The surveillance video-**identified** man and the box of wine

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Ok, I thought you meant you thought it was hinky for her to make that trip to the store right before her baby disappeared. :waitasec:

I agree, the LE are looking into her whereabouts. I would think they would do this even if they truely thought it was an intruder, just to be thorough.

Maybe LE was actually checking out the store clerk....rather than the Mom.
My first thought on hearing that mom bought baby food and what not is that this information goes a long way towards eliminating any premeditation.

However, on second thought, this is not entirely true. If, like me, you believe casey Anthony planned to murder her daughter you might recall that she gave every appearance of normalcy both before and after her daughter's death. This trip to the store, with an independent witness, could easily have been planned as additional cover.

Or not. :)
I think most normal parents would still buy stuff for their kids under their care. She didn't. THAT was the red flag to me to definitely be convinced she knew she didn't have a daughter to take care of anymore when her kid was supposed to be with her.
One thing I'd like to point out is the purchase of baby food & wipes...would definitely point NOT towards anything premeditated. She intended to feed and keep her baby clean.

Where did you see she purchased anything for the baby at all. All I heard was wine, paper plates and napkins. On several different news channels as well. No one ever mentioned anything other than those items..
Where did you see she purchased anything for the baby at all. All I heard was wine, paper plates and napkins. On several different news channels as well. No one ever mentioned anything other than those items..

The store manager is the one who said that she bought paper plates, etc. and he later said he was mistaken.

She bought baby items and the wine.
One thing I'd like to point out is the purchase of baby food & wipes...would definitely point NOT towards anything premeditated. She intended to feed and keep her baby clean.

I tend to agree with you. This does not eliminate mom in my mind by a long shot, but her demeanor shopping and her purchases do not scream "evil mother who plans to hurt her baby" to me. I'm stepping back and reconsidering everything for now.
Why did the police release this video?

Why did the police not release the name of the person?
Why did the police release this video?

Why did the police not release the name of the person?

We're hearing that PD did not release the video.. the store did. Strange to me that police did not "take" it from the store for evidence. I guess they just made a copy of it.
One thing I'd like to point out is the purchase of baby food & wipes...would definitely point NOT towards anything premeditated. She intended to feed and keep her baby clean.

I pray this is true, but could be just for show/alibi also. Like my baby is still alive........see I bought her favorite stuff,
fox4wdaf FOX 4 News
FBI Questions Clerk About Mom's Demeanor Night of Lisa's Disappearance: Federal agents questioned a Kansas City ...
1 minute ago

This is the article referenced:

FBI Questions Clerk About Mom's Demeanor Night of Lisa's Disappearance

"They pretty much asked me, you know, if she was depressed, you know if she seemed depressed, how she acted around the baby, if she seemed stressed out," clerk Rebecca Guerrero said. "I pretty much told them she never look depressed around me. She always seemed to have a smile on her face when her kids where around."

Sorry if already posted. Just got in from a dr appt, and catching up.

I'm trying to catch up myself. Why did they ask the clerk about the baby? The baby wasn't with her?

What relevance does this trip have to do with others she had in the past with the children? They're asking a store clerk about her demeanour from previous store visits?:waitasec:
We're hearing that PD did not release the video.. the store did. Strange to me that police did not "take" it from the store for evidence. I guess they just made a copy of it.

Why in the world would a store do that? Only thing I can think of is LE gave their ok to it. Stores do not want to be on the wrong side of LE.
I may be missing something but in the 1minute+ video that I saw(linked below).. After viewing it several times over I cannot see where there Is ANYTHING OTHER THAN TJE BOX OF WINE THAT IS PURCHASED by the mom and male?!?!?
In first angle there appears to be no grocery items in either mom or the male's hands, end of that view you see mom pick up and leave the aisle with ONLY the box of wine.. Cut to the next camera angle/view it shows them at the register with male picking up and placing what appears to me to be that same box of wine in front of the sales clerk to scan.. At the end of that view you see mom pick up the box of wine and turn headed toward the exit(again I see no other items held by mom or the male).. And in the last camera angle/view you see both mom and male exited the store, mom emerges first carrying the box of wine, with male immediately following(again IMO appearing to be holding noerchandise or bags from the store).. Ending with mom being seen with large smile/grin as she seems to turn and pause for the male to pick up and walk in stride by her(and again IMO mom being the only one holding merchandise or bags from the store, that merchandise being only the box of wine.. As far as I can tell..jmo)

So, Is there a different video or angle? IMO that wouldn't make sense either, tho due to the video below showing the end result of the shopping with the two exiting the store CARRYING ONLY THE BOX OF WINE.. so therefor I cannot see how a separate or different angle or camera view could alter or change the fact that would remain the same of what was in their possession at the check out and emerging from the exit of the store?!? And so far as I can tell from this video below the only merchandise that either of these two are shown to handle, carry, purchase, pick up, or place down Is the box of wine?!?!

So, what am I missing? I feel stupid for point by point laying out what I viewed from the video but honestly this Is exactly what I saw of both of these two in this footage?? So, where then did the info of diapers, wipes, Baby food, etc come from?? I know that I specifically read those 3 other items(diaper, wipes, baby food) were purchased by mom in the grocery store??? So why are they not visible being purchased, bagged, and carried out with in this video??

Help! What am I missing!?!?
Can a store release a video to MSM without LE approval in a crime? Is it legal?
Who did they give/sell it to?
The guy is carrying a bag out of the store but I can't see what it is. If the wine was for the guy, why isn't he carrying it out? Is he underage? She is carrying the wine out of the store. Is the guy carrying the other stuff (baby supplies)? Why? Is he being a gentleman to help her carry the stuff out? Then he would carry the booze, in my opinion. By the way, is this video gone now???
The guy is carrying a bag out of the store but I can't see what it is. If the wine was for the guy, why isn't he carrying it out? Is he underage? She is carrying the wine out of the store. Is the guy carrying the other stuff (baby supplies)? Why? Is he being a gentleman to help her carry the stuff out? Then he would carry the booze, in my opinion. By the way, is this video gone now???

And how come she appears to hand him the change? :waitasec:
Ok.. I can now see going frame for frame that in the cam view as their leaving the register and mom Is actually out of the frame it appears as tho male actually does grab handles of a light plastic grocery bag.. That upon their exiting the store that bag Is out of the frame of the cam..

I MUST ADD THAT WHATEVER IS THE CONTENTS OF THAT LIGHT, PLASTIC GROCERY BAG THE MALE SEEMS TO GRAB THE HANDLES OF IS OF EXTREME LIGHT WEIGHT IMO!! EXTREMELY SMALL AND LIGHT WEIGHT!! IMOO there Is no way that the lightweight plastic bag the male appears to grab, has diapers, wipes, and baby food all inside of it!! No way in he!!.. Jmo, tho!
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