The Smiths

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Jack says to her adoring fans that every charge brought against her has nothing to do with Gabriel's disappearance.

Oh yeah??? I say it has everything to do with her disappearance, or else she would still be in Phoenix.
Jack says to her adoring fans that every charge brought against her has nothing to do with Gabriel's disappearance.

Oh yeah??? I say it has everything to do with her disappearance, or else she would still be in Phoenix.

What baloney!
Ok, this is a little weird... one of Tammi's biggest supporters has a phrase on her info page that refers to politics = SATIN (I'm NOT kidding)
Ok, this is a little weird... one of Tammi's biggest supporters has a phrase on her info page that refers to politics = SATIN (I'm NOT kidding)

Ok, after looking at the top two and scratching out, can you give me a hint, as in initials?
[ame=""]Facebook & MySpace Discussions - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Link to the FB and MS threads in case you want to read there.
The friend from TN by the name of JH was critical of Logan for not going to get Gabriel when he was at the Smiths from Dec. 9th. we know if the police even told Logan where the Smiths lived during that time? I think not, and the family has stated that Logan spent days looking for his son without success.

Soooo....did the Smiths lie to their good friend JH also? Did they lead JH to believe that Logan could indeed have just driven over to their house and picked up his son if he had wanted to? Is JH that gullible? Or does JH know the truth and is being recruited in an effort to continue to smear Logan even while Tammi is jailed ?

Who is JH and where did he/she say this?
It appears people have been complaining to Dolce about having Healing Waters at their locations. A poster on Gabriel's facebook page (below) said she has called them again and they are in the process of severing all ties with Healing Waters, but it is taking longer than they hoped because they have been 'unavailable'. This would severely curtail/hurt their business as 3 of the 5 locations are Dolce locations.
This whole thing about Tammi doing an adult adoption of Elizabeth really bothers me - for a bunch of reasons.

I didn't know anything about it and have looked it up. Each state has different rules about it. These are supposed to be for Arizona:

In Arizona, you do have to have a hearing. And adult adoption in TN looks really easy - you just basically have to say you want to do it and not be judged incompetent. It looks like in most states, it would be a whole lot easier if both the biological parents are deceased. It made me kind of ill to think of Tammi trying to adopt Elizabeth.

Changes Effected by Adoption

In the same manner as child adoption, the adoption of an adult will result in changes.

* Severing parental relationships. An adoption creates a new parent-child relationship and severs the existing relationship with biological parents (or with the non-custodial biological parent only, in the case of stepparent adult adoption).
* New birth certificate. An amended birth certificate will be issued for the adopted person, showing the adoptive parent(s) as birth parents.
* Name change. The surname (last name) of the adopted person may be changed to that of the adoptive parent(s).
* Sealed records. Adoption records for adult adoptions appear to be treated the same as those for child adoptions in that the records pertaining to the adoption will be sealed according to state law, even though the parties to the adoption are adults and are aware of family details. If this is a matter of concern, parties to the adoption should keep copies of all documents relating to the adoption itself and life events prior to the adoption for safekeeping.

Also, it appears that if someone adopted you even as an adult and then claimed or showed you had mental problems, then you could end up in charge of their affairs? I don't know for sure. It is sometimes done because of the reverse, someone has diminished capacity and can't take care of themselves so there is an adult adoption so they can have insurance, etc..

I guess the biggest thing in this case would be that Tammi and Jack would end up with possible grandparental rights?

Map to Select Different State Adult Adoption laws
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