The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #12

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Interesting. I think she looks Hispanic in her self portrait.
Also she looks cold and hard.
What did you think?

Given the incredible life-like hands and feet she draws, she doesn't do well with faces. The eyes are always empty and devoid of any feeling. Maybe that's part of being a psychopath. Not being able to discern or capture real human emotion.
I so hope she thinks she can take him on! you know she's fearless, believes she's quite smart, attractive, and very demure acting.

I do too! Talk about a fight using a feather against a sword, she hasn't come upon anyone like the prosecutor. He's gone up against some good ones, I'm sure.

And, seems to me, her wits (of a supreme order, in her mind, IMO, kkdj!) have always come through for her before. She should already be wary of this guy -- he's the reason she's in court and in this mess (officially, at least). Yes, her brains, wiles, guiles, smiles, feminine-ness (my new word), her little sexy self, batting those murderous eyes, etc., etc., have gotten her along so far, so why not one more time. She doesn't have to fool him or even the judge -- she just needs to fool that ONE juror. She just couldn't have done it the way he says. Poor little Jodi -- she was no match for that mean ol' Travis; he'd been so ugly and belittling and cruel to her before. Pity party time, little juror. Grrrrr.

Will she take a deal?? What are defense attorneys allowed to say to a client to advise her what to do in this kind of situation? If they offer LWOP for a plea, what can & what would they say to advise her or to tell her what to consider?
I think if he did start that wash of the bed linens it also clearly communicated to Jodi that their time was done. And that he was trying to "wash it all away". Almost like a sex abuse victim immediately takes a shower. He did the laundry AND took a shower.


This means the camera was NOT accidentally scooped up and washed with the sheets because we have pictures of him in the shower.

Why did she place the camera in the washing machine? :waitasec:
I just don’t see the connection between sexually explicit pictures of both TA and JA having anything to do with anything other than two people involved in visual stimulation. If the prosecution was trying to demean JA over that, then they also managed to demean TA as well.

Hi, Wishbone. Sexually explicit photos mean different things to different people and, more specifically here, with different generations. With older people more likely to serve on juries, these essentially private pictures can be reimagined in quite disturbing ways.

For the prosecution, these pictures are part of the camera record of Travis' last hours. They are also prods to jurors to show that Jodi was not the demure little girl that she would like to project.

For the defense, they are a fortuitous part of their case that Travis and Jodi had a deviant relationship. Unfortunately for them, Jodi hardly seems victimized in the pictures, which she may indeed have taken herself.

For me, the most haunting thing about the pictures is that when they were taken, Jodi had some sense that before the end of her visit, she would slaughter her sex partner.
I hope you're wrong about the public being swayed by this piece. It is difficult to underestimate the public's intelligence.
All the other convicts say she's innocent, it must be so!??!?!?!:waitasec:

Anyway, here's that self-portrait. I'm interested in what others think...

I was not being serious at all about the public being swayed by a group of female prisoners stating that Jodi is "innocent" and should be freed. I should have clarified that I was being sarcastic. Sorry about that.

I don't see that drawing, thanks for posting it by the way, as being a self portrait. I'm not even sure that is one of Jodi's artwork. If it is one of hers then the ones that someone is selling on Ebay must not be hers. The one in your post is rather dull and drab compared to her other ones. I also doubt that she would give herself dark hair when she has access to colored pencils as evidenced by her other drawings that are for sale.

I have to say, I'm not getting what was so 'deviant' about their relationship.
(Ha, perhaps saying this reflects poorly on me.)
Everything they did was between consenting adults.
What would make it not deviant? If they only did it in the missionary position?
I'm sure the timeline will come up on line, but one thing that surprises me that 25mm ammo was found in parents home, NOT the grandparents.

When a Hertz employee was servicing the car she had rented in Yreka (she never used it because she was arrested). He found a well-hidden 9mm gun in the car (Chevy Cobalt)

Her mother was seen speaking to Jodi in the Cobalt the night prior to her arrest. She also asked police if they had found the gun hidden in the car. Hmmm.
Hi, Wishbone. Sexually explicit photos mean different things to different people and, more specifically here, with different generations. With older people more likely to serve on juries, these essentially private pictures can be reimagined in quite disturbing ways.

For the prosecution, these pictures are part of the camera record of Travis' last hours. They are also prods to jurors to show that Jodi was not the demure little girl that she would like to project.

For the defense, they are a fortuitous part of their case that Travis and Jodi had a deviant relationship. Unfortunately for them, Jodi hardly seems victimized in the pictures, which she may indeed have taken herself.

For me, the most haunting thing about the pictures is that when they were taken, Jodi had some sense that before the end of her visit, she would slaughter her sex partner.

Well, since I'm a senior citizen and have sat on a jury as recently as last year, I just don't agree with the logic. Add to that, I don't see JA as a sweet little shy thing either. Sex is sex and as different as there are people. Now as to murder, we all know that JA did in fact kill TA. I just feel the Prosecution would have done better to omit those explicit photos.....
Well, since I'm a senior citizen and have sat on a jury as recently as last year, I just don't agree with the logic. Add to that, I don't see JA as a sweet little shy thing either. Sex is sex and as different as there are people. Now as to murder, we all know that JA did in fact kill TA. I just feel the Prosecution would have done better to omit those explicit photos.....

The photos are clear proof that Jodi was in fact there the day that Travis was killed. They are time/date stamped. We have Jodi, at first, claiming she was not in Arizona at all. The photos prove otherwise. The shower photos do not show who took the photos. The dragging photo does not clearly show who was dragging Travis. The only way to put Jodi at the scene of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt was to introduce those photos into evidence and for the jury to see them.

The photos are clear proof that Jodi was in fact there the day that Travis was killed. They are time/date stamped. We have Jodi, at first, claiming she was not in Arizona at all. The photos prove otherwise. The shower photos do not show who took the photos. The dragging photo does not clearly show who was dragging Travis. The only way to put Jodi at the scene of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt was to introduce those photos into evidence and for the jury to see them.


I think the point is being made it could have been done more professionally, certainly they did not need to show the doggy style pic that many of us are now tormented by.
Well, since I'm a senior citizen and have sat on a jury as recently as last year, I just don't agree with the logic. Add to that, I don't see JA as a sweet little shy thing either. Sex is sex and as different as there are people. Now as to murder, we all know that JA did in fact kill TA. I just feel the Prosecution would have done better to omit those explicit photos.....

they spoke about them so much in the LE interview proving she was there - they had to show them or the jury might thing prosecution was hiding something - or the defense could show them first claiming it was part of the abuse
I have to say, I'm not getting what was so 'deviant' about their relationship.
(Ha, perhaps saying this reflects poorly on me.)
Everything they did was between consenting adults.
What would make it not deviant? If they only did it in the missionary position?

Sexual behavior between single, Mormon people appears to be ?deviant? (maybe not the right description) / ?unacceptable? / not condoned behavior.

At least, that is my very limited understanding.
I have to say, I'm not getting what was so 'deviant' about their relationship.
(Ha, perhaps saying this reflects poorly on me.)
Everything they did was between consenting adults.
What would make it not deviant? If they only did it in the missionary position?

Speaking for myself, I think the "deviance" is in the lies they told the world about their purity. TA was a leader in his church, and that church would consider what they were doing "deviant."
Without that, I don't see deviance either (though maybe not my cup of tea :blushing:)
I think the point is being made it could have been done more professionally, certainly they did not need to show the doggy style pic that many of us are now tormented by.

It's a court trial. The State has the duty to disclose what they have. We as the public do not have to go out onto the internet and search these pictures out, that was our choice. jmo
I think the point is being made it could have been done more professionally, certainly they did not need to show the doggy style pic that many of us are now tormented by.

As far as we know they showed all of the photos that were taken that day. All of the photos that Jodi tried to destroy. The State had no choice but to show every photo that was taken as they are all part of the evidence. To not do so would leave room for the defense to try and paint the State as to holding something back. If Jodi did not want those photos shown in court she had options.........don't take the photos, take the sim card with her and the biggest one of all, don't kill Travis. Unfortunately some may not like having those photos aired in court but again, there was no choice. The photos are part of the evidence that clearly puts Jodi there during the day of the crime.

As far as we know they showed all of the photos that were taken that day. All of the photos that Jodi tried to destroy. The State had no choice but to show every photo that was taken as they are all part of the evidence. To not do so would leave room for the defense to try and paint the State as to holding something back. If Jodi did not want those photos shown in court she had options.........don't take the photos, take the sim card with her and the biggest one of all, don't kill Travis. Unfortunately some may not like having those photos aired in court but again, there was no choice. The photos are part of the evidence that clearly puts Jodi there during the day of the crime.


I am not so sure we have seen all the pics, for one we have not seen any sex pics, a couple of poorly done naked shots which could have been blurred unless the jury needs to see it all.
I am not so sure we have seen all the pics, for one we have not seen any sex pics, a couple of poorly done naked shots which could have been blurred unless the jury needs to see it all.

How do we know there are any sex pics? When Flores was interviewing Jodi I don't recall him saying that there were photos of them having sex, only that it was clear they had sex. Two people on the same bed, naked, with a bottle of KY equals sex at some point to most people.

If the photos had been blurred in court then the jury would have every reason to question what it was that the State was hiding. Again, if Jodi didn't want strangers to see her in that way she had options. Jodi is the one to blame for those photos being out there, not the State or anyone else. Jodi is the one that killed Travis, making their private lives very public.

I am not so sure we have seen all the pics, for one we have not seen any sex pics, a couple of poorly done naked shots which could have been blurred unless the jury needs to see it all.

i'm pretty sure they have showed them all - and that the naked pics were the sex pics they referred to (and i am pretty sure TA took the pics of jodi because if you look at them the are taken above her in the bed - no place she could set the timer and take the pics in that position, plus she thought they were erased) - if the prosecution holds any thing back it could look like they are not disclosing all evidence to the jury
How do we know there are any sex pics? When Flores was interviewing Jodi I don't recall him saying that there were photos of them having sex, only that it was clear they had sex. Two people on the same bed, naked, with a bottle of KY equals sex at some point to most people.

If the photos had been blurred in court then the jury would have every reason to question what it was that the State was hiding. Again, if Jodi didn't want strangers to see her in that way she had options. Jodi is the one to blame for those photos being out there, not the State or anyone else. Jodi is the one that killed Travis, making their private lives very public.


i can't remember - did forensic camera guy say there were some pics he wasn't able to retrieve?
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