The Phone Calls in the early morning of Dec.18, 2013 (both PayPhone & cells)

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First of all, I don't think we know the extent of the conversation between the roommate and Heather, despite the summary in the news. Secondly, if you're seeing someone and know what's going on in your relationship, why get upset when you get another call about meeting somewhere?

And, since I don't buy that SM was conducting business as usual that night/early morning, and he was complicit in a murder, I think Heather's concern re: meeting him was a product of the TM/SM lure not registering as quite right with her. I don't think anything about that early morning made sense to Heather and this is why she didn't jump at the first opportunity to rush to the side of SM.

So if the affair was on, what's not appealing about getting together to talk permanent relationship?

Very true. It was just late night random thoughts on my part (made worse by loads of cold meds that addle my brain).
I believe one of two scenarios happened.
1. he really was leaving Tammy. She heard him getting ready to leave and hid in back of his truck, armed. When they got down to PTL she made herself known.

2. On their 3 week vacation to WDL it was eating away at her that he cheated and HE had ruined her perfect family. She decided when they got back to take care of the situation. She had him call HE (under force) and set up a meeting, she went to PTL and took care of the situation herself.

Also, rumor is that one of them has started singing. Maybe the "under seal" filings have to do with this and a possible rumored situation HE was having that gave motive.

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I think the scenario of TM escalating in rage and deciding to end Heather's life is far more likely than the affair was still on and she sought revenge out of acute emotion. I personally believe that Heather was frightened by the initial reaction of TM when the fling was discovered and TM began her program of scaring and humiliating Heather. This is why I don't believe Heather was still seeing SM.

I would not put it past TM to hide and ambush Heather, but it seems to me the timeline at PTL is too fleeting for such a plan to be carried out successfully, with no hitches, no fight, no stunned SM, who would have been too blown away to immediately jump aboard TM's train and witness/help with a kidnapping/murder/fast drive away from PTL in that amount of time. It's my view that this was well-planned, well-executed, and I also think the two killers had help and we will never know the extent to which this was orchestrated to ensure success - unless there is an 11:59 confession to salvage one's hide. And that would take quite a story, in my opinion, as to why the squealer did nothing, or was constrained from doing something to stop the murder.

Very true. It was just late night random thoughts on my part (made worse by loads of cold meds that addle my brain).

I think we have all been there with this case! There are so many pieces that just don't make sense, either because we simply can't know what LE knows yet, or, because only the parties involved will ever know what really happened and intend to keep it well-hidden. I fear this is a sad case of never fully arriving at a complete picture. But perhaps LE will surprise us with an ending we couldn't imagine on such limited info. However, I also fear that the M's might slip through. I guess we'll see.
I think we have all been there with this case! There are so many pieces that just don't make sense, either because we simply can't know what LE knows yet, or, because only the parties involved will ever know what really happened and intend to keep it well-hidden. I fear this is a sad case of never fully arriving at a complete picture. But perhaps LE will surprise us with an ending we couldn't imagine on such limited info. However, I also fear that the M's might slip through. I guess we'll see.
So many things don't make sense or add up. It is so hard to know what is real or not and the gag order dang sure doesn't help our wandering minds. The waiting to see is the hard part. It has to be agony for Heather's family and friends. Beyond agony. It makes me ill and hurts my heart.

I have been sick this week as well as hurting my back which put me on a lot of meds that ultimately leaves me in a blue fog. I have cried nonstop these past few days, multiple reasons really but this is at the top of the list. It makes me physically sick to know TM has done nothing but play games this whole year. I'm so scared she's going to get off, and then she's going to be free. Free to torment. I'm not going to lie, I'm apprehensive not just for the torment she could cause the Elvis family, but all of us who were her 'friends' that didn't stick by her side through this. She scares me and rightfully so.
So many things don't make sense or add up. It is so hard to know what is real or not and the gag order dang sure doesn't help our wandering minds. The waiting to see is the hard part. It has to be agony for Heather's family and friends. Beyond agony. It makes me ill and hurts my heart.

I have been sick this week as well as hurting my back which put me on a lot of meds that ultimately leaves me in a blue fog. I have cried nonstop these past few days, multiple reasons really but this is at the top of the list. It makes me physically sick to know TM has done nothing but play games this whole year. I'm so scared she's going to get off, and then she's going to be free. Free to torment. I'm not going to lie, I'm apprehensive not just for the torment she could cause the Elvis family, but all of us who were her 'friends' that didn't stick by her side through this. She scares me and rightfully so.

I think she's scary because what she did is so diabolical and unhinged and she was so spine-chillingly loose-lipped on social media. Heather's case has had an impact on me as well. I remember when I first read about it...I had been on a news site that led to me a story that led to her story...or some such chain of links. Her story bothered me early on. I came here to see what was being discussed.

I've always felt this will have some sort of 'surprise' ending, for lack of a better term. Don't know why. If that's the case, I hope it means justice for Heather and peace for her family. But like you, I fear that these two may get off.

I think the trial, if it goes to trial, will be drama-laden. I say "if" because TM is so nuts, in my view, and SM likely has so many secrets, that anything is possible.

I cannot imagine what this season is like for the Elvis family and while knowing for certain one's beloved child was murdered, I would think it would be a blessing for them to either know where she is, if, tragically, unrecoverable, or to have her remains for a proper laying to rest. I often think about how difficult it would be to relinquish all hope and declare her deceased. While she is clearly gone forever at the hands of these two individuals, as a parent or other family member, I can appreciate the desire and need to have hope. To do otherwise would, for me to me personally, feel like I had abandoned or betrayed the person. This may be irrational, but when there is no proof or body to lay to rest, I think the psychological burdens are quite different than getting the call that indeed the end has been verified. Both outcomes are horrid. But I would lose my mind giving in to a sense of futility when my loved one was God knows where and I had only limited information about what probably happened.

It's easy as a bystander to say that anyone who's been off the radar this long is clearly dead, but I don't think the psyche of a loved one uses such cool logic. I can appreciate the feelings of the Elvis family as they endure the anniversary and try to get through what should be such a joyous season for family.

Take care of yourself. I think we all feel a kinship with Heather and her family and I can only imagine how difficult it is to be closer to the case than the average person.
First of all, I don't think we know the extent of the conversation between the roommate and Heather, despite the summary in the news. Secondly, if you're seeing someone and know what's going on in your relationship, why get upset when you get another call about meeting somewhere?
{snipped for space}
So if the affair was on, what's not appealing about getting together to talk permanent relationship?

I agree we certainly can't know all that was said until such time as the roommate testifies in court. Supposedly there was no phone contact or evidence of Heather being with SM after early Nov. Now, if they did get together, no one else knew about it and there was no evidence of this on Heather's cell phone and that's why the belief by police she hadn't been in touch with him or seen him. It appears maybe she was trying to move on and was working through that the last 6 weeks of her life.

That doesn't mean she was 'over' him or had no lingering feelings and hopes because she was obviously very attracted to this man. A call like what she got and him saying what he allegedly said would have the intended effect on someone still interested, who's naive. We know she got in her car, we know she drove to PTL, and we know her movements were tracked both through the GPS of her phone and her car was seen on video.

Whether SM wanted to or not he did lure her to PTL, and she did meet up with whoever was in that truck, and she was murdered at some point, and legally he's just as culpable as his twisted wifey UNLESS the twisted wifey was holding a gun against SM's head and threatening to kill him unless he got Heather to come to PTL. That would be mighty difficult to prove if he attempted to use that defense.
The two have alibis.

Polly Caison, mother of Tammy Moorer, said documents stating that police returned the shotguns serve as further proof her daughter and son-in-law had nothing to do with Elvis’ disappearance.

“We were all together the night she went missing,” Caison said. “They [Sidney and Tammy] had just gotten home around 3 o’clock [a.m.] and they never left the house. We were up that night. We all go to work early in the morning.”
Besides Sydney possibly, who else needs to be up at 3 am for work? hmmm That just doesn't sound right. Alibi for the parents/family member needing to be up at that time too? hmmm Can't wait for a release of something soon.

Maybe it's "we were up that night because they didn't come home until 3 am, we are sure they went to their house because we didn't hear them go out again and we all get up early for work, me first & their vehicles were there?" Maybe 5 or so?
The two have alibis.

Polly Caison, mother of Tammy Moorer, said documents stating that police returned the shotguns serve as further proof her daughter and son-in-law had nothing to do with Elvis’ disappearance.

“We were all together the night she went missing,” Caison said. “They [Sidney and Tammy] had just gotten home around 3 o’clock [a.m.] and they never left the house. We were up that night. We all go to work early in the morning.”

We who???

Please, correct me if I'm wrong...

WC did not work.
SM typically worked in the afternoons and evening time.
TM was a stay-at-home "do nothing".
And I don't know about AC. Was she living at the compound at the time? Was she working?

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We who???

Please, correct me if I'm wrong...

WC did not work.
SM typically worked in the afternoons and evening time.
TM was a stay-at-home "do nothing".
And I don't know about AC. Was she living at the compound at the time? Was she working?

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That's what I mean in my off handed sarcastic post. I agree.
I agree we certainly can't know all that was said until such time as the roommate testifies in court. Supposedly there was no phone contact or evidence of Heather being with SM after early Nov. Now, if they did get together, no one else knew about it and there was no evidence of this on Heather's cell phone and that's why the belief by police she hadn't been in touch with him or seen him. It appears maybe she was trying to move on and was working through that the last 6 weeks of her life.

That doesn't mean she was 'over' him or had no lingering feelings and hopes because she was obviously very attracted to this man. A call like what she got and him saying what he allegedly said would have the intended effect on someone still interested, who's naive. We know she got in her car, we know she drove to PTL, and we know her movements were tracked both through the GPS of her phone and her car was seen on video.

Whether SM wanted to or not he did lure her to PTL, and she did meet up with whoever was in that truck, and she was murdered at some point, and legally he's just as culpable as his twisted wifey UNLESS the twisted wifey was holding a gun against SM's head and threatening to kill him unless he got Heather to come to PTL. That would be mighty difficult to prove if he attempted to use that defense.

Her car was seen on video? I've only heard LE talking about the video of the M's truck. How did I miss this?

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