The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

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my question would be.. what part of todays testimony, and the previous day's testimony, had truth in it? I mean verifiable rational truth.. not a version of, or an imagined part, but which part of any of it had the genuine ring of truth to it??

to simplify.. when was Gerard lying and when was he telling the truth?


Since you ask, Troops, I'd say every time he opened his mouth some sort of untruth came out. Outright denial, exaggeration, evasion, airbrushing ... everything he said seemed to have a spin on it. A confused audience might give him the benefit of the doubt - so I hope Prosecution ask some hard questions tomorrow.
...GBC...this is purely physical Toni, don't kiss me, just shout that I'm a great lover, real estate agent, boss, housekeeper.......all done..... next!!!!!!
...GBC...this is purely physical Toni, don't kiss me, just shout that I'm a great lover, real estate agent, boss, housekeeper.......all done..... next!!!!!!

Maybe Alioop can answer.... Might be a silly question BUT how much emphasis would be put on the fact that he lied about the scratch marks. I mean obviously outside of a court of law that has a huge impact on me personally about how I feel about him as a person and makes me not trust anything that comes out of his mouth.... But in a court..... Does it have as much importance? I've never done jury duty so I am just interested in how this comes into play if at all. I know it doesn't make him a murderer BUT what other reason does he have to lie about that? That's sort of where the whole thing started to unravel bit by bit.

I totally agree Timmy. The scratches and his unbelievable explanation for them are the smoking gun in this case. If the jury accept the very strong evidence they were not made by the razor and almost certainly by fingernails, then they have to conclude he is lying. This alone doesn't make him a murderer but when taken in context with the rest of the prosecutions evidence of motive and opportunity, they have to decide if there is enough to convict beyond reasonable doubt. They don't have to be 100% certain he killed her. They can never be as they haven't seen CCTV footage of him killing her.

I think the prosecution may not take a lot of time to cross examine him. They want to keep it simple for the jury. I think they will ask him about Allison's current mental state and her working so the jury can hear him say she was doing well. He has to say this as there is no evidence otherwise. He even said she was fine to the police.
So all is hunky dory according to GBC. Allison is in her pj's ( did they ever find them) he goes to bed and she ends up dead from non natural causes 13 Kms away. Car at home, phone missing. Just not believable that he had nothing to do with it. Even if he was rolling in money and had not promised to leave his wife for his girlfriend or have scratches on his face, it's still not believable.

But did you realise he's decended from the Scout guy, Baden Powell? :skip:

Thinking of Allison's family after today's torture. :heartluv:
And that is how someone like him works - manipulates people into believing his furfies.....

His story sounds believable BECAUSE HE ACTUALLY BELIEVES IT HIMSELF.......

true. :)

Imo, he's done terribly on the stand. We'll see how he goes under cross examination. I will reserve my thoughts of an outcome till then. :fence:
a reasonable doubt....that would be based on??

Based on his explanation of events. This is a jury that does not have the in depth knowledge we do. GBC does not have to prove anything. All he has to do is cast some doubt on the prosecution's interpretation of the circumstantial evidence. Let's hope the Prosecution can remove that during the cross...JMO
at the movie theatre... two people not especially attractive, early forties... looking a bit uncomfy and dodgy , are arguing at the ticket booth..

him... ' you pay for the tickets, Toni.. after all, I'm the one running the risk of being seen out with you..

her......' what?? not even a movie ticket?? our one night out , just like ordinary people have ,and I have to ...

him.. ' Im sorry you feel inclined to argue.. I merely point out, I am here, am I not?? isn't that enough?? besides.. I don't have any cash..

her.... ( tearing at her bodice) . no CASH?? what?? use the credit card!!. its our NIGHT OUT as if we were really mawwied!!.. ( low screams, huffiness) ..

him... Toni , Toni , TOni.. how can I put 2 tickets to a movie on my credit card?? you know who reads the credit card bill , right??'

her....'2 tickets in the STALLS please.. .. yes, I ve got $50 here... '
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 22s

Gerard says they sorted through the girls' toys and clothes to gather what they no longer needed. #badenclay
you're an upstanding guy Gerry, you must be innocent.....
I totally agree Timmy. The scratches and his unbelievable explanation for them are the smoking gun in this case. If the jury accept the very strong evidence they were not made by the razor and almost certainly by fingernails, then they have to conclude he is lying. This alone doesn't make him a murderer but when taken in context with the rest of the prosecutions evidence of motive and opportunity, they have to decide if there is enough to convict beyond reasonable doubt. They don't have to be 100% certain he killed her. They can never be as they haven't seen CCTV footage of him killing her.

I think the prosecution may not take a lot of time to cross examine him. They want to keep it simple for the jury. I think they will ask him about Allison's current mental state and her working so the jury can hear him say she was doing well. He has to say this as there is no evidence otherwise. He even said she was fine to the police.

Thanks so much for your reply. I keep thinking of the Jodi Arias trial where jurors were allowed to ask their own questions of each witness. They would have a field day with GBC.
So all is hunky dory according to GBC. Allison is in her pj's ( did they ever find them) he goes to bed and she ends up dead from non natural causes 13 Kms away. Car at home, phone missing. Just not believable that he had nothing to do with it. Even if he was rolling in money and had not promised to leave his wife for his girlfriend or have scratches on his face, it's still not believable.

She is in her PJs and he goes to bed and is a heavy sleeper does he know what she is wearinig the next morning for her apparent walk?
no doubt about it, though.. Gerard has had bad luck for so long now.. maybe the culmination of it all, is just as he and his wife, ( who is fooled into thinking the affair has ended ) are back in the same bed together, guess what?? she ups and hurls herself off the Kholo bridge in the dark of night , leaving him the beneficiary of her insurance policies.... finally, a stroke of good luck for Bad Luck Gerard... ..

a wife that lays around all day like Camille, in the opera la Traviata, 3 girls when a son is needed to tip the scales on a dodge baronetcy, a wife who his mum and dad and sister are not too happy with, because she lost control of her bladder once... has trouble keeping a job, finally, dad and mum buy him one, only to find he cant seem to rachet it up to mogul status in a year.. to expand he has to take partners, and guess what?? they spend their money recklessly, and then the floods hit!!..
and then ,guess what?? after putting the hard word on one employee , he does it again, except this one clings like glue.. no matter what he does, he cannot get her to set him free , free to enjoy life with the wife and fiddley dids ,all tucked up back in the rented house.. ... he is driven , against his better nature to lie to her, and now he has to lie to the wife, as well.

and then.. one night.. .. all that bad luck seems to vanish, ... except no one will believe him!!.. he HAS the good luck and then the rotten QPS arrest him and charge him with murder!!.. he doesn't get bail!!.. back on the Bad Luck roundabout..

its almost too too sad..

The King was displeased with the Queen, So... He took her head off,
Yes folks, the <modsnip> was displeased.
It all started when ...
The floods came, he wasn't Noah, and didn't invest in boat building,
So Allison was sacrificed, she had to pay! It was her fault.
His Parents suffered you know. So she had to pay!
Blah blah blah ...
So... What are everyone's thoughts after today? No matter what we all might think about GBC and his behaviour .... I'm sure that nobody would want to see him found guilty IF he was innocent and no one would want to see him get off if he murdered Allison. At the end of the day all we can really hope for is JUSTICE.

I was 50/50 up to the 11th hour with Gittany so that is keeping me strong.
We have to remember the basic facts of:-
the scratches
Allison didn't walk 14 klms to do a swan dive of a bridge
Allison's blood in a concealed place in the car
All the plant matter stuck to Allison.

All the rest could be coincidental tripe but at this moment I can't imagine how the Dickies are feeling because my heart is very heavy for them.

I'll need a shrink if I see G walking out of court with his smirking family.
I have been hoping for physical evidence to tie him to either or both of the body and Kholo Creek.

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A lot of people looked for physical evidence in Simon Gittany trial too.

No one witnessed him throwing his fiancée Lisa Harnum from a balcony 15 floors up yet she ended up dead on the pavement. A guy did witness someone throwing something from a balcony. Gittany claimed she jumped.

Combined with all the other evidence, Gittany was found guilty of throwing Lisa to her death.
She is in her PJs and he goes to bed and is a heavy sleeper does he know what she is wearinig the next morning for her apparent walk?

If he was telling the truth it is because that is her walking outfit that is missing.

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