify it as true. We were also gobsmacked. What the ... GBC has to be an idiot to try to do that. I was trying to be a fly on the wall to read the note, but couldn't see it. :jail::jail::jail:

Right! That's it! I'm going on Monday one way or another. I have to work around one of my daughters extra curricular activities but I will work it out. That is just so unbelievable. I really want to hear the summing up. The courts are in George St right? I am SO THERE.
Remember OW's rant at the bail heading that "all will be revealed"? I wonder if she expected this much to be revealed. The sex (and more sex) the lies (and more lies) etc etc. All we are missing now are the videotapes.

Touché Snails!!

I had thought, last week, that he didn't seem to be cognisant of why he was in court. The same as his peculiar admission that he didn't know what a crime scene was, or what CID meant..

I think he really thinks he is there to INTERVIEW the jury for a position vacant in his next new franchise.. Baden-Clay Enterprises , Ammo and Bait.
Just to clarify...

Cowan's previous attempts at appeal because of the CM photo & a note to the jury that was left at Daniel's memorial were both dismissed.

He's now appealing his murder conviction on the grounds the jury at his trial should not have heard recordings of his confessions.

And he won't have a hope in heck of a successful appeal with that.

Those were both the subject of a voir dire, meaning that admissibility was challenged during the trial. There was no appeal as such at that point, but the appeal lodged by Cowan has listed both of those matters as grounds (there are 6 or 7 from memory).
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