The evidence failed Caylee, not the Jury.

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ITA. I'd accept and respect the verdict had the jury deliberated longer and if they had at least asked HHJP if they could review certain evidence. There is no way they could have gone through the evidence thoroughly and come to this verdict. I could accept them rejecting 1st degree murder, but to say that there was not enough evidence to convict her of at least Agg. Manslaughter? I think they missed the State's central point---that nobody makes an accident look like murder. They totally disregarded Dr. G's testimony, among many other things.


So, if they came back in the same time with a Guilty without reviewing any evidence, would everyone still be so upset?
Once again according to the alternate juror it wasnt evidence that swayed "them". It was other things about the case. Like they wanted a murder weapon, of COD, or time and they were caught up in the family lies and how George knew or did something. They bought the DT's explanations. He at least, didnt stress it was the evidence. Once we hear from the jurors we will know what swayed them. I swear if its the lies, and how casey seemed like a nice gal, and all that blah blah blah and little or nothing about the evidence then I will call them on their carp.

They didnt even take notes and yes I would still be shocked if they came back with a verdict so soon. I voted and said many times I would give it 5-7 days for them to come back. Also depending on the charges. Murder 1 in 11 hours, thats crazy.

And yes people should move on when they are ready. If someone wants to move on then websleuths is here with plenty of cases to get involved in, but i'm not gonna tell someone to get over and move on. Its been less than a day.
BBM, thats what I missed. That was the issue too the alternate said that they believed Baez opening statement more. What? So it's not an issue of common sense or even evidence this is something else. Baez won over the jury IMO. Plain and simple. It happens.

Wow, I missed that. I think pretty much everything in the defense opening was :liar: correct?
Huh??!? I believe the exact opposite. It was the lack of common sense that hung the witches at Salem Village.

Right. Also greed. Some people were hanged as "witches" in order for the state to grab their money and property. Add religious fanaticism to the mix and there ya' go.
No common sense or reason what so ever during the Salem witch trials.
Sorry, the Jury failed Caylee. I expected them to not fall for the defense team smoke and mirrors and to follow the rules. So did the state and the Judge.

The interview that I read about with the alternate juror showed me that they disregarded rules they were given in order to guide them. Opening statements are not evidence. They disregarded that.

They bought it hook, line, and sinker. The defense was allowed to defame two people without one shred of evidence: George Anthony and Roy Kronk. They are allowed to do this in their opening statements; thus the instruction that opening statements are not evidence.

The evidence was there to support at the very least one of the lesser charges.

Amen Tragco. Disregarding the rules should be regarded as a violation of their duty as jurors. Unfortunately, there's no way to know of any violation until the trial is over so those rules are apparantly meaningless.
I respectfully disagree. There was more than enough evidence to convict Casey. One piece of circumstantial evidence may not be enough, but the mountain of evidence in this case really only points to one person. I believe the the jury failed Caylee. According to the alternate juror, they believed every lie the DT threw at them without any evidence to support their ridiculous claims. It would be one thing if they didn't convict her because they thought the SA case had too much reasonable doubt. It's another thing to buy the DT theory without reservation. There was no evidence to support a drowning and yet that is what this one juror thought, and I am sure others felt the same. I think they made up their minds after opening statements. Furthermore, they did not take the time to deliberate. They did not look at any evidence, nor did they ask any questions. Caylee deserved better in life, and she deserved better in death. I believe the jurors cared more about Casey than they did about seeking justice for a 2 yr old little girl named Caylee.
The background of the jurors do make a difference. There were 2 high school dropouts, which imo is an important issue. Forensics are hard to understand, so maybe they had a difficult time understanding all the facts of the case, and obviously didn't want to take the time to try to understand. Several had criminal records, and 2 jurors admittedly didn't like to judge people. This jury was stacked against the prosecution from the beginning. I am so saddened and sickened by this horrible injustice. She will walk more than likely walk free on Thursday. I hope those 12 jurors can live with themselves.
The tape was found attached and wrapped around Caylee's hair, and hair is attached to our skin which covers ours skulls, and experts testified that the tape had allowed the mandible to remain in place after skeletonization, the jury saw the pictures of the skull at the crime scene, we did not, and this was very powerful and damning evidence and should have been considered by the jury in their deliberations.

I think that I understand what you are trying to say, however expecting to be shown a skull with no human tissue and tape still fully attached is an unreasonable expectation due to the conditions that the body was subjected to during those 6 months, heat and water destroy DNA, fingerprints, and break down human remains quickly.

Powerful evidence they didn't even want to review during deliberations. Amazing.
Wow, I missed that. I think pretty much everything in the defense opening was :liar: correct?

If that is what the jury went by, they were already in violation of the rules of the court. They were instructed NOT to regard the opening statements as "evidence" but they WERE instructed to use the evidence and their common sense to come to a final verdict. They failed overwhelmingly.
So, if they came back in the same time with a Guilty without reviewing any evidence, would everyone still be so upset?

IMO this is not a valid argument that excuses the jury.

The reason I would not be upset if they came back quickly and voted guilty-even if it was guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter- is because I would know they had paid careful attention to the evidence and the instructions during the trial.

The explanations for the verdict that have been given so far clearly shows they did not follow instructions, whether they were out for one hour or 20 days.

The alternate juror implied they had already discussed things beforehand which is a violation of court rules. The alternate juror considered opening statements to be evidence.

ETA: I have not heard from the 12 yet, but I do not feel they followed instructions as there is an abundance of evidence, way more than enough for one of the lesser charges.
Nothing but a paucity of evidence.

What more in the way of evidence was required to convict on child neglect? Even accepting the (far-fetched IMO, but anyway) accident hypothesis, how much stronger would the chain have needed to be that connected KC to her car and the odour (as attested by multiple witnesses) in the trunk, its abandonment, the body in a bag, the non-911 call, the cover-up and so on?

Evidence imperfectly presented or understood, or simply unequal to the burden of proof on a murder one charge does not equate to a lack of evidence across the board.

Sorry, I disagree. Just because there are ways too commit the perfect crime (mind you, I don't believe this was a perfect crime) does not mean people should get away with murder. Sure, there wasn't ICA's DNA linking her to the death or crime scene...but come on. Who else could have done this? And don't tell me George. The parents had nothing to do with this, besides ferociously defending their daughter. Why such an elaborate story about the Zanny? Why all the lies? Why was the mother not SCREAMING & BEGGING the world to find her kidnapped daughter? Why wait 31 days? Why wait 3 YEARS to say it was an accidental drowning? And IF it was a drowning....she did what any normal parent would do right? Duct tape her, put her in 3 bags, leave her in her trunk til the smell was putrid, take a drive down the road and toss her out? Yes, that is what people do in the face of an accident. Puh-lease. Maybe there was not a note left at the scene that read: 'Hey, this is Caylee Marie Anthony, and I, her mother, Casey Anthony killed her'. There has to be common sense and acknowledgement of circumstantial evidence. NO ONE BUT CASEY DID THIS!!! No one helped cover anything up, and if they had, Caylees body would not have been right down the road. Casey panicked when the smell was so intense, she didn't even think. Two people (GA and ICA) covering up an accident would have done a hell of a better job than the ***** ICA alone by herself. Such an injustice.
IMO this is not a valid argument that excuses the jury.

The reason I would not be upset if they came back quickly and voted guilty-even if it was guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter- is because I would know they had paid careful attention to the evidence and the instructions during the trial.

The explanations for the verdict that have been given so far clearly shows they did not follow instructions, whether they were out for one hour or 20 days.

The alternate juror implied they had already discussed things beforehand which is a violation of court rules. The alternate juror considered opening statements to be evidence.

And he said no real motive was shown when the judge specifically tells them the state doesn't have to prove or show motive.
IMO this is not a valid argument that excuses the jury.

The reason I would not be upset if they came back quickly and voted guilty-even if it was guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter- is because I would know they had paid careful attention to the evidence and the instructions during the trial.

The explanations for the verdict that have been given so far clearly shows they did not follow instructions, whether they were out for one hour or 20 days.

The alternate juror implied they had already discussed things beforehand which is a violation of court rules. The alternate juror considered opening statements to be evidence.

ETA: I have not heard from the 12 yet, but I do not feel they followed instructions as there is an abundance of evidence, way more than enough for one of the lesser charges.

I'm not even attempting to excuse the Jury, I agree with their choice. I am simply pointing out that many have said it was too quick and they didn't ask to see evidence. But apparently if the verdict was flipped, it means they listened to the evidence and were intelligent enough to reach a decision without seeing anything a second time.
She was convicted of lying to LE so it was definitely entered into evidence not just hearsay. Her only conviction as a matter of fact.
And with all due respect it's been less than 24 hours and people should "move on" when they feel ready. I guess all of us upset with the verdict should just leave WS for awhile.

Can't do that Evelyn. There are other cases that need our attention and I, for one will be focusing my energy toward those because it's the right thing to do. Sad to say, there's a new case out there regarding Juliette Guerts as I understand it.
everyone go back and read the rules and tos. Because the one thing you are not going to get away with here is snark, making comments about other posters, telling posters that their information is ng, or that their feelings and opinions are wrong. And i don't care which opinion you have, word your opinion posts with no finger pointing and no discussion of other posters or this forum.

What you can have is an opinion which differs. What you cannot do is point fingers, tell other posters they are not bright or allude to such. What you can do is state your opinion without any of these comments. And if you see name calling you alert you do not have the right to chastise other posters!

So stop now. Because this is the 10th time i have made this post and i'm done warning.

. Knock it off in here. How many times do i have to say it. You do not have a right to post that others should move on or have the same opinion as you. Now if you need a few days to be a spectator and not a poster so that you can read our rules i'll be happy to give you that time off.

Post lands at random. Everyone back to tos.
The evidence failed Caylee, not the Jury.

Really? Really ? .....

Hard for the evidence to fail, if it is not even considered...

Yes, I will be the first to stand up and admit I am 100% obsessed....

I am Obsessed with justice for every child in America and beyond.

Children are innocent and cannot protect their selves they need others to protect them and stand up for their rights.

And if their primary caregiver or anyone else will not!

I Will!!!
I choose 'none of the above.'

Casey and Cindy, and to a lesser extent George and Lee, are the individuals who failed Caylee Anthony.

I am merely obsessed with the fact that children can be treated as garbage.
It causes me insomnia. If that makes me a freak, so be it.
And to be honest I just started following this case with the trial and i'm not obssessed or anything. True crime is my passion. If we are not all interested in this case then why are we posting here? I just dont like people others what to do. I am trying to be tactful and not get a TOS violation! If i get sick of reading about ICA then i'll bounce.


This! I watched the trial everyday and followed it closely, but pretty much avoided all the media and sensationalism for the last few years regarding Casey Anthony, her family, and all the hoopla that the lead up to the trial. I hardly call myself obsessed with this case.
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