The ransom note

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By the way, this theory isn't new. (The theory that Patsy forgot she was supposed to be a "foreign faction" instead of a journalism major while writing the note)
I got carried away on the 'perp online posting' thread.

So moving my stuff over here.

AS follows:

IF we are dealing with a REAL perp, two things bother me, HOW did they get the pages from the legal pad to PRE WRITE the note, as I think it was possibly PRE-WRITTEN. As I recall the only prints on the legal pad itself were of family, am I right?

PLUS the pages that were the ransom note, torn from the pad, matched the tear marks left on the pad.

IF there were a real perp that did the note and the murder, he or she got greater reward than money. The perp got to watch the Ramseys suffer for 10 years. This could explain why no other similar crime has been done in the 10 years since.

Although the Susanna Chase case still has me buffaloed, and thinking that there is a connection. Susanna's family were heavy into sailing and boating as well.

WHO would have had a connection with Susanna and the Ramsey family? Susanna was killed with a baseball bat. A baseball bat I read somewhere was used at Pasta Jays restaurant to quiet any unruly patrons. Some innocent men walking near Pasta Jay's were chased by Pasta Jay with the bat during the heat of JonBenet case, who he thought were media people.

Susanna was first attacked in an alley which I understood at the time was near the alley entrance to Pasta Jay's. Someone correct me if I have erred on that memory. At one time I kept rather extensive records on Susanna case. Moving twice, misplaced, is a mild word now to cover my notes.

Thinking now, I wonder why Pasta Jay was not at the Whites Christmas party OR the party of the 23rd, since Pasta and JR were partners in the restaurant venture. JAR worked at Pasta Jays as well. Susanna was an acomplished runner from about 6 years of age. AS I recall she had pretty much ran and gotten away, then collapsed, then her killer tracked her blood and found her again.

Gosh in reading this post perhaps I should move it somewhere else, just got carried away with it all.


UK guy how come er why copy from a puter? If some unsuspecting student helped a fellow student with something innocently that turned into the ransom note of all notes, WHY er HOW COME, and are you thinking this person did not read the newspapers er put one and one together and come forward to the Police?

What kind of "foreign faction" writes practice notes??? How many practice notes??? There were a few pages torn out and never found.

I know of only one person who needs to get the ransom note right, and that is Patsy. She proofread the note, edited few words and sentences...wrote a rough draft and then the "real" note, hence the missing pages.
"IF there were a real perp that did the note and the murder, he or she got greater reward than money. The perp got to watch the Ramseys suffer for 10 years. This could explain why no other similar crime has been done in the 10 years since."

Doubtful, Camper. I think you'd have to ask the FBI profilers about that.

"Disguised writing is a claim. There's no proof the writing was disguised. In fact, the last few sentences of the RN have a smoother writing style."

No proof it WASN'T disguised, either. No intruder is going to handwrite a note.

"Besides, do you really think JR's wife is going to spell business bussiness? While correcting other misspellings?!?"

If it had been me, I probably wouldn't fare any better.

This was not a REAL ransom note. The FBI agreed on that. So we're left with the question: who would benefit from a phony note?
"No intruder is going to handwrite a note."

Nobody who lives in the same house are going to identify a kidnapping, sure to invite the FBI, and then leave 2 1/2 pages of handwriting samples for analysis.
SuperDave said:
"IF there were a real perp that did the note and the murder, he or she got greater reward than money. The perp got to watch the Ramseys suffer for 10 years. This could explain why no other similar crime has been done in the 10 years since."

Doubtful, Camper. I think you'd have to ask the FBI profilers about that.

---------Well profilers can ID the type of person who wrote the note, or does a certain type of crime. But it gets pretty slim pickin's when you donut have a motive. Once they could determine the MOTIVE, which they didn't, THEN they would have the perp installed in the striped jail cell spa.

What was the motive or reason for the murder? IF you can come up with the answer for that, welllllllllllll, hmmm.

The note does not infer sexual mistreatment. The note writer/s will behead the NON kidnapped victim, does not say with what kind of a weapon. Confusion is still reigning on this case.

Not even the Ramseys themselves believed that the foreign faction had writen the note, right?
For they referrred to the intruder as 'he', and according to Lou Smit, the intruder was also one lone intruder: a sexual predator.

Therefore both Ramseys as well as Smit and the rest of the RST, from the point of logic, must have accepted the ransom note with its 'foreign faction' stuff as being a faked note, right?

But why on earth would a sexual predator leave a faked ransom note behind in that house??? Oh, how I would like to ask Lou Smit that question!!
rashomon said:
Not even the Ramseys themselves believed that the foreign faction had writen the note, right?
For they referrred to the intruder as 'he', and according to Lou Smit, the intruder was also one lone intruder: a sexual predator.

Therefore both Ramseys as well as Smit and the rest of the RST, from the point of logic, must have accepted the ransom note with its 'foreign faction' stuff as being a faked note, right?

But why on earth would a sexual predator leave a faked ransom note behind in that house??? Oh, how I would like to ask Lou Smit that question!!


Maybe the sexual predator was the person who placed her in the wine-cellar and attempted to stage the crime-scene to reflect that of a lust-killing?

After all a beheading is not quite the same fate as a garroting!

Why the heck would an intruder leave a note when he/she was so careful as to not leave any DNA, hairs, fibers, etc...???

The ransom note was written to explain a dead child hidden in the basement... period.
There is something for everyone in that ransom note of all ransom notes.

Kidnapping, victim still in the house.

Want $118,000.00, didn't git any money for the foreign faction.

Gonna behead victim, nah, choke her instead.

Itsa victory, must be cuz the murderer is still on the loose, perhaps in a casket, perhaps not.

Two men were watching the Ramseys, BUT the perp could do whutever he/she wanted to, make a garrote, choke, take JonBenet, but if he/she didn't no money fer the faction.

Call you at 10 AM, no call at 10 AM or ever.

Listen carefully, though the reader did not listen while not reading the note, huh, er?

Don't call anyone, or talk to anyone, and that included the non kidnapper.

Perp not a great speller but did great with foreign punctuation accent mark.

Ransom note writer left the note on the stairs instead of on the victims bed, so when mom came to wake JonBenet she did not have to step over it on the narrow stairs, risking the moms safety.

Toltec said:
Why the heck would an intruder leave a note when he/she was so careful as to not leave any DNA, hairs, fibers, etc...???

The ransom note was written to explain a dead child hidden in the basement... period.
The intruder DID leave DNA, hairs, fibers, etc. all over the place - Patsy's.

The small foreign faction DID leave DNA, hairs, fibers etc. all over the place - Patsy's.
Toltec said:
Why the heck would an intruder leave a note when he/she was so careful as to not leave any DNA, hairs, fibers, etc...???

The ransom note was written to explain a dead child hidden in the basement... period.

I agree!!!!!!!!
"Nobody who lives in the same house are going to identify a kidnapping, sure to invite the FBI, and then leave 2 1/2 pages of handwriting samples for analysis."

That assumes some pretty clear thinking!

"The intruder DID leave DNA, hairs, fibers, etc. all over the place - Patsy's.

The small foreign faction DID leave DNA, hairs, fibers etc. all over the place - Patsy's."

Thanks, Paradox.
Welllll, why didn't the owner (er the last user of the flashlight which we are left to *advertiser censored*-ume was one of the foreign faction) just put the Mag flashlight back whur it was usually kept fingerprints and all? OR jest leave it on the kitchen counter with all of the natural normal fingerprints on the flashlight batteries jest like normal folk, and WIPE off the prints from the outside of the flashlight?

IF the Mag flashlight belonged to the foreign faction, why didn't they take it with the rope and duct tape too that they supposedly brung withum?

ODD people those foreign faction peepul, they sed they wanted money in the NOTE, those flashlights are not cheap, then they left it there but took the cheap rope and duct tape withum, hmmm.

WE never heard an official report of just where the Ramseys officially privately owned Mag flashlight was ever found did WE? Maybe Linda Arndt knows that.

The killer left Patsys dna and stuff, took his own fingerprints from the outside, but wiped em off on the batteries.

Cypros said:
It is pretty obvious that the wording of the ransom note is taken from movies, but I do not think this factor necessarily points a finger at Patsy Ramsey. An intruder could jut as easily have those movies and their dialogue internalized for recollection when writing the letter.
On of the major flaws of the intruder theory is that the ransom note was written with pen and paper from the Ramsey home.
Camper said:
Eureka, partial quote from rashomon, brilliant I might add, MOO. Brilliant part in red!

"On November 29, a month before JonBenet's death, the movie "Dirty Harry" had aired on TBS in Boulder. In the movie, the kidnapper tells Clint Eastwood, "If you talk to anyone, I don't care if it's a Pekingese pissing against a lamppost, the girl dies."

And then there's "It sounds like you had a good rest. You'll need it." from the same movie. Compare that to the ransom note's "The delivery will be exhausting so I advise you to be rested."

But when putting it like that, the perp did not take into account the advice to be rested would have come too late, for John would hold the ransom note in his hands a few hours later (when the night was over), and would have had no time anymore to 'get a good rest'.

--->>>rashomon, this speaks, heck it hollers to me that the note was written BEFORE the murder day.
Camper, to me this speaks, heck it hollers to me the exact opposite: that it was written after the killing. But this is what makes discussion forums so fascinating, for they show how differently people perceive things.
Jmo, but had the note been prewritten (which would imply a planned kidnapping or killing), the killer would have given the exact date or at least the weekday on which he expected John to go to the bank and get the money.
'Tomorrow' is far too vague for a pre-written note, no matter if it was a faked note or not.

And exactly this fact that the perp did not mention a specific date imo proves that the note was not prewritten: I can imagine Patsy sitting there in a panic, at dead of night, writing the note (possibly aided by John), using the word 'tomorrow', having the following morning in mind. This made sense from the writer's (Patsy's) perspective.
In terms of the part about John 'getting a good rest': I believe that Patsy simply used what she remembered from the movie without thinking of the logical implication: that John would not have the time anymore to get a good rest.
rashomon said:
Camper, to me this speaks, heck it hollers to me the exact opposite: that it was written after the killing. But this is what makes discussion forums so fascinating, for they show how differently people perceive things.
Jmo, but had the note been prewritten (which would imply a planned kidnapping or killing), the killer would have given the exact date or at least the weekday on which he expected John to go to the bank and get the money.
'Tomorrow' is far too vague for a pre-written note, no matter if it was a faked note or not.

And exactly this fact that the perp did not mention a specific date imo proves that the note was not prewritten: I can imagine Patsy sitting there in a panic, at dead of night, writing the note (possibly aided by John), using the word 'tomorrow', having the following morning in mind. This made sense from the writer's (Patsy's) perspective.
In terms of the part about John 'getting a good rest': I believe that Patsy simply used what she remembered from the movie without thinking of the logical implication: that John would not have the time anymore to get a good rest.


Jmo, but had the note been prewritten (which would imply a planned kidnapping or killing),
But that was what appears to have been the end result an alleged kidnapping as per the 911 call and RN, including a killing!

The anomally is that she was discovered in the wine-cellar garroted and sexually assaulted.

This is at variance with the contents of the ransom note.

So either it was pre-written and the author could not alter it.

e.g. The author was no longer in the house come the wine-cellar scenario?

Yet if it was written afterwards, why did the author not revise the ransom note to reflect a lust murder and garotting in the wine-cellar e.g. by removing the word behead?

imo there is more to the case than what appears.

narlacat said:
Who do you think wrote the note?

Possibly John or Burke ? Or a third party which would suggest a conspiracy.

Lets tease this out ...

Assume Patsy kills JonBenet however , then she decides to write a ransom note, ok, a few pages later she has composed what was left on the stairs.

But we have forensic evidence to suggest Patsy also arranged the wine-cellar crime-scene.

So why did she not change the ransom note, e.g. mostly the same words but a few changes to correspond more with a lust murder.

The wine-cellar scenario without an appropriate ransom note does not fit!

So I have to assume Patsy did not compose the ransom note, but I do think she arranged the wine-cellar scenario, not unless you think Jayelle's theory is correct.

So its either John or Burke, but the sentence structure and wording in the ransom note go beyond that of Burkes then 9/10-year old abilities, so it looks like John gets the blame here.

And if its not John then maybe we do have a 3rd party and a conspiracy?

Its such a serious component of the case, even although the perp may have been acting in a panic and/or irrationally, the ransom note is important staging in the sense its public in a way that JonBenet's corpse was not, and we have enough forensic evidence to link Patsy to the wine-cellar staging for the two not to be consistent begs the question why not?

Possibly because Patsy never penned the ransom note?


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