The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #14 *ADULT CONTENT*

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Gosh I don't even know where I'd start with Jodi. Maybe "did you kill Travis Alexander?". And really, honestly, who knows what she would say at that point.

I am sure it would be something about her!
I think it's likely too.
She's a very stupid murderer but she's a highly successful manipulator.

:moo: I think if JA was a highly successful manipulator she would have manipulated TA into giving her his car instead of selling it to her. He had her sign a contract, probably did not trust a verbal agreement with her.
Just interesting to an outsider that the point among many doesn't seem to be to examine the facts of the case, nor to find the actual truth... It's more to seek reinforcement of pre-formed notions and only examine the case from one perspective while dismissing others. It seems antithetic to sleuthing. JMO
I spent two entire weeks reading every single article I could on this case before the trial commenced. I chased down and read every facebook, myspace, and blog I could possibly locate. I watched and wept through many videos Travis' friends, coworkers, and family have been kind enough to upload.

I saw pictures of Jodi as a little girl. I saw pictures of Travis as a little boy. I read about any family I could find. I went into this with the history of being in an abusive relationship with someone diagnosed with comorbid narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. I know all too well how destructive and paralyzing a relationship like that can be. Initially I believed Jodi's account of abuse until I read more. Once the skeleton of the story was built there is no way I believe her to be a victim of domestic abuse at Travis' hands.

I walk away from those experiences though with this knowledge. Many people have different perceptions of Jodi Arias. It would appear she showed a different piece of her personality based on audience. The perception of Travis though is steady and constant. He was a generous, funny, kind-hearted soul who loved his little black dog, was very proud of the home he'd decorated, and truly believed people could become awesome through adversity. He made an impact of dozens and dozens of lives that is felt to this day.

Jodi has admitted to killing Travis. She has therefore admitted to stabbing him, while naked and wet, 29 times, slicing his throat so deeply both his carotid and jugular were severed, and then shooting him in the head. She has then therefore also admitted to tampering with evidence; lying to friends, family and law enforcement; creating a manufactured alibi with plenty of evidence of premeditation; and she attempted to get forged letters admitted into evidence to further denigrate the victim in this case.

Those are the facts of this case...and I am not a juror and as such am allowed as much bias as Websleuths is kind enough to entertain. ;)
The phone sex conversation was taped by her, right? Or did he tape it?

Do we know why it was taped? As a souvenire or keepsake?

I missed hearing this clip during the defense OS, but I'm sure we'll all get an earful and hear it on repeat soon enough. Ugh.

People find her charming, sweet, soft-spoken, tend to believe and buy into her story (or what I like to call BS). She uses "what she has" (whatever that is) and seems able to play that up to people's weaknesses -- men, her jailmates, etc.
When she comes across people who confront and call her out, she doesn't have use for them or tries to regain her manipulation over them. And she thought she was doing a fantastic job manipulating Det. Flores, reporters, and others but evidence doesn't lie and Jodi does.

I guess I do not see her as a successful manipulator because mostly everybody sees right thru her and she has only managed to harm herself more with her silly yapping. I agree that she thinks she is a great liar/manipulator. She clearly thinks she is irresistible - TA burst that bubble and that's probably what fueled her rage.
Honestly, in light of the letters deemed forgeries I believe the whole scenario was likely set up. TMK the letters talk about pedophilia, the braids are a further hint of that, and the call mentions a 12 year old girl. It seems to fit together too well for it not to be a) true (which is dismissed through handwriting analysis) or b) manufactured manipulation.


You know it makes me wonder about Jodi's possible sex abuse history. SHE could be the one fixated on pedophilia, wearing her hair in braids (not that I link those two myself...I'm ahem, way too old to but sometimes wear my hair in braids). Could any 12 yr old girl comment be as much for her as for him? hmmmm

Trying to make a delicate point here that I may not be making well.

That's what I thought as one possibility too. You don't tape yourself engaging in consensual phone sex for an innocent reason (I don't think :waitasec:). Blackmail or she wanted it as a treasure, I guess.
I guess I do not see her as a successful manipulator because mostly everybody sees right thru her and she has only managed to harm herself more with her silly yapping. I agree that she thinks she is a great liar/manipulator. She clearly thinks she is irresistible - TA burst that bubble and that's probably what fueled her rage.

A perfect example is the report that Troy did with her.
I spent two entire weeks reading every single article I could on this case before the trial commenced. I chased down and read every facebook, myspace, and blog I could possibly locate. I watched and wept through many videos Travis' friends, coworkers, and family have been kind enough to upload.

I saw pictures of Jodi as a little girl. I saw pictures of Travis as a little boy. I read about any family I could find. I went into this with the history of being in an abusive relationship with someone diagnosed with comorbid narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. I know all too well how destructive and paralyzing a relationship like that can be. Initially I believed Jodi's account of abuse until I read more. Once the skeleton of the story was built there is no way I believe her to be a victim of domestic abuse at Travis' hands.

I walk away from those experiences though with this knowledge. Many people have different perceptions of Jodi Arias. It would appear she showed a different piece of her personality based on audience. The perception of Travis though is steady and constant. He was a generous, funny, kind-hearted soul who loved his little black dog, was very proud of the home he'd decorated, and truly believed people could become awesome through adversity. He made an impact of dozens and dozens of lives that is felt to this day.

Jodi has admitted to killing Travis. She has therefore admitted to stabbing him, while naked and wet, 29 times, slicing his throat so deeply both his carotid and jugular were severed, and then shooting him in the head. She has then therefore also admitted to tampering with evidence; lying to friends, family and law enforcement; creating a manufactured alibi with plenty of evidence of premeditation; and she attempted to get forged letters admitted into evidence to further denigrate the victim in this case.

Those are the facts of this case...and I am not a juror and as such am allowed as much bias as Websleuths is kind enough to entertain. ;)

You know it makes me wonder about Jodi's possible sex abuse history. SHE could be the one fixated on pedophilia, wearing her hair in braids (not that I link those two myself...I'm ahem, way too old to but sometimes wear my hair in braids). Could any 12 yr old girl comment be as much for her as for him? hmmmm

Trying to make a delicate point here that I may not be making well.

That's an interesting thought. Very. There's a lot we don't know there.

And when all else fails, blame your violent murderous behavior on mysterious sexual abuse from your past.
I'm thinking that Ryan might be needing to find out if Jodi has any tapes of their phone sexcapades. If she somehow manages to walk free she may decide to use them against him since he had the nerve to testify against her.

I guess I do not see her as a successful manipulator because mostly everybody sees right thru her and she has only managed to harm herself more with her silly yapping. I agree that she thinks she is a great liar/manipulator. She clearly thinks she is irresistible - TA burst that bubble and that's probably what fueled her rage.
To family and friends, before the accusation of murder, it would likely have been different. (We're seeing her through a murderess lens.)

My ex has done awful things he's admitted to (and was sentenced to many years in prison for) but at the time he was accused not one person in his life would have thought him capable - myself included. When you're close it's hard to have clarity. I'd wager she was able to manipulate much of her family and many friends.

If Gus is a sample of the Defense team's witnesses, we are in for a strange week of testimony. Is that the best they can do?

Well since both sides are arguing so much about it, maybe it's significant information. Personally, Gus didn't bother me. I thought he was straightforward and that Juan was acting borderline insulting for no reason ("you're having trouble with English today, aren't you?" and "isn't it true you just want to be in the limelight?") and defensive. I kind of liked Gus getting Juan on asking a "double negative" - Gus was right, the question was poorly worded. Juan needs to smooth his style. (Sorry to rag on your b/f, Madeleine!)

I wish CH would keep his nose out of everybody else's bizness!
A perfect example is the report that Troy did with her.

He wasn't allowed to ask her anything about the case. All he got was her little girl voice and ugly paintings.

She has failed to gain. Her 'successes' are just as superficial and meaningless as her 'charm'.
The facts of the case? I thought that is what we have been talking about. When it comes to anything that Jodi says we don't know if we are getting facts or not though since she lies alot. Then there are "facts" that really aren't facts at all. Like Travis letting Jodi in that early morning, that's not a fact but someones opinion.
Who has stated this was a fact? I see many others stating she snuck in, as well, with no real factual basis. Just contradictory opinions, I would assume.

Facts that we know for sure, just some of them:

1. Travis was stabbed 27 times.
2. Travis was shot in the head.
3. Travis had his throat sliced to the point of almost decapitation.
And I think that the defense will claim this was all a result of a long-term abusive relationship. Objectively, over-killing is not uncommon when a person that's been abused finally snaps and kills the abuser. Is that what happened? I can't say for sure, because we still have a whole nother side to the trial.

4. Jodi claims to have not been in AZ at all the day of the murder (first time).
5. Jodi claims to have been at Travis's house when two intruders came in and attacked and killed Travis but left her alive (second time).
6. Jodi claims, through her lawyers, that she killed Travis in self defense (third time).
This will be the biggest hurdle for the defense. These lies are what make me believe she is guilty at this point in time.

7. Photos prove that Jodi was there the day Travis was killed.
This is not in dispute. She admitted to killing him.
8. Jodi's blood is mixed with Travis's blood in Jodi's handprint left on the wall of the hallway to the bathroom.
This is not in dispute. She admitted to killing him.
9. Jodi rented a car 90 miles away from her hometown a couple of days before she killed Travis.
To go on a road trip to see her friend in Utah. I'm not sure what renting a car has to do with anything, in terms of motive or evidence it wasn't self-defense.
10. Jodi made plans to meet Ryan B in Utah on June 4, 2008 but arrived almost 24 hours late.
Probably because of the events that took place. She admitted to killing him. That's not in question. I don't know what her arriving late has to do with it being self-defense or not.
11. A gun was stolen from Jodi's grandparents home that was the same caliber as the gun Jodi used to shoot Travis.
And cannot be found, along with the knife that was used. While it is a similar caliber, the gun cannot conclusively be matched to the gun used in the crime. As I've stated before, it's all about reasonable doubt that the defense is trying to build.
12. Jodi is a liar.
This is true. But lying can be explained away.

Now of those facts, plus others I did not list, what points to any sort of self-defense? What points to not having enough information to find Jodi guilty of murdering Travis? I, personally, do not see why there is any need to wait and see what the defense will say concerning this case. The defense will say what Jodi tells them. The defense knows nothing more, truthfull, about this case than we do. The defense has every reason to try and discredit Travis and make him out to be the monster when the real monster is their client. This is also not a court of law and we are able to determine guilt or innocence on our own without listening to the lies brought forward by the defense without being punished for it. Our opinions do not make any difference in the outcome of this trial. We will not decide if Jodi goes to prison for life or gets the death penalty.

I think there are a lot of unexplained things in the sequence of events that may raise doubt within the jury. I think it will be interesting to hear about the text messages and recorded phone calls to see exactly what their interactions were like.
You know it makes me wonder about Jodi's possible sex abuse history. SHE could be the one fixated on pedophilia, wearing her hair in braids (not that I link those two myself...I'm ahem, way too old to but sometimes wear my hair in braids). Could any 12 yr old girl comment be as much for her as for him? hmmmm

Trying to make a delicate point here that I may not be making well.

Do 12 yr olds have breast implants? My 101 yr old granny wore "braids".
just saying
Some are alluding to anal sex or the sex pad, personally, I don't care what type of sex Travis was having or where, nor am I giving JA the benefit of any doubt. Today's motion was a futile attempt on the DT to try and dismiss this case or set the record for an appeal.

I also don't care what tactics the PT employs to get this woman the DP, long as they don't compromise the case. Todays motion/hearing was much ado, as Beth Karas said. Nurmi has been labeled a liar and they can't prove that the PT made any attempts to contact any witness or steered their testimony as a result, so much for prosecutorial misconduct.

Hopefully, this case will move on expeditiously starting tomorrow (<---wishful thinking maybe), it's really dragging . . . oh and the judge really needs a make over, that hair:banghead::floorlaugh:
Well since both sides are arguing so much about it, maybe it's significant information. Personally, Gus didn't bother me. I thought he was straightforward and that Juan was acting borderline insulting for no reason ("you're having trouble with English today, aren't you?" and "isn't it true you just want to be in the limelight?") and defensive. I kind of liked Gus getting Juan on asking a "double negative" - Gus was right, the question was poorly worded. Juan needs to smooth his style. (Sorry to rag on your b/f, Madeleine!)

I wish CH would keep his nose out of everybody else's bizness!

I find Martinez's style distasteful - like most lawyers in all honesty. JMO
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