The surveillance video-**identified** man and the box of wine

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I agree she looked good in her pics in birthday party.

Are you afraid? there is a kidnapper out there for other children in your area?
Sure our guard is up higher than it was, but I don't personally know of anybody that has really changed anything. The only ones who seem to be afraid and freaking are the ones who are afraid and freaking about everything! We probably take a little more effort into making sure the doors are locked and look out at what the dogs are barking about more. Right now everything would be caught on tape as the media has not left and are here 24/7and the cops are here most of the time.:D We probably have the safest neighborhood available right now.
Originally Posted by Lucky Me
I think mom bought wine for guy on video!!!! I bet u hes underage!!! Hey but thats my opinion!!!! moo!!!

I would almost be willing to bet money that this is exactly what's the deal with the box of wine.. Here's a couple reasons why..
Take a look at the video and focus on the male's demeanor and body language.. IMO there is an awkward, insecurity that I am seeing.. I guess I'll go ahead and admit that in my early college days that I was a bad girl and on occasion had a person(usually acquaintAnce, or older fam member of a friend) of age that I had purchase booze for us.. And when I saw this younger male's demeanor and body language this is exactly and immediately where my mind went.. My being in his exact position with that person inside the store when they were purchasing the booze for us underagers.. And my feeling uncomfortable, nervous, awkward.. I mean it is breaking the law no matter how ya look at it and I remember feeling just like it "appeared" this young guy was feeling..

Another reason that IMO points directly to Deb having purchased this wine for the young male is what we all noticed in her giving the guy the change.. It was his money she was paying for the wine with and therefor his change she handed him..

A couple of people asked why would he have not been carrying the booze and her the baby items if indeed the wine was purchased for him?? Huge, huge No No!! Even after the deed is done, meaning it's been bought and paid for you're still not in the clear as being underage to just grab your booze and exit the store.. I've seen a few morons do just that and were flat busted before ever even leaving the premisis for making the mistake of letting the underage person grab or carry the already purchased booze.. So, in knowing this Deb would have had to have been the one to carry the box of wine out of the store and likely out of the sight of any peering eyes just to be safe about it..

So, IMO that is what I truly think is the situation here.. Thats what it certainly appears to be IMO..
Sure our guard is up higher than it was, but I don't personally know of anybody that has really changed anything. The only ones who seem to be afraid and freaking are the ones who are afraid and freaking about everything! We probably take a little more effort into making sure the doors are locked and look out at what the dogs are barking about more. Right now everything would be caught on tape as the media has not left and are here 24/7and the cops are here most of the time.:D We probably have the safest neighborhood available right now.

I keep meaning to ask you, has LE done ground search on all of the yards in the neighborhood or just the Irwin's? thnx

Don't imagine anyone will be a bike riding handyman for Halloween. :)
Maybe this is dumb but if he's underage why did he go in the store with her? What if the cashier knows that this guy is underage? It would make it less awkward if he stayed in the car. Anyhoo, that's the last I'll comment about the wine guy.
Do kids drink wine? I can see buying beer for the bong or vodka/tequila/schnapps.

I would almost be willing to bet money that this is exactly what's the deal with the box of wine.. Here's a couple reasons why..
Take a look at the video and focus on the male's demeanor and body language.. IMO there is an awkward, insecurity that I am seeing.. I guess I'll go ahead and admit that in my early college days that I was a bad girl and on occasion had a person(usually acquaintAnce, or older fam member of a friend) of age that I had purchase booze for us.. And when I saw this younger male's demeanor and body language this is exactly and immediately where my mind went.. My being in his exact position with that person inside the store when they were purchasing the booze for us underagers.. And my feeling uncomfortable, nervous, awkward.. I mean it is breaking the law no matter how ya look at it and I remember feeling just like it "appeared" this young guy was feeling..

Another reason that IMO points directly to Deb having purchased this wine for the young male is what we all noticed in her giving the guy the change.. It was his money she was paying for the wine with and therefor his change she handed him..

A couple of people asked why would he have not been carrying the booze and her the baby items if indeed the wine was purchased for him?? Huge, huge No No!! Even after the deed is done, meaning it's been bought and paid for you're still not in the clear as being underage to just grab your booze and exit the store.. I've seen a few morons do just that and were flat busted before ever even leaving the premisis for making the mistake of letting the underage person grab or carry the already purchased booze.. So, in knowing this Deb would have had to have been the one to carry the box of wine out of the store and likely out of the sight of any peering eyes just to be safe about it..

So, IMO that is what I truly think is the situation here.. Thats what it certainly appears to be IMO..
I'm confused, if it's an "identified man" would that not make him an adult?

Generally the style sheets at newspapers call people "men" and "women" once a person turns 18. They are "boy" or "girl" under 18. So, yes, he would be a "man" if he is 20 years old, but still would not be old enough to buy liquor.
Do kids drink wine? I can see buying beer for the bong or vodka/tequila/schnapps.

Maybe he has a girlfriend who likes the fruity wine? Plus, you get a lot of bang for your buck with boxed wine.
Personally if LE suspects mom they would jump at the chance to lock her up if they had her buying alcohol for a minor.

But then I also do not see the trip to the store as being a big deal in the first place. I don't think if I was in her place a 5pm trip the store is going to be paramount in my mind if my child is missing- I believe once LE did hear about the store they had to clear it off the list and questioning the clerk was to find out about moms state of mind.
Do kids drink wine? I can see buying beer for the bong or vodka/tequila/schnapps.

There are twenty year olds with kids, jobs, and bills who do drink wine and live very adult lives. I definitely drank wine, responsibly and in moderation at 18+.
If the male DB is with in the video is a minor, and the wine is for him, why did DB hand him the change within sight of the cashier? He doesn't carry the wine to the register, or carry it out of the store - if the reasoning for that is so that no one will think DB is buying it for him, why would he take the change right in front of the cashier?
If the male DB is with in the video is a minor, and the wine is for him, why did DB hand him the change within sight of the cashier? He doesn't carry the wine to the register, or carry it out of the store - if the reasoning for that is so that no one will think DB is buying it for him, why would he take the change right in front of the cashier?

Maybe because they didn't expect thousands of people looking at this video analyzing every move.
Maybe this is dumb but if he's underage why did he go in the store with her? What if the cashier knows that this guy is underage? It would make it less awkward if he stayed in the car. Anyhoo, that's the last I'll comment about the wine guy.

I immediately thought the same thing. lol
Generally the style sheets at newspapers call people "men" and "women" once a person turns 18. They are "boy" or "girl" under 18. So, yes, he would be a "man" if he is 20 years old, but still would not be old enough to buy liquor.

Another one of the double standards brought about by our questionable governmental authorities.... At 18 you're a legal adult, can be drafted and forced to die for your country, yet when it comes to drinking age, you're still a child. :(
There are twenty year olds with kids, jobs, and bills who do drink wine and live very adult lives. I definitely drank wine, responsibly and in moderation at 18+.

My apologies for being off topic, but since it was brought up, according to statistics, driving a car is considerably more dangerous for drivers under the age of 18. Yet they let 16 year olds, sometimes 15 year olds drive cars. Yet they think 18 - 21 year olds who go to war and fight for our country, can't drink beer and wine responsibly ? Go figure.
I agree that a minor staying out of sight in the car would always be the safest and best route in going about buying alcohol for a minor.. But I can say honestly I've done it both ways.. Why? Because we didn't know for certain what we wanted or more times we had only a certain amount of cash to spend thus narrowing down our choices to a very, very few and well.. With the pickins being slim I wanted to see which one of those slim pickins I'd choose.. Therefor easier to tag along inside and be able to do so.. While yes, as I said earlier this is breaking the law and always was nerve racking.. It however is not as if there's plain clothes detectives hiding behind the endcaps to snag anyone who is of age that happens to be with someone who may or may not be underage, and they're happening to purchase alcohol.. Especially with it being wine available in a regular grocery store the danger of being busted IMO is even lower.. As long as Deb picked it up, carried it, paid for it, and left carrying it.. That there'd not be any big deal .. Just like we saw there was no big deal made here.. The handing the change over IMO would be irrelevant and never even given a second thought about.. As someone said upthread they certainly never expected this video that captured the entire transaction to be publicly played worldwide for anyone/everyone to watch and dissect their every move.. Lol.. Like us here..;)
There are twenty year olds with kids, jobs, and bills who do drink wine and live very adult lives. I definitely drank wine, responsibly and in moderation at 18+.

lol, here it's against the law to sell any alcohol to minors. No alcohol sales until the buyer is 21!

I've yet to see an 18 year old drink anything responsibly. :)
maybe the wine was for the guys mother. They rode to the store and the mom said, hey, pick me up a box of wine.
Im not sure its significant in the whole scheme of things.
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