The Ramsey case in general

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The requested denominations of cash would not amount to a bulky package. There was no need for a 'large' attache. The confusion about when exactly is tomorrow is typical of the R's approach. With either date, the author knew that the ransom call would never occur.

The RN is as fictitious as the films from which it draws. Patsy did not find it on the staircase. There is no evidence that the RN was ever on it. John read its three pages off the floor. So no fingerprints explained. How Patsy relayed the RN to her husband is one of the murkiest sections of the R's scenario. PR said that she did not read the whole note before she called 911. This provided her with an excuse why she did not follow the RN's instructions about calling LE. The 911 was necessary since the parents could not go to the airport in the morning without JB. Tellingly, JonBenet is not mentioned by name in the RN ("your daughter"), nor during the 911. ("She's blonde.")

Insisting on the Christmas DOD is macabre. Deep waters.
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For me, the fact that the Ramseys stalled behind lawyers for four months before talking to LE was highly suspect from the beginning. Legally, they weren’t obligated to speak to LE, but IMO they were, morally and ethically. Their child has been killed. Why wouldn’t they want to do everything in their power to help with the investigation. Unless, of course, they’re guilty. I always felt it was Patsy who killed JB accidentally in anger. And I think the ransom note reflected anger at John.

Bringing this older post forward here, as I think the last sentence is such a salient point. Aside from the handwriting, the cultural references and other things that point to Patsy, the anger at John is such a give-away. This is the kind of personal relationship of a wife to husband, not some "small foreign faction" or group or anyone else.

I believe, had this happened in any other place or time, the Ramseys would have been behind bars pronto. I just can't believe that anyone can look at that note and believe that anyone BUT PR wrote it. MOO, of course.
On the RN... IMO PR was ambidextrous. It was her 4th or 5th writing sample given to LE where they requested she write with her left hand which had the highest match to the RN. LE had received a tip from PR's high school teacher about her ability. All JMO.

But I had never really looked at the issue of the John Douglas 1996 book Mindhunter. The book appears next to the parental bed in LE crime scene photos. But then it disappeared from the house likely taken by Patsy's sister. Seven phrases or points in the RN can be related back to the book's chapter on the murder of Shari Faye Smith. All JMO
Someone requested a link to the original autopsy report. I prefer this one because it is in the form of photos of the original rather than an unknown retyped version. This link has been provided and used at WS years ago so is hopefully still approved.

Thanks for posting this. As you probably realise, I think the autopsy report needs re-consideration. Two issues stand out to me.

The first is that JBR had been in a prone position before being turned over onto her back (supine) many hours after her death and before she was 'discovered'. Do you know whether this has ever been discussed before? This is unlikely to be in the report but may already be known by law enforcement. Once you realise this, it explains many of the aberrant findings in the report. It also makes a stranger abduction/murder highly unlikely.

The second is that there is an alternative explanation for the Autopsy findings, based on updated scientific knowledge. There has been a lot more published research on post mortem petechial haemorrhage. This information would not of been available at the time of the original JBR Autopsy. I don't think she was garrotted to death btw. I think the 'strangulation' occurred many hours after her death based on this autopsy report.

I think the Coroner released her body too soon. The case would have benefited from a re examination and further collection of samples. JBR was moved from Colorado to Georgia for burial creating a jurisdictional impediment for further forensic examination.

I am currently writing a report/letter to the Boulder Police setting out my reasons for this belief. In the same letter/ report I will also present my credentials and expertise. Once I have confirmation the letter has been received, I will post this document on this site pending any further action by Law Enforcement in this area. If I am asked not to circulate, I will not.
Was Patsy's testosterone level elevated due to her ovarian cancer treatments?
Thanks for posting this. As you probably realise, I think the autopsy report needs re-consideration. Two issues stand out to me.

The first is that JBR had been in a prone position before being turned over onto her back (supine) many hours after her death and before she was 'discovered'. Do you know whether this has ever been discussed before? This is unlikely to be in the report but may already be known by law enforcement. Once you realise this, it explains many of the aberrant findings in the report. It also makes a stranger abduction/murder highly unlikely.

The second is that there is an alternative explanation for the Autopsy findings, based on updated scientific knowledge. There has been a lot more published research on post mortem petechial haemorrhage. This information would not of been available at the time of the original JBR Autopsy. I don't think she was garrotted to death btw. I think the 'strangulation' occurred many hours after her death based on this autopsy report.

I think the Coroner released her body too soon. The case would have benefited from a re examination and further collection of samples. JBR was moved from Colorado to Georgia for burial creating a jurisdictional impediment for further forensic examination.

I am currently writing a report/letter to the Boulder Police setting out my reasons for this belief. In the same letter/ report I will also present my credentials and expertise. Once I have confirmation the letter has been received, I will post this document on this site pending any further action by Law Enforcement in this area. If I am asked not to circulate, I will not.
Do you think the garotte was actually a restraining device, used to sexually violate her which caused her to scream, then came the blow to quiet her. This is how I imagine the sequence. Do you think the garotte was entirely used for staging? If it was only the blow to the head, I think it would have been sold as an accident.

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