The Duggar Family: 18 Kids & Counting

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" Two of her older siblings, Josh and John-David currently run their own successful businesses, a used car lot and a towing service"

So what? All that proves is that the "men" are more important than the girls, in that family.

The boys are handed businesses and the girls are taught to "stay sweet" and find a man to kowtow to.

Even when Michelle said that the eldest 2 girls were interested in nursing, they were only thinking of allowing them to go to a specific fundie college. I wish I could remember the name of it now, but it is strictly fundie and the entire "nursing" college is only about 16 weeks long. It is nothing like an actual college.
So what? All that proves is that the "men" are more important than the girls, in that family.

The boys are handed businesses and the girls are taught to "stay sweet" and find a man to kowtow to.

Even when Michelle said that the eldest 2 girls were interested in nursing, they were only thinking of allowing them to go to a specific fundie college. I wish I could remember the name of it now, but it is strictly fundie and the entire "nursing" college is only about 16 weeks long. It is nothing like an actual college.

Do you have a link for the funie college where you can be a nurse in 16 weeks?
I don't understand how the topic got onto high school dropouts? As far as I know, the homeschooled Duggars aren't dropouts.

I've only seen a couple of clips where the girls discuss what they want to do with their lives; mostly they said they wanted to be nurses and doulas, from what I recall. Even if they said they wanted to be wives and mothers, I see nothing wrong with that. As long as they are happy in what they do and have the support of their family. I've just quit my job to be a full-time wife and mother, and at the moment I couldn't be happier.

I still stand by my statement that Michelle should stop having children. It has nothing to do with her abilities as a mother or her right to have as many children as she wishes. It has everything to do with the fact that her last pregnancy was dangerous for both her and Josie, and it could very well end much, much worse if she tries again. Also, I don't know much about Josie's issues as a premature baby, but the few clips I've seen of her paint a picture of a baby who will need a lot of special care as she grows. Aren't there about 18 months between most kids in that family? Can you imagine the needs of a premature toddler (if there are any special needs; I don't know), plus a new baby, one that might also have special needs?
I don't understand how the topic got onto high school dropouts? As far as I know, the homeschooled Duggars aren't dropouts.

I've only seen a couple of clips where the girls discuss what they want to do with their lives; mostly they said they wanted to be nurses and doulas, from what I recall. Even if they said they wanted to be wives and mothers, I see nothing wrong with that. As long as they are happy in what they do and have the support of their family. I've just quit my job to be a full-time wife and mother, and at the moment I couldn't be happier.

I still stand by my statement that Michelle should stop having children. It has nothing to do with her abilities as a mother or her right to have as many children as she wishes. It has everything to do with the fact that her last pregnancy was dangerous for both her and Josie, and it could very well end much, much worse if she tries again. Also, I don't know much about Josie's issues as a premature baby, but the few clips I've seen of her paint a picture of a baby who will need a lot of special care as she grows. Aren't there about 18 months between most kids in that family? Can you imagine the needs of a premature toddler (if there are any special needs; I don't know), plus a new baby, one that might also have special needs?

She isn't using birth control, and as far as I can tell, she isn't planning on starting to use it. So if she is still fertile she could very will get pregnant again. Of course because she is over 40, with 3 prior c-sections, and they aren't testing fetus for any genetic abnormalities, who knows if the outcome is going to be any better than the pre-eclampsia and the premature child they had last time.
I think we have to remember that this is reality tv and it is edited. So we're really not seeing the whole story.

You are totally right. But that can go both ways. Some things not shown include the way they discipline their babies. They practice "blanket training" which is reported to involve placing a baby on a blanket with toys and then hitting the baby with a wooden spoon whenever she tries to get off the blanket. This is done to enable parents the ability to get things done without hauling a baby around. Just google "blanket training" and "duggars" and you will see what I mean. Some say the Duggars claim they do not use physical punishment along with their blanket training but I see evidence that they do. I read parts of their latest book in which they describe blanket training. They use the term "correction" to describe what they do if the baby tries to get off the blanket. Correction is often a euphemism for spanking in fundamentalist Christian circles. But if the Duggars employ this method, they are very careful not to show this kind of thing on air.

JJenny, I think their job prospects are quite good. Home schooled children are often smarter and intellectually ahead of students their age who have been educated in a traditional school setting. Home schooled children can and DO go to college and have careers. Why would you think otherwise?

I'm quite sure that JimBob and Michelle would support whatever their children wanted to do with their lives, even if it did not involve having large families.

I think you are right about many home schooled kids. if you compare a child sitting in a class with one teacher and thirty other students to one who is getting individualized attention, you can see how the homeschooled kid could get a better education, depending on the level of education of the parent. I think that's why kids in the old days were so much better educated than today - they had very small classrooms, with, for example, 10 kids per teacher. They had shorter school years but knew more in 8th grade than I did until college!

That being said, I do not believe the Duggars would support their girls doing whatever they wanted. I have watched them carefully. They have some strict ideas about women's roles and they shape their kids lives with those ideas. They have seemed very hesitant when talking about the possibility of their r daughters going to college.

I think the job prospects for the Duggar children are wonderful. They already have a strong work ethic, a strong knowledge base and sense of pride that comes from a job well done, qualities SORELY lacking in many young adults today.

YES, home schooled children can go onto college, they often go earlier than publicly schooled children.

We live in the USA and the Duggar girls can have a career if they chose to.

Yes, it occurred to me that not everyone of them would want to have their own large family. That's their choice to make. As a matter of fact, I posted up thread on that very topic;)

The Duggars may live in the USA but they are not raising their kids with American freedom, IMO. You know I read somewhere once that JimBob has been connected to a movement that supported the creation of a fundamentalist state that would have laws based solely on the fundamentalist Christian bible and that would secede from the union. I don't thin k these kids have the same freedom most American kids have. I also think the psychological pressure and the years of being raised to think and feel a certain way would heavily influence what they do as adults. Just like in many other families.

Does it really sound like that's what I am arguing?

What I am saying, if you aren't up to the task of parenting, don't have any family to help and the only recourse is daycare...maybe you're not really ready to start a family.

I am saying, back off the may not be your way...or mine...but they seem to be doing a whole lot right!

Have any of their children run away? Come home drunk? Been arrested for stealing? Doing drugs? Heck they're not even disrespectful!

I worked as a daycare teacher for years and I have to agree with you on daycare. I saw what goes on there. Small children and babies, IMO, belong with relatives who love them, not people paid to raise them. I do understand that not everyone can choose to stay home but I do believe strongly enough in raising one's own kids that the decision to have or not have them should be made with the possibility of daycare in mind. It is one thing to face financial difficulties or other issues after you have a kid and then have to put them in daycare. It's another thing to choose to have a kid knowing they will be in daycare at 6 weeks of age. Poor things.
That being said, the Quiverfull movement does not take into consideration economic or other issues that can impact how children brought into this world will be provided and cared for. Most people in the U.S. cannot support 20 children financially or emotionally. The Duggars started out being careful with finances and with the resources to support their kids. But now, a lot of their resources come from their reality t.v. show. Most families would not have that option. The Duggars were involved with real estate. We have all seen what happened to that industry. If they did not have a t.v. show to fall back on, it may have been disastrous economically. They were lucky. Most families would not be. Imagine breeding a mega-family and then losing your job through no fault of your own, during an economic recession or depression. What happens then? They may say, "God will provide" but millions of good, God-fearing people have said the same and starved to death.

I agree that the Duggar kids seem to be nice kids and they do not, for the most part, seem to be robotic or too unhappy. They seem to be pretty well-adjusted kids and true, none are on drugs, in jail, etc. So I think something these people are doing is working. I do not agree with their choice to breed like crazy, or with their religious and political views, for the most part, gender assumptions, etc. Their philosophy as a whole frankly creeps me out. But I also believe in being fair and as objective as possible and from what I have seen, the kids seem happy, normal, and level headed. Good kids. That speaks to the Duggars abilities as parents.

Nevertheless, my problem with the family is two-fold: One, IMO, almost every problem on earth can be attributed in some way to overpopulation. Run off from pesticides and fertilizers from billions of lawns and farms creating water pollution and ocean dead zones. The need to fuel 6 billion people causing oil wars, and oil spills. The need to feed 6 billion people causing a decline in seafood and creating the need for factory farms, which in turn cause issues with salmonella, e-coli, etc., and clear cutting or slash and burning in order to provide fuel and clear forests so they can be farmed or ranched, which in turn causes air pollution and loss of necessary bio-diversity. Almost every war, because wars are essentially a quest by someone for the resources of another. Things are bad in Iraq, so they invade Kuwait for their resources, etc. Too many people concentrated in optimum areas means too many people driving, creating pollution and an excess of fuel consumption. Too many people means famine when the weather or natural disasters or corruption comes into play. I could go on and on. So yes, I think it is ridiculously irresponsible to advocate excessively large families through breeding as opposed to adoption.
Two, Andrea Yates. She was a member of the Quiverfull movement too.
Some people may not be mentally equipped to bear dozens of kids and stay home with them all day. Post-partum issues may play a part with many of those who are not equipped. Poverty plays another part. But, their values compel them to do this whether or not they are equipped. God has commanded it and that is a heavy obligation. The movement believes that God will give only those kids that the parents can handle so birth control is verboten. That is not logical to me and a very dangerous way to think. JMO but i think God gave us logic and discernment and the intelligence to create things like birth control so we can plan our families. God gives us the tools, one of which is our brains. I can only hope that one of the Duggars is not going to be one of those, like Andrea Yates, incapable of raising a quiverfull of kids, but feeling that doing so is a mandate from God.

Re:Have any of their children run away? Come home drunk? Been arrested for stealing? Doing drugs? Heck they're not even disrespectful!

Just because they haven't doesn't mean they are living life to the fullest.Their parents and their religion control their minds to such a degree as to be considered brainwashing by many.
And if you have watched the show lately,the younger kids seem very rowdy and out- of -control.they very much seem like they need their mother at this time,but she is taking care of Josie 24/7.
Jordyn got dropped on her head in a wagon,the kids climb across the table,stealing candy off the baby shower table,yanking each other down the stairs,walking across the younger kids' backs,and they do unsafe things like mow without shoes closely.they appear to need more mothering at this time!
Have you actually watched the show?
"Either way, at six months the baby is handed off to a 'buddy,' who is responsible for his or her care. This system is allegedly just the big kids lending a hand, but listen to Michelle explain how the big buddy gets the little ones up, dresses them, feeds them their meals, and supervises their homeschooling, baths, and bedtime. Then watch those little details, like Jackson clinging to Jana for comfort after he was lost in the airport (while his parents laugh blithely in the background) or Jennifer crying for Jill whenever she's upset. You can call it being a buddy all you want -- the truth of the matter is that those girls are parenting their little siblings (on top of running the household)."
yes,and this is a far cry from the parable Jesus tells of the one lost sheep.. (the 99 sheep).
Having the older children "help" is one thing... Doing what the Duggars do it totally different. The older children take on the FULL care of the younger children as soon as they are weaned. Michelle has said this MANY times.

Michelle seems to be the one with the rediculous notion that the world revolves around HER. She doesn't seem to have children so much as she has staff. The kids clean, cook, tend the babies, do the yard work, etc. What do you EVER see Michelle do?

Just look at what the youngest kids do when they are upset... You will NEVER see them run to Michelle for comfort. On rare occasion they do go to JimBob, but 99% of the time they young ones will runs crying to the older siblings.

Besides, they show little to NO regaurd for the health & well being of little Josie... The Dr's told them that Josie should have as little stimulation (in terms of lights & lound noise) when she 1st came home... What did JimBob do!?!?!

He honked the car horn like a jerk, non-stop, to summon the older kids to mob little Josie on her 1st minute home.

...and try to tell me that the only reason they are thinking about allowing the older girls to take nursing classes is so that Josie will not have a live in staff of nurses...

yes that really irritated me! probably scared the dickens out of poor lil Josie !! Jim Bob also plopped her baby carrier down in the floor when he came in,so all the other kids could inspect her.This reeeeeks of octomom ..she did the same thing!!I would have carried her straight to an isolated room,away from everyone!He then proceded to pick her up without supporting her don't even do that to a newborn,much less a preemie!!! sighhh!!!!
Michelle has actually had 4 c-sections in all...her first set of twins,and with Jackson (transverse),Jordyn (same thing,indicates lack of uterine tone) and this last one with Josie.
I hope she stops as well,considering her age and this last outcome.I know she won't stop trying,but I hope she doesn't get pregnant again.Not to be cruel,it seems she is reckless about her own and any future babies' health in that regard,and is willing to take any risk,even though she already has 18 other kids at home.Plus a new grandbaby who would prob. like to get to know her as she gets older.
Tell me, what do you think the job prospects are for these "wonderful, thoughtful, considerate, helpful human beings?" Especially the females.
They have not gone to school, they have been home schooled. Would they be able to go to college, have a career in case they so desire? Does it occur to you that maybe not everyone of them would want to have their own super-sized family.

You bring up excellent points re. the Duggar kids' "home-schooling." I taught public high school for 13 yrs., and sometimes a "new" kid would come to my English class after having been "home-schooled" their entire life. I'm sure elementary schools have to do more testing re. grade level, but many public high schools just accept any old piece of paper from a home school stating that, according to their standards, so-and-so is in the 10th grade. More than once I had one of these kids added to my classes only to realize that they read and write on maybe a 3rd-grade level and have never even read a short story or learned how to write a complete sentence (much less a paragraph). I have had them tell me, "Oh, my mom enrolled me on a computer course because I hate school/got in too much trouble in school, but really I watched TV all day." And they were all "students" of some "Christian-based" curriculum- this is rampant in the Bible Belt. As long as their parents paid, they passed. Ironically, many Christian-based schools- and I mean REAL schools, with buildings and all!- actually offer a solid curriculum and their students are seriously prepared for the PSAT/SAT, etc. Even if forced to renounce evolution, lol! Truth is, a truly intelligent child will always be able to see more than one side of any argument, even if he/she is forced to write otherwise on a test. But the home-schools popular around here are overwhelmingly fundamentalist and very limited, and the only "college" they are preparing kids for is a Bible-based one, often non-accredited. Everyone knows Jerry Falwell's "Liberty College" degree-holders do NOT go on to grad school at, say, MIT or Stanford. They are expected to serve their specific political agendas (Bob Jones University here in Greenville, SC is powerful in Republican circles) and their specific denominations first and foremost, no matter what job they hold. Their leaders wield a lot of behind-the-scenes influence in all manner of political arenas, from city hall to the White House. They will never stop maligning and undermining any group/agenda/leader that opposes them, smearing their "enemies" with vaguely insulting labels ("Secular Humanist") and overtly racist labels: They say "Zionists" because it sounds better than "the Jews controlling world finance." Sorry for the O/T but I think of all this and more every time I see Michelle Duggar on TV "home-schooling" her kids. She does the same thing every time, just holds up a large flashcard and makes sure they all have a pencil as they plod through their "workbooks". These kids are on their own once they know enough basic reading/writing/math to function as (for the boys) a blue-collar small-business worker/owner, or (for the girls) as a competent maker of schedules/dresses/casseroles/babies. Not once have I heard the parents mention higher education in any context. They drag the older girls to all these silly activities just so they can parent the other kids, when in reality the girls should be allowed to explore a variety of jobs/careers with shadowing and internships. Or, if they don't want any more "schooling," at least let them get part-time PAYING jobs. As it is, they are STUCK at home all the time and I'm sure Jim-Bob AIN'T gonna be getting cars for them with all his TLC money. They are just so undervalued, imo. It's a shame, because these kids are ALL lively and bright yet none get to play on a team, none get to take art or karate, none have friends over to spend the night... Michelle does very little talking to the kids on a conversational basis unless its about chores; she doesn't know how. I'll bet before she married Jim-Bob, she might have been fun to be around. Now, the smile is so programmed and you can tell that Jim-Bob is high-maintenance and controlling... I sometimes feel that he wanted to get more education when he was young, but he wasn't allowed to?? He is clearly capable in all kinds of construction; I'll bet he was working his azz off doing a man's work from a very young age. It's clear that both parents are only minimally educated- maybe they allow their kids this sham of an education because they have truly never been encouraged to question, challenge, analyze, and discuss ANY topic. The term "liberal arts" probably sounds like something vaguely immoral to their ears. I'm sure their "religion" exposes them to literature and instruction that openly pushes political agendas as I mentioned above. In fact, I'm sure their "cult" (MOO!) would be extremely displeased with the Duggars if they chose not to home-school the kids anymore; their "leaders" probably profit directly from the materials they use. Recently, I saw an episode where the kids were in some computer lab in their home; I'll bet it's the same old material, because none of the bigger kids were on those computers. If there were some new/fun/challenging educational software on those computers, those kids would be glued to their seats. All those new computers were more for show, I think; I've NEVER seen either parent at a keyboard or playing a Nick Jr. game online with one of the little ones... come to think of it, I don't see books being read, either. When Jim-Bob was whining about his weight he went to a Weight Watchers meeting where all he did was try to get a discount (har har!!) while he went on and on about how much he looooves Mountain Dew and Snickers bars; I think even Michelle was embarrassed.
Thing is, with all those bored kids, why didn't he get Wii Fit hooked up at home, with multiple stations so the kids could have (scheduled) and fun workouts instead of falling off of counters? Obviously, their religion does not condone this idea, or else they'd have at least ONE game system. Finally I have realized that none of those kids, not a single one, will ever get an education in that house. No calculus, no French, no debate team will ever exist for any of these kids. These people are, imo, so brainwashed and afraid to think. I have no problem with the Duggars teaching their kids Christian values and home-schooling CAN be incredibly challenging and innovative, but that's not happening here. I feel truly sorry for the brightest kids- surely 3-5 or so are more academically-inclined than the others, it's only natural. A mind, as they say, is a terrible thing to waste. Jim-Bob and Michelle need to stop drinking the Kool-aid...
well-said,although I think the older kids do have their own cars.It's been said they are not allowed to go anywhere alone,which at this point is prob. a good idea,seeing as how their father sold out the family's privacy and it would safer for them *not to be out alone.I'm guessing they have to run a lot of household errands and drive the younger ones around to appts and things...I'm guessing so don't quote me :)
I can only say I was raised to think along the lines of some of those same narrow-minded political ways,which I did entirely question and am now a moderate democrat :) which, you guess a SIN in many circles! LOL.
I'm glad you elaborated on the politics involved with these types of families;I'm highly suspect of any group,religion or organization which does not promote looking at both sides of the coin,and one which automatically thinks all democrats are evil.It's just plain stupid,and I have no room for that lack of understanding, intelligence and contrived brainwashing in my life.
Michelle has actually had 4 c-sections in all...her first set of twins,and with Jackson (transverse),Jordyn (same thing,indicates lack of uterine tone) and this last one with Josie.
I hope she stops as well,considering her age and this last outcome.I know she won't stop trying,but I hope she doesn't get pregnant again.Not to be cruel,it seems she is reckless about her own and any future babies' health in that regard,and is willing to take any risk,even though she already has 18 other kids at home.Plus a new grandbaby who would prob. like to get to know her as she gets older.

I believe she has already said she will not use birth control so if she is fertile she could very well get pregnant again. Which I presume could be a very high risk for her and the fetus. I think they should quit while they are ahead, but they seem to be really determined to procreate if they are physically able to.
AnnMarie, that was a very good post and you brought up many factors in it that need to be addressed by parents. But, I gotta tell you, I disagree to a great extent. I come from a family of excellent teachers, many who now believe that our public schools are a dangerous and unwholesome place to put our children now. Why I know teachers with a degree in childhood education that cannot properly speak the English language. And who have no understanding of how children actually learn. On the other hand, I know some fabulous teachers. I have reached the conclusion that home schooling is in the best interest of our children. Afterall it is the parent's responsibility to see that their child is cared for and educated and no one else would care more. As for the things they are missing in a home school setting, I would answer you that many children in public school who are in class every day fail to learn for whatever reason and they are pushed through. I know everyone has heard of atheletes in college who cannot read.

Although I am not the same faith as the Duggars , I also believe that teaching our children about life, love, responsibility and their overall place in this universe is more important than calculus or being on the debating team. They aren't perfect but none of us are, and I suspect when we get to the Pearly Gates we might find that we are not so large and in charge as to what we think. jmo
Re:Have any of their children run away? Come home drunk? Been arrested for stealing? Doing drugs? Heck they're not even disrespectful!

Just because they haven't doesn't mean they are living life to the fullest.Their parents and their religion control their minds to such a degree as to be considered brainwashing by many.
And if you have watched the show lately,the younger kids seem very rowdy and out- of -control.they very much seem like they need their mother at this time,but she is taking care of Josie 24/7.
Jordyn got dropped on her head in a wagon,the kids climb across the table,stealing candy off the baby shower table,yanking each other down the stairs,walking across the younger kids' backs,and they do unsafe things like mow without shoes closely.they appear to need more mothering at this time!


I PROUDLY brainwash my child EVERY single day! And when I'm not...I pay tuition to a private christian school for some more! I do my very best to instill wholesome values, a good work ethic, personal responsibility, and the ability to do the right thing, even when many around may not be.


and BTW...I'm an atheist!
You bring up excellent points re. the Duggar kids' "home-schooling." I taught public high school for 13 yrs., and sometimes a "new" kid would come to my English class after having been "home-schooled" their entire life. I'm sure elementary schools have to do more testing re. grade level, but many public high schools just accept any old piece of paper from a home school stating that, according to their standards, so-and-so is in the 10th grade. More than once I had one of these kids added to my classes only to realize that they read and write on maybe a 3rd-grade level and have never even read a short story or learned how to write a complete sentence (much less a paragraph). I have had them tell me, "Oh, my mom enrolled me on a computer course because I hate school/got in too much trouble in school, but really I watched TV all day." And they were all "students" of some "Christian-based" curriculum- this is rampant in the Bible Belt. As long as their parents paid, they passed. Ironically, many Christian-based schools- and I mean REAL schools, with buildings and all!- actually offer a solid curriculum and their students are seriously prepared for the PSAT/SAT, etc. Even if forced to renounce evolution, lol! Truth is, a truly intelligent child will always be able to see more than one side of any argument, even if he/she is forced to write otherwise on a test. But the home-schools popular around here are overwhelmingly fundamentalist and very limited, and the only "college" they are preparing kids for is a Bible-based one, often non-accredited. Everyone knows Jerry Falwell's "Liberty College" degree-holders do NOT go on to grad school at, say, MIT or Stanford. They are expected to serve their specific political agendas (Bob Jones University here in Greenville, SC is powerful in Republican circles) and their specific denominations first and foremost, no matter what job they hold. Their leaders wield a lot of behind-the-scenes influence in all manner of political arenas, from city hall to the White House. They will never stop maligning and undermining any group/agenda/leader that opposes them, smearing their "enemies" with vaguely insulting labels ("Secular Humanist") and overtly racist labels: They say "Zionists" because it sounds better than "the Jews controlling world finance." Sorry for the O/T but I think of all this and more every time I see Michelle Duggar on TV "home-schooling" her kids. She does the same thing every time, just holds up a large flashcard and makes sure they all have a pencil as they plod through their "workbooks". These kids are on their own once they know enough basic reading/writing/math to function as (for the boys) a blue-collar small-business worker/owner, or (for the girls) as a competent maker of schedules/dresses/casseroles/babies. Not once have I heard the parents mention higher education in any context. They drag the older girls to all these silly activities just so they can parent the other kids, when in reality the girls should be allowed to explore a variety of jobs/careers with shadowing and internships. Or, if they don't want any more "schooling," at least let them get part-time PAYING jobs. As it is, they are STUCK at home all the time and I'm sure Jim-Bob AIN'T gonna be getting cars for them with all his TLC money. They are just so undervalued, imo. It's a shame, because these kids are ALL lively and bright yet none get to play on a team, none get to take art or karate, none have friends over to spend the night... Michelle does very little talking to the kids on a conversational basis unless its about chores; she doesn't know how. I'll bet before she married Jim-Bob, she might have been fun to be around. Now, the smile is so programmed and you can tell that Jim-Bob is high-maintenance and controlling... I sometimes feel that he wanted to get more education when he was young, but he wasn't allowed to?? He is clearly capable in all kinds of construction; I'll bet he was working his azz off doing a man's work from a very young age. It's clear that both parents are only minimally educated- maybe they allow their kids this sham of an education because they have truly never been encouraged to question, challenge, analyze, and discuss ANY topic. The term "liberal arts" probably sounds like something vaguely immoral to their ears. I'm sure their "religion" exposes them to literature and instruction that openly pushes political agendas as I mentioned above. In fact, I'm sure their "cult" (MOO!) would be extremely displeased with the Duggars if they chose not to home-school the kids anymore; their "leaders" probably profit directly from the materials they use. Recently, I saw an episode where the kids were in some computer lab in their home; I'll bet it's the same old material, because none of the bigger kids were on those computers. If there were some new/fun/challenging educational software on those computers, those kids would be glued to their seats. All those new computers were more for show, I think; I've NEVER seen either parent at a keyboard or playing a Nick Jr. game online with one of the little ones... come to think of it, I don't see books being read, either. When Jim-Bob was whining about his weight he went to a Weight Watchers meeting where all he did was try to get a discount (har har!!) while he went on and on about how much he looooves Mountain Dew and Snickers bars; I think even Michelle was embarrassed.
Thing is, with all those bored kids, why didn't he get Wii Fit hooked up at home, with multiple stations so the kids could have (scheduled) and fun workouts instead of falling off of counters? Obviously, their religion does not condone this idea, or else they'd have at least ONE game system. Finally I have realized that none of those kids, not a single one, will ever get an education in that house. No calculus, no French, no debate team will ever exist for any of these kids. These people are, imo, so brainwashed and afraid to think. I have no problem with the Duggars teaching their kids Christian values and home-schooling CAN be incredibly challenging and innovative, but that's not happening here. I feel truly sorry for the brightest kids- surely 3-5 or so are more academically-inclined than the others, it's only natural. A mind, as they say, is a terrible thing to waste. Jim-Bob and Michelle need to stop drinking the Kool-aid...


I believe it. I taught 11th grade English, and I've had students who have been in school their entire lives who couldn't read or write.

I've had homeschooled kids, too; sometimes they were fine, and other times they were behind. One homeschooled kid I taught in 9th grade was taught like this: his mother dropped him off at the library on her way to work, and on the way home from work she picked him up. This was his school for a year.

I don't have much of a problem with Michelle's homeschooling, although I'm sure I would have issues with the curriculum if I saw it. But it looks like they have instructional time each day, and I've seen the kids reading library books, and I do like Michelle's idea that the world is school.
People I am not being rude...but please, please use PARAGRAPHS.
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