The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

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Clearly you do not believe the State proved it's case.

What do you think may have happened? Thanks.

I have posted many times through the 3 different threads on this point what I think happened. Let me find my original post again and I'll add it.

ETA: This was my first post in the original thread from July 8th. This sums up most of my idea on what happened, give or take some additional thoughts that came out on the many other posts I've contributed to all the threads created on this point (agree or not agree with the verdict).

I do believe it is certainly plausible that Caylee drowned in the family pool. During the trial I was watching some of Caylee's home videos, and the home video that has George feeding Caylee a carrot (or something like that) in the backyard, if you look in the background the pool is there with the ladder attached. Both George and Caylee are wearing clothing that isn't swimming attire, therefore they DIDN'T religiously take that ladder down as they portrayed. Caylee clearly looked at least 2 in this video. This would've been a time they were supposedly taking the precautions to avoid accidents like this.

I do believe it is plausible that both George and Casey would attempt to cover up this accident out of fear from Cindy. We've all seen how ruthless that woman is (Cindy). Maybe George felt responsible for the accident, and Casey equally felt responsible. Keep in mind, George just regained some of Cindy's trust and was welcomed back into the home. Maybe Casey didn't know exactly what happened with Caylee's body, and left all of that up to George (hence the "I don't know where she is" comments).

I do believe it is very possible that George was a sexual abuser. He appeared very arrogant, and almost above the law on the stand when facing JB. He had inappropriate laughter, etc; it all appeared to be a show to me. I don't think George was with Caylee alone ever, like the Anthony's would like us to believe. Caylee had her own bedroom, but slept with Casey every night. I think Casey made up the job lie to get her parents off her back, and made up the nanny lie to make sure George would never be alone with Caylee. The nanny was there to cover the times Cindy wouldn't/couldn't watch Caylee. And, Casey just took Caylee with her wherever she went on the other times. Ricardo stated on the stand that Caylee and Casey stayed at his place about 4 times a week. Casey clearly wasn't drugging Caylee then to 'get rid of the burden'; I doubt all of a sudden she started with Tony.

I don't believe there was "off the charts" amounts of chloroform in that trunk. I also think it's impossible for there to have been chloroform used on Caylee's body, Caylee dumped in the swamp, Casey dumping her car, then the Anthony's picking it up from the towyard and AIRING THE TRUNK OUT for hours, and it still having chloroform relating to this child's death. That trunk was aired out, the whole car was aired out, for at least a couple of hours if not longer. How would there have been chloroform still in the air, given the fact that it's highly volatile? I think, Cindy dumped a bleach/water mixture in that trunk, or another form of cleaner with bleach in it, to get rid of the smell. When she closed that trunk for the final time, it resulted in the choloform being released in the trunk air.

And, one thing I found extremely strange (amongst the many MANY other things in this case) is the Dominic Casey video. I hadn't really paid a lot of attention to it until it was brought up in the trial. I do believe after watching and rewatching that video many times, Dominic was in the dump site of Caylee. The area they entered the swamp matches the crime scene photos of the entry to where her body was. After they go in and take a left, there is a fallen tree that matches the tree that was right near/over Caylee's skull. And, in the background of this video is a really long/large fallen tree that sounds like the one that is described on one of RK's first 911 calls. I'm convinced this is the same area. And, either Caylee's body wasn't there in November, OR it was burried and they practically stepped on/over her body. And, besides the strangeness of both Kronk and Dominic knowing where to go to find her body, I remember reading in one of Kronk's statements that he was in that area in August, November, and then December. Why was he there in November without calling 911?

Too many questions without answers in this case. And too many weird coincidences. I agree with the verdict, I would've done the same thing. I openly stated this on another forum after the prosecution rested, and got flamed many times for it. I never understood the anger against the people who didn't agree, people should truly be mad at the prosecution for not presenting a better case.
I never meant to imply reporting is considered harassment. But, after reporting if you continue to follow up on it and that is NOT your line of work, it could be considered harassment BECAUSE it isn't your business anymore. Like it or not, criminals are provided the same civil rights we are. Abusers or not, they have rights and me, as a nurse, has no business in their personal life finding information out.

And, in all honesty, it's not a matter of if I can separate myself from the situation; it's a matter of I have to separate myself if I don't want my license on the line. I may be bothered by the situation and get frustrated, but I can't follow up on these things as a nurse unless the situation presents itself in front of me again. I enjoy my job, I enjoy helping those who need it. And, when I report things like that, that is all I'm suppose to do.
Who said anything about personally following up on anything? Interesting interpretation.
i have a question for all you guilty posters. are there any pieces of evidence that you can concede were just not up to par? i believe the 84 searches is the most obvious answer here so im seeking other answers. thanks. :)

anyone? no? i believe this question would lead to more constructive debate. even an answer in the negative would be appreciated..
Becca, I cannot believe your statement. If you don't bring your child to the hospital with a high fever and you had a hospital available to you, you are deemed neglectful. That is deliberate on your part not to seek medical attention to a child that could either go into convulsions or possibly die. That's no accident. If the child dies, you could be brought up on charges. At least, that's the way it is in Florida. My DIL is a nurse and she's seen it all in the ER.

Also, are you saying that Caylee being 15 houses away from her home, in the swamp, not disposed of in the home or the backyard makes it ........NOT an accident?

I'm saying that part of the article was bolded so I gave my interpretation of the backyard. I am also a nurse; but being a nurse doesn't give you direct knowledge of what charges would be brought in front of who.

Doctors, nurses, teachers are mandated reporters and should be familiar with what constitutes neglect. I know I have training every year and have familiarized myself with the protocol.

I am a reporter, I am not the person who charges people with negligence, abuse, etc. All I do is report if I suspect something. What happens from there is none of my business to be honest.

You're fortunate...having daily contact with the child makes it my business.

Unless you're a member of the investigative process, it truly isn't anyone's business and it's a violation of the accused civil rights. Just because someone suspects child abuse doesn't make it so, and to personally involve yourself in those cases when you're not suppose to be involved could risk your job and harassment charges.

To me, it's just easier to report and let the people who know what they're doing handle it. If I'm wrong, great news! If I'm not wrong, great news that it was stopped when it was. But, either way, none of my business.

As a first reporter you are the one to provide information...and if that child is in your care for x number of hours a day I can't possibly see how you can separate yourself and find it is no longer your business...but that's just me. And, yes...there is a follow-up investigation...and additional it's not just "report" and "see ya". Maybe in your line of work it is...but NOT mine. If someone comes into your office or place of business and you see repeated instances of abuse, you are responsible for reporting that as well...and NO it's not considered harassment.

I never meant to imply reporting is considered harassment. But, after reporting if you continue to follow up on it and that is NOT your line of work, it could be considered harassment BECAUSE it isn't your business anymore. Like it or not, criminals are provided the same civil rights we are. Abusers or not, they have rights and me, as a nurse, has no business in their personal life finding information out.

And, in all honesty, it's not a matter of if I can separate myself from the situation; it's a matter of I have to separate myself if I don't want my license on the line. I may be bothered by the situation and get frustrated, but I can't follow up on these things as a nurse unless the situation presents itself in front of me again. I enjoy my job, I enjoy helping those who need it. And, when I report things like that, that is all I'm suppose to do.

Who said anything about personally following up on anything? Interesting interpretation.

I know this is long, but I had to go back to the original reason for these postings. I think I got confused on the original poster's identity and your's. I'm under the assumption you work in the investigation process, but the original poster doesn't perhaps. So my confusion came from all of that and the fact that someone in my occupation, or even someone who suspects their neighbor of abuse who reports, any part of the accused's case is none of my or their business. It is the business of the investigators involved though. If I, or a neighbor, tried to make it our business... it could easily become a case of harassment and violation of the accused civil rights. That's all that I was trying to get at.
Here is some more from the same article:

He clearly did not agree there was human decomposition in the trunk.

Forgot a couple of paragraphs.....

Huntington said he largely agreed with an explanation on insect findings included in a report by Dr. Neal Haskell, the prosecution's insect expert.

and yet, he disagrees later on in his testimony..........

But he later acknowledged to Ashton that: he did not examine the actual stain; he is not a forensic anthropologist; this was the first time he had been asked to identify a decomposition stain through a photo; and he did not include this opinion in his report.

Ashton asked why that opinion was not in his report and only surfaced at trial, even though he had previously discussed it with Baez.

"I didn't think it was going to be brought up with me," he said.


I can honestly see the why's and how's of the confusion that sets in. If you stay on the surface, without all the data, graphs, quantitative vs. qualitative, who studied where and how long, it's not so complicated or unreasonable to deduce what really happened here. Once you get lost in all the depth of the statistics, it is bewildering. That's where I'm at.

Clearly you do not believe the State proved it's case.

What do you think may have happened? Thanks.

All you have to do is start with BL's first post :) and read up to this point. She's stated it many times.
I disagree... it's a bigger leap to say some random hair landed on a pair of pliers in a boat of someone, with the original person never being on the boat to begin with. Then, to top it off, this person winds up dead, at the bottom of a lake that this boat was taken on. Not too far to leap.
So Lacey never used the pliers?
If Caylee had been a missing spouse it is my opinion that there would have been a guilty verdict. I'll state what I have in the past...spouse goes missing...other spouse doesn't report spouse missing...lies about the whereabouts of said spouse...parties hearty and steals other people's money...lies to relatives looking for her spouse...dumps car...shacks up with boyfriend (playing house) hits on backyard and trunk of car (high levels of chloroform and evidence of decomp in trunk) searches on home computer on how-to-make-chloroform (in addition to household weapons, neck breaking) spouse turns up dead close to home...GUILTY!
I know this is long, but I had to go back to the original reason for these postings. I think I got confused on the original poster's identity and your's. I'm under the assumption you work in the investigation process, but the original poster doesn't perhaps. So my confusion came from all of that and the fact that someone in my occupation, or even someone who suspects their neighbor of abuse who reports, any part of the accused's case is none of my or their business. It is the business of the investigators involved though. If I, or a neighbor, tried to make it our business... it could easily become a case of harassment and violation of the accused civil rights. That's all that I was trying to get at.
Wow! All I can say know what they say about I may not know the exact charges...but I have "lived" with the effects of the abuse in some shape or form. It's not a stretch to figure out what the end result was when you have daily contact with the victim.
Enough said.
We are going to make Baccalecca a believer. Step by step
conclusion shop:
#1 Do you believe the bones found in the swamp wrapped in plastic bags are Caylee Anthony's remains?
In MY OPINION, Caylee drowned in the pool while GA and Casey were in the home with her. Casey was not watching her and GA thought Casey was. In MY OPINION, due to sexual molestation in the home to both Casey and Caylee, GA went in to cover up mode and Casey was so freaked she went alone. In my OPINION Casey is immature. In MY OPINION, GA packaged and dumped Caylee using CASEY's car before going to work. In MY OPINION, Casey never left the home at all until she pinged toward TL's. In MY OPINION, that gave GA and Casey from the time Cindy left until GA showed up at work, not just until 1pm. Again, IN MY OPINION.
I have to say left me speechless.
ETA: The reason...and it's just a guess...Grandpa and Casey didn't tell because they were scared of Cindy?
guys, there seems to be a lot of attacking the poster, not the post going on here.
Sure, it's possible that they didn't understand the testimony of Dr. Vass. But what do you do if you're reading a book and don't understand a particular section ... I personally go back and reread it, perhaps a few times, until I get it. The jurors never even made an attempt to go back over that testimony. How you discount something if you don't even try to make sense of it ?

I do not think even one member of that jury knew what the word 'chloroform' meant. :maddening:
That is the only reason I can think of that they would not have been shocked beyond reason. The chloroform evidence back a few years ago now is what sealed the deal for me.
I have to say left me speechless.
And let me guess...Grandpa and Casey didn't tell because they were scared of Cindy?

Not at all. They covered so GA wouldn't go to prison for the rest of his life IMO
Not at all. They covered so GA wouldn't go to prison for the rest of his life IMO
Hmmm...and Casey sat in jail for 3+ years because...? This is a serious question.
BTW...why would George go to jail for the rest of his life if it was an accident?
Again...a serious question. TIA
i have a question for all you guilty posters. are there any pieces of evidence that you can concede were just not up to par? i believe the 84 searches is the most obvious answer here so im seeking other answers. thanks. :)

I'll answer this...although the evidence I'm going to speak of wasn't necessarily, IMO, not up to par. Rather, I will just give my opinion on some of the evidence I can see was either lost on the jury or disputed in a way that added confusion, and why (MOO).

The infamous Chloroform.

The defense made Vass look like a kook. In reality, he truly is brilliant. I read a book called Stiff not long ago. And there was a chapter on The Body Farm. The author of the book took a tour of The Body Farm and Vass was her guide. The man really is a genius when it comes to decomposing bodies. He is so passionate about understanding what happens to a dead body during different scenarios/conditions/stages and it was painful to watch the DT attempt to tear down his testimony. I could see that it was the DT playing dirty and trying to dismiss what Vass was saying, but I can also see how people who don't know who Vass is, or know about his extensive studies and experience with decomp would tend to lean toward him being a nut. Like I said, it was hard for me to watch because he is absolutely mind-blowingly brilliant in the study of human decomposition, and highly respected in his field.

The computer searches did kind of bore me. But I'm a computer nerd, so listening to a lot of stuff I already know made me tune out a bit. You know...the stuff in the beginning about what happens when a file is deleted, how the file system works, retrieval of deleted data, yada yada yada. And even if you don't know all that stuff, I can see how it might put some to sleep. As for the 84 vs. 1 computer searches for how to make chloroform...the number of searches is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned and I think maybe too much emphasis was put on the number when it probably should have been more on what was searched. I know it was made to be important, but it was the 84 times that seemed to be repeated a lot.

Not at all. They covered so GA wouldn't go to prison for the rest of his life IMO
They covered so GA wouldn't go to prison ? FCA sat in jail for 3 years facing the death penalty just so GA wouldn't go to prison ? The narcissistic sociopath covered for her father and would've gone to jail for a long time had the jury gotten it right ? And she thought so much of GA that she let Baez accuse her father of sexual abuse in his OS ?
Just an FYI...TS Fay kept coming back. It was freaky. Florida kept getting slammed by it. It made landfall on 4 separate occasions.

ETA: info added to clarify
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