The Trash Bag in Casey's Trunk

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I notice in the list of contents in the bag are "air freshener sheets" can anyone tell me what they are? I was wondering if they are the same as dryer sheets. I was wondering if these were the same as the dryer/air freshener sheets Cindy said she was responsible for putting in the car.

Ooops! someone already had that Idea, disregard please.
Maybe the body was in the trunk longer than 2.6 days... Caylee was most likely killed late night on the 15th- at the latest by the afternoon of the 16th, less than a 24 hour window. Backing the car into the garage definitely tells me Caylee's body was still in the trunk, or she temporarily layed her down in the back yard by the playhouse, then had to rethink her burial plans when she couldn't dig there with the shovel. I think the stimulus for ditching the remains in the woods was either the smell, or George attemping to retrieve the gas cans from the trunk (can't remember the timeline well enough right now...)

The gas can incident was June 24th. Wouldn't that mean Caylee was in the car for 8 days?
That doesn't help the State as it isn't supported by their experts who claim decomposition in the car reached bloat and purge stage but not what's described as active decay stage. :waitasec:

As for the defence's attempt to pass off the bag of trash as causing the stench in the car :sick:........Good Luck :floorlaugh: Note, their client never did. She told Amy the dead animal plastered to the frame story but later, Lee got the squirrel version that happened around Cindy's 50th birthday...... which was 11 days before Caylee disappeared. :seeya: In the end, we can always rely on ICA. :pinocchio: :pinocchio: :pinocchio:
Just had to chime in. The Gospel story today at church was about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus' sister pointed out to Jesus that Lazarus had been in the tomb 4 days and that "there would be a stench." Recognizing the smell of human decomp is as old as the bible and indisputable.

(I know, I am supposed to be praying in church, not thinking of this case...haha)
We heard the Gospel story about Lazarus today too. I leaned into my husband and said "gross" thinking about all that I know today about decomp and purging. Can't get away from this case!
I think we're both right and wrong.:floorlaugh:
Anyway, here it is:

Both George and Cindy Anthony's depositions focused on the day they retrieved Casey Anthony's car from a tow yard. The two have long maintained a rotten pizza was the reason for a foul odor in the car -- not a decomposing body. In his deposition, George Anthony graphically describes maggots he said were in a discarded pizza box, saying he could actually hear them munching and it sounded like hamburger sizzling. :sick:


IIRC didn't George also refer to Caylee's sonogram picture as "hamburger" in the FBI interview? He is one strange dude!!
Everyone knows the difference between a new dryer sheet and a used one just by looking at it. Were the ones in the garbage bag used? Were the ones in the car new?
What I don't understand about the whole dryer sheet controversy is that Cindy said she put a number of them in the car.

We know LE took the car and inventoried it. IIRC, there was one dryer sheet in the car, some in the trash bag.

Were there any "scattered in the trunk"?

The CSI's took a complete inventory of the car. They know the exact situation.

Or, are we going to have Cindy "remember" she removed drier sheets before LE took the car?
We heard the Gospel story about Lazarus today too. I leaned into my husband and said "gross" thinking about all that I know today about decomp and purging. Can't get away from this case!

It has given me a new awe at what it meant for Lazarus to come alive, with new flesh and blood flowing through his veins.
What I don't understand about the whole dryer sheet controversy is that Cindy said she put a number of them in the car.

We know LE took the car and inventoried it. IIRC, there was one dryer sheet in the car, some in the trash bag.

Were there any "scattered in the trunk"?

The CSI's took a complete inventory of the car. They know the exact situation.

Or, are we going to have Cindy "remember" she removed drier sheets before LE took the car?

Excellent observance! I hope the State puts that question to CA. She needs to tell the truth, no matter what.
Excellent observance! I hope the State puts that question to CA. She needs to tell the truth, no matter what.

yes you're right, she needs to tell the truth no matter what... but we KNOW she wont, look at whats shes done in past( giving LE the brushes that she did NOT use on caylee, just to begin...) she will lie thru her teeth to have any glimmer of chance of getting her precious snothead( im talking about ica here) to walk...just mo, and i hope im wrong, but fear im not :banghead:
yes you're right, she needs to tell the truth no matter what... but we KNOW she wont, look at whats shes done in past( giving LE the brushes that she did NOT use on caylee, just to begin...) she will lie thru her teeth to have any glimmer of chance of getting her precious snothead( im talking about ica here) to walk...just mo, and i hope im wrong, but fear im not :banghead:

Yeah....well, we can hope, can't we?

She may get caught in this lie. Depends on how they go about it.
Thanks for that. I would just call them dryer sheets, myself, then.

The reason I'm interested is because CA just recently claimed to have sprayed Febreeze and placed dryer sheets throughout the car. The dryer sheets she had previously denied having anything to do with. She has just recently remembered that she did that.

So, when I saw that "air freshener sheets" were listed as being found inside the garbage bag, I thought that if they were the same type sheets as were found inside the car it would be an odd coincidence because CA never had access to the garbage bag. That would mean that the same person who placed them in the garbage bag would have had to be the same person who placed them in the car--not CA, who would then be clearly seen by all to be mis-truthing.

Again, thank you.

Considering the trash bag was from Tony's apartment and 5 dryer sheets found inside (trying to keep this on topic)

page 9 and 10 of this link are very confusing... inspection of Anthony Lazzaro's vehicle and mention of a dryer sheet.. Did Tony's vehicle also have a dryer sheet? Cindy did not have access to his vehicle so if there was a dryer sheet it would indicate that it was Casey who placed them there and debunk Cindy's claim.

Also found it mentioned in this single post...

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2009.01.21 Document Release: Forensic Evidence[/ame]

ETA: I believe the reference is to Casey's vehicle,, again the information on those pages are very confusing,,, I have read it several times and still perplexed

See pg 29 -
"ASL Michael Vincent in the Forensics Office where ASL informed me that when he opened the trash bag inside the box he observed what appeared to be two human hairs. One was attached to a napkin that was collected by ASL Vincent and placed in the plastic bag and the other was located over the piece of napkin that was inside the trash bag . . . Article 1 Item # H-60074"
To add, it is likely that LE retrieved the correct bag because Tony immediately recognized his roommate's food selections. No need to get the other bag if GA and the tow guy both said there was only one in the trunk.

I just realized something. If Tony recognized his roommate's food selections, then the trash and the bag came from Tony's apartment of which we are fairly sure that Caylee was not around during those days that the trash was accumulated. Wouldn't that be a safe guess since Caylee had been missing a month? Was she trying to create the garbage scene to disguise the odor in the trunk and when would that have been placed there? It might narrow down the timeline a little closer as to when a body was in the car and when it came out. There were receipts in that bag. Might help with dates.
This is what it says about pizza

18. Empty and broken pizza box "Pizza a Symbol of Quality".

No where does it mention actual pizza. Yet, DT has mentioned it many times. Folks have even done experiments on what rotting pizza would smell like. All of that is mute, since there was NO pizza.

This "rotting pizza in the trash" story drives me bonkers. Seriously, ask any college student(s) if they'd ever consider thrashing any pizza leftovers. Are you effing kiddin me?!

Trust me, college kids will eat anything...even week old pizza! Rotting pizza my arse.
This "rotting pizza in the trash" story drives me bonkers. Seriously, ask any college student(s) if they'd ever consider thrashing any pizza leftovers. Are you effing kiddin me?!

Trust me, college kids will eat anything...even week old pizza! Rotting pizza my arse.

Especially young men. Defies your imagination to think they might actually throw food away. My teenage nephew would eat a whole box of cereal a day and go through a gallon of milk. They are eating machines. It's like having a dog in the house. lol
Check out the slideshow...that was the real trash.

I did thanks :)

I did notice the dryer sheets. They are located near the bottle of detergent and they are kind of crumpled and used.

They are definitely dryer sheets, not air-freshener sheets. I think it might just be a coincidence that CA put fresh dryer sheets in the trunk, since these are obviously used (probably just for laundry).
Thanks for that. I would just call them dryer sheets, myself, then.

The reason I'm interested is because CA just recently claimed to have sprayed Febreeze and placed dryer sheets throughout the car. The dryer sheets she had previously denied having anything to do with. She has just recently remembered that she did that.

So, when I saw that "air freshener sheets" were listed as being found inside the garbage bag, I thought that if they were the same type sheets as were found inside the car it would be an odd coincidence because CA never had access to the garbage bag. That would mean that the same person who placed them in the garbage bag would have had to be the same person who placed them in the car--not CA, who would then be clearly seen by all to be mis-truthing.

Again, thank you.
I was at a national (I think) major chain grocery store last night. The air fresheners were directly across the aisle from the laundry products including Febreze. I did not notice any air fresheners in "sheet" form, only sprays- can & bottle, candles, plug-ins, and gels. The detective may have been confused when they wrote up the description, especially since Bounce dryer sheets now contain Febreze, and I'm guessing they meant dryer sheets that can freshen the air.
One of the things dryer sheets (originally it was Bounce) can be used for is to freshen the air. I think that is where the confusion comes in. There are tons of uses for those things.

Just a few of the many websites describing alternative uses for dryer sheets:

Febreze Air Effects in the can is air freshener, and the Febreze Fabric Spray comes in the blue plastic bottle. Now they also have a lot of other products that contain Febreze, like the Bounce dryer sheets.

WSers who have researched and contributed to this thread have done a better job than any DA or PI could do.

There is no way that a tow truck driver who'd smelled a 5-day-old corpse would mistake the odour of the same, or worse decay when it hit him again.

Smell is known to be the sense that most triggers memories - hence, SB's reaction when CA opened the car's trunk.
It's very telling that when Casey reports the smell in her car to Amy, she attributes it to the decomposition of a squirrel and NOT to trash in her trunk. Wouldn't she have known there was trash in her trunk? For the sake of argument, let's say Tony put the trash in there. When her car suddenly started to smell, wouldn't she have looked around and FOUND the trash in her trunk? They will never sell the "trashbag" theory to a jury.

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