The Smiths

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Wow reading these documents now. What the hell is wrong with Tammi? I guess we can really see how she inserted herself in this mess and the combo of Tammi & Elizabeth is very dangerous.

What I got from the document is that TPS was obsessed with adopting Gabriel. She held out to that hope even longer then I thought. Even after the case gained attention and EJ was in jail, she still thought she could get him. It also shows me that she really doesn't know what happened to him. With the forensics that LE did on her computer they didn't find any smoking guns or connections to link them with San Antonio. Poor TPS, here she had a baby handed her on a silver platter and all that was standing in her way was LM. She must have thought he would be a pushover, probably like H's father. She thought the threat of child support would cause him to sign his rights away. She just didn't get it.
I wish that this arrest would lead to the recovery of Gabriel but instead it causes me to feel even more worried about the fate of Gabriel. I hope there is some good news soon.
Yeah...I'm just in shock. I mean I figured she knew some things and acted so bizarre doing all the interviews but I never imagined it was THIS wild.
She really thinks she's smarter then LE and everyone else. I can only imagine by her smirks the coldness that's in her heart and what her older children had to deal with. When you look at the whole picture it speaks for itself.

I wonder how much Jack knew? I bet not all the details as I saw him look surprised at some of Tammi's statements on NG.
mine is hanging too BeanE, I am so upset at the conniving ways of this woman,

And all of this while Gabe is grave danger in the hands of his mother who's in a rage. And Logan so desperate to find Gabe and protect him. And there's Tammi going along with big fake smile doing all these things. How can she live with herself?
My mouth is just hanging open. I figured there was more than was publicly released, but the utter audacity of this woman is mind-boggling. Audacity and evilness.

Poor Logan. Poor, poor Gabe. God bless and protect them both.

And I can't believe that Jack had no idea of any of this??? No way IMO
Oh, good grief, she even asked a friend if she could put her husbands name on paternity documents!!

From the Charging Documents

There certainly appears to be no limits to the extent TS would resort too get her hands on Gabriel.

Including a plan with EJ to report Gabriel kidnapped in early December, but was foiled by LE. If they hadn't of located Gabriel that day, Gabriel would have been gone since than in my opinion. This makes me think that TS had it lined up for the sale of Gabriel and as the month of December progressed, so did her desperation. Only thing she probably didn't factor into this was that EJ would be so volitile in her revenge against Logan.

Hope my opinon doesn't offend anyone...I apologize if it has. It is just my own opinion of TS and her involvement.
And I can't believe that Jack had no idea of any of this??? No way IMO

Well, the arrest report said that after the court hearing, Tammi called Logan, who told her to quit calling him and then hung up. Jack then called Logan, and Logan hung up on him also. THEN Tammi claimed that Logan threatened her. Surely Jack knew that was not true because he was there! I think they both just got mad that Logan hung up on them and refused to "deal" with them. I think they were just "trumping up" charges against Logan. Logan has known that all this time. We are just now learning it. This shows that the Smiths have no qualms filing false claims to get what they want. This adds more weight to the possibility that the Smiths had a hand in EJ's false kidnapping charge, and also the claims that they trumped up false charges against H's father.

Also, if Tammi called the judge on January 4th and told him that if she was given guardianship, then EJ would bring Gabriel home. She must have had reason to believe Gabriel was alive and well and still under either EJ's or her own control as of January 4th then? Maybe that figures into LE's belief that Gabriel is alive and well.
Well, the arrest report said that after the court hearing, Tammi called Logan, who told her to quit calling him and then hung up. Jack then called Logan, and Logan hung up on him also. THEN Tammi claimed that Logan threatened her. Surely Jack knew that was not true because he was there! I think they both just got mad that Logan hung up on them and refused to "deal" with them.

Also, if Tammi called the judge on January 4th and told him that if she was given guardianship, then EJ would bring Gabriel home. She must have had reason to believe Gabriel was alive and well and still under either EJ's or her own control as of January 4th then? Maybe that figures into LE's belief that Gabriel is alive and well.
Great point in you last paragraph One! A reason for hope!
Well, the arrest report said that after the court hearing, Tammi called Logan, who told her to quit calling him and then hung up. Jack then called Logan, and Logan hung up on him also. THEN Tammi claimed that Logan threatened her. Surely Jack knew that was not true because he was there! I think they both just got mad that Logan hung up on them and refused to "deal" with them. I think they were just "trumping up" charges against Logan. Logan has known that all this time. We are just now learning it. This shows that the Smiths have no qualms filing false claims to get what they want. This adds more weight to the possibility that the Smiths had a hand in EJ's false kidnapping charge, and also the claims that they trumped up false charges against H's father.

Also, if Tammi called the judge on January 4th and told him that if she was given guardianship, then EJ would bring Gabriel home. She must have had reason to believe Gabriel was alive and well and still under either EJ's or her own control as of January 4th then? Maybe that figures into LE's belief that Gabriel is alive and well.

Ok, I went back and reread the document. Thank you to BeanE, who has taught me to be more careful. The docs actually says that Judge McVey called the Tempe Police Dept. on Jan 4 to report the voice mail. That leaves an open question as to when Tammi actually called and left the voice message.
Another WOW!! today. Incredible. It's almost unbelievable reading that document...I say almost because it is TPS we're talking about here.

I actually hope that JS is not involved and has been lied to and duped by his wife also. Maybe he called LM back because TPS lied to him and told him that LM had threatened her and he wanted to defend her or something. I'd love to see him reading that document without a clue of anything that's really been going on and realizing just what kind of woman he's actually married to. I bet he believed all the crap she was dishing out about her ex husband too. To have him turn on her and go to LE with any lies she may have told him about everything that was happening in regards to the "adoption" would just top it all off IMO. And he's got to realize at this point that thanks to at least his wife's illegal behaviour, he is on the verge of losing "everything they spent 10 years to build". I hope if he wasn't involved, he chooses to do the right thing and have a nice long talk with LE about everything that's been going on and what he's been told.

But I don't really think that's going to happen. The ex son in law has made it pretty clear that in his opinion anyway, JS is not the nice upstanding, God loving Christian man that he claims to be either. So he's probably in it too IMO but he's obviously not the web surfing, phone calling, texting type.
I still think TS and JS have G in hiding........WHy would she still try to get custody????HEllooooooooo!!! That means she knows where he is and if she got custody, G would be brought back....The LE needs to read between the lines....I seriously hope they are just letting SA take over, maybe TS needs to be extradited there. I hope LE everywhere is better than what I am seeing.
Criminal neglect of family is one of Tammis past charges.....what is that?
Another WOW!! today. Incredible. It's almost unbelievable reading that document...I say almost because it is TPS we're talking about here.

I actually hope that JS is not involved and has been lied to and duped by his wife also. Maybe he called LM back because TPS lied to him and told him that LM had threatened her and he wanted to defend her or something. I'd love to see him reading that document without a clue of anything that's really been going on and realizing just what kind of woman he's actually married to. I bet he believed all the crap she was dishing out about her ex husband too. To have him turn on her and go to LE with any lies she may have told him about everything that was happening in regards to the "adoption" would just top it all off IMO. And he's got to realize at this point that thanks to at least his wife's illegal behaviour, he is on the verge of losing "everything they spent 10 years to build". I hope if he wasn't involved, he chooses to do the right thing and have a nice long talk with LE about everything that's been going on and what he's been told.

But I don't really think that's going to happen. The ex son in law has made it pretty clear that in his opinion anyway, JS is not the nice upstanding, God loving Christian man that he claims to be either. So he's probably in it too IMO but he's obviously not the web surfing, phone calling, texting type.

Unfortunately this article in Forbes (which someone else here found)

... says, Jack thinks the charges are trumped up and they have done nothing wrong!! Maybe he just hasn't read the Charging Document yet, but I think he must know?
I still think TS and JS have G in hiding........WHy would she still try to get custody????HEllooooooooo!!! That means she knows where he is and if she got custody, G would be brought back....The LE needs to read between the lines....I seriously hope they are just letting SA take over, maybe TS needs to be extradited there. I hope LE everywhere is better than what I am seeing.

I don't want to keep repeating myself, but it's just too weird (and telling) that she was still hoping to get custody of Gabriel after Elizabeth was arrested.
yes I noticed he carefully picked his words, and twice used AT THIS POINT, when referring to the smiths knowing were Gabriel is , I think LE is not letting all out of the bag,

Molly ... I think you are right about this. I don't think these means they don't think the Smith's have more information or even definitely don't know where he is, they are just not going to push that. I think there is a lot more that has been investigated and will be revealed than what is in that charging document (and even those of us who think Tammi was already completely involved and wacky are a bit surprised at what was in t here that we didn't know!).
Unfortunately this article in Forbes (which someone else here found)

... says, Jack thinks the charges are trumped up and they have done nothing wrong!! Maybe he just hasn't read the Charging Document yet, but I think he must know?

Thanks for that link time,

"It's clear that we had nothing to do with this, and why they're trying to make a case against my wife, I don't know," he said. "We have done nothing wrong."

Isn't he kind of admitting to his knowledge in everything that was going on and admitting to being a participant in that one sentence? :waitasec:
You know now that I see how desperate TS was to adopt Gabriel. I am wondering if she didn't arrange someone to hold on to him because at that point she didnt know Logan was recording her etc. on the phone and probably figured Logan would give up at some point. I mean she was VERY desperate! I dont think she realized all this was going to be coming down and whoever has him is probably scared and wont bring him forth or she paid them alot of money to keep him until she could find a way to legally adopt him..(or her version of legally adopt):banghead:
It is quite amazing that TPS fraudulent forgery to wipe out Logan's paternity is" not that big a deal." However this criminal is sure" God is with her!!!" It is definitely not the God who created Gabriel or the one I serve!!! God be with you sweet innocent baby Gabe.!!!
These people aren't living Christian lives. They covet other people's children and try to get what they want crookedly. Trying to take away a man's child and make a living doing quack enemas. I hope Logan sues them and I hope that they are hit with every charge possible and go to the pen. They for sure don't need to be foster parents. I hope TS didn't cause Gabriel's death with her selfishness.
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