The Networks Know Who Did It

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I can see Patsy allowing DS to fly to MI with the family to keep BR out of JonBenet's way. Why else would DS testify to the GJ except to tell about BR? As a parent, I would fight that subpoena for my precious son but, evidently not pit bull SS. That would make 9 people in the jet, including JR as co-pilot and MA as pilot, that likely seated up to 12 passengers?

From zen's link:

"McLuhan warns us that we are often distracted by the content of a medium (which, in almost all cases, is another distinct medium in itself.) He writes, "it is only too typical that the "content" of any medium blinds us to the character of the medium." (McLuhan 9)"

Print media found at the scene
Some crazy items were found at the scene inside the R home that the Rs claimed they'd never seen. The mystery surrounding the red "heart" drawn on JonBenet's palm was also seen as something similar found at the scene drawn in an entrepreneurs' magazine placed inside a file folder.

Patsy's reaction:
8 TRIP DeMUTH: Did JonBenet ever doodle like
9 that on --
10 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, she would doodle but
11 this is pretty -- I mean, why would she put no,
12 no, no and then -- just strange. That just
13 seems weird
19 TRIP DeMUTH: Would Burke possibly have
20 done it?
22 TRIP DeMUTH: Okay.
23 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't like that.

John's Reaction:
14 LOU SMIT: What I have here is a photograph
15 here that's labeled 23-12, and this for the
16 camera. It's a photograph of an entrepreneurial
17 magazine, and it was found at the scene.
17 JOHN RAMSEY: It's weird.
18 LOU SMIT: It was in a folder of some kind.
19 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, I don't know. I mean,
20 I didn't, I'm not. This was a very nice event and
21 a nice award. But it wasn't a big deal for me. And
22 I don't even know if we saved any of this stuff.
23 It was a nice thing. But that is bizarre.
1 JOHN RAMSEY: Well there's a cursive "a",
2 a cursive "a" maybe. She doesn't write cursive.
3 This is bizarre. This is somebody who is sick who
4 did this.
5 MIKE KANE: What about Burke? Could he have
6 written it?
7 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, it's just the fact that
8 that is not something that Burke would do. For
9 starters, his handwriting is not very good either.

"29 . "Back to the subject"
Posted by Maikai on Aug-25-01 at 09:09 AM (EST)

I think that magazine article is very relevant, and hope the police have really researched the handwriting on it, and had it compared to the ransom note--even had it analyzed for minute trace evidence....compared it to Burke's and JBR's handwriting, just in case one of them may have scribbled on it.....although, IMO, it's very strange that it matches so closely the article showed in "Ricochet," and what was written on it. I can see a little kid drawing a design around their father---but to right the word "no" on the other people in the picture????

Considering the ransom note was full of lines and ideas from other extortion movies, you have another possible clue into the intruder's psyche, if he could have been the one to leave the article.

In "Ricochet" the victim the psycho went after had appeared in the paper receiving an award. The psycho was obsessed with revenge, and after he escaped from prison to pursue his victim, they went into his jail cell, and they dumped a box out, and showed up close on the screen, the article with the victim receiving an award. Either no, or an X was on the other people in the picture, and a heart drawn around the victim's head. The markups on the Entrepreneur article are very similar to the article in Ricochet.

Is there a thread at WS for the HLN Jon Benet special that is on in an hour? I'm assuming it must be a rerun?


Is there a thread at WS for the HLN Jon Benet special that is on in an hour? I'm assuming it must be a rerun?


It's not a rerun, but it's very much a rehash. They're trying to hang it all on Bill McReynolds again!
In my opinion the networks know who killed JonBenet -- their conduct gives them away. For example:

Professional enhancement of the 911 tape positively identified a young voice in the background, and Burke Ramsey was the only young person in the house at 5:52 A.M. Therefore, common sense tells us Burke was up and talking to his parents when the parents claimed he was asleep -- a lie to shield him.

But when NBC's Katie Couric played the 911 tape for the nation to hear and make up its own mind, she deliberately talked over the crucial final few seconds of the tape following the dispatcher's "Patsy, Patsy, Patsy, Patsy!" Katie Couric knew better; she had been following the case for years. She made it appear there was nothing more on the tape -- so it was a charade .

CBS refused to go along with the charade because they knew there WAS something on the tape after the "Patsy, Patsy, Patsy, Patsy!" But CBS didn't refute what they knew was going on; they quietly bowed out instead.

The networks give Lin Wood and Lou Smit frequent opportunities to present their one-sided opinions of the evidence without rebuttals. The networks gave widespread coverage of Judge Carnes warped opinion on the evidence, even though she was commenting about a murder case while conducting a civil case.

It appears to me the networks have been told the truth -- that neither John nor Patsy killed JonBenet and very young children are involved in the killing and it's against Colorado law to even reveal the names of the children. Burke was 9 years old, he is not culpable because of his age, he's protected by the court, and there's nothing the authorities or the media can do about it except help by conspiring to put the case to bed. They don't have any other choice.

The networks wouldn't conspire to protect an adult killer; but they would for a child, especially when they would be violating a court protective order to do otherwise. I think the networks know that Burke killed JonBenet.

Just my opinion.



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Let's pretend this murder is solved,it's solved through the efforts of the grand jury,through Fleet's testimony,through leaks to the press,why then, is Boulder spending tax payers' money to continue an investigation. It's all just a big coverup to protect a killer child? Sorry I can't buy this as remotely conceivable.
I discussed the other day,the tactics used by the police ,asking Patsy if previous to 1996 did she buy compass laced hi-techs for Burke. There were several prints,not just the one in the mold,suggesting an adult shoe,and previous to 1996, the child would have been eight years old,that interogation was a ludicrous ploy aimed at undermining Patsy's credibility . Burke was slight of build,look at his feet in pictures at age 8,I am certain his shoe size was no bigger than a boys 4,(would bet the bank on it).
Burke didn't kill his sister,he didn't take cord,a section of the paint brush,duct tape,and the stun gun out of the house. Patsy didn't write the note to cover for her baby killing son. This device,the garotte,was constructed by someone very familiar with it's purpose and use,even the little knot at the wrist was similar to the one at the neck,no one staged this,the killer knew exactly what he was doing and was comfortable in the task.
I thought Burke was 9? I'm pretty sure I've read a million times that he was 9, 4 weeks from being 10??!!
I thought Burke was 9? I'm pretty sure I've read a million times that he was 9, 4 weeks from being 10??!!

He was 2 weeks away from being 10. So nearly 10.

Also, that poster that you quoted is long gone and intruder theories are not permitted.
It's not a rerun, but it's very much a rehash. They're trying to hang it all on Bill McReynolds again!

Oh gosh... I can't believe they are seriously still saying the same old """""Intruders""""". Bill McReynolds (though I totally understand why someone who doesn't know the evidence and just watched mainstream media would think it was him.) was cleared! So was his wife!

Michael Helgoth has no evidence connecting him to the crime beyond some boots that might be Hi-Tec brand and a stun-gun (which wasn't used in the crime anyway). And Smit's Gary Olivia, who again has nothing connecting him to the crime (until after it occured, when he did seem to get a little bit infatuated with her).

They might even throw suspicion at the Whites again. This is like a bad re-run.
I discussed the other day,the tactics used by the police, asking Patsy if previous to 1996 did she buy compass laced hi-techs for Burke. There were several prints,not just the one in the mold, suggesting an adult shoe,and previous to 1996, the child would have been eight years old, that interogation was a ludicrous ploy aimed at undermining Patsy's credibility . Burke was slight of build, look at his feet in pictures at age 8,I am certain his shoe size was no bigger than a boys 4 <snip>

I thought Burke was 9? I'm pretty sure I've read a million times that he was 9, 4 weeks from being 10??!!

Yes, he was, and sissi is saying the same. She's referring to the year before the murder, 1995, when Burke was eight.

I've been reconsidering BlueCrab's theory and I am starting to believe it is very likely that DS was with the Rs that night.

I agree. I can see BR and another boy doing everything to JBR than I can buy the theory BDI alone.

Also, according to Pam Griffin, PR kept asking "why did they do this?"

Also, there was apparently a missing bike? Did DS ride this back to his home on 10th street?

AND... when Dr Phil shows BR the RN and asks, "is this your mother's handwriting?" BR says something like, she always made me practice my handwriting or some off the wall comment. Maybe HE wrote that ransom note, thus his teacher testified at the GJ regarding BR's handwriting???
Smit WAS super concerned about those bikes! And, according to JR, they "gave Jonbenet's bike away."
img_4123.jpginteresting. Thanks for this article. I don't recall seeing that bike in that photo. Whose is it and why is it there?!
Oh gosh... I can't believe they are seriously still saying the same old """""Intruders""""". Bill McReynolds (though I totally understand why someone who doesn't know the evidence and just watched mainstream media would think it was him.) was cleared! So was his wife!

Michael Helgoth has no evidence connecting him to the crime beyond some boots that might be Hi-Tec brand and a stun-gun (which wasn't used in the crime anyway). And Smit's Gary Olivia, who again has nothing connecting him to the crime (until after it occured, when he did seem to get a little bit infatuated with her).

They might even throw suspicion at the Whites again. This is like a bad re-run.

There's a few reasons for this, Annpurna:

1) The use of Bill McReynolds and Helgoth is obvious: they're dead and can't defend themselves.

2) Team Ramsey (or is that Scamsey?) is hoping that enough time has passed so that all this old stuff will be new to enough people.
There's a few reasons for this, Annpurna:

1) The use of Bill McReynolds and Helgoth is obvious: they're dead and can't defend themselves.

2) Team Ramsey (or is that Scamsey?) is hoping that enough time has passed so that all this old stuff will be new to enough people.

My question is, did PR ever read "Hey, Rube" by Janet McReynolds?
Being an avid-reader and journalism major and since Santa Bill had been a journalism professor, I could see his wife's play coming up in casual conversation. Maybe the McReynolds were going to be framed from the beginning of this crime?
Also,Does anyone remember the Ramsey's ever pointing the finger at the Stines like they did nearly everyone else?
Also,Does anyone remember the Ramsey's ever pointing the finger at the Stines like they did nearly everyone else?
Good question. I don't remember reading anything except the Ramseys saying they weren't close friends but the Ramseys and Stines actions after JonBenet's death sure seemed awful friendly to me.
interesting. Thanks for this article. I don't recall seeing that bike in that photo. Whose is it and why is it there?!

It sounds like JonBenet already knew how to ride a bike before she got her new one for Christmas. Did she already have a bike? Did she learn to ride on Burke's bike, or a friends bike? The bike in the picture looks like a boys bike - if there still are such things.
Good question. I don't remember reading anything except the Ramseys saying they weren't close friends but the Ramseys and Stines actions after JonBenet's death sure seemed awful friendly to me.

Nope, I don't think they threw Stines under the bus. In fact they got even more chummy IMO
My question is, did PR ever read "Hey, Rube" by Janet McReynolds?
Being an avid-reader and journalism major and since Santa Bill had been a journalism professor, I could see his wife's play coming up in casual conversation. Maybe the McReynolds were going to be framed from the beginning of this crime?

It wouldn't surprise me to find out that PR knew about it.
I think someone was intended as the victim of a frame in that ransom letter. I just don't think they could decide on which one, so they all went in, a classic case of throwing a whole mess of stuff at the wall and hoping one or two of those s**tballs would stick. It wouldn't be the first time someone in that house decided to turn their s**t into a guided missile, would it?

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