The Sidebar - Harris Trial #3 *VERDICT - GUILTY*

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I've often had the same thought as the author of that unsigned note. Cooper wasn't cherished; Cooper was disposable. His parents essentially said he was replaceable in the police tape. "Just because we lost one child doesn't mean we can't have more!" I wish Cooper had been mine. I would have adored him. So many people would have been delighted and honored to be his parents.
The lack of headstone due to financial difficulty is so baffling that I can't help but wonder if LH's attorney either (1) misunderstood that particular situation (I'm trying to give a lot of leeway here) or (2) is trying to garner public sympathy for LH by purposefully twisting the actual reason there is no headstone yet for Cooper (assuming that there is not).

The Harris's and their immediate families are clearly in a socioeconomic strata that would allow for someone in their sphere to cover the cost of a headstone/marker. Not "rich" by any means but between a cop, a travel agent, a dietician, a (former) web developer, etc., I'm not sensing issues of hardship. I understand the need for a page for the funeral as funerals are prohibitively expensive, are generally not saved for ahead of time (especially when a child is involved), and involve grieving family members who can't think straight and should not be expected to find ways to immediately pony up thousands of dollars mere days after the death of their loved one. I find it very, very hard to believe no one in LH's circle kicked in what was necessary to cover the cost, even a loan. We are not talking about 5k here, fgs.

The "actual reason" I referred to above could involve this report:

One recent day when she went to Cooper’s grave she found an unmarked envelope resting against the gravestone. She opened it.

“You never loved him,” the unsigned note said. “I wish he’d been mine. I would have loved him.”

That description comes from the following article, those are the last two sentences.

Either way, I really want to give some benefit of the doubt of here as regardless of how many times LH has given me pause (So. Much. Pause.), this subject doesn't even make logical sense. No matter the true explanation, her attorney used some very poor judgement including any information re: headstone in his statement IMO.


Except there was no gravestone. There may not have been an unsigned letter either.

Anyway, I'm laying some of the bad press on Leanna's lawyer's doorstep. Way back he released a statement threatening to sue some media outlets and said Leanna needed to be left alone to grieve. And msm actually did back off, whether because of his threat or simply because there was no news, I dunno, but things went quiet.

The next time we heard about Leanna was when her lawyer released a copy of her victim impact statement. Another odd act was that he helped her fill it out and she listed herself as victim, not Cooper (there was a line to name one's relationship to the victim - i.e. "mother"). That blunder made headlines at CNN. A large part of the statement was about how the media ruined her life.

My point is that her lawyer hasn't done her any favors. The media left her alone until he put her back in the headlines. And now he's doing it again with this statement about Leanna needing money in order to buy Cooper a headstone. That rings untrue and sounds like a ploy to get money from the public. I don't know if she's paying him but IMO she'd be much better off without his so-called help.
I went back and forth on this. I'm positive LH loved her child, in the way that she could. Heck, I'm sure there are MUCH better parents in the world than what I'm capable of, but I love my kids with everything that I have. I'm not demonstrative in my affection. I punch my (24 yr old) son in the arm more than I hug him. That's just how we show affection, we wrestle. Admittedly, I have to wax my upper lip every two weeks because apparently, I have a ton of testosterone ;)

On the flip side of that, I can't put aside this weird "flippant" feeling that I get when seeing how Cooper's death has been handled by his family. Lets not continue CPR and someone else can do it, let's not see Cooper one last time, let's just have another kid, let's just not openly grieve, lets not show up for a single day of court, let's just neglect to give him a headstone. It baffles me. Just like RH's defense, you can explain some things, but when you have to explain EVERY thing, there's a problem.

For the record, if this had happened to one of my children (as unemotional as I project myself) I would be absolutely, horrendously gutted. And if I didn't have money for a headstone, I would sell my own plasma, take out a loan, get a 2nd job, beg or borrow to have a memoriam for my child - and you'd have to pull me off of the dirt on most days.

You wouldn't have to ask me if I wanted to see my child one last time, or my husband. I would have demanded to see my child immediately.


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Except there was no gravestone. There may not have been an unsigned letter either.

Anyway, I'm laying some of the bad press on Leanna's lawyer's doorstep. Way back he released a statement threatening to sue some media outlets and said Leanna needed to be left alone to grieve. And msm actually did back off, whether because of his threat or simply because there was no news, I dunno, but things went quiet.

The next time we heard about Leanna was when her lawyer released a copy of her victim impact statement. Another odd act was that he helped her fill it out and she listed herself as victim, not Cooper (there was a line to name one's relationship to the victim - i.e. "mother"). That blunder made headlines at CNN. A large part of the statement was about how the media ruined her life.

My point is that her lawyer hasn't done her any favors. The media left her alone until he put her back in the headlines. And now he's doing it again with this statement about Leanna needing money in order to buy Cooper a headstone. That rings untrue and sounds like a ploy to get money from the public. I don't know if she's paying him but IMO she'd be much better off without his so-called help.

Wow - and hence your name, MsMarple!! Great catch.

I heard her lawyer on one of Vinnie's court-watch broadcasts during the trial. I thought about posting this then, but decided no............just let it go. Some of you may have seen it, as well.

Vinnie asks how LH is man says the obligatory "she's doing as well as one can expect........." and then he says, (paraphrasing here) " she's more than my client, she's my friend. I know her well. She knows my family" and then goes on to talk about how much everyone likes her..........seriously????

Boundaries, fella.
Wow - and hence your name, MsMarple!! Great catch.

I heard her lawyer on one of Vinnie's court-watch broadcasts during the trial. I thought about posting this then, but decided no............just let it go. Some of you may have seen it, as well.

Vinnie asks how LH is man says the obligatory "she's doing as well as one can expect........." and then he says, (paraphrasing here) " she's more than my client, she's my friend. I know her well. She knows my family" and then goes on to talk about how much everyone likes her..........seriously????

Boundaries, fella.

We were discussing in the chatroom why Leannas lawyer was on vinnies show so frequently, we thought it was odd and I have not come up with a good explanation for that yet.
Wow - and hence your name, MsMarple!! Great catch.

I heard her lawyer on one of Vinnie's court-watch broadcasts during the trial. I thought about posting this then, but decided no............just let it go. Some of you may have seen it, as well.

Vinnie asks how LH is man says the obligatory "she's doing as well as one can expect........." and then he says, (paraphrasing here) " she's more than my client, she's my friend. I know her well. She knows my family" and then goes on to talk about how much everyone likes her..........seriously????

Boundaries, fella.

It's just as puzzling to me as how Maddox Kilgore seemed to have some emotional connection to JRH. I just find it hard to believe that a man as experienced and intelligent as Kilgore could have fallen for JRH's lies!
A picture and exact location is on Find A Grave, anyone who wants to go can see exactly where he's at. It's near a distinct looking tree for goodness sake.

I can't imagine, absolutely cannot imagine. My parents lost their first child when she was 2 months old (never met her) after heart surgery. That was 45 years ago.

My mother can barely walk, but still visits her gravesite, sits in the grass and caresses every groove in her headstone, cleans off the dirt and dust, pulls the errant weeds away. It guts me to think that he has nothing to commemorate his life. No headstone, urn, nothing.

Why would LH care if other people come by to pay their respects and give and moment of their time to show that her sons life mattered, and compels them to remember him in some small way? Show some love or sorrow?

Nope. Nope. Nope. Waiting and watching to see a Go Fund Me pop up any day now. She makes me sick.
I think that LH would be best served if her legal counsel would remain silent. My gut reaction is to withhold judgement but then her lawyer starts making statements and my empathy starts to wan. I have PTSD and a resulting Borderline diagnosis from childhood trauma, only some of which I have discussed here. My reactions are often not the norm. Because of this I give her great leeway. I don't presume to diagnose her but I know that I would be torn to shreds if I was in her place.

I also know, however, that if I couldn't emotionally handle setting my child's grave up with a headstone then I would ask a family member to be in charge to make sure it was taken care of. Then again, perhaps she wanted to see what the verdict was to decide what she should have engraved regarding RH. See... I'm torn.
Seeems you caring provided refunds to people who requested it via paypal:

Interesting note in the article above, another fund set up at Alabama Credit Union?:

On June 21, Alabama Credit Union posted a note to its Facebook page saying donations were being funneled to an account there "owned by Ms. Harris to use purely at her own discretion -- but she clearly understands the intent of those donating to the fund."
The Alabama Credit Union and youcaring are one in the same:

According to the page, created by someone named Heather, the beneficiaries for the account are Ross and Leanna Harris and states:

“We are raising money for expenses during this difficult time. Ross and Leanna Harris’s son died on 6/18/14 at the age of 22 months. I set this account up for an easy way for their friends and family to donate money to help with the financial stresses.

All donations go directly to the family thru the Alabama Credit Union

According to the site, donations are not refundable because the money is immediately disbursed to the creator of the page.

the cemetery my child is buried in only allows bronze plaques affixed to a certain color granite (no joke). The plaque and granite stone (approx. 1' x 3') cost $700 and the cemetery charged $300 to install it.
As crazy as all that seems, you're in a daze, you just pay the money and somehow it all happens.
IF she doesn't have the money, I can't believe between both sets of grandparents, sibling, cousins, friends, etc they can't scrap up the money. GMAFB
WOW, Mr. X !!! What you said about Leanna not facing truth because she'd have to acknowledge that a piece of her knew - that makes complete psychological sense.

Mr. X: I think Ross planned that he'd marry that one girl who said on the stand, 'We fell in love'. DO YOU REMEMBER the camera went on Ross and he was just beaming, so happy with love, but he looked at the jurors and realized no one else was happy for those 2 lovebirds so he put his fake serious pickle face back on. BUT Ross would have kept on going with all his sxting and meetings with men, women, teenagers, having s@x and all of that. I was weirded-out at that stream of females who went on the stand and talked on the sxting and meetups for s@x only as if they were talking about clipping their toenails or something.

In the parking lot at lunchtime, I felt Ross had that man who walked close by his car in his periphery vision: Ross thought the man would see the baby so Ross wanted to save himself the steps of having to walk any further to return to the car, because, see, Ross was right there close and otherwise Ross would have to walk allllll the wayyyyy back to his cubical, get told by security to hustle and Ross is NOT a person who looks capable of hustling, jogging, let alone sprinting to the scene !!

I find it hard to believe Ross could do that, but what clinches it for me was his surfing the 'net to a veterinarian 'doggy dies in hot car' youtube 4 days prior to the death of the baby.

About Kilgore, I view him as one of 'those' defense lawyers who go in front of the press to say how innocent their client is: THAT SORT OF TALK brings Kilgore a steady stream of outrageously guilty clients who think they've got a real chance to 'get off' with a Kilgore. I found what Kilgore said once to be deeply offensive - it was (paraphrase): 'This was just another normal day........ Ross went to work......Ross went to a meeting...... Ross went to lunch.......Ross went to a movie......Ross texted people......Ross sxted.......' - I felt Kilgore said to try to get people to think that was 'normal', 'sane', run of the mill beh

WHAT I WONDER is what Ross does all his waking hours now to replace his nonstop sxting with a big group of women, men & teen girls...
the cemetery my child is buried in only allows bronze plaques affixed to a certain color granite (no joke). The plaque and granite stone (approx. 1' x 3') cost $700 and the cemetery charged $300 to install it.
As crazy as all that seems, you're in a daze, you just pay the money and somehow it all happens.
IF she doesn't have the money, I can't believe between both sets of grandparents, sibling, cousins, friends, etc they can't scrap up the money. GMAFB

$22,000. 00 was given to LT
HD paid for the funeral.
They had a savings acct healthy enough to look to buy a home.
They had coopers insurance which would be paid out to LT as the next of kin as she wasn't charged. That was $27,000.00

I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs.
I never realized before this post about only one keyhole. So I just went out to the garage and checked my 13-year-old card. Sure enough, only one! Any one know why the car companies did this? It seems kind of dumb.
Once, when I went out to my car with groceries I panicked for a few minutes when my fob battery was dead. Then I remembered, hey! I've got a key!
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