The Trash Bag in Casey's Trunk

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Oh my word.........

That bolded statement just hit me hard
....George, that was your granddaughter!!! Not a pizza, or squirrels, or lunch meat, or flippin' bananas!!
:sick: :sick: :sick:

God help the jurors when they have to deal with this reality. :(

I know EXACTLY the sound he was talking about....once my husband forgot to put a bag of garbage out and it sat on our side porch. Well, it was summertime, and there was old meat that had been thrown out. Needless to say, it was quite a sight by the time I walked out there and saw what was everywhere, and the countless flies flying around.
Regardless of their lies and and their denial, imo, the Anthony's are not stupid. The KNEW that smell, and they KNEW what those maggots were there for. :banghead::banghead:

bbm you and me both ...I feel sick and itchy, I try to steer clear of the graphic threads, I dont know what posessed me tonight.... poor caylee...I know she wasnt long gone by then but this is so, so awful...
Mythbusters had an episode with a similar-type demonstration with SAR dogs. They hid and tried to disguise their own body odors with other odors to throw off the scent of the tracking dogs, (e.g. urine, coffee, etc...) None of the scents fooled the dogs. They found the humans every time! Dogs are highly reliable and don't lie!!!
Bottom line: the cadaver dog in this case knew it was human decomp odor in the trunk of Casey's car, NOT pizza, or Velveeta cheese, or dead squirrel, or chlorine, or Febreze or Bounce!
Count me in as one of those who believes Casey toted around the trash bags in the trunk to try to cover the decomp smell and that's also why I believe she chose to park by a dumpster as to where to abandon the car...She knew they wouldn't find any dead squirrels in her vehicle!
Were both of the bags photographed both bags that came from Casey's car or just the one with the pizza box?

Is it just me or does the other bag appear to have a photo of what looks like a child in it?
About halfway down the side of the bag (left side of photo).


SB and GA said one bag was in the car. GA knew the bag had a pizza box. Someone may have used the dumpster to get rid of their trash if the bag was not from Amscot. jmo
Mythbusters had an episode with a similar-type demonstration with SAR dogs. They hid and tried to disguise their own body odors with other odors to throw off the scent of the tracking dogs, (e.g. urine, coffee, etc...) None of the scents fooled the dogs. They found the humans every time! Dogs are highly reliable and don't lie!!!
Bottom line: the cadaver dog in this case knew it was human decomp odor in the trunk of Casey's car, NOT pizza, or Velveeta cheese, or dead squirrel, or chlorine, or Febreze or Bounce!
Like Ms. Drane-Burdick said on Friday- taken altogether, the air samples, with the cadaver dog alert on the trunk, and the stain, and Cindy and George both exclaiming that there had been a dead body in the trunk, it all adds up! (Even if you couldn't pinpoint that it was Caylee, who else could it be???:waitasec:)
Bumping this thread to encourage using it to explore the pic of the bag from LE's camera 7/16. I believe the pic was taken before LE retrieved the bag out of the dumpster @ Johnson's Tow Yard ~9:50PM after a few hours earlier Simon surmised that it was the source of the odor emanating from the Pontiac trunk when he & George opened it @ the towyard and Simon tossed it out. This is the bag that is detailed in the forensics report as having the following items (thanks to JWG for the list :thumb:)

White trash bag w/ blue handles w/ misc. items
1. Empty Coca Cola cherry can 12oz with num #2145.
2. Empty Coca Cola Classic can 12oz with num #22502.
3. Empty Milwaukee's "Best Light" beer can #C7019e.
4. Empty Sprite can 12oz with # 16090RA.
5. Empty circular metal box of "Copenhagen Tobacco" with num # SLN8178.
6. One (1) hair pin; three (3) plastic tie wraps
7. Empty "Dr. Peppe" can 12oz proof of purchase num # 2239E505168X.
8. Empty "Pepsi" can 12oz proof of purchasenum # 1608RF01238.
9. Empty "Sprite" can 12oz proof of purchase num # 16090RA.
10. Empty "Mountain Dew" 12oz proof of purchase num # 2122E504248X.
11. Empty "Oscar Mayer" plastic container 8oz proof of purchase num # 447001090.
12. Empty small "Crystal Light' container num # 249554.
13. Empty "Crystal Light" bottle 16oz with brown liquid proof purchase num # 430093911.
14. Bottle of "Kiwi's Sport Cleaner 5.5oz proof of purchase num # 3160024701.
15. Empty bottle of "Arm & Hammer" 80oz proof of purchase num #33200090430.
16. Empty bottle of "Crystal Light Soft Drink Mix" 80z proof of purchase num #4300095033.
17. Empty black container "Anchor".
18. Empty and broken pizza box "Pizza a Symbol of Quality".
19. Empty carton of "Cherry Coke" 12 packs proof of purchase num# 490003103.
20. Empty carton of "Velveeta" 10.3oz with napkin attach on it with exp day ll/Feb/09.
21. Empty carton of "Velveeta" 12oz proof of purchasenum # 2100065893.
22. Empty carton of "Velveeta" 9Aoz proof of purchase num # 210065643.
23. Empty pack of "Parliament Lights" proof of purchase num # 2820019008.
24. Empty pack of "Marlboro" num # 283022.
25. Empty pack of "Trident Splash" proof of purchase num # 1254667123.
26. Two empty aluminum wraps of "Velveeta" cheese sauce.
27. Piece of fabric that said "L G G made in Honduras of USA fabric".
28. White plastic hanger broken.
29. Piece of paper wrapper "Italian bread" "Roma" with a napkin attach to it.
30. Document "Full Sail" orientation & registration.
31. Three receipts.
32. Document dated on May 9, 2008.
33. Four air freshener sheets.
34. Five napkins.
35. Plastic wrapper of "Stouffer's" garlic chicken proof of purchase num # 1380045214.
36. Three small pieces of plastic wrapper.
37. Three pieces of aluminum foil.

Seeing thoughts discussed on what caused the reddish stain on one side of the bag in the Photobucket, shovel & backyard threads.

My :twocents:, I agree w/ MsInformed that the stain resulted from the bag contacting the reddish sludge (maybe rust, pizza sauce, etc.) that appears to me to be present in the bottom of the dumpster.



Re-bumping so that everyone is clear this is the ACTUAL list of the garbage bag found in ICA's trunk, (as opposed to the "pretend" list that has boxer shorts and Girls Gone Wild wrappers on it).
Just had to chime in. The Gospel story today at church was about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus' sister pointed out to Jesus that Lazarus had been in the tomb 4 days and that "there would be a stench." Recognizing the smell of human decomp is as old as the bible and indisputable.

(I know, I am supposed to be praying in church, not thinking of this case...haha)
Count me in as one of those who believes Casey toted around the trash bags in the trunk to try to cover the decomp smell and that's also why I believe she chose to park by a dumpster as to where to abandon the car...She knew they wouldn't find any dead squirrels in her vehicle!

Of course you are right-KC texted Amy about the smell on, was it the 25th or 26th of June? Let's say it was the 26th...
Tell me, who is so concerned about a smell coming from within their car yet during the course of a whole day does not check aorund to see what the source of the smell is? If the bag were innocently left in the trunk and was the source of the smell or even thought to be the source of the smell, why didn't she find it and remove it by the 27th?
I left trash in my truck not too long ago-When it started to smell, I got out of my truck, looked around, and found the trash bag I'd left in the back. I tossed it. Maybe even mentioned it to my husband who, if I had not already thrown it out, probably would have told me to look around and see where the smell was coming from. Duh.
She left it in there thinking it was a good cover-And her attorneys are helping her to believe that the tactic worked.

ETA-The smell that the trash had left in my truck was in the air 24 hours, TOPS. Then, back to normal upholstery/auto body smell, fresh as a 'Girl Power' 4 x 4 can be!
Like Ms. Drane-Burdick said on Friday- taken altogether, the air samples, with the cadaver dog alert on the trunk, and the stain, and Cindy and George both exclaiming that there had been a dead body in the trunk, it all adds up! (Even if you couldn't pinpoint that it was Caylee, who else could it be???:waitasec:)

I was reading Hinkey Meter and KC returns to her house on June 20th and backs in trunk first. I always thought she got rid of the body on the 19th, but now it looks like it might have been on the 20th. What do you think?
I was reading Hinkey Meter and KC returns to her house on June 20th and backs in trunk first. I always thought she got rid of the body on the 19th, but now it looks like it might have been on the 20th. What do you think?
Maybe the body was in the trunk longer than 2.6 days... Caylee was most likely killed late night on the 15th- at the latest by the afternoon of the 16th, less than a 24 hour window. Backing the car into the garage definitely tells me Caylee's body was still in the trunk, or she temporarily layed her down in the back yard by the playhouse, then had to rethink her burial plans when she couldn't dig there with the shovel. I think the stimulus for ditching the remains in the woods was either the smell, or George attemping to retrieve the gas cans from the trunk (can't remember the timeline well enough right now...)
Just had to chime in. The Gospel story today at church was about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus' sister pointed out to Jesus that Lazarus had been in the tomb 4 days and that "there would be a stench." Recognizing the smell of human decomp is as old as the bible and indisputable.

(I know, I am supposed to be praying in church, not thinking of this case...haha)

Excellent post. :)
I'm confused about something. The photos of trash in trunk show 2 bags, but news, reports, etc. say the bag. What about the other bag?
Thanks! :)
I'm confused about something. The photos of trash in trunk show 2 bags, but news, reports, etc. say the bag. What about the other bag?
Thanks! :)

I guess that was just some other bag that happened to be in the junk yard dumpster.
Like another poster mentioned above, I'm interested in those "air freshener sheets". Is there such a thing? And if they are actually dryer sheets, and if they can be matched with the ones found inside the car, that is going to be hard for CA to explain since she had no contact with the garbage bag.
Like another poster mentioned above, I'm interested in those "air freshener sheets". Is there such a thing? And if they are actually dryer sheets, and if they can be matched with the ones found inside the car, that is going to be hard for CA to explain since she had no contact with the garbage bag.
Bounce brand dryer sheets makes a variation with Febreze in them. Febreze brand also now makes a line of air fresheners called Air Effects. Both brands are made by Proctor & Gamble. Does that help?
I guess that was just some other bag that happened to be in the junk yard dumpster.

To add, it is likely that LE retrieved the correct bag because Tony immediately recognized his roommate's food selections. No need to get the other bag if GA and the tow guy both said there was only one in the trunk.
Bounce brand dryer sheets makes a variation with Febreze in them. Febreze brand also now makes a line of air fresheners called Air Effects. Both brands are made by Proctor & Gamble. Does that help?

Almost. Sorry to be dense. But just to be completely clear: Do these air fresheners come in "sheets"? Are there air fresheners that look like dryer sheets? Could they be confused one for the other?

Thanks a lot for your answer and for your patience with my confusion.

Thanks for that. I would just call them dryer sheets, myself, then.

The reason I'm interested is because CA just recently claimed to have sprayed Febreeze and placed dryer sheets throughout the car. The dryer sheets she had previously denied having anything to do with. She has just recently remembered that she did that.

So, when I saw that "air freshener sheets" were listed as being found inside the garbage bag, I thought that if they were the same type sheets as were found inside the car it would be an odd coincidence because CA never had access to the garbage bag. That would mean that the same person who placed them in the garbage bag would have had to be the same person who placed them in the car--not CA, who would then be clearly seen by all to be mis-truthing.

Again, thank you.

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