The Female Bounty Hunter

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From the very start of this circus. You could do it buy creating the list of players involved. Sorting the facts to them. You could go by dates. But I think you should start with the actual reporting to the police. Not with June 16th.

I think by looking into the facts we know from when the story broke we can possibly piece together the 31 day head start.

Just IMO. I am opened to suggestions.

I might be wrong, but I do believe that's been done. :crazy:
Ok well its its been done that's cool. Did we pull any new information or answers to anything from it? I am just wondering cause I never saw it.
Hey, Nurse, thanks for the thread, and I completely agree that this lady will be post-worthy. Heck, I take that back -- I think her time's come! I have so many questions about her.
1. What's her name? Initials, at least.
2. For whom did she actually work?
3. Who paid her, if anyone?
4. If she signed a confidentiality agreement, with whom?
5. Other than JB, isn't she (we've gotta get her name) about the only person who has spent any substantive amount of time with KC?

That's not all I'm thinking; just it for now.

Her first name is Tracy, not sure of the last name. But it is said that Casey confided in her. Padilla needed to have someone in the house with Casey 24/7 and Cindy may not of been comfortable with that so that is why they brought Tracy along. Baez made them all sign a confidentiality agreement, Casey could talk to them, but they were not allowed to ask Casey anything. She works for Padilla.
.Her first name is Tracy, not sure of the last name. But it is said that Casey confided in her. Padilla needed to have someone in the house with Casey 24/7 and Cindy may not of been comfortable with that so that is why they brought Tracy along. Baez made them all sign a confidentiality agreement, Casey could talk to them, but they were not allowed to ask Casey anything. She works for Padilla.

YES I can now vouch that her name is Tracy as Padilla said it on Nancy Grace on Friday.
she was with her 24/7, including the attorneys office. Thats all for now. I hope she can share her story but maybe not til after the trial?
Seems to me that it would be another reason for CA to get her dander up?
YES I can now vouch that her name is Tracy as Padilla said it on Nancy Grace on Friday.
she was with her 24/7, including the attorneys office. Thats all for now. I hope she can share her story but maybe not til after the trial?
Seems to me that it would be another reason for CA to get her dander up?

I just wanted to add that Tracy is a VERY nice lady and wants Caylee to be found also.
LOL! Thanks LJ. I'm just very straight forward and, honestly, I don't have a great vocabulary or very good writing skills, therefore I say want I want to say in the fewest words possible. I realize that it does sometimes come across as harsh or terse, but it's not meant that way.

I hope reminding you of your sister is a good thing :crazy:

Most definitely, she always helps me see other sides, whether I like it or not. That's a good thing because I can be kind of stubborn!:rolleyes:
Her first name is Tracy, not sure of the last name. But it is said that Casey confided in her. Padilla needed to have someone in the house with Casey 24/7 and Cindy may not of been comfortable with that so that is why they brought Tracy along. Baez made them all sign a confidentiality agreement, Casey could talk to them, but they were not allowed to ask Casey anything. She works for Padilla.

LOL -- thanks for answering! My questions were at post #7 on this thread; dated 9/19. But I appreciate knowing you've read the whole thread! :blowkiss:
Leonard's female Bounty Hunter is lawyered up because she will be called to testify at Casey's Murder trial. Everything she witnessed those days in Casey's room, will be interrogated at trial.
IIRC there was no confidentiality agreement signed between lp and the Anthonys. In all the news reports I watched as well as lp statements he stated that anything Casey said to him was not privledged. That is why JB did not want his client alone with any of them. My this female body guard part of his operation or did he contract out for her....she is from CA..... It is my opinion LP and TP hired her and a team to provide the bodyguards, etc when they first bonded her out. I think we will know more in the coming week.... a name would be nice anyhow. Perhaps looking back at early video when the Ps first got there could at least narrow down some possible pics...

I may be wrong, but I've heard LP mention a "Tracy/Tracey" a few times as "the girl we had in the house." I think you could find it in a link when he's talking about the cross found in BP, he mentioned Tracy had seen similar beads at KC's house. Hope this helps.
The only time I can imagine someone wanting immunity would be to protect themselves from being charged for some illegal act. So my thoughts are that Tracy either illegally recorded conversations with Casey (which can't come into evidence now because it was illegally obtained), or she removed and kept evidence from the house while she was there. She has significant information, but because of how she obtained it, she won't tell until she knows she's free from prosecution. SO for now, it looks like she has just faded away, which is really strange.

I just wish the media would ask Leonard and/or Rob about this now that they're in town and conducting the search.

I think I remember reading some posts by Karate Dad about having sat with and talked to Tracy, the female bounty-hunter, at Blanchard Park this week, when he was there.
I think I remember reading some posts by Karate Dad about having sat with and talked to Tracy, the female bounty-hunter, at Blanchard Park this week, when he was there.

Yes her name is Tracy.... She has not and will not go on camera or give any interviews at this point...
The "bodyguard" doesn't work for Tony Padilla, she works for Rob Dick's P.I agency. If she went in there wired or if she planted a listening device then this case is in the gravest jeopardy. Bonding agents are officers of the court and no officer of the court can eavesdrop electronically without a search warrant. Any evidence obtained would be thrown out of court and the defendent's rights would have been violated. Potentially KC might be able to walk away from this.
Yes her name is Tracy.... She has not and will not go on camera or give any interviews at this point...

Well, I say, good for her...finally someone with the smarts to keep their mouth shut, unlike all the A's! :)
YES I can now vouch that her name is Tracy as Padilla said it on Nancy Grace on Friday.
she was with her 24/7, including the attorneys office. Thats all for now. I hope she can share her story but maybe not til after the trial?
Seems to me that it would be another reason for CA to get her dander up?

Hi Bathbuddy...thanks for your post. I guess I never thought of it before, but it only makes sense that if the FBG spent 24/7 with Casey she would also be with her at Baez's office. Now I wonder why we never seen her getting in and out of vehicles with Casey. Do you know if she came and went in another vehicle? Maybe I just missed seeing her, paying more attention to Casey.
Hi Bathbuddy...thanks for your post. I guess I never thought of it before, but it only makes sense that if the FBG spent 24/7 with Casey she would also be with her at Baez's office. Now I wonder why we never seen her getting in and out of vehicles with Casey. Do you know if she came and went in another vehicle? Maybe I just missed seeing her, paying more attention to Casey.

I don't think Tracy was with Casey 24/7 and I don't believe Casey told her anything of value. Sure makes for a great story on NG every night though.
Hi Bathbuddy...thanks for your post. I guess I never thought of it before, but it only makes sense that if the FBG spent 24/7 with Casey she would also be with her at Baez's office. Now I wonder why we never seen her getting in and out of vehicles with Casey. Do you know if she came and went in another vehicle? Maybe I just missed seeing her, paying more attention to Casey.

Good question. Tracy's kept a very low profile, but I think we'll be hearing a lot of very interesting information from her at trial. I think she may even have obtained some "bombshell" information that will help put Casey where she belongs...death row or at least LWOP.
I believe the female corrections officer went to JB's office, not the female bodyguard. The officer testified about her tasks and movements in court and said it fell on her to make the trips.
I believe the female corrections officer went to JB's office, not the female bodyguard. The officer testified about her tasks and movements in court and said it fell on her to make the trips.

It was the job of the home confinement officer to set Casey's schedule for the week and periodically stop by to make sure Casey was where her schedule said she was at. It was not her job to stay with Casey 24/7.

The female bodyguard, on the other hand, was separate from the Sheriff's office and was a deal made between LP and Baez to ensure Casey would not flee, since her bail (that LP insured and posted) was so high.
I feel sorry for the female bounty hunter if she lived within that house all that time.
It had to be rough with all the looks, walking on egg shells, mouths that would go 24/7.
And signing a confidential paper.........gag order......not being able to share anything.....IMO, I would go crazy!!! and the lies,denies.........if KC talked to her it would be in circles. I remember a bf of KC saying being with her was harder than going to work, something like that..........just imagine, IMO

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