The Smiths

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I wonder if they show EJ picture of TS and JS family, maybe that will jog her memory of who this couple was..

What about the eyewitness---THey should do the same with them too.
It's shocking that someone is actually on that facebook page defending Tammi! Yikes!

Even with all that has been exposed today, it's poor Tammi on there, all taken out of context. :sick:
Fan Page gone?? WoooooooHooooooooo :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::dance:
I have to say, that JH on the fanpage who smeared Logan just about an hour ago really burned me up.

Did you SEE her comment? :banghead::furious:

What did it say?
He should contact FB and ask them to archive the information. It may be deleted, but its still on FB's servers.
I believe her personal page is still there. A lil birdie told me so.
I am getting access to the TPS page, it seemed to come back on, but I see that whoever was posting under TPS is no longer logged on.

Edited to correct that "TPS" is back on.
I believe her personal page is still there. A lil birdie told me so.
I still see it. but he is blocking people from it, so if you search for it while logged in and blocked, you cant see it
I am so glad somebody put her (TS) in her place! I've been hoping all along that LE was being tight-lipped as they built their case and made it rock solid. It didn't take today's arrest to know... TS's shiftiness and ever-ready answers were all it took for me to see she was in it up to her backside. If she has any sense she must have known that she'd have to explain alot. She just used a lousy approach in answering questions before they were asked. As clever as she tried to be, she gave herself away in the end. I can't wait to see what else they get her for before it's over.

I'm really doubtful that she'll reveal anything helpful--at least not intentionally. Her overexplaining of all things is pretty suspect and has illuminated questions I didn't even know I had until she opened her mouth. The thing I keep thinking though is she will probably be uncooperative even under pressure. She'll deny and have to continue to cover herself and her lies because theere's a strong chance, IMO, this isn't the only time she has done this type of thing. Even if this is isolated, she's not going to want to send herself to the pokey for good. If there are others involved in some type of underground placement ring, a confession will expose the entire ring. I think all her damage-control is not merely to keep herself out of trouble; it seems like it could also be to protect the entire operation. I'm just saying.
Well I have to admit that I am a little taken aback by the arrest report. It tseems this woman would stop at nothing to get Gabe.
Right now I'm feeling really sad for their adopted daughter H right now, this is just terrible. These people did not once take into consideration what their actions would do to this child, let alone Gabriel, and H's father OMgosh can you imagine how he was railroaded ....

I was so disgusted with Tammi's performance while doing her perp walk, she needs to be slapped upside the head. Boy does she seem to feel she is above everyone. She will get what she deserves can't go through life being an *advertiser censored** and think you will get away with it if you don't get it now you will get it in the end...
I pray Baby Gabe is safe tonight and not in the landfill....
Another posting...she's fine.

It's like she is a celebrity on that page. Very hard not to say anything and risk being blocked. :banghead:
I am pretty sure her personal page is also gone. I wasn't a friend, but used to be able to see some of her pictures. Now the link doesn't work at all. Anyone else?

Still up. JS is relaying a message from TPS proclaiming her innocence and accusing LE of "harassing" her.
yeah, and Tammi's own post is still up where she's claiming she knew nothing and had no contact from the time EJ left Phoenix until Logan contacted her that Monday?? Wonder if Tammi has seen the police report herself yet? Or Jack either for that matter.
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