The evidence failed Caylee, not the Jury.

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The State put on a strong case with tons of evidence. I believe this unfair jury made up their minds right after opening statements. If Bozo had claimed that aliens from outer space killed Caylee, this disgusting jury would have agreed!!! Their minds were already made up and the only way they could reach such a verdict was to completely ignore all of the State's evidence. And if they truly believed their verdict was correct, why are these cowards from the media?

Some insight into this jury - According to a June article, some of the jury pool of 17 want to know who is going to be relieved of the responsibility of deciding ICA fate--and they want to know it now!! The article went on to state that some of the jurors in the case seem MORE EAGER TO HEAR who the judge will send home at the end of the trial than the testimony. The fact that the jury is concentrating on who will be leaving -- and sending notes to the judge to that effect -- instead of focusing on the daily case details is very concerning. Bottom line, this jury did not give a crap.

Do you have a link to the article? Not that I have any doubt your words are true. I would just like to see everything it says.
Jeff Ashton interview with Beth Caras for one hour coming up on HLN.
I do not think this Jury took this decision lightly and i do not care who dropped out of school, who has a dui, who does what, when, where or how. They were chosen to take on the ultimate burden in this case and i am grateful that they sacrificed weeks of their lives to do so.

They saw all this evidence (including photos of her remains) and had it repeated to them a mind numbing amount of times. I don't believe 12 people came in with their minds already made up to her being not guilty. In fact i am sure some think she did do something but you can't find someone Guilty of 'something'.

They looked at what the Prosecution was offering and sadly for many, it turns out there just wasn't enough evidence. JA saying Caylee was taped three times and demonstrating how does not give a murder weapon. Hoping she used Chloroform does not prove she did. Presenting computer searches as evidence of premeditation and then having that stomped on before the jury does not prove premeditation.

The Prosecution did what they could with what they had but in the end it wasn't enough.

We need a "NO THANKS" button in the forum
I didn't see ONE post threatening this jury or wishing them harm.
I saw it yesterday, thank goodness the mods removed it. It was hoping someone would be good enough to hunt down the jury and shoot at least one of them. It was sick.
They knew the first day of deliberating. They dressed up to give their decision the second day. They did not bring notebooks or request office supplies. No, in my opinion, they did not make this decision with a lot of thought. Was the evidence in the room with them? I thought it wasn't. It took hours to just move the evidence over, but they knew before 6 PM the first evening that it was a done deal. Doesn't sound like they put a lot of effort into this. They had several hours of paperwork to sign and fill out the second day.

I am really beginning to think. That with all the down time during the case it self they were talking about the case even though they were told not to. If the closing were done on Sunday instead of Monday it would have been verdict Monday Morning. After hearing #14 last night.
We need a "NO THANKS" button in the forum

I did have to "lol" at that. I like those communities where you can vote a post "up" or "down" - adds some spice! But maybe hurt feelings wouldn't be worth it.

As to the "evidence fail," I can't agree with that idea. Because then you have the flip side - that the "evidence" - the scenarios and accusations - put forth by the defense was somehow more believable.

Vinnie Politan put it better in a CBS article, snipped here:
"This jury found it reasonable to believe that a grandfather would see his granddaughter drown in an innocent manner, with no criminal liability, take that innocent accident, cover it up to frame his own daughter for first-degree murder and watch her have to battle a potential death penalty," he told Hill and Wragge. "They found it reasonable, so, under our system, she's not guilty."
The evidence did not fail Caylee! Hundreds of pieces of evidence and the one most important the jurors chose to ignore. The duct tape that was used to suffocate her was still attached to her skull with her mandible in place after 6 months of being scattered by animals, flooded by hurricanes and rotting in the elements. I don't know about you, but I find it extremely intriguing that with all her little tiny bones scattered, the one piece of evidence to PROVE she was murdered was intact. Divine intervention? Animals could have easily removed the mandible, they did not. Caylee was screaming for justice, wanted the world to know what happened and she was failed by those 12 jurors who chose to buy into the defenses fantasyland. She was failed by her mother, her grandmother, her grandfather and her uncle.

I don't find the murder of a 34 month old baby girl and the subsequent acquittal of her murderous mother "entertaining". I find it sickening and extremely sad. Caylee deserved justice and thanks to 12 jurors who couldn't "connect the dots" she will never receive it. I'll move on when I'm ready, and right now I'm not.
I saw it yesterday, thank goodness the mods removed it. It was hoping someone would be good enough to hunt down the jury and shoot at least one of them. It was sick.

I saw it to but it was someone stating what they have heard from others. It in no way was wishing anyone harm from the poster. Do I think it was right to post no but it was totally taken out of context. I seen some say things I dont agree with and would never say but am I upset about this verdict yes I am. This isnt about entertainment this is about a sweet little girl that was disguard like she meant nothing at all. Thats what hits home for me and alot of other here on WS.
The tape was found attached and wrapped around Caylee's hair, and hair is attached to our skin which covers ours skulls, and experts testified that the tape had allowed the mandible to remain in place after skeletonization, the jury saw the pictures of the skull at the crime scene, we did not, and this was very powerful and damning evidence and should have been considered by the jury in their deliberations.

I think that I understand what you are trying to say, however expecting to be shown a skull with no human tissue and tape still fully attached is an unreasonable expectation due to the conditions that the body was subjected to during those 6 months, heat and water destroy DNA, fingerprints, and break down human remains quickly.
Bingo!!! :clap::clap::clap:This is what I've been trying to tell posters in the last few days. I found that out directly from a criminalist. He does this everyday for a living, he's the expert.
Bingo!!! :clap::clap::clap:This is what I've been trying to tell posters in the last few days. I found that out directly from a criminalist. He does this everyday for a living, he's the expert.

I think thats one of the things that bothers me the most. This jury asked to see the sticker but didnt even take the time to really look at the picture of the scene closer. The vines and the hair kept that tape from falling all the way off. You dont have to be a expert to see the vines played a role in that.
I do not think this Jury took this decision lightly and i do not care who dropped out of school, who has a dui, who does what, when, where or how. They were chosen to take on the ultimate burden in this case and i am grateful that they sacrificed weeks of their lives to do so.

They saw all this evidence (including photos of her remains) and had it repeated to them a mind numbing amount of times. I don't believe 12 people came in with their minds already made up to her being not guilty. In fact i am sure some think she did do something but you can't find someone Guilty of 'something'.

They looked at what the Prosecution was offering and sadly for many, it turns out there just wasn't enough evidence. JA saying Caylee was taped three times and demonstrating how does not give a murder weapon. Hoping she used Chloroform does not prove she did. Presenting computer searches as evidence of premeditation and then having that stomped on before the jury does not prove premeditation.

The Prosecution did what they could with what they had but in the end it wasn't enough.

Thanks for starting this thread! The prosecution’s case fell apart by overcharging Casey Anthony and trying to put her to death. I agree...what they had wasn't enough for Murder or the DP.

The undisputed facts are Caylee was in her mother's care and she ended up dead...Be it Caylee accidently drowned in the pool, suffocated (in the heat of the trunk or due to duct tape over her mouth), was given a lethal dose of chloraform, or was stolen by a babysitter and Casey didn't report it, etc, etc... Any of those scenarios equate to Negligent Homicide

Had Casey been charged with "Negligent Homicide" the jury may have reached a verdict of GUILTY!

I really thought the jury would find her guilty of aggravated manslaughter. I'm surprised she got nothing, but I can understand and accept the jury's decision.

I've always been bothered by the lack of suggested motive offered by the prosecution. I understand that they don't NEED to provide it. However, when you're asking 12 people to go with death, that's a tall order whose picture needs to be painted fully.

There was no witness that stated she was even short with Caylee ever, let alone abusive or impatient or annoyed by her. That's a problem. The state was asking these 12 people to go from that to "she killed her because she didn't fit into her lifestyle." It didn't connect.

I wish the prosecution had instead brought up the alleged fight between mother and daughter as the trigger to this crime. Didn't they have a neighbor's testimony of screaming (or was that a previous occasion?). They could have asked Lee, right -- he knew about it. Jesse could also have been confronted about it. Or maybe not, it might not have ever been allowed in based on heresay. Maybe they chose not to go this route because it may have fallen into a murder 2 category. Who knows. But I think Caylee was probably killed because of this altercation btwn Cindy and Casey, and the jurors knew none of it.

It's so sad.
This jury was not made up of folks who had any common sense - or folks that used common sense, anyhow. My mom calls it "horse sense". The only logical explanation when considering all the evidence is that ICA murdered Caylee. I fear that this jury considered each piece of evidence in isolation, rather than looking at the big picture.
I completely, but respectfully, disagree.
IMO the fact the jury did NOT ask one question, nor clarification & some came out 'dressed' for verdict on Day 2 indicates they did NOT do their job.
They did not review any evidence.
They did not review any other inferences other than JB, such as the fact NO PHONE CALL about the ladder status occurred between GA & CA.
All 12 immediately believed there was no evidence of decomp in the car?
All 12 immediately disregarded the duct tape?
All 12 immediately disregarded the cadaver dog hits?
All 12 immediately disregarded any evidence of child abuse?
The FACT a 2-1/2 yr old is DEAD, last in the CARE of her mother, who showed no concern for anyone but herself...did not leave ONE juror to question the motives of the other 11 to be done with this case and move on with their own lives?
I could go on, but can no longer subject myself to this torture for my own sanity...
Ten hours. Enough said.

This jury had other priorities.

Jurors were informed of the possibility the trial could last eight weeks from the get go - and they agreed to those terms. The trial lasted six weeks. To suggest that they would speed up the verdict in order to go home makes no sense. Why would they give up time with their familys & friends, sit through day after day of testimony while living as virtual prisoners in sequestration, only to negate it all by rendering a speedy verdict? That conclusion makes no sense.

Had Caylee's mother reported her missing in an appropriate fashion, had Caylee's mother not waited 31 days, had Caylee's mother not mislead law enforcement, her family, search and rescue and the WORLD, we would be in a totally different situation today. We would be able to have a lot more answers and justice would have truly been served for everyone, Casey included.

Umm, Caylee wasn't missing.
I havent gone through this thread buy my husband is LE and he says he was not at all surprised at the verdict. His actual words were: "they picked a wacky subset of no-news watching people who probably have seen too many episodes of CSI and think we can pull DNA and fingerprints off anything and wrap the case up in a neat little bow just like they do on TV."
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