The oversized Bloomingdale’s panties.

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Did Patsy lie about the Bloomingdale’s panties?

  • Yes

    Votes: 164 77.7%
  • No

    Votes: 14 6.6%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 15.6%

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In those 30 minutes, PR could have still been packing for the following trip and BR could've been with JBR. We don't know if JR was still in his regular clothes.

I disagree that if the R parents knew about the pineapple snack, they would not have seen the importance in either cleaning it up or including JBR eating it in their story of what happened after they came home. It's simpler to believe it wasn't cleaned by the R parents because the R parents didn't even know about the snack.

She could. And Burke could have been playing downstairs alone after JonBenet had her pineapple, and one of her parents could have hit her over the head in her bedroom.

We do know that JR's shirt fibres were on JBR's groin and inside the panties that were put on her after she was cleaned.

What makes you think the parents would think her intestines would be opened up and that food would still be recognizable? It isn't simpler to believe they didn't know she ate it.
Thank you, but it doesn't state that it was JBR's toilet, Haney just says, "it's a bathroom". I really wish they were clearer in the interviews, otherwise what's the point?

They were going through the pictures of her bathroom at that point.That is why they asked Patsy if she had taken her to the toilet, Patsy wouldn't have taken her to the basement toilet.
She could. And Burke could have been playing downstairs alone after JonBenet had her pineapple, and one of her parents could have hit her over the head in her bedroom.

We do know that JR's shirt fibres were on JBR's groin and inside the panties that were put on her after she was cleaned.

What makes you think the parents would think her intestines would be opened up and that food would still be recognizable? It isn't simpler to believe they didn't know she ate it.

Do we know JR wouldn't wear an Israeli sweatshirt to bed? Or was it determined the fibers found were from an Israeli dress shirt?

It's not about JBR's intestines necessarily, it's about her fingerprints and DNA possibly being found on the bowl and spoon, which would discredit their entire story. Luckily for them, DNA wasn't tested on either the glass nor the bowl and spoon (at least we don't think it was).
They were going through the pictures of her bathroom at that point.That is why they asked Patsy if she had taken her to the toilet, Patsy wouldn't have taken her to the basement toilet.

Got it. Still doesn't mean JBR ever fecal-smeared or defecated in those too-big pants.
Do we know JR wouldn't wear an Israeli sweatshirt to bed? Or was it determined the fibers found were from an Israeli dress shirt?

It's not about JBR's intestines necessarily, it's about her fingerprints and DNA possibly being found on the bowl and spoon, which would discredit their entire story. Luckily for them, DNA wasn't tested on either the glass nor the bowl and spoon (at least we don't think it was).

It was the shirt he wore to the White's, sent to the police a long while after.

21 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Mr. Ramsey, it is

22 our belief based on forensic evidence that

23 there are hairs that are associated, that the

24 source is the collared black shirt that you

25 sent us that are found in your daughter's


1 underpants, and I wondered if you --

It must be about her intestines,because how else are the police going to confront them with evidence she ate pineapple just before she died? That bowl could have been left there with her prints on it, as far as the parents thought it could be proved, from before they went out, if they weren't to know it was a time critical event.
Got it. Still doesn't mean JBR ever fecal-smeared or defecated in those too-big pants.

Or for that matter that it's linked in any way to her death.

You don't know it's not accidental transfer.
It was the shirt he wore to the White's, sent to the police a long while after.

21 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Mr. Ramsey, it is

22 our belief based on forensic evidence that

23 there are hairs that are associated, that the

24 source is the collared black shirt that you

25 sent us that are found in your daughter's


1 underpants, and I wondered if you --

It must be about her intestines,because how else are the police going to confront them with evidence she ate pineapple just before she died? That bowl could have been left there with her prints on it, as far as the parents thought it could be proved, from before they went out, if they weren't to know it was a time critical event.

Thank you. So JR could've been helping PR pack.

Then why not say that the bowl was there from before they visited the Whites? Why all the "I have no idea how that got there" nonsense?
why would he feel safe in his own home, as he told Dr. Bernhard?

good question
i think because he did witness or there after PR accidently causing the head injury and the virginal abuse was ongoing and a bit the norm her ranting and raving and losing her load that BR totally felt it was isolated to JBR not him. hence noreason to feel threatened by his mother. this was a escalating situation nothing to do with him.
his behaviour and emotional weirdness is definately off and he is totally worthy of looking at this crime....HARD.....but i dont think its unreasonable to explain away BRs strange feelings and actions because he has harbored a terrible secret since he was a little boy. he still does have to ratonalise in his own mind and justify what happened that night.
from his perspective these are things he has to get his head around.
- spoilt sister who takes up all his mothers time.....gone. this alone i think would screw that kids mind. the ol sorry not sorry.
- being socially awkward and introverted is a genetic disposition
- his parents have committed a terrible crime but in all their minds its just a terrible accident.
- his parents are liars. he knows it. he lives it. might be far harder for him to continue the charade then given credit.
- you dont bite the hand that feeds you.
- all the ramseys have a unifide disassociation with JBR because they all know nobody wanted her hurt killed or molested.

Or for that matter that it's linked in any way to her death.

You don't know it's not accidental transfer.

It's linked to BR's mental health, which then can be linked to JBR's death among other things.

There's way too much feces for me to believe it was accidental transfer. Nine year olds know how to wipe.
Thank you. So JR could've been helping PR pack.

Then why not say that the bowl was there from before they visited the Whites? Why all the "I have no idea how that got there" nonsense?

That was their way - deny knowledge of everything. They said she was asleep so couldn't go back and change that part. Then it had to be what the intruder fed her, although I think JR did try saying she could have had it before they went out. He was that desperate, to suggest the cracked crab would have gone through her system first and the pineapple last, even though the order was completely wrong.
It's linked to BR's mental health, which then can be linked to JBR's death among other things.

There's way too much feces for me to believe it was accidental transfer. Nine year olds know how to wipe.

But you're excluding the parent's mental health. Everything I've seen about them leads me to believe they have/had in the case of Patsy, sociopathic traits.

We don't know it's his feces. It's JBR's feces that would be the accidental transfer. She did have soiling accidents. I can't remember where I've seen that, but I know I have.
I will bid you a good night since it's way past my bed time, and thank you for the discussion.
It's not evidence if you don't know how it got there, and it's certainly not evidence of who killed her.

There are no accounts of him still smearing.

Oh,my. Feces was all over that nasty house. It remained unflushed in the basement bathroom. It remained unflushed in JBs bathroom. It was in the pants on the floor of her bathroom and smeared on her box of chocolates. It was smeared on the bathroom wall in the basement.

BR may not be smearing now but he sure was when his sister died.
Yes its entirely possible JR dressed JonBenet in Burke's long johns, but why would he want to link Burke to an intruder crime-scene?

Well I'm saying he may have thought those were pants she had worn to bed recently. So he just threw them on not realizing BR was actually the one wearing them that night. Make sense? She was known to wear his hand me downs so JR may have just thought they were hers laying on the ground near her.

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Do we know JR wouldn't wear an Israeli sweatshirt to bed? Or was it determined the fibers found were from an Israeli dress shirt?

It's not about JBR's intestines necessarily, it's about her fingerprints and DNA possibly being found on the bowl and spoon, which would discredit their entire story. Luckily for them, DNA wasn't tested on either the glass nor the bowl and spoon (at least we don't think it was).

I haven't read through the rest of the thread so I'm sorry if someone else answered this:

It was an expensive Israeli wool sweater with a collar... so like a sweater shirt (idk what is special about Israeli wool...sheep who read the Torah? Lol). Idk about you but I would never wear a wool sweater to bed, I don't think I could sleep with that on, between the itching and the sweating! Not to mention he says it was dry clean only.

But we aren't talking about me, so I would direct any questions to the interviews with JR (I think the 2000 one) where this is discussed. He says he would have taken it off and set it on a chair nearby, as was his routine with clothes that needed dry cleaning normally but had only been worn lightly (even millionaires re-wear dry clean only clothes! Lol, I feel better). He says there was a very slim possibility that he had put it down the laundry chute but I think he's full of it and just saying that for plausible deniability. No way in hell would you throw your expensive wool sweater in the laundry chute, Linda probably woulda shrank it by mistake.

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It was an expensive Israeli wool sweater with a collar... so like a sweater shirt (idk what is special about Israeli wool...sheep who read the Torah? Lol).

I think I have internal bleeding now. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
But you're excluding the parent's mental health. Everything I've seen about them leads me to believe they have/had in the case of Patsy, sociopathic traits.

We don't know it's his feces. It's JBR's feces that would be the accidental transfer. She did have soiling accidents. I can't remember where I've seen that, but I know I have.

16 TOM HANEY: How about 378?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: This is JonBenet's floor, her
18 pants.
19 TOM HANEY: Do you recall those particular
20 pants, when she would have worn those last?
21 PATSY RAMSEY: Not for sure. Probably
22 recently because they are dropped in the middle of the
23 floor, but I don't remember exactly.
24 TOM HANEY: They are kind of inside out.
1 TOM HANEY: 379 is a close up of it. It
2 appears they are stained.
4 TOM HANEY: Is that something that JonBenet
5 had a problem with?
6 PATSY RAMSEY: Well she, you know, she was at
7 age where she was learning to wipe herself and, you
8 know, sometimes she wouldn't do such a great job.
Oh,my. Feces was all over that nasty house. It remained unflushed in the basement bathroom. It remained unflushed in JBs bathroom. It was in the pants on the floor of her bathroom and smeared on her box of chocolates. It was smeared on the bathroom wall in the basement.

BR may not be smearing now but he sure was when his sister died.

(BBM) *gasp*

You mean there was feces in the toilets? Don't any of the BDIs think it's odd that feces were still in the toilet and Burke didn't take them and smear them all over the walls, or the ceiling, or the furniture?

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