The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #4

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Really the whole time line depends on Janelle--when she says the girls left, when she says she started calling. And we can't really assume that getting no answer means that the were already gone.

Janelle's timeline is crucial. Anyone else pickup on her statement in the recent KC Star article? She has stated before that Mike went INTO the house to retrieve the broom and dustpan. She told the same version to the "Disappeared" producers (it's not in the show.) She told Laura Bauer in the KC Star article that they got the broom from UNDER THE CARPORT!!
Hi, MM.

I knew you would notice the car dealer confirmation. That comes down to the possibility that Stacy was the target, not Sherrill or Suzie. If Stacy was the target, then the abductor/murderer woukd have necessarily followed the girls home from somewhere or would have seen that the two girls were togsther earlier in the evening and then just checked their houses until he spotted them. It could also be that the girls stopped for cigarettes or snacks on their way home and were noticed. So it is possible that Stacy might have attracted Cox's atte tnion that night, somehow.

I am really thinking about gaia's point. What if Janelle's early calls were either during the abduction or JUST AFTER? That is, it would be much easier to understand how someone got in if it was daylight or nearly so. A knock at the door might have been assumed to be Mike and Janelle (and other friends). Sherrill answers the door, sees a van and a youngish man at the
door, and assumes it is the kids coming for the girls. Or Sherrill lets the dog out and sees the van and assumes people are waiting for the girls. She goes back inside but doesn't relock the door--it's morning and the girls will be leaving. Once the door is unlocked, the bad guy is in.
Stacy is still in her t-shirt and panties because she and Susie aren't up yet. Five minutes later they are in the van and "disappeared."

I tried to look at the original police report link but all the old articles are off the newspaper site and are now "for pay." I will have to dig them out of my files. Really the whole time line depends on Janelle--when she says the girls left, when she says she started calling. And we can't really assume that getting no answer means that the were already gone.

Thanks, all of you, for posting your thoughts and comments concerning the show. I don't have the ID channel, so I have yet to see the show.

If Cox were the perp and Stacey the target, it makes no sense that he would try to take her when she is not alone. Of course, he could have followed her to Sherrill's and then figured out he had a triple play. One thing that bothers me about Cox being the perp is that Cox seems to be the kind of person who would have robbed as well as abducted. With the amount of money in Sherrill's purse, I think Cox would have taken all, if not most of it. I believe he was convicted for robbery, wasn't he?

Did the show name the dealership both men worked for? Was it a used car lot only, or a new vehicle franchise? Was it mentioned the timeline they were employed together?

IIRC, Sherrill's cigarettes were found in her purse, as were Suzie's.

The possibility of the three being taken after daylight is quite plausible. Again, though, this leads toward a known abductor(s). If Sherrill and/or Suzie were the targets, why would someone start the abduction while a strange car is at the property? If Stacey were the target, why would the perp(s) not wait till she is alone? The less involved, the easier the abduction.

I will be the first to admit a lone perp could take 3 women away without much struggle. All the perp has to do is hold one at gunpoint, and the other two would comply quickly. I will also admit that for some unknown reason, men in Springfield like to spot and follow young women out and about late at night in Springfield. It happened to me 4 or 5 times. The last time it happened was in May, either 91, 92 or 93 and there were two men in a darker colored van who followed me home and blocked my car in the driveway. Fortunately, my grown nephew was at my home babysitting for me, and the van occupants saw my nephew walk to the window and took off. These guys were good, too, as I never noticed them tailing me. And I watch at night, since I had been followed before.
The show is replaying now. FWIW - LE said that they were NOT able to eliminate the grave-robbers (Dustine Reckla and Mike Clay) as POI's. They also state that when an officer first visited Mike Clay's residence, regarding the grave-robbing incident, there were candles, animal skulls, fabric with symbols on it which made the officer suspicious. When the officer went back later, all that stuff was gone which lead them to believe they may have been into some ritualistic behavior.

Luzer - in response to your inquires about the car lot. I am pretty certain it was a used car lot (MM - wasn't this car lot located out in W. Sunshine where the big Sam's Club was built?) and judging from how Janis McCall describes that time period on the program it sounds like Stacey was a teenager at the time her father worked there but a certain age is not given. The connection is interesting but why would he target her for abduction on a night when she is staying someplace else and with another person.

At the time the women disappeared Cox Medical Plaza was fairly new in Springfield and the parking garage was under construction at the time. It is possible they were buried there while the garage was still under construction. I was heartened by the local news footage they showed from December of 2010 stating that the police were at least seriously considering digging up that area. It seems ridiculous they don't. They have searched and dug other places. I think it comes down to the fact this is a very public area that will get a lot of attention if dug up and they are afraid of looking stupid and afraid of backlash for spending the money if nothing is found.

The location of the cigarettes is interesting to me. If BOTH of their cigarettes were in their purses that indicates to me, having been a smoker, they were either getting ready to leave, had just gotten back from somwhere or someone placed them in there. Most smokers do not put their cigarettes in their purse, especially a 'chain-smoker' like Sherrill. Her ciggies would most likely be laying out on a table somewhere.
I also thought it was well done. And I recorded it as well. Kathee and Bartt did a great job. I agree with another poster from above..I have no suspicions of Bartt whatsoever and found him very moving. And after hearing about GPR operator Norland's stellar references, I really wish they would do that dig at Cox South now more than ever!

A couple things that jumped out at me:

1) No mention of Garrison.

2) The phone calls. I was always under the impression that the call that was erased was an obscene phone call. I guess I had no idea that Janelle answered the phone and received those calls, and the call that was erased was one that could have been pertinent to the investigation and was deemed to have no relationship to the obscene calls.

3) Stu McCall and Cox working at the same car lot. I knew that from before but never saw where that would be something to connect Cox to this crime. I still don't think it was too relevant unless Cox just happened to see Stacy that night and remembered her and decided to follow them home from the graduation party. Other than that, I just don't think that "connection" was too relevant.

4) The police giving credibility to the Porch Lady's sighting. After I heard what Janis McCall said about it tonight, I think it's more of a strong lead than I originally believed.

5) Michael Clay. I knew he had made that statement before about "hoping those B****** were dead." I have it in all my e-mail notes of news articles from way back in the beginning when I used to investigate this case. But I never knew about the ritualistic materials in his home that the police saw, and then were removed when the police went back to talk to him. I'm kind of glad that Clay and Dustin Recla aren't totally off SPD's radar as suspects. Not just because of what was seen in Clay's home, but I always had them in the back of my mind.

Like I said, all in all, I was pretty happy with the show. It was just good to see a "new" program about the case. One other thing..I can't remember right off the bat, but was the organization that Janis McCall started because of the disappearances, One Missing Link, mentioned? I don't remember hearing it, but could have missed it when I left the room briefly.

Once again, great job Kathee and Bartt on your participation in the program.

Are you there?
Say a prayer for the pretender.
Who started out so young and strong
only to surrender.

Jackson Browne from The Pretender
I just learned of this case tonight on the ID show. I've just got one simple question: did they ever dig up the Cox Hospital garage to see if the bodies were there? I apologize if this has been discussed before, but this thread was too long to read all of it. LOL
No, the garage has not been dug up in regsrd to this case. The show indicated that LE intended to call a meeting of interested parties about this and oether aspects of the case, if I understood correctly. I do not know if such a meeting. has taken place or is under discussion. (Bartt or Kathee, any idea on this?)

I want to know who may have erased the Friday phone call message? How does LE know about this call? Phone records? Interviews with family or friends? Interview with Jannelle or Janis McCall?

I want to know whether there was a successful attempt to identify the obscene phone caller.

I want to know if LE perceives Jannelle's comments about cleaning up the glass as "contradictory"-- or whether the seeming contradictions were created by media errors.

I want to know when the grave robbers made it back to the POI list (or am I wrong in recalling that they were off that list early on?) Maybe another way of asking this question is whether new investigators have changed the official stance toward people in the investigation, as I also don't recall anyone categorically saying that Bartt has a verified alibi, passed the polygraph, was deeply involved in helping LE, and was never a suspect past the initial look at close members of the family? SHEESH. How much different would his life have been had that been revealed in 1992? That makes me wonder about every other LE move at that time.

I am wondering when sunrise came in Springfield on June 7.
Stu McCall and Robert Cox both worked for Reliable Chevrolet, but at different lots. Cox worked at the used lot where they sold heavy duty work trucks. I would find it highly unlikely that they knew each other or that Cox had spotted Stacy at a young age and kept her in his sights. I believe this program claimed that Cox was a mechanic; not true as far as I know.

Janis McCall said herself that she is the one who erased the message, not Janelle which has been speculated on immensely. She said that it was an unusual message but she couldn’t recall what it was. I wondered if that was true or if it is info being held back, and if she has ever been hypnotically regressed to see what she might be able to remember of the message.

To get the parking lot dig done SPD is going to have to get a search warrant from a judge. It doesn’t matter that the hospital gives their permission or not; who pays for the coring; or what Norland’s curriculum vitae might say or what he thinks he has found. The law will not permit the dig to be done simply on a fishing expedition. That is why it has always been important to develop more evidence that would place them there. Something more is needed than just rumors, a psychic tip and a scan of one spot showing abnormalities. A judge is not likely to grant a search warrant on that alone. If someone else were to go in and do the dig on their own which has been threatened, nothing found could ever be used in a court of law. It is important to be sensible about the dig and work within the law.

There is no reason for SPD to not have the glass shards unless the garbage truck went by at 7:30 am on Monday morning. I think the reason for the contradictory stories told by Janelle and Mike about what they did after sweeping them up is simply because they were told by SPD not to divulge that they have them in evidence. And all that SPD has said is that they would have liked to have been able to see the glass as it lay on the porch. There is little doubt in my mind that they have them. What evidence they may provide, if any is another matter.
For PG: Sunrise was at 5:53 AM that morning. "Civic" sunrise was about 5:20 AM and "aeronautical" sunrise was prior to 5 AM. Most people can recognize things when "civic" sunrise comes.

For Hurricane: I believe you are correct. Don't know why "Car-Mart" was shown. I don't recall where the truck center was although the car dealership and RV center was on South Campbell. It would appear we have a consensus on the glass shards. The police do in fact have them unless, as you say, the trash truck came very early in the morning on Monday.

For gaia227: Sam's Club is actually on East Sunshine near U.S. Bypass 65. The car lot shown was on West Sunshine near the huge auto auction house. I think the program must have gotten that wrong somehow. Last night when I looked up the one shown, it was a small operation. Reliable Chevrolet is a huge dealership.

Like many I came away from this program and a review of my notes that the grave robbers need to be looked at more closely. The circumstances of their status is intriguing. I was unaware of that other paraphenailia that was seen in the home and this disappeared later. Couple this with the police chief's insertion of himself into this case (and I wish I had the exact quote at hand) makes no sense whatever. Briefly stated, it went something like this. He returned from a burger with the grave robbers and remarked that due to his police training and experience his "gut" led him to believe they were uninvolved. (That's a paraphrasing.)

I don't know what to make of Cox. He certainly didn't give anything up in his interview. If it is any comfort, he will never see the light of day outside his prison cell and neither will Garrison who has to serve 72 years putting him at 109 when he is released.

There is a body of thought that believes that Garrison and at least one of the grave robbers is connected. And then there is that bizarre scene where Garrison's attorney was threatened by an unknown biker type who barged into his office ordering him off the case and noting where his family lived. That's a long story which I won't recount here. I have already discussed this at Air Alex for those interested. (I have hard copies of the news articles.)

If I were to make a complaint about the program it was that the time frame was "telescoped" into a very small time span and not examined in excruciating detail. But as has been pointed out the program is not that long what with all of the commercial breaks, etc.

I also remain puzzled why the news media seemed to leave the impression that Bartt was seemingly being hung out to dry in the early days. As most here seem to believe, as I do, he came across as the most credible of the people interviewed for this story. And his blog site is well worth the read.

One final thought: The relationship of Jannelle, Suzie and Stacy is clouded in mystery to me. Frankly, I don't get it. I have read that they would all be together, or Jannelle and one of the two but never Suzie and Stacy before than night. I don't know how she would know that if the quote is accurate.
I'm fairly new to this site, but I have lived in this area my entire life and think about these women daily. This case has haunted me, and I want to see it solved. I have stolen this from request Kathee's Facebook page, but I thought it needed to be here as well.
We need to keep this case alive & take advantage of the new life that it has been given thanks to Disappeared, Kathee & Bartt.

Write the editor at the News Leader demand the coring at Cox be done, if its nothing, great!! Move on to the next lead:

Call the Springfield Police Department at 417-864-1810 as I did. Detective Shipley is working the case, I was told its been a very busy morning, inundated with calls!!! Any tip you have no matter how insignificant it may seem can make a huge difference. Thank you so much to everyone who is committed to never giving up.
I'm fairly new to this site, but I have lived in this area my entire life and think about these women daily. This case has haunted me, and I want to see it solved. I have stolen this from request Kathee's Facebook page, but I thought it needed to be here as well.
We need to keep this case alive & take advantage of the new life that it has been given thanks to Disappeared, Kathee & Bartt.

Write the editor at the News Leader demand the coring at Cox be done, if its nothing, great!! Move on to the next lead:

Call the Springfield Police Department at 417-864-1810 as I did. Detective Shipley is working the case, I was told its been a very busy morning, inundated with calls!!! Any tip you have no matter how insignificant it may seem can make a huge difference. Thank you so much to everyone who is committed to never giving up.
I just read through much of the thread and watched the show...

I do think Cox is a definte possibility; lots of criminals reoffend right after getting out of prison and his types of crimes (attacking women) are something of an addiction, especially if you have been locked away for a while. He probably thought of little else during that time.

But Suzi's brother (Bart?) also indicated that his mother had a history of problematic relationships with men, so there is always that possibility, especially if the intruder was waiting until her light went out and was inside when the girls got home, but hid until they were undressed and relaxed.

Also was it LE who said Suzie ran with a rough crowd? Maybe that is why the two girls only recently started hanging out together again or more often, when Suzie broke it off with the one guy (sorry, can't think of the name.)

I thought they "showed" cigarettes and lighters on a table on the show...and that the people who knew them said they would always have them with them.

I wish they would do the dig already; they have a spot to look at, so it is not like they have to dig up the entire complex. Seems like they would be able to get a warrant, based on the reputation of the guy who saw the possible images, the # of times this tip was called in, etc.
Kathee is reporting on Air Alex that Cox has given permission to core the garage floor (a $400 procedure) IF the police WANT to. I believe it would be accurate to say that if the floor was cored, it could quickly be resealed with an epoxy mixture that would be stronger than the concrete itself. Certainly the structure would be undamaged.

Someone there asked if there was any relationship between Cox Hospital and Robert Cox. No connection.

The cigarette business is not altogether clear to me. Could someone flesh that out for me?

This link was forwarded to me. Take a look.

This is not encouraging: UPDATE: Springfield police say they have received a "few phone calls and there hasn’t been anything significant for us that we weren’t already aware of," as a result of Monday's show. (from above link)
It was noted earlier that the newspaper had apparently taken down its links and was now a paid subscription. However, those articles can usually be found in the "cached" accounts if you "google" those articles. Additionally a rather complete discussion of the case can be found in the Streeter Family Blog:

I found it particularly interesting how this case was run in the early going. This is but one example coming from the 10th year anniversary write-up:

"Unlike in any case before - or after - the disappearance of the three women, detectives chased tips that came from the community, not from officers on the street. Some blamed that on former Police Chief Terry Knowles, whom they described as a micromanager who didn't let detectives do their jobs. Officers says key suspects who investigators believed had a motive to abduct the women were ruled out by the police chief himself."

In response:
Contacted recently at his office at the Kansas Bureau of Investigations in Topeka, where he's the deputy director, Knowles says he has not heard accusations of micromanaging.

"I don't recall that being an issue back then," he says today. "What anyone wants to say 10 years later - I can't control that. It's certainly disappointing, and it's frustrating at the time to be doing everything you possibly can.

For someone who immersed himself in the case it seems odd to me he never heard of these complaints at the time. I suppose information or direction only flowed downward and not up through the chain of command.
Kathee is reporting on Air Alex that Cox has given permission to core the garage floor (a $400 procedure) IF the police WANT to.

It could cost as much as $2,500. The cost of the core has been guaranteed by myself and several others who are willing to contribute. It will not cost the taxpayers of Greene County a penny.

crimminorchick, welcome to our discussion.
Kathee, great job on the Disappeared program. (And you looked wonderful, too!) It was exciting to see our Websleuths friends argue so eloquently for a resolution to this case. I don't expect "instant clues" for LE to follow, but we can hope for a renewed commitment to re-looking at every aspect of the case.

MM--yes, thanks to Bartt, the media documents are still available.
Latest post from Reuters:

Tips follow show on 3 Missouri women missing since 1992

By Kevin Murphy
KANSAS CITY, Missouri | Tue Mar 8, 2011 7:07pm EST

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) - Police in Springfield, Missouri, received a dozen calls and some possibly useful tips on Tuesday after the airing of a cable television show about three women who disappeared in 1992.

They vanished after a high school graduation ceremony in a case that has long stumped and frustrated investigators. Police Chief Paul Williams, who took office eight months ago, has vowed to keep the investigation a priority.

"We are very committed to it," Corporal Matt Brown, department spokesman, said Tuesday about the case of the three missing women, so well-known in southwest Missouri that police simply call it 3MW.

Police are considering digging under a hospital parking garage under construction when the women disappeared, Brown said. The hospital is about five minutes from the women's last known whereabouts.

Sherrill Levitt, 47, her daughter Suzanne Streeter, 19, and friend Stacy McCall, 18, have not been seen since June 7, 1992. The two teens had just graduated from Kickapoo High School in Springfield. After partying past midnight, they returned to Levitt's house to spend the night, the investigation showed.

The next day, all three women were gone, but their beds had been slept in and their cars were in the driveway. The only possible hint of foul play was a shattered ceiling light fixture on the front porch. Their purses, money and keys remained in the house.

The case received national publicity and continues to surface in the news, especially when human bones are discovered somewhere or there are other possible connections, Brown said.

The Investigation Discovery cable channel's program "The Springfield Three" on Monday provided a good overview of the case and the evidence, Brown said. He said no tips so far appear to be solid leads but they are being pursued.

"We don't know if this is a case where what happened is known by only a few people or many," Brown said.

He said police hope anyone with "even a small piece of information they are holding onto that they don't think is important" will come forward.

Springfield police have asked that anyone nationwide who has information call 417-864-1810.

It could cost as much as $2,500. The cost of the core has been guaranteed by myself and several others who are willing to contribute. It will not cost the taxpayers of Greene County a penny.

crimminorchick, welcome to our discussion.

Kathee, thanks for the update. It has been my understanding that the cost would be a mere $400. Why the increase? As I understand it, the hole would simply require a four inch hole easily drilled through the concrete to reach the ground below. Why would this cost so much? That seems horribly overpriced. As one of the ones who offered to pay for this I naturally have an interest in what it will cost.

In any event, the cost is evidently not the problem. It all depends on the police willing to pursue this possible lead. I just wish they would do it and put this to rest.

Two good links to view:
Good program, nice overview, a survey of the case. With 40 or so minutes of content time (not to mention introduction stuff and closing), hard to cover all the aspects of this. Producers had to make choices, what to bring up, what to omit.

A friend of mine from work recorded this and made a DVD for me (taking out commercials). He nor his wife ever lived in Springfield and knew nothing of the case. But, they found it interesting, although complicated. A couple of points, which struck me.

- They said Sherrill and Suzie moved into the Delmar house in February. It was my understanding they moved there in April, not that it matters.

- Janelle said it was the girls who were to call HER the next morning. After a big night, why was she calling THEM at 8 AM the next morning ? Never clear, and still not, as to what the specific plans were that day.

- The program didn't explore the, what I'd call, 'circus' atmosphere of the house that Sunday, a score or so visitors that day, the hours that passed, and delayed response to call law enforcement. And, I'm still not clear as to the style of parenting Sherrill exercised. On one hand I hear 'strict,' but Suzie shows up with an announced friend to sleep over at 3 AM ? Yes, they both reached their majority at this time, could do anything an adult does legally except buy alcohol (and cigarettes ?), but, that was Sherrill's roof. I was 19 when I graduated h/s and if I showed up at 3 AM with friend for an unannounced sleep over my parents would come down on me like a cloud. Maybe that's what Suzie faced that night, none of us where there or will ever know.

- The program didn't detail the time line, but rather dealt with approximations. As some of the earlier posters have said, this could have been an early morning, post dawn event, rather than late the previous night. I find it plausible. They did mention 'porch lady,' but I was disappointed they didn't probe for more details. It's been 18 years, is she still alive ? Did they try to contact her ? Did they know more about her ? What about her other neighbors ? Some of the earlier investigators were skeptical about the account, why ?

- As others have said, no mention about other digs or anything about where the woman COULD have been taken. The August '93 dig I was particularly interested in, as I believe the account was, to the effect, '...didn't find the 3MW...but items of interest.'

About Cox (the hospital) did they not give approval to this years ago ? I don't find it odd for them to agree to it at all, just shows their public relations office is on the ball. I'm surprised they didn't offer to pay for it (coring).

Lastly, I know many are glad this story is getting national attention. I've often been puzzled as to why this never 'took off' as a national story. Personally (although I'm bias because I lived there), I find it a very interesting and odd story, worthy of the coverage the later JonBenet Ramsey got. Sure, he was a rich guy, ransom note, small town/big crime, but our story is really fascinating in its own right. Part of the disparity could be explained as these events were in two different worlds. June 1992, the national attention was on race relations/police brutality in the wake of the Rodney King beating/acquittal of officers, the ongoing recession and a presidential election stirring great interest. The world by 1997; the economic boom had taken off, Congress had already changed hands, these kinds of stories attracted interest. A few years later, I remember one news director saying 'we're in an era of stories on two headed cows.' Then...came 9/11. The advantage of a frenzy of national coverage is the pull of journalists probing into every detail, looking for ideas being glossed over or missed, and of course, making a name for themselves. The disadvantage is also the attraction of cranks, with worthless tips which distract from the investigation.
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