The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

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David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m

Gerard looking straight at his defence barrister as he answers questions about his final night with his wife #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 38s

He was wearing his business clothes when he got home, changed into bed clothes, t shirt, old boxer shorts #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 31s

He would put on running shoes when he did ironing, did ironing that night - Gerard #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 10s

Gerard says Allison also asked again about his regret. He says he was very, very remorseful. #badenclay

Gerard says things were "perfectly normal". Those questions were not done in an aggravated way. She'd asked permission first. #badenclay

Did she regularly have to ask permission?

Geez, she asked permission first! And then he said it was ok to have a coffee after her haircut??? Talk about a Dominating, Narcissistic idiot!

:footinmouth: methinks
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 10s

Gerard says he got changed into a tshirt and boxer shorts. He said he put running shoes on to do ironing because it was comfy. #badenclay
What was the drug Allison was injecting for weight loss? We have heard nothing of this since it was mentioned once in this trial. I have been trying to find such a drug online and I'm having no luck. Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

Haven't heard anything about it, but I do remember some Hollywood starlets injecting some form of horse tranquilizer to lose weight.
Caroline Overington @overingtonc · 5s
Gerard also put on old sneakers with no laces because he was doing some ironing #badenclay

Caroline Overington @overingtonc · 41s
Gerard got changed from corporate Century 21 tie and pants into boxer shorts and a T shirt #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 25s

Gerard says he felt a cold coming on but otherwise felt fine. #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 10s

Gerard says he got changed into a tshirt and boxer shorts. He said he put running shoes on to do ironing because it was comfy. #badenclay

Creepy visual!!!:facepalm:

Caroline Overington @overingtonc · 6s
He found doing the ironing in bare feet uncomfortable over long periods
The jury was shown an email from the accused to Ms McHugh on April 3, 2012.

It said: “I have given you a commitment and I intend to stick to it – I will be separated by 1 July.”

“It was my way of saying straight away… leave it to me, leave it at that,” Baden-Clay said.

But he said he had no intention of leaving his wife to be with Ms McHugh on that day.

The jury was shown another email from the accused to Ms McHugh on April 11, 2012.

“Again it’s my way of trying to placate her and calm her down. I consistently did that over the three years,” he said.

Baden-Clay said he did not see Ms McHugh for a good few weeks and wrote in the email she should “leave things to me now”.

“As a way of trying to say to her just calm down and leave things to me, if I’m going to leave Allison it’s my decision,” he said.

Baden-Clay said he and his wife Allison agreed to do a 15-minute venting session on Wednesday, April 18, 2012.

“We picked up takeaway coffees from McDonalds and went in the car up to Mt Coot-tha,” he said.

He said they did not get out of the car but parked on a downward slope in the car park.

Baden-Clay said his wife brought with her a journal in which she had written a number of questions to ask him.

“Things had been improving so it was okay, there was a little bit of tension I suppose because … I didn’t know what she was going to ask me but given the commitment I would answer anything she asked and she would listen,” he said.

The accused said the conversation lasted a little over 20 minutes but not long.

He said his wife did not finish all the questions she had and called time on the session.

Baden-Clay said his wife did most of the talking and he answered questions.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 7s

Gerard says that night they both put the girls to bed, "which wasn't unusual". They went in separately to say goodnight. #badenclay

Gerard says he would usually go in last, because "they would settle more that way". #badenclay

GBC self-promotion on a roll right now. Insinuating negatively toward Allison. He takes far too many opportunities at this to be seen as the loving husband he otherwise protests to be. Certainly continuing to be disloyal to her (in death as in life).

This really is an unnecessary 'go' at Allison and stretch to earn 'pro' GBC.

It wreaks of desperation.

Caroline Overington @overingtonc · 14s
Allison took his phone so she could check his messages #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 49s

Gerard says he gave his phone to Allison when he got home that day. #badenclay

Gerard says he got a couple of text messages that night. Allison gave him the phone for those. He didn't see it again after that. #badenclay
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m

He had a cold coming on. Went to bed 'around about 10 o'clock' - Gerard

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 41s

There was a text message or two, Allison gave him the phone for those - Gerard #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m

Defence barrister Michael Byrne says his phone was connected to a charger. Gerard says it wasn't him #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 7s

Gerard says that night they both put the girls to bed, "which wasn't unusual". They went in separately to say goodnight. #badenclay

Gerard says he would usually go in last, because "they would settle more that way". #badenclay

oh puhleeeez. St Gerard.
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou

Gerard says he did not put his phone onto charge in the middle of the night. #badenclay

Gerard says he had spoken to Toni that afternoon. She called him. At the end of the call, he would delete from call history. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 12s

Gerard says he woke up a little after 6am the next morning. "I'm a very heavy sleeper", says he snores quite loudly. #badenclay
We were sitting in the front of the car and had turned in our seats so we were facing one another and she started telling me that she was feeling very sad about what had happened but determined we should be able to work things through,” he said.

The accused said it was not the first time they had discussed the affair.

“There were a number of themes Allison kept revisiting which were predominantly around where Toni and I had been intimate with one another,” he said.

Baden-Clay said he told his wife about the tryst in the car “Snowy” and she refused after that to drive it.

He said his wife had always written notes in books for most of their marriage but never kept a daily journal.

The jury was shown Ms Baden-Clay’s journal.

It was opened to the list of questions she had for her husband on April 18, 2012.

Baden-Clay said the ones that were crossed out were the questions his wife asked him at Mt Coot-tha.

He said his wife asked whether he ever went to the movies with Ms McHugh, whether they drove together, had dinner or whether they were scared of being seen.

He said he only drove together in Ms McHugh’s car because it was less conspicuous.

“I was terrified of being seen and did we kiss and hug? Never in public,” he said.
Caroline Overington @overingtonc · 7s
He has no recollection of Allison coming to bed. He is a heavy sleeper #badenclay

Caroline Overington @overingtonc · 51s
Gerard had taken a call from Toni earlier that day but he had deleted the call record from his phone #badenclay
GBC self-promotion on a roll right now. Insinuating negatively toward Allison. He takes far too many opportunities at this to be seen as the loving husband he otherwise protests to be. Certainly continuing to be disloyal to her (in death as in life).

This really is an unnecessary 'go' at Allison and stretch to earn 'pro' GBC.

It wreaks of desperation.


Or it was what worked for them?
Caroline Overington @overingtonc · 3s
That said he would wake instantly if the children woke up, he says #badenclay
Baden-Clay said he and Ms McHugh had a “couple of intimate meetings in Snowy”.

He said his wife asked him about putting the seats down.

“It says ‘lie there afterwards?’ No we didn’t. It was just the sex,” he said, reading from the journal and answering the questions his wife had written down.

Baden-Clay said he drew a house plan of Ms McHugh’s unit while sitting in the car with the journal balanced on his knees.

He said his wife asked him whether he celebrated birthdays with Ms McHugh.

“My recollection is that she asked what we did for Toni’s birthdays and I can’t even remember when Toni’s birthday is,” he said.

The jury was shown a question from Ms Baden-Clay asking how they paid for hotels.

“Toni had paid for those because I didn’t want there to be any evidence on my credit card,” he said.

Baden-Clay said Ms McHugh had told him she felt bad because he had a wife.

“I don’t recollect if we talked about it then, but I’d certainly said to Toni that I wasn’t going to leave Allison, that just wasn’t going to happen,” he said.

The accused said his wife asked him, “Do you regret the whole thing or just being caught?”

“I told her that I regretted it very much indeed and that, I told her I was very, very remorseful I wished it had never happened, and I told her I really appreciated how she was handling things and being so understanding and forgiving of me,” he said.

He said that was the last question and they drove home, speaking very little.
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