The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #12

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you know what just dawned on me - when jodi was denying everything, she said maybe it was a sim card from one of her cameras in storage - maybe thats where the naked pics came from - do you think she has more *advertiser censored* pics in her possessions at home?

Any other pictures JA has would have her with blonde hair tho.
I dunno, it would not surprise me to learn that they didn't have sex. Those pix of Arias on the bed (yucky!) could have been taken by her using the camera on auto timer.

This could have been done while he was doing something else in another part of his house. It was his camera, after all, the camera he was going to take on his Cancun trip the very next day (correction: in a few days, thanks for reminding me, Linda!) . What a shock it would be to him, not knowing those pix of her were on there, and then to find them later, perhaps while in the company of his friend, Mimi. I suspect this is what Arias was going for. But I could be wrong here. MOO.

Why would she want the pictures to be found if she stated that she was not there and went to great lenghts to make sure she would not be identified as being there-- hair, car.

But why she left the camera makes no sense when she took the gun and knife. Why spend time deleting when you have places to go and things to do.
There are some pictures that look as if she took a picture of the KY bottle (why?). In the first picture of TA on the bed could she have thrown the bottle onto the bed and then shot the picture, he looks surprised. In the second picture of TA on the bed the bottle is lying on the nightstand. Could his arm be up because he had just placed it on the nightstand and was bringing his arm back towards his body?

It seems as if the KY had some importance to her. And why such a big bottle when a small tube would do. Could it be that the larger, economy-sized bottle was easier to identify in her pictures. Could it be she originally had another plan for those pictures if he changed his mind and agreed that she could go with him to Cancun? I do think he probably deleted those pictures himself right after that.

I would oh, sooooooo love to see her ex on the stand. Wonder what tricks she used to keep him in line for 4 years????? jmo
I think that's what she wanted him to believe. Boosting her story that this was an ongoing sexual relationship.
Bet LE found that camera - if there was really one there.

yeah she went pretty quick from the first day saying TA would never pose for pics to the 2nd day - they were from a previous pic day and btw we also did a movie one time - and that TA was the one who brought the camera out so they could play w/ his new toy
yeah she went pretty quick from the first day saying TA would never pose for pics to the 2nd day - they were from a previous pic day and btw we also did a movie one time - and that TA was the one who brought the camera out so they could play w/ his new toy

We need a chart just to track her freakin lies because I can't even remember a couple of them let alone all of them. lol
I think Flores did an outstanding job of interviewing her, but for my personal gratification, I would have liked him to say, "So that was you lying, and that was you lying," on and on. And asking her why she lied like Maureen M did. Guess my mean side would have just liked to see her squirm for a second before she lied again.
IMO, she's not quite as quick with her lies as casey was, but definitely more brutal.
Video for day 6 of the trial. This is the part with Det Melendez and the camera/photos. This contains the photos so be warned there are graphic photos. The first minute or so has no sound but the sound does come on.

[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial- Day 6- Part 1/4 - YouTube[/ame]
It's a court trial. The State has the duty to disclose what they have. We as the public do not have to go out onto the internet and search these pictures out, that was our choice. jmo

yo Lambchop, was not our choice.....we had no choice....the feed quit, then we waited for it to come back.....BAM <--------- in our faces, on our screens and etched in our eyesockets never to be undone.
Any other pictures JA has would have her with blonde hair tho.

Problem is, Travis had a new camera. He may have taken pictures on it, but I doubt he took it out and about without the strap to put around his neck.

The defense did ask for Jodi's camera so they could have their experts examine it, though.
Possible the part in the transcript where pg was being refreshed-
I would have sworn he said EVERYTHING had been deleted. Nothing in the run mode for camera memory. I think. ha

I went back to the video I posted earlier and listened.

Beginning @7:02

State: And what were you able to see? Were there items that were there for you to look at that had not been deleted? Were there items there that had been deleted or was there a combination?

Melendez: There was a combination of items that I was able to see initially that were not deleted.

State: So in other words there were actual photographs on that........

Melendez: Yes, yes........

State: ......memory stick that had not been deleted?

Melendez: Yes, there were actual active files on the memory card.

State: And, but there were also images that had been deleted, right?

Melendez: Yes........
Was it me, or was there no audio for the first part?

The first minute or so has no sound, it does come on though. Not sure why there is no sound at first. The part about the deleted photos or non-deleted photos starts at 7:02.
The defense did ask for Jodi's camera so they could have their experts examine it, though.

In Jodi's statement, that camera was an old one she had in storage, not the one she currently used "in her photography career".
She may have said it was broken, cuz I remember thinking, "Then why would she keep it?".
Thanks!! It's always good to hear the real thing. Could she have just done a "delete all" feature? I realize I just listened to that, but I'm asking for a translation.
Thanks!! It's always good to hear the real thing. Could she have just done a "delete all" feature? I realize I just listened to that, but I'm asking for a translation.

Every camera I have owned had a "delete all" feature. However, since it was testified to the fact that not all of the pictures were deleted then I would have to say that even if it was available Jodi did not use it.

Why would she want the pictures to be found if she stated that she was not there and went to great lenghts to make sure she would not be identified as being there-- hair, car.

But why she left the camera makes no sense when she took the gun and knife. Why spend time deleting when you have places to go and things to do.

My thought is that the 'naughty' pix were taken before he told her (if he told her, I think he probably did) that she absolutely wouldn't be going to Cancun--and that he was still going and taking Mimi along with him. Or before he gave her the talk (if he did) about this was to be their last encounter.

I think if he had changed his mind and decided to take Arias to Cancun or if he was to cancel the trip, she might have decided not to kill him. That day, anyway. Seems to me, she wanted his life for her own, and eventually she was going to take it.
Problem is, Travis had a new camera. He may have taken pictures on it, but I doubt he took it out and about without the strap to put around his neck.

The defense did ask for Jodi's camera so they could have their experts examine it, though.

Every camera I have owned had a "delete all" feature. However, since it was testified to the fact that not all of the pictures were deleted then I would have to say that even if it was available Jodi did not use it.


See, when I listen starting at the 2:48 mark, and he says there is nothing in the memory...that's what is confusing to me.
Doesn't that mean they were all deleted?
I'd put that head banging against the wall thing if I could figure out how to do it. lol
Problem is, Travis had a new camera. He may have taken pictures on it, but I doubt he took it out and about without the strap to put around his neck.

The defense did ask for Jodi's camera so they could have their experts examine it, though.

FYI, testimony is that the camera strap had not been used, was still rolled up and inside the camera bag and it was not attached to the camera.
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