The Puppy That Caylee Talked About

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CA would have asked the puppy's name. It would be a natural thing to ask after your little gdaught said she played with a puppy.

There was a dog in the picture that was taken at the Oviedo house. It looked like a fairly recent picture with Caylee because she had her hair up similiar to the most recent pictures. I still think the Oviedo house plays in.
No particular reason for those thoughts---just something in my gut. So much for that opinion but there was a little dog in those photos.
This puppy bugged me too and then I remembered Kc said it -

I havent found one credible person saying anything about Kaylee talking
about zani's puppy =

I think this was just one more detail she threw out that has no basis in

I have put my faith in the technology - the pings the foresnics
are gonna get KC behind bars - nothing she says is worth a hoot .

cindy said it Anthony Testifies

this is cindy testifying under oath at the bail hearing; list all the lies and mis that we know the facts about how cindy really talks and refers to casey.
From the beginning of this case, I thought it strange that the grandparents didn't have ANY information about the "nanny". The grandparents took legal action in making sure that Caylee would be in their care if anything happened to Casey, but didn't have a phone # for the "nanny"? That doesn't make sense. I also find it VERY odd that CA didn't ask Caylee about her daily events.

Yet more missing pieces to this disturbing puzzle. Sigh....
That was my first (of many) red flag.

I don't believe one word of anything she says any more than I believe her daughter.

They are incapable of telling the truth about anything.

I think think the truth is a stranger to the whole family.

My 2 cents, for what it's

KC takes what her mother says and turns it into the "story". When CA first found out she said "who took her". Now we have a story about someone taking her. I think what happened is that CA talked to Caylee like a 2 year old... Did you play with the puppy? and KC would jump into the conversation with, Caylee tell grandma about the puppy. (this to a 2 yo could be any puppy, real or not.) If CA asked Caylee if she went to the park, KC would say something like, remember the park, and Caylee would talk.... 2yo have great stories, none specific and could be about a book, toy, or other make believe item. When my own daughter was about that age, she would say things that happened in the past as if they happened a minute ago.

What I find strange is that there was never an illness or emergency in 2 years. What babysitter doesnt need emergency contact numbers? This child NEVER needed medical care in 2 years while in the care of a "Nanny". This child never went to the sitters sick only to be called for a pick up? This for CA should have been the red flag...
I mentioned this before but my best-friend's little boy is about Caylee's age and has started talking. While I don't understand everything he says, I can tell you that he as told me several times the names of his baby sitter, gold fish, cat and what the picture is on his bed spread.

Cindy would NOT have had to ask about Zanny, kids just talk about everything.
I think this is one of the best questions asked on the board. Normally, being around kids Caylee's age you don't ever have to ask questions. They tell you all about everything. This is one of the things that has puzzled me. Sometimes kids are hard to understand, but you get some idea about what is going on.:waitasec:

This just completely reminded me of something my parents used to say about me as a little kid, that they "would never want to rob a bank with me" because I told EVERYONE EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. So imagine what Caylee might have been starting to tell people about the things Mommy was up to on a daily basis as her language skills developed....
besides all the valid points that have been mentioned
with Casey being as unreliable/irresponsible as she is
she never had to ask her mother,father, brother, friend to pick or drop Caylee off for her at the Nannys, not once.
none of it makes any sense :waitasec:
My 2 cents, for what it's

KC takes what her mother says and turns it into the "story". When CA first found out she said "who took her". Now we have a story about someone taking her. I think what happened is that CA talked to Caylee like a 2 year old... Did you play with the puppy? and KC would jump into the conversation with, Caylee tell grandma about the puppy. (this to a 2 yo could be any puppy, real or not.) If CA asked Caylee if she went to the park, KC would say something like, remember the park, and Caylee would talk.... 2yo have great stories, none specific and could be about a book, toy, or other make believe item. When my own daughter was about that age, she would say things that happened in the past as if they happened a minute ago.

What I find strange is that there was never an illness or emergency in 2 years. What babysitter doesn't need emergency contact numbers? This child NEVER needed medical care in 2 years while in the care of a "Nanny". This child never went to the sitters sick only to be called for a pick up? This for CA should have been the red flag...

My just turned 3 year old calls all dogs puppies..every dog is a puppy to him.

I stay home with my kids for just turned 3 yr. old has only had myself, his dad, 1 sitter. He has never been sick enough for a "sick" visit to the doctor. Only well baby check-ups as they call them.
It is not uncommon for babies or toddlers who are not enrolled in any sort of outside daycare setting to NOT ever get sick enough to warrant visits to the doctor as they are not as exposed to other children on an ongoing daily basis.
It seems KC had Friends with kids that Caylee played with and that kind of thing..but Caylee was not in a daycare setting, hence the not getting sick enough often enough to warrant doctor visits.

JMOO being a stay at home mom who has a 3 year old who has only been to the doctor for well visits and immunizations.:)

I do though find it unusual that CA would not have an emergency # for a caregiver of Caylees if she though one existed.
I still think Annie=Zani...or at least did in the beginning....and the Oviedo pics would make that puzzle piece fit. I wish there were some way to see a comparison of phone activity on the days KC was im w/ AR to see if she was calling Annie when she was telling AR she was trying to get an eta on Zani. She told him Zani was picking up her dog from friends as she had just gotten back to town.
I still think Annie=Zani...or at least did in the beginning....and the Oviedo pics would make that puzzle piece fit. I wish there were some way to see a comparison of phone activity on the days KC was im w/ AR to see if she was calling Annie when she was telling AR she was trying to get an eta on Zani. She told him Zani was picking up her dog from friends as she had just gotten back to town.
That's interesting! I haven't had the time to look into the voluminous records which have been put out. I have mostly listened/watched the interviews.

One of the most intriguing things in this case to me is the lying that this family does . . . even on the stand!
"ANYTHING would have been natural except what they've done. She didn't have the woman's phone number, had no idea how to get in touch with the person that was taking care of Caylee for two years? Never met her? Never saw a picture of her? And Caylee never said anything to her about her except she mentioned something about a puppy? Ah. Ok. I'll believe that. No...I don't believe any of it and I think she threw out the "puppy" comment out to avoid answering the question."

Pink Panther - I totally agree - anything but what this "family" has done would have been natural and normal- I have a grand daughter just 2 1/2 yrs - and she tells me all the time about her day at nana's and her visits to granny and pops and tells me what daddy did and what mommy did and what her puppy hailey did and where she is going and if she jumped or ran out side or rode her bike- for cryin out loud- how could CINDY NOT KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON -- she knew and she is covering up A LOT JMO
Those of us who have been close to a good liar will say that some liars are so convincing you can doubt your own sanity. Even when you catch the liar red handed you always wonder, "What IF?? What if I am wrong and the insane lie is actually the truth???? What IF THIS time it ISN'T a lie????"

Every woman who has had an unfaithful husband knows what it is like to want to believe so badly you believe almost any excuse. Lot's of men who cheat also are belligerant when accused. They make you feel guilty for doubting them.

You hit the nail on the head, for me. I fully believe that Caylee is dead and KC dumped the body. But I listen to her and it's like I start getting hypnotized or something, because I am not used to being on guard when listening I guess, so you have to actively think "She's lying, she's lying, she's lying" and if you don't do that, your (well my) eyes get all spinny like on cartoons when they are hypnotized..

I have never seen a liar like her and it absolutely mesmerizes me.

And the guilty for doubting thing, that is so true. I HAVE known people that did that, said "Are you calling me a liar??" before they freak out and stomp off, and every single time someone has said that to me, in the end it turned out that they WERE in fact lying. you have to actively think "She's lying, she's lying, she's lying" and if you don't do that, your (well my) eyes get all spinny like on cartoons when they are hypnotized..

I have never seen a liar like her and it absolutely mesmerizes me.

I know someone who lies with such ease, that whenever he talks I think "what does he really mean, what is he really saying?" Because the words coming out mean nothing; there's a motive to what he says. The motive is to manipulate you into believing something so I ask "why does he want me to believe this? What's in it for him if I believe this?"

If I think about it for a few minutes, I can usually figure out where he's going with his story and WHY. It's all about manipulation.
I find it very odd that they never asked Caylee about her day. I have a 17 yo and a 13 yo and I am always asking questions. How was school, who did you sit with at lunch, whats new. I can't imagine not asking if she had fun with Zanny ect.....
It is very difficult to understand this family. If you base things off of what is normal, then you cannot understand how CA did not know what was going on in the day- to- day life of Caylee. The problem is nothing between the people in this family was normal.
CA controlled everyone except Casey but CA did not realize that Casey was controlling her. There was a constant battle of wills going on between CA & Casey. Casey did whatever she wanted and was able to get away with it because she used Caylee to keep CA at bay. GA kept his mouth shut and stayed out of just about everything. It seems like to me that communication with CA was only about things that GA knew CA would find out about. It looks like the few times he took action that differed with CA he probably paid the price and over the years found it was easier to keep it to himself. So basing what he should have done as normal does not work. The things that a normal husband and father would do and talk about don’t apply to George.
CA didn’t ask questions because she knew that Casey’s answers would not be the truth. She knew that Casey lied all of the time but in CA mind as long as the appearance was kept up that all was well then she also could convince herself that everything was fine. If CA asked Caylee questions and heard something that she would then have to confront Casey about that would shatter that all is well illusion that she lived with. If Caylee did say anything that sent up red flags CA ignored it because it was easier to do so than to have to face her part in what was wrong with Casey.
Part of that also goes to this really strange dynamic.
If you acknowledge that something is wrong than you must also look at yourself to determine what part you played in how it became wrong.
Maybe this example will help: You have a child who just starts kindergarten. The teacher sends a note home that your child is hitting other children. A normal mother thinks to herself; where did this behavior come from? Where did he learn this? Has he seen other people hit each others when they have been angry? Is there someone that has taught him this? She may come to realization that someone that she and the child interact with on a regular basis is the answer. A TV show that she allowed her child to watch has had more influence than she ever realized. Now she has a choice. Limit or stop contact with this person/TV show because her child is picking up unwanted behavior as well as start to explain to her child that you do not act that way.
Deny anything is wrong and blame the teacher and other children in the class for her child’s behavior because she is not capable or is unwilling to look to herself and her prior judgments of whom she has let her child be around as the reason. If she acknowledges who or why then she has to do something about it and accept her part, her portion of what is wrong, her portion of responsibility. If she pretends that she had nothing to do with it then she doesn’t have to do anything. It is not her fault. She keeps her illusion that she did nothing wrong and is not responsible.

If CA added the ‘Caylee talked about the nanny’s puppy’ it was because without a response to the question it would have led to more questions exposing CA for all to see that CA did not know something that she should have; shattering her self kept illusion that all is well.

Casey’s behavior is a direct product of her mother’s inability to parent. Cindy’s behavior is a direct product of Casey inability to be except adult responsibility. Cindy did not know how to be a good parent so she could never teach Casey how to be a good adult. The interactions of these two people is so intertwined that become an extension of one another and they can no longer function as separate people. They need each other’s dysfunction to survive. Two very sick people who continue to feed into each other’s sickness to keep themselves sick because they can’t allow the other one to get well.

As always this is my opinion.
This just completely reminded me of something my parents used to say about me as a little kid, that they "would never want to rob a bank with me" because I told EVERYONE EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. So imagine what Caylee might have been starting to tell people about the things Mommy was up to on a daily basis as her language skills developed....

OMG - I hadn't thought about that either. Breaks my heart that this could be another possible motive. :confused: :mad:
My 2 cents, for what it's
What I find strange is that there was never an illness or emergency in 2 years. What babysitter doesnt need emergency contact numbers? This child NEVER needed medical care in 2 years while in the care of a "Nanny". This child never went to the sitters sick only to be called for a pick up? This for CA should have been the red flag...

While I realize that everything KC told LE about herself was a lie, therefore this could be too, she said Caylee had never been to the doctor for illness or injury. She said 'Caylee had never been sick, not even a cold.'

For whatever reason, when I listened to her interview not believing a word she said, I did believe this.
It is very difficult to understand this family. If you base things off of what is normal, then you cannot understand how CA did not know what was going on in the day- to- day life of Caylee. The problem is nothing between the people in this family was normal.
CA controlled everyone except Casey but CA did not realize that Casey was controlling her. There was a constant battle of wills going on between CA & Casey. Casey did whatever she wanted and was able to get away with it because she used Caylee to keep CA at bay. GA kept his mouth shut and stayed out of just about everything. It seems like to me that communication with CA was only about things that GA knew CA would find out about. It looks like the few times he took action that differed with CA he probably paid the price and over the years found it was easier to keep it to himself. So basing what he should have done as normal does not work. The things that a normal husband and father would do and talk about don’t apply to George.
CA didn’t ask questions because she knew that Casey’s answers would not be the truth. She knew that Casey lied all of the time but in CA mind as long as the appearance was kept up that all was well then she also could convince herself that everything was fine. If CA asked Caylee questions and heard something that she would then have to confront Casey about that would shatter that all is well illusion that she lived with. If Caylee did say anything that sent up red flags CA ignored it because it was easier to do so than to have to face her part in what was wrong with Casey.
Part of that also goes to this really strange dynamic.
If you acknowledge that something is wrong than you must also look at yourself to determine what part you played in how it became wrong.
Maybe this example will help: You have a child who just starts kindergarten. The teacher sends a note home that your child is hitting other children. A normal mother thinks to herself; where did this behavior come from? Where did he learn this? Has he seen other people hit each others when they have been angry? Is there someone that has taught him this? She may come to realization that someone that she and the child interact with on a regular basis is the answer. A TV show that she allowed her child to watch has had more influence than she ever realized. Now she has a choice. Limit or stop contact with this person/TV show because her child is picking up unwanted behavior as well as start to explain to her child that you do not act that way.
Deny anything is wrong and blame the teacher and other children in the class for her child’s behavior because she is not capable or is unwilling to look to herself and her prior judgments of whom she has let her child be around as the reason. If she acknowledges who or why then she has to do something about it and accept her part, her portion of what is wrong, her portion of responsibility. If she pretends that she had nothing to do with it then she doesn’t have to do anything. It is not her fault. She keeps her illusion that she did nothing wrong and is not responsible.

If CA added the ‘Caylee talked about the nanny’s puppy’ it was because without a response to the question it would have led to more questions exposing CA for all to see that CA did not know something that she should have; shattering her self kept illusion that all is well.

Casey’s behavior is a direct product of her mother’s inability to parent. Cindy’s behavior is a direct product of Casey inability to be except adult responsibility. Cindy did not know how to be a good parent so she could never teach Casey how to be a good adult. The interactions of these two people is so intertwined that become an extension of one another and they can no longer function as separate people. They need each other’s dysfunction to survive. Two very sick people who continue to feed into each other’s sickness to keep themselves sick because they can’t allow the other one to get well.

As always this is my opinion.

You did a good job with this. :clap::clap::clap:

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