The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #4

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You're right about society moving on to something else eventually. As we have seen time and time again, our society has a way of forgiving or forgetting even those that are despised the most as time goes on. Best example is someone like OJ, who over time became more of a punchline to a bad joke then actually 'hated'. Another example is MJ. Most people think he was some kind of pedophile but when he died, the guy was celebrated like you can't imagine.

I don't know if I believe in such an intangible thing as 'karma'. Usually it's one's actions that cause them issues down the road. IMO it wasn't 'karma' that got OJ back in jail, it was him being an idiot. Usually people who make mistakes in the past are prone to make mistakes in the future one way or the other. And I'm sure if and when that happens to her, society will laugh at it and move on, similar to what happened with OJ in Vegas.

Of course, we move on.....who would bother stopping their own life for someone like OJ or FCA?....and yes, they become the punchline to a bad joke, but the resentment doesn't leave IMO. It was "karma" that got OJ back in jail because he was an idiot and it's probably the same for FCA going forward. Your comment: Usually people who make mistakes in the past are prone to make mistakes in the future one way or the other. is so true. You are who you are and can be your own worst enemy. Eventually, it will catch up with them........both, i.e., "karma".

yep.....I chuckled when OJ tripped up and thought "it's about time" and I moved on but, to this day I take a alot of solace knowing he is exactly where he never wanted to be.
My hubby and I took a ride to a place we used to go camping. I was enjoying the ride so much as we don't get out and about too much any more, Caylee wasn't on my mind as we rode along until we came up on a swampy area. My heart feel to my feet looking at that. It's truely no wonder that there was no DNA left to help convict that horrible woman. How sorry and sad I am that poor little Caylee had to be placed in a swamp by her monster mother.

It seems that where ever I go or whatever I do there is some thing that will remind me of the injustice that was done to Caylee. Will I ever get over this? I just don't think so.

Why did this happen the way it did and why are people making money off of Caylee?
NO NEED TO ANSWER as I'm just venting once again.
MJ was in trouble twice for the same thing and died of the dumbest overdose ever at 52 .
OJ had the police called quite a few times on him until he was finally arrested and incarcerated for 15 years
Someone else stole everything they could from loved ones and friends to pay cell phone bills and just buy junk , they also got away with the horrible murder of someone they were supposed to have adored - Boy am I expecting some headlines in the future .
MJ was in trouble twice for the same thing and died of the dumbest overdose ever at 52 .
OJ had the police called quite a few times on him until he was finally arrested and incarcerated for 15 years
Someone else stole everything they could from loved ones and friends to pay cell phone bills and just buy junk , they also got away with the horrible murder of someone they were supposed to have adored - Boy am I expecting some headlines in the future .

You can make the case that the MJ death was really out of his control but I see your point.

I think the debate for the verdict has finally come to an end. Either you agree or not and there's pretty much no changing the mind of either side. In fact, I'd say even if you disagree one way or the other, most have a had time even understanding the other sides point of view.

As such the topic has probably run it's course.
I agree City!
I do though .
It's kinda a moot point now isn't it ?
She is free whether we all like it or not .
I know she will be seen again by us all because it is in her nature to not live by rules when she doesn't have to .
I've voiced my disapproval of the verdict several times, but thought I'd do it again as it's been a couple of weeks. Just because I can - freedom of speech and all.

I can't overturn the verdict of the Pinellas 12, but I have the right to disagree with them any day I want, even if some think this 'debate' has 'run its course'. Even if some think that not reporting a child missing/dead isn't serious enough to be guilty of something.
I've voiced my disapproval of the verdict several times, but thought I'd do it again as it's been a couple of weeks. Just because I can - freedom of speech and all.

I can't overturn the verdict of the Pinellas 12, but I have the right to disagree with them any day I want, even if some think this 'debate' has 'run its course'. Even if some think that not reporting a child missing/dead is serious enough to be guilty of something.

I'm with you but I'm not at the point of bartering or making a deal. Caylee was murdered and there was an overabundance of circumstantial evidence to say the guilty person was FCA. No doubt in my mind that this jury did not do even a nod toward their duty and I'm not sure if I have ever heard of twelve more irresponsible - even stupid people gathered together in one room.

I'd be willing to bet, if you took twelve 16 year olds, randomly from high schools or even anywhere in Florida, and stuck them on that jury and in the jury room - they would have paid more attention to their civic duty than the Pinellas Posers did.
I agree City!
I do though .
It's kinda a moot point now isn't it ?
She is free whether we all like it or not .
I know she will be seen again by us all because it is in her nature to not live by rules when she doesn't have to .

It's not a moot point for me. I have listened to what the jurors said, and what the not guilty supporters said, and considered their comments carefully.

Just because I did not get the Guilty verdict I wanted, does not mean I will ever change my mind. My decisions don't get homogenized because I didn't get a "win". This is not a hostile takeover of my employer we are talking about here, this was a ridiculous decision from a lazy uninformed jury. Period. And it always will be.

No way I am I rewriting history with an Oh Well - let's let it go. History is History, even more so with the losses.
I'm with you but I'm not at the point of bartering or making a deal.

Nor am I. There are too many liars playing in this game. It'd take God himself to tell me she's not the one responsible before I'd believe it.
I think the debate for the verdict has finally come to an end. Either you agree or not and there's pretty much no changing the mind of either side. In fact, I'd say even if you disagree one way or the other, most have a had time even understanding the other sides point of view.

As such the topic has probably run it's course.

BBM - If that were so, this thread wouldn't exist and there would be no posts in it, however, as you can see, we're on round #4. Apparantly, it hasn't run its' course....if ever. The OJ verdict never settled in my mind and neither will this one. I can tell you precisely where I was when they read the OJ verdict in the criminal trial and I'll be able to do the same with this one.

These are branded people IMO and as long as there is breath in me, I will always be compelled to think about and verbalize as to how much I disagree with this verdict and why. I've had a few conversations with family members and they don't get very far into the conversation before I realize they don't half of what they think they know about it and I take over. Misinformation and hypotheticals don't fly on argument with me. Either you know your subject material or you don't. Same with this jury and no amount of pro-verdict "justification" will ever make any sense compared to what the State prosecutors set before this jury and asked them to use as tools to do the right thing. HHJP himself asked them to follow the law and at the same time use "common sense". They left that part out so now they get to live with it. All involved in the injustice of the crime toward Caylee know who they are and their "just" due is now to.........own it.
Just because I did not get the Guilty verdict I wanted, does not mean I will ever change my mind. My decisions don't get homogenized because I didn't get a "win". This is not a hostile takeover of my employer we are talking about here, this was a ridiculous decision from a lazy uninformed jury. Period. And it always will be.

In your opinion. But that doesn't make you right nor does it justify calling the jury names. I can understand reasonable, logical arguments as to why the jury decision was wrong, but calling them lazy, stupid, uninformed, etc. just doesn't cut it for me. In fact, I find it highly offensive. I am not sure why I am even posting on this thread at all. I think those who understand and accept the verdict have been absolutely and literally silenced on this website. And I think that is a shame. MOO.
In your opinion. But that doesn't make you right nor does it justify calling the jury names. I can understand reasonable, logical arguments as to why the jury decision was wrong, but calling them lazy, stupid, uninformed, etc. just doesn't cut it for me. In fact, I find it highly offensive. I am not sure why I am even posting on this thread at all. I think those who understand and accept the verdict have been absolutely and literally silenced on this website. And I think that is a shame. MOO.

Excuse me for asking but, where did you see that description of Logicalgirls' post? I have read it three times and I don't see what you describe. Lazy and uninformed is a valid description IMO but I do not see the word "stupid". So, I'm scratching my head on that one.

Also, I agree it's a shame that those that agree with the verdict seem silenced on this website. If it's reasonable and logical conversation, most welcome the thoughts of those that can explain themselves clearly from the opposite point of view. That being said, doesn't mean I will ever agree with those opinions, but intelligent reasoning goes a long ways when trying to speak to someone that is willing to listen.
In your opinion. But that doesn't make you right nor does it justify calling the jury names. I can understand reasonable, logical arguments as to why the jury decision was wrong, but calling them lazy, stupid, uninformed, etc. just doesn't cut it for me. In fact, I find it highly offensive. I am not sure why I am even posting on this thread at all. I think those who understand and accept the verdict have been absolutely and literally silenced on this website. And I think that is a shame. MOO.
The ones who accept and believe in the verdict are only silent because that is their choice. For the most part, the jurors are silent as well. I, for one, would love to hear their explanations as to how they discarded some of the evidence as not useful in arriving at their verdict. Until they stand up and answer my questions, I will continue to think they did not do their job and did not understand the jury instructions. And I know they are under no obligation to do so and I'm under no obligation to change my opinion of them as a group.
Excuse me for asking but, where did you see that description of Logicalgirls' post? I have read it three times and I don't see what you describe. Lazy and uninformed is a valid description IMO but I do not see the word "stupid". So, I'm scratching my head on that one.

Also, I agree it's a shame that those that agree with the verdict seem silenced on this website. If it's reasonable and logical conversation, most welcome the thoughts of those that can explain themselves clearly from the opposite point of view. That being said, doesn't mean I will ever agree with those opinions, but intelligent reasoning goes a long ways when trying to speak to someone that is willing to listen.

That's the problem right there. Most for the verdict who have spoken up have been so arrogant and self righteous that no intelligent conversation is possible. I don't have to agree with them, and they don't have to agree with me, but there should be respect for whatever someone agrees and not just hostility and a closed mind. I just don't know if an intelligent conversation can be had about this verdict, honestly. Those who agree with it wield it as a torch to burn the rest of us who believe otherwise.
In your opinion. But that doesn't make you right nor does it justify calling the jury names. I can understand reasonable, logical arguments as to why the jury decision was wrong, but calling them lazy, stupid, uninformed, etc. just doesn't cut it for me. In fact, I find it highly offensive. I am not sure why I am even posting on this thread at all. I think those who understand and accept the verdict have been absolutely and literally silenced on this website. And I think that is a shame. MOO.

I haven't noticed anyone being silenced about the verdict. As a matter of fact,there's a thread in support of the jurors in which only praise is allowed.

As long as the jurors continue to come out with stories trying to justify the verdict, there will be posters who want to discuss it. JMO
Reading the jury statements I was surprised to see:

That they did not want to speculate with the state evidence but speculated that George was hiding something but they did not know what.

Felt CA was lying about the chloroform searches but it didn't matter because they did not consider chloroform because they couldn't figure how much exactly was in the trunk and how KC would have been able to use it if she were in public. They missed the part about the fact that there should have been no traces of chloroform in the trunk at all.

The jury failed to do an unbiased thorough job before agreeing to their verdict. This just overwhelms me with outrage. How can a panel of 12 be given such power without any safeguards to assure the court that they understood and followed their instructions.
No accountability is required. Just, okay, we trust you people, whatever you say goes. These people set a person free who by an abundance of evidence should have been deemed guilty of murder. Something just is so wrong with this jury and their verdict.
Reading the jury statements I was surprised to see:

That they did not want to speculate with the state evidence but speculated that George was hiding something but they did not know what.

Felt CA was lying about the chloroform searches but it didn't matter because they did not consider chloroform because they couldn't figure how much exactly was in the trunk and how KC would have been able to use it if she were in public. They missed the part about the fact that there should have been no traces of chloroform in the trunk at all.


I felt like crying after reading what you shared with us LC. The jurors considedrations make no sense to me. Seeing how they speculated about George who wasn't on trial ? I swear the jurors come off imo as people who have no reasoning skills.

The jury failed to do an unbiased thorough job before agreeing to their verdict. This just overwhelms me with outrage. How can a panel of 12 be given such power without any safeguards to assure the court that they understood and followed their instructions.
No accountability is required. Just, okay, we trust you people, whatever you say goes. These people set a person free who by an abundance of evidence should have been deemed guilty of murder. Something just is so wrong with this jury and their verdict.

Truly that's how I feel.

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