The Death of Wayne Millard

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Sure, he has a right to silence...But why, if he's innocent, would he want to do it for months, in jail?

He is charged !!! They are not going to free him even if some other guy comes forward and confesses at this point. Respectfully I think you may not know too much of how the justice system in Canada really works..... Let me say....once the claws are in...they twist them. It is a long drawn out process oftentimes even for the innocent.... MOO
He is charged !!! They are not going to free him even if some other guy comes forward and confesses at this point. Respectfully I think you may not know too much of how the justice system in Canada really works..... Let me say....once the claws are in...they twist them. It is a long drawn out process oftentimes even for the innocent.... MOO

DLS was charged in Audrey Gleave's murder, nobody else confessed or was even charged, yet he was sprung almost instantly when the forensic evidence came back that he wasn't a match.

BTW, for many of us, including Panther, this ain't our first rodeo. Please don't insinuate that others don't know as much as you do.
DLS was charged in Audrey Gleave's murder, nobody else confessed or was even charged, yet he was sprung almost instantly when the forensic evidence came back that he wasn't a match.

BTW, for many of us, including Panther, this ain't our first rodeo. Please don't insinuate that others don't know as much as you do.

I wasn't rude in my post and was respectful. We can theorize and speculate as much as we like IMO.... until such time as more facts are provided it seems to be the only route available....although with the restrictions of the rules of course. Please don't surmise that I am being disrespectful when my post was respectful. I do happen to know that Canadian courts in Ontario are not in the habit of 'springing' people charged unless they have something or someone else to reassign the charge to, much like an electrical 'charge' the current /currency has to be diverted. This does not IMO render an accused instantly guilty....unfortunately many innocent people in custody have, are and will suffer at the hands of 'justice' ..... MOO
I disagree with the statement that 'Canadian Courts in Ontario are not in the habit of 'springing' people charged ...' - DLS was a very good example of springing an accused as well as the now numerous people walking out of Toronto courtrooms due to police lying under oath, in the judge's opinion. As of the other day Peel Region (next door to Toronto) has now been added to the list of lying cops allowing people with guns, drugs etc to walk out the courtroom door.

No diverted charges in any of the cases - the judge's are alternatively choosing to shut off the source of the power instead. Jmo.
I disagree with the statement that 'Canadian Courts in Ontario are not in the habit of 'springing' people charged ...' - DLS was a very good example of springing an accused as well as the now numerous people walking out of Toronto courtrooms due to police lying under oath, in the judge's opinion. As of the other day Peel Region (next door to Toronto) has now been added to the list of lying cops allowing people with guns, drugs etc to walk out the courtroom door.

No diverted charges in any of the cases - the judge's are alternatively choosing to shut off the source of the power instead. Jmo.

Yes but we haven't got as far as the police standing in the witness box yet.... I agree with the lying cops statement.... believe me I fully grasp that concept....

Once we get to the court I am sure the antics of the police will come to light.... even the lack of following up on any evidence etc... till then I think DM is going to have to wait.... JMO
FWIW - I think the public is mighty lucky DM and his sidekick are under the guardianship of Hamilton Police Service and that HPS will present the evidence for the only case pending against them. HPS have a good track record and if they make a mistake, they seem to own it - like everyone should.
FWIW - I think the public is mighty lucky DM and his sidekick are under the guardianship of Hamilton Police Service and that HPS will present the evidence for the only case pending against them. HPS have a good track record and if they make a mistake, they seem to own it - like everyone should.

BBM The investigation into DM's father's death and the disappearance of LB could still ongoing. Because of the PB we may not be privy to this information. Just because charges of murder or what charges DM might be faced with in regards to these two people, hasn't hit the MSM, doesn't mean they don't exist or won't happen.

The charges (if any), do not have to become public knowledge at the time they are laid. Just as in the VS case. It wasn't until about three years after the fact and during the pre trial phase in which the public became privy to the additional charge against MR of sexual assault causing bodily harm. All MOO.
FWIW - I think the public is mighty lucky DM and his sidekick are under the guardianship of Hamilton Police Service and that HPS will present the evidence for the only case pending against them. HPS have a good track record and if they make a mistake, they seem to own it - like everyone should.

Thats good to know. I dont know much about HPS or their reputation but I have had a good feeling about Kavanagh. He has only made one comment so far that I questioned.
IMO, it doesn't look like DM intended to go back to his childhood home anytime soon.

"The house Burns sold on Maple Gate Court is where Millard grew up. It has been in the family for three generations. It’s also the home where Millard’s father, Wayne, apparently killed himself last November. That case was reopened by Toronto police after Millard was arrested in connection with Bosma’s death. "
IMO, it doesn't look like DM intended to go back to his childhood home anytime soon.

"The house Burns sold on Maple Gate Court is where Millard grew up. It has been in the family for three generations. It’s also the home where Millard’s father, Wayne, apparently killed himself last November. That case was reopened by Toronto police after Millard was arrested in connection with Bosma’s death. "

Puh, what to make of this now? Much money is needed? Ballast should be dropped? The next 25 years is not a house used for? "Childhood" is finally over?
Yes but we haven't got as far as the police standing in the witness box yet.... I agree with the lying cops statement.... believe me I fully grasp that concept....

Once we get to the court I am sure the antics of the police will come to light.... even the lack of following up on any evidence etc... till then I think DM is going to have to wait.... JMO

FYI cops don't stand in the witness box, they sit like everyone else. And yes sometimes they lie :laughcry:

But in all seriousness just adding a bit of humour to this case which has left a bad taste in my mouth. It's ridiculous to say LE make it a habit of taking an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, in a court of law, risk being charged with perjury, losing their jobs and potentially blowing a trial, to see the person they seem so hell bent on framing, walk free. JMHO. The mass majority of police officers are decent people and to accuse them of such nonsense I find offensive. Just because there is one bad apple in the basket, doesn't mean they are all bad. I have seen many a trials where police testify and it is very obvious they have spoken nothing but the truth and the evidence is PROOF. Lying officers get caught in their lies if not on the stand, down the road. LE is to uphold the law and are there to seek justice for the victims, not just throw someone in jail for life just because they believe their so called power or words are strong enough to do so.

The evidence will speak for itself and we won't have any lying LE officers taking the stand in this case. Just as there were no lying LE officers who took the stand in the Victoria S case or a million other cases. Respectfully, maybe you for some reason have had a bad experience with LE but that is no reason to hold it against the whole entire police force. And especially in this case where thus far there has been no evidence LE have arrested the wrong guys. JMO

MsSherlock, well isn't that something...selling off DM's properties. Time to start paying the lawyer. I would believe then that DM's financial situation has been investigated enough for LE and Revenue Canada to know he has no money in his account(s)/shares/stocks ect. to pay legal fees. In desperation mom must sell dear son's only assets off. I would imagine the government is keeping close tabs on his financial situation and all of his assets from this point forward have been frozen.

I am interested in knowing how long it will be before the lending institutes of Millardair step in and repossess the hangar. What will be come of Millardair? Will the bank try and sell it or will the city buy it/pay off the bank, and run it as the business it was meant to become? What happens to Millardair will probably happen only after the trial and based on the results of it. Of course unless DM signs over the business. Then again, I guess if the business goes into forclosure, the bank will have the legal right to step in and repossess it. JMO

FYI cops don't stand in the witness box, they sit like everyone else. And yes sometimes they lie :laughcry:

But in all seriousness just adding a bit of humour to this case which has left a bad taste in my mouth. It's ridiculous to say LE make it a habit of taking an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, in a court of law, risk being charged with perjury, losing their jobs and potentially blowing a trial, to see the person they seem so hell bent on framing, walk free. JMHO. The mass majority of police officers are decent people and to accuse them of such nonsense I find offensive. Just because there is one bad apple in the basket, doesn't mean they are all bad. I have seen many a trials where police testify and it is very obvious they have spoken nothing but the truth and the evidence is PROOF. Lying officers get caught in their lies if not on the stand, down the road. LE is to uphold the law and are there to seek justice for the victims, not just throw someone in jail for life just because they believe their so called power or words are strong enough to do so.

The evidence will speak for itself and we won't have any lying LE officers taking the stand in this case. Just as there were no lying LE officers who took the stand in the Victoria S case or a million other cases. Respectfully, maybe you for some reason have had a bad experience with LE but that is no reason to hold it against the whole entire police force. And especially in this case where thus far there has been no evidence LE have arrested the wrong guys. JMO

MsSherlock, well isn't that something...selling off DM's properties. Time to start paying the lawyer. I would believe then that DM's financial situation has been investigated enough for LE and Revenue Canada to know he has no money in his account(s)/shares/stocks ect. to pay legal fees. In desperation mom must sell dear son's only assets off. I would imagine the government is keeping close tabs on his financial situation and all of his assets from this point forward have been frozen.

I am interested in knowing how long it will be before the lending institutes of Millardair step in and repossess the hangar. What will be come of Millardair? Will the bank try and sell it or will the city buy it/pay off the bank, and run it as the business it was meant to become? What happens to Millardair will probably happen only after the trial and based on the results of it. Of course unless DM signs over the business. Then again, I guess if the business goes into forclosure, the bank will have the legal right to step in and repossess it. JMO

So what lending institutes? of MillardAir would you be referring to? Do you personally know of any loans etc that may exist ?

This is an interesting sentence "Will the bank try and sell it or will the city buy it/pay off the bank, and run it as the business it was meant to become? "
although I doubt it was intentionally cryptic I find it got me thinking..... What if the plan was for the City to own it ?

The bank will only have the right to step in and foreclose if payments are not met on the hypothetical loan IMO

Also IMO.... I think there are quite a few people/corporations etc that would love to get their hands on the business of MillardAir.... and that opinion gets to be quite ''deep'' .....
So what lending institutes? of MillardAir would you be referring to? Do you personally know of any loans etc that may exist ?

This is an interesting sentence "Will the bank try and sell it or will the city buy it/pay off the bank, and run it as the business it was meant to become? "
although I doubt it was intentionally cryptic I find it got me thinking..... What if the plan was for the City to own it ?

The bank will only have the right to step in and foreclose if payments are not met on the hypothetical loan IMO

Also IMO.... I think there are quite a few people/corporations etc that would love to get their hands on the business of MillardAir.... and that opinion gets to be quite ''deep'' .....

BQ there was MSM reference to getting a bank loan when the hangar project went over budget. We don't know what "over budget" means in this case, though.

If WM had $6.5 mil to pay for the hangar and that was essentially his budget, then it going over could have been any amount - $25k, $500k, a million, it's anyone's guess really and that could have been the principal loan amount or the loan could have only partially paid the overrun while WM or DM paid the rest. In any event, a secured lender can foreclose if the loan is not repaid. but only a leasehold interest since Millard Air does not own a freehold interest in the lands.

What concerns me is what about an unsecured lender???? What would they do if their borrower is not paying? If everything is on the up and up, they could take them to court. If not? :stormingmad:

The Region owns the lands and who knows what right it has under the lease. It is possible they could have written into the terms of the lease that they have the right to purchase the business first if it is for sale. MOO. We'll never know what's in that lease.
Maybe I am sleepy and missing something obvious, but I am trying to avoid the individual trees and look at the forest for a second here. I've stepped into this thread because the topic of WMs death is looming over on the Properties thread (or maybe General thread).

Help me out. How exactly would WMs death help DM recover any losses that WM is responsible for? Would DM not also inherit WMs debt? WM may have put all his eggs in one basket but DM had several properties in his name and, from what I can tell so far, they are unencumbered (although i did not search them all). DM's property portfolio looks healthy and between the two, with dads money in the hangar, DM appears to be the one with something to speak for. So If WM already exhausted what cash he had available, how could DM killing him for his money actually work? Is it strictly insurance eveyone is thinking about because it sounds like people here are talking inheritance - if there is nothing left there is nothing to kill for IMO.

Or tell me what I am missing. I admit I am pretty tired. :bedtime:
Maybe I am sleepy and missing something obvious, but I am trying to avoid the individual trees and look at the forest for a second here. I've stepped into this thread because the topic of WMs death is looming over on the Properties thread (or maybe General thread).

Help me out. How exactly would WMs death help DM recover any losses that WM is responsible for? Would DM not also inherit WMs debt? WM may have put all his eggs in one basket but DM had several properties in his name and, from what I can tell so far, they are unencumbered (although i did not search them all). DM's property portfolio looks healthy and between the two, with dads money in the hangar, DM appears to be the one with something to speak for. So If WM already exhausted what cash he had available, how could DM killing him for his money actually work? Is it strictly insurance eveyone is thinking about because it sounds like people here are talking inheritance - if there is nothing left there is nothing to kill for IMO.

Or tell me what I am missing. I admit I am pretty tired. :bedtime:

Personally myself, at this time I am thinking a couple different things.

DM was upset and arguing with his father for putting him in a position which DM did not want to be in, had no interest in, and felt his dad's plans were a waste of big dollars. It has been stated in the NP article WM's plans were for DM to secure his future. He called it Dellen's project. Considering that, I figure and IMO;

* After all was said and done and things went over budget, they were not getting the positive response WM was expecting, WM sensed he had made a huge, bad decision, realized he had pushed the business onto DM who was not interested, WM felt overwhelmed, hopeless and guilty therefore committed suicide.

* DM wanted out and the only way he felt he could escape the burden was to kill his father and make it look like a suicide. He didn't care about the money, just getting out from under his father's control and expectations. DM believed he could somehow dump the hangar project and carry on with HIS plans/ambitions in life. He figured he had money invested in properties and felt financially secure for a time.

So what happened between WM's death and TB's which could cause DM to murder TB, if he did?

Did he find out he would be held liable to the banks/investors AND CRA for abandoned hangar business? The $19,000 annual lease fees is a huge chunk of money when there is no money coming in. DM wouldn't even probably make that on one rental unit in a year. Think about the interest alone lenders would be making in interest even if only one million was borrowed. Another thought, did the lending institutes freeze all of WM's assets and estate, leaving DM with no money other than what he had in his own account(s)? I don't know if that is a possibility but I cannot see why not. Usually monies owing upon death will come from their estate. Maybe someone more familiar with business debts upon death could explain it, give us answers. If I find anything through searching the WWW I will post. JMO

IMO I feel there was a lot of anger, resentment and guilt going on between father and son. As to murder or suicide, I haven't reached a conclusion.

The man accused of murdering Tim Bosma has been portrayed as the wealthy heir to his family aviation firm who slid naturally into the CEO’s chair after his father’s death. But a contractor who helped overhaul the company describes an uneasy succession marked by the starkly different business visions held by father and son.

“Dellen, being a young man, wasn’t really ready to take on a hundred employees and a business that he knew nothing about,” said the contractor, who has known the Millard family for about a dozen years and asked not to be named.

In 2011, council approved a 50-year land lease with Millard Properties for about $19,000 a year, depending on final hangar design. Regional government has refused to release the lease, citing objections from Millard’s lawyer. Lease rates are standard for airport land and increase with the cost of living. Millardair paid a further $372,000 as its share of servicing costs for airport land.

Wayne Millard, father of Dellen Millard, negotiated the hangar lease. The building permit was approved July 18, 2011. The hangar was declared fit for occupancy Feb. 23, 2012.

Concerning personal debts and deceased.
Maybe I am sleepy and missing something obvious, but I am trying to avoid the individual trees and look at the forest for a second here. I've stepped into this thread because the topic of WMs death is looming over on the Properties thread (or maybe General thread).

Help me out. How exactly would WMs death help DM recover any losses that WM is responsible for? Would DM not also inherit WMs debt? WM may have put all his eggs in one basket but DM had several properties in his name and, from what I can tell so far, they are unencumbered (although i did not search them all). DM's property portfolio looks healthy and between the two, with dads money in the hangar, DM appears to be the one with something to speak for. So If WM already exhausted what cash he had available, how could DM killing him for his money actually work? Is it strictly insurance eveyone is thinking about because it sounds like people here are talking inheritance - if there is nothing left there is nothing to kill for IMO.

Or tell me what I am missing. I admit I am pretty tired. :bedtime:

IMO nothing about the suggestion that DM killed his father makes any sense to me at all. I find the longshot theories rather lacking in substance and facts. BUt Thats just my opinion based on everything I have read and researched.

DM appeared to be doing quite well for money even before his dad died. He had properties and took many trip abroad...if we are to believe that he bought friends gifts too then obviously he had access to money. So the whole suggestion about him killing his dad is baseless...Just my opinion again of course. But yes Snoofo I agree with you.....
Do we know if WM was the sole owner of Millardair before he passed away? DM was listed as CEO, but was he listed as co owner in legal documents? Too tired to recall. :eek:fftobed:

Just a side note: According to reporter in the video, he spoke with the real estate agent who sold the Ayr property to DM, and he said he had met the women DM was with at that time. Do not know if this is anything new.

Millard, 27, is the CEO of his family business – MillardAir Ltd. – which was founded in 1963 by his grandfather, Carl Millard, and then operated by Dellen’s father, Wayne, until his death in Dec, 2012.

What Happens to a Sole Proprietorship When the Owner Dies?
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First of all, swedie, thanks for posting that story in the Globe. I havent read it in ages. When people question why nobody is coming out to speak up on DM's behalf, they can see here that some people did, like this one I'd forgotten about, even if he didnt know the answers:

"I think the cops are barking up the wrong tree", the contractor said. "There's something else that's not right as far as I'm concerned... there's something wrong with the whole picture".

Also, regarding the death and business query, this is not a sole proprietorship, it is a corporation, which is its own entity, almost like a person. So it doesnt die when the person dies (which is what would happen when a sole proprietor dies). There is a huge difference in how an incorporated company runs. So far as the CRA goes, a corporation files its own taxes.

We cannot find out from a public search who the shareholders of a company are. There are directors and officers that make the decisions, but the shareholders "own" their respective shares in the company. It is not known whether WM was the sole shareholder or not. One thing I find interesting is CM left the Etobicoke home to DM and WM. Carl owned the Derry Rd property with Wayne and then Carl's interest was transferred to Dellen after he died. It seems an unusual move for the grandparent to leave things equally to the child as to the grandchild, IMO. Its not unheard of, but not typical estate planning. Was WM not trusted enough? I wonder if shares in the company were transferred the same way and both DM and WM were equal partners?

The information about these transfers are from the Properties thread. See Ms. sherlock's useful post #138 in that thread. Opinions are mine.

So to me the money thing doesn't add up and to me the DM losing his mind and shooting his father in the head from anger doesn't add up. We have not heard from one person who has seen him lose his cool even slightly. That is exactly the type of stuff that would come out to the media first.

We are talking about a very close father and son, and DM taking a rifle to his father's head and pulling the trigger. I find that even many websleuthers who firmly believe DM is responsible for TB's death still dont see him as the person who physically hurt TB. Even with his tall and fit stature, most believe scrawny little MS did the dirty work. So if its difficult to imagine him killing TB with his very own bare hands, why then can someone see him blowing his own father's brains out? This is a very big thing!!! A WS sleuth with a law enforcement background said of DM "he doesn't have it in him" to have killed TB himself, that's what Smich was for (same person finds them both guilty overall). We know he is tall and of a decent build, so would have been able, so there must another factor involved to do with his character. Same factor IMo that would make him unable to look at his father and shoot him because he was angry with him.
* After all was said and done and things went over budget, they were not getting the positive response WM was expecting, WM sensed he had made a huge, bad decision, realized he had pushed the business onto DM who was not interested, WM felt overwhelmed, hopeless and guilty therefore committed suicide.

This situation I could imagine.
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